18 year old charged with sex with 14 year old.

I believe it is written somewhere in the thead that the relationship started when one was 13 and the other 17. In any case, in all honesty, for those who have children, how happy, content, and/or comfortable would you be with your 13-14, even 15, year old child being in a serious, romantic/sexual relationship with a kid 3-4 years older? I would not be at all happy about it, and I don't think it is healthy. Same age, or 1-2 years age difference would be what I would consider as healthy and reasonable. I am very familiar with teenagers and a high school freshman as opposed to a senior: there is a lot of difference in maturity and 'life experience.'

But is it a felony? An act so heinous that the punishment would ruin this TEENAGERS life? No one would be comfortable, but its not a felony, heck I dont even think it should be a misdemeanor. They're kids, just tell them to stop

Well, it is a felony under the law. It is, at least it is in the state I am from, it is illegal for anyone 18 or older to have sex with any one under 18. The question here seems to be did they have sex. It is is just kissing and some feeling about, then it isn't sex. It depends on what happened. If it is sex, yes, I'd say the 18 year old must face the consequences under the law. If it wasn't sex, then of course there should be no legal penalty. Eighteen is old enough to know, and should know, the law. The fact is, if it ruins the life of an 18 year old to have sex with a minor, please realize that such activity also affects the life of the minor, possibly in a quite negative way and for his/her entire life. Having sex that young, with an older person who should know better, is being taken advantage of sexually, exploited, and it does affect someone.

This girls life shouldn't be ruined because she had no idea what she was doing was illegal
I understand what you mean; however, at 18 she SHOULD know. You have to be pretty obtuse and oblivious if you don't. Also, according to most legal issues, ignorance of the law has no bearing on guilt. If you break a law, you cannot plead ignorance. At the same time, I don't think this girl's life should be 'ruined.' But something serious has to be done, if only to send a message to other 18 year olds that having a sexual relationship with a minor is illegal, unacceptable behavior.

You need to understand the time in which we live. I am 22, lost my virginity at 16 and that was considered about normal. Some friends did it earlier, some a little later. These kids are going to do it because they are kids, 18 to me is still a kid because I distinctly remember how stupid I was just 4 years ago. This girl was having sex with an 18 year old and if it wasnt him, it would be some other poor shlub that only has the ability to think with one head at a time. Im still working on using both of em. Its neither of their faults.. tell em to stop and move on, its a non issue, except for the fact that its an actual issue.
No, they are not.

One is an adult. Old enough to vote, old enough to go to college, to enter into binding contracts; old enough to join the service.

An 18 year old that commits murder is tried as an adult. An 18 year old that rapes children is going to be tried as an adult as well.

This isn't rape this is a consensual relationship. If you want to compare it to molestation that would be more accurate though I still disagree.
Well, it is a felony under the law. It is, at least it is in the state I am from, it is illegal for anyone 18 or older to have sex with any one under 18. The question here seems to be did they have sex. It is is just kissing and some feeling about, then it isn't sex. It depends on what happened. If it is sex, yes, I'd say the 18 year old must face the consequences under the law. If it wasn't sex, then of course there should be no legal penalty.

Sucks that consensual sex could ruin your life, but I guess that happens. The law is the law, but Im a firm believer in discretion.

I do not believe it can be considered "consensual sex" when one of the people involved is a child, and a 13-15 year old is still a child.

18 is still a child too.. see my post above to get a better point of what im trying to say
You people really shouldn't muse about the law.

Sexual offenses come in a variety of flavors. It isn't just "sex". Get a clue.

Its a sad day when a blowjob is considered so heinous between two consenting people that only have 4 years between them. It's you who needs a clue.. 20 year olds and 17 year olds, 16 and 19 year olds, it doesnt matter, its happening right now and I couldnt give a shit. Give me a call when there is 6 or 7 years between the two and maybe then we can talk about an actual problem.

Do you have children? I have a feeling you don't have children. Until kids are 18 or older, a year or two is a huge deal in their maturity and life experience. Six or 7 years? Seriously? So it would be okay for an 11 year old to date a 16 year old? And you are suggesting others are sick?
Well, it is a felony under the law. It is, at least it is in the state I am from, it is illegal for anyone 18 or older to have sex with any one under 18. The question here seems to be did they have sex. It is is just kissing and some feeling about, then it isn't sex. It depends on what happened. If it is sex, yes, I'd say the 18 year old must face the consequences under the law. If it wasn't sex, then of course there should be no legal penalty.

Sucks that consensual sex could ruin your life, but I guess that happens. The law is the law, but Im a firm believer in discretion.

