18 year old charged with sex with 14 year old.

It 's obvious what happened. It happens every day. A child gets sucked into a relationship by an adult. At 14 girls can be convinced it ' s loooove. By the time the relationship ends they are devastated. No doubt this poor girl felt special, older, different.

Who knows she probably wasn't the only one.

At the beginning of the relationship, Kaitlyn wasn't an adult. Trying to make this girl out to be some child predator only makes you look stupid.
Saying that it's okay to have sex with 14 year olds makes you look like a piece of shit. And claiming the perpetrator is a victim makes you even more depraved.

This is what progressives do...they sexualize children and de-criminalize sex crimes. That's what they're all about. Great people.
I'm so glad there are progressives in the world, who will teach children everywhere that no law should keep you from screwing, no matter how old you are...and if you do opt to have sex with an adult, your secret is safe with them!

Warms the cockles of my heart.

Yes! Ruin an 18 year olds life because they had sex with someone 4 years younger than them.. Thats what God would have wanted, right? Here's an idea, all of you people who relate this incident to pedophilia are wrong and all of you who relate pedophilia to homosexuality should have been swallowed.
Saying that it's okay to have sex with 14 year olds makes you look like a piece of shit. And claiming the perpetrator is a victim makes you even more depraved.

This is what progressives do...they sexualize children and de-criminalize sex crimes. That's what they're all about. Great people.

Do you just make up stuff as you go along? Stop lying so much.
Perhaps seniors should be schooled in a separate building than the other children.

It is kind of odd. This relationship started when the yonger one was 13 and the older one was 17. A thirteen year old should be in middle school, not in high school. An 18 year old should be near to graduation and way out of the orbit of a 14 year old. Again, at that age, 4 years is a big deal and any kid who is 4 years older and nearing or having reached majority should not be having a sexual relationship with a child 4 years younger. If they are, they have issues, they are extremely immature for their age. It is not a healthy situation.
There is a 3 year age difference, not 4. No one is suggesting the younger was 13 at any point during the relationship, she wasn't. The only point in question was how old the older girl was when it started, her family say 17, the other girls family say 18.

Right now the girls are 18 and 15.

I believe it is written somewhere in the thead that the relationship started when one was 13 and the other 17. In any case, in all honesty, for those who have children, how happy, content, and/or comfortable would you be with your 13-14, even 15, year old child being in a serious, romantic/sexual relationship with a kid 3-4 years older? I would not be at all happy about it, and I don't think it is healthy. Same age, or 1-2 years age difference would be what I would consider as healthy and reasonable. I am very familiar with teenagers and a high school freshman as opposed to a senior: there is a lot of difference in maturity and 'life experience.'

BTW I remember reading about a study that showed the earlier young women have sex, the more likely they are to get married young, have children, often before marriage, end up as young, single, divorced mothers, and to forego higher education. No matter how mature or cool a teenage girl feels about being sexually free at a young age, it doesn't bode well for her future. I am not moralistic about this. My position and perspective have to do with the mental and emotional health of the child and of his or her prospects for the future.
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It is kind of odd. This relationship started when the yonger one was 13 and the older one was 17. A thirteen year old should be in middle school, not in high school. An 18 year old should be near to graduation and way out of the orbit of a 14 year old. Again, at that age, 4 years is a big deal and any kid who is 4 years older and nearing or having reached majority should not be having a sexual relationship with a child 4 years younger. If they are, they have issues, they are extremely immature for their age. It is not a healthy situation.
There is a 3 year age difference, not 4. No one is suggesting the younger was 13 at any point during the relationship, she wasn't. The only point in question was how old the older girl was when it started, her family say 17, the other girls family say 18.

Right now the girls are 18 and 15.

I believe it is written somewhere in the thead that the relationship started when one was 13 and the other 17. In any case, in all honesty, for those who have children, how happy, content, and/or comfortable would you be with your 13-14, even 15, year old child being in a serious, romantic/sexual relationship with a kid 3-4 years older? I would not be at all happy about it, and I don't think it is healthy. Same age, or 1-2 years age difference would be what I would consider as healthy and reasonable. I am very familiar with teenagers and a high school freshman as opposed to a senior: there is a lot of difference in maturity and 'life experience.'

She was 17, the girl was 14, now they are 15 and 18.
I'm so glad there are progressives in the world, who will teach children everywhere that no law should keep you from screwing, no matter how old you are...and if you do opt to have sex with an adult, your secret is safe with them!

Warms the cockles of my heart.

Yes! Ruin an 18 year olds life because they had sex with someone 4 years younger than them.. Thats what God would have wanted, right? Here's an idea, all of you people who relate this incident to pedophilia are wrong and all of you who relate pedophilia to homosexuality should have been swallowed.

You are the idiots who tell teens they're too young to marry...but you want them to have sex anyway...and if they have sex with adults, then that's okay too.


And your only concern is for the 18 year old, cuz the 14 year old just got what she wanted.


Fucking perverts. You shouldn't be allowed anywhere near children. The scary thing is, the worst of you are TEACHERS. Pieces of shit who openly admit they will gladly break the law and refuse to report crimes because they think children should be allowed to have sex unimpeded, and with no oversight. Well, aside from the oversight of the adults you think should be allowed to bang them.
It is kind of odd. This relationship started when the yonger one was 13 and the older one was 17. A thirteen year old should be in middle school, not in high school. An 18 year old should be near to graduation and way out of the orbit of a 14 year old. Again, at that age, 4 years is a big deal and any kid who is 4 years older and nearing or having reached majority should not be having a sexual relationship with a child 4 years younger. If they are, they have issues, they are extremely immature for their age. It is not a healthy situation.
There is a 3 year age difference, not 4. No one is suggesting the younger was 13 at any point during the relationship, she wasn't. The only point in question was how old the older girl was when it started, her family say 17, the other girls family say 18.

Right now the girls are 18 and 15.

I believe it is written somewhere in the thead that the relationship started when one was 13 and the other 17. In any case, in all honesty, for those who have children, how happy, content, and/or comfortable would you be with your 13-14, even 15, year old child being in a serious, romantic/sexual relationship with a kid 3-4 years older? I would not be at all happy about it, and I don't think it is healthy. Same age, or 1-2 years age difference would be what I would consider as healthy and reasonable. I am very familiar with teenagers and a high school freshman as opposed to a senior: there is a lot of difference in maturity and 'life experience.'

But is it a felony? An act so heinous that the punishment would ruin this TEENAGERS life? No one would be comfortable, but its not a felony, heck I dont even think it should be a misdemeanor. They're kids, just tell them to stop
Maybe I wouldn't be happy with it, but I don't see it the same as pedophilia.
It IS a felony.

Get that through your head. And it's a felony for a reason.

It used to be a hanging offense.

You guys won't be happy until you're able to openly trade 13 year olds like kids trade baseball cards.
It IS a felony.

Get that through your head. And it's a felony for a reason.

It used to be a hanging offense.

You guys won't be happy until you're able to openly trade 13 year olds like kids trade baseball cards.

A hanging offense? Where do you live the 1920's Alabama? Women used to not even get a vote, so why do they get to run for office today? Do you people think before you type? Just a bunch of Bible thumping idiots. Ruin some kids life because they had sex with someone 4 years their minor.. Thats Great, than we can attack the homosexuals as well! Hot Damn!
There is a 3 year age difference, not 4. No one is suggesting the younger was 13 at any point during the relationship, she wasn't. The only point in question was how old the older girl was when it started, her family say 17, the other girls family say 18.

Right now the girls are 18 and 15.

I believe it is written somewhere in the thead that the relationship started when one was 13 and the other 17. In any case, in all honesty, for those who have children, how happy, content, and/or comfortable would you be with your 13-14, even 15, year old child being in a serious, romantic/sexual relationship with a kid 3-4 years older? I would not be at all happy about it, and I don't think it is healthy. Same age, or 1-2 years age difference would be what I would consider as healthy and reasonable. I am very familiar with teenagers and a high school freshman as opposed to a senior: there is a lot of difference in maturity and 'life experience.'

But is it a felony? An act so heinous that the punishment would ruin this TEENAGERS life? No one would be comfortable, but its not a felony, heck I dont even think it should be a misdemeanor. They're kids, just tell them to stop

Well, it is a felony under the law. It is, at least it is in the state I am from, it is illegal for anyone 18 or older to have sex with any one under 18. The question here seems to be did they have sex. If it is just kissing and some feeling about, then it isn't sex. It depends on what happened. If it is sex, yes, I'd say the 18 year old must face the consequences under the law. If it wasn't sex, then of course there should be no legal penalty. Eighteen is old enough to know, and should know, the law. The fact is, if it ruins the life of an 18 year old to have sex with a minor, please realize that such activity also affects the life of the minor, possibly in a quite negative way and for his/her entire life. Having sex that young, with an older person who should know better, is being taken advantage of sexually, exploited, and it does affect someone.

This girls life shouldn't be ruined because she had no idea what she was doing was illegal
I understand what you mean; however, at 18 she SHOULD know the law. You have to be pretty obtuse and oblivious if you don't. Also, according to most legal issues, ignorance of the law has no bearing on guilt. If you break a law, you cannot plead ignorance. At the same time, I don't think this girl's life should be 'ruined.' But something serious has to be done, if only to send a message to other 18 year olds that having a sexual relationship with a minor is illegal, unacceptable behavior.
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You people really shouldn't muse about the law.

Sexual offenses come in a variety of flavors. It isn't just "sex". Get a clue.
I believe it is written somewhere in the thead that the relationship started when one was 13 and the other 17. In any case, in all honesty, for those who have children, how happy, content, and/or comfortable would you be with your 13-14, even 15, year old child being in a serious, romantic/sexual relationship with a kid 3-4 years older? I would not be at all happy about it, and I don't think it is healthy. Same age, or 1-2 years age difference would be what I would consider as healthy and reasonable. I am very familiar with teenagers and a high school freshman as opposed to a senior: there is a lot of difference in maturity and 'life experience.'

But is it a felony? An act so heinous that the punishment would ruin this TEENAGERS life? No one would be comfortable, but its not a felony, heck I dont even think it should be a misdemeanor. They're kids, just tell them to stop

Well, it is a felony under the law. It is, at least it is in the state I am from, it is illegal for anyone 18 or older to have sex with any one under 18. The question here seems to be did they have sex. It is is just kissing and some feeling about, then it isn't sex. It depends on what happened. If it is sex, yes, I'd say the 18 year old must face the consequences under the law. If it wasn't sex, then of course there should be no legal penalty.

Sucks that consensual sex could ruin your life, but I guess that happens. The law is the law, but Im a firm believer in discretion.
Pssst...sex with an underaged child isn't consensual. Even if the child says "Yes, fuck me". So much for discretion...which in that case would just be hiding a crime.
You people really shouldn't muse about the law.

Sexual offenses come in a variety of flavors. It isn't just "sex". Get a clue.

Its a sad day when a blowjob is considered so heinous between two consenting people that only have 4 years between them. It's you who needs a clue.. 20 year olds and 17 year olds, 16 and 19 year olds, it doesnt matter, its happening right now and I couldnt give a shit. Give me a call when there is 6 or 7 years between the two and maybe then we can talk about an actual problem.
No, they are not.

One is an adult. Old enough to vote, old enough to go to college, to enter into binding contracts; old enough to join the service.

An 18 year old that commits murder is tried as an adult. An 18 year old that rapes children is going to be tried as an adult as well.
No, they are not.

One is an adult. Old enough to vote, old enough to go to college, to enter into binding contracts; old enough to join the service.

An 18 year old that commits murder is tried as an adult. An 18 year old that rapes children is going to be tried as an adult as well.

And young enough to be at the same school, have the same friends, and be on the same bball team.
But is it a felony? An act so heinous that the punishment would ruin this TEENAGERS life? No one would be comfortable, but its not a felony, heck I dont even think it should be a misdemeanor. They're kids, just tell them to stop

Well, it is a felony under the law. It is, at least it is in the state I am from, it is illegal for anyone 18 or older to have sex with any one under 18. The question here seems to be did they have sex. It is is just kissing and some feeling about, then it isn't sex. It depends on what happened. If it is sex, yes, I'd say the 18 year old must face the consequences under the law. If it wasn't sex, then of course there should be no legal penalty.

Sucks that consensual sex could ruin your life, but I guess that happens. The law is the law, but Im a firm believer in discretion.

I do not believe it can be considered "consensual sex" when one of the people involved is a child, and a 13-15 year old is still a child.

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