I do not believe it can be considered "consensual sex" when one of the people involved is a child, and a 13-15 year old is still a child.
So if it was a 17 year old and an 18 year old wouldn't one still by that definition be a child? or What about a 17 year old and a 13 year old- would be the same age difference but no charges could be pressed right?
But is it a felony? An act so heinous that the punishment would ruin this TEENAGERS life? No one would be comfortable, but its not a felony, heck I dont even think it should be a misdemeanor. They're kids, just tell them to stop

Well, it is a felony under the law. It is, at least it is in the state I am from, it is illegal for anyone 18 or older to have sex with any one under 18. The question here seems to be did they have sex. It is is just kissing and some feeling about, then it isn't sex. It depends on what happened. If it is sex, yes, I'd say the 18 year old must face the consequences under the law. If it wasn't sex, then of course there should be no legal penalty. Eighteen is old enough to know, and should know, the law. The fact is, if it ruins the life of an 18 year old to have sex with a minor, please realize that such activity also affects the life of the minor, possibly in a quite negative way and for his/her entire life. Having sex that young, with an older person who should know better, is being taken advantage of sexually, exploited, and it does affect someone.

This girls life shouldn't be ruined because she had no idea what she was doing was illegal
I understand what you mean; however, at 18 she SHOULD know. You have to be pretty obtuse and oblivious if you don't. Also, according to most legal issues, ignorance of the law has no bearing on guilt. If you break a law, you cannot plead ignorance. At the same time, I don't think this girl's life should be 'ruined.' But something serious has to be done, if only to send a message to other 18 year olds that having a sexual relationship with a minor is illegal, unacceptable behavior.

You need to understand the time in which we live. I am 22, lost my virginity at 16 and that was considered about normal. Some friends did it earlier, some a little later. These kids are going to do it because they are kids, 18 to me is still a kid because I distinctly remember how stupid I was just 4 years ago. This girl was having sex with an 18 year old and if it wasnt him, it would be some other poor shlub that only has the ability to think with one head at a time. Im still working on using both of em. Its neither of their faults.. tell em to stop and move on, its a non issue, except for the fact that its an actual issue.

Actually it's 2 girls. And the only reason the parents are pressing charges is because it's a lesbian relationship.
Sucks that consensual sex could ruin your life, but I guess that happens. The law is the law, but Im a firm believer in discretion.

I do not believe it can be considered "consensual sex" when one of the people involved is a child, and a 13-15 year old is still a child.

18 is still a child too.. see my post above to get a better point of what im trying to say

An 18 year old is young, but not a child. An 18 year old can drive, drink, be in the military, live on his/her own, vote, buy a house, etc. An 18 year old is an adult with all the rights AND RESPONSIBILITIES of an adult.
You people really shouldn't muse about the law.

Sexual offenses come in a variety of flavors. It isn't just "sex". Get a clue.

Its a sad day when a blowjob is considered so heinous between two consenting people that only have 4 years between them. It's you who needs a clue.. 20 year olds and 17 year olds, 16 and 19 year olds, it doesnt matter, its happening right now and I couldnt give a shit. Give me a call when there is 6 or 7 years between the two and maybe then we can talk about an actual problem.

Do you have children? I have a feeling you don't have children. Until kids are 18 or older, a year or two is a huge deal in their maturity and life experience. Six or 7 years? Seriously? So it would be okay for an 11 year old to date a 16 year old? And you are suggesting others are sick?

I dont have children. I am saying, is a four year difference between two people who go to the same school, have the same friends, live virtually similar lives that big of a deal? you caught, and caught is the key word here two kids in a relationship. If you feel comfortable saying that this 18 y/o deserves a felony on his record for his entire life because he may or may not have been having sex with someone who attended the same school as him then i guess we have reached an impass.
Sucks that consensual sex could ruin your life, but I guess that happens. The law is the law, but Im a firm believer in discretion.

I do not believe it can be considered "consensual sex" when one of the people involved is a child, and a 13-15 year old is still a child.
So if it was a 17 year old and an 18 year old wouldn't one still by that definition be a child? or What about a 17 year old and a 13 year old- would be the same age difference but no charges could be pressed right?

Wrong. It's still a crime, but the 17 y.o. could conceivably be prosecuted as a child. Just like if a 17 year old commits armed robbery...he still broke the law, he's still going to be prosecuted...but in juvenile court (maybe).
Well, it is a felony under the law. It is, at least it is in the state I am from, it is illegal for anyone 18 or older to have sex with any one under 18. The question here seems to be did they have sex. It is is just kissing and some feeling about, then it isn't sex. It depends on what happened. If it is sex, yes, I'd say the 18 year old must face the consequences under the law. If it wasn't sex, then of course there should be no legal penalty. Eighteen is old enough to know, and should know, the law. The fact is, if it ruins the life of an 18 year old to have sex with a minor, please realize that such activity also affects the life of the minor, possibly in a quite negative way and for his/her entire life. Having sex that young, with an older person who should know better, is being taken advantage of sexually, exploited, and it does affect someone.

I understand what you mean; however, at 18 she SHOULD know. You have to be pretty obtuse and oblivious if you don't. Also, according to most legal issues, ignorance of the law has no bearing on guilt. If you break a law, you cannot plead ignorance. At the same time, I don't think this girl's life should be 'ruined.' But something serious has to be done, if only to send a message to other 18 year olds that having a sexual relationship with a minor is illegal, unacceptable behavior.

You need to understand the time in which we live. I am 22, lost my virginity at 16 and that was considered about normal. Some friends did it earlier, some a little later. These kids are going to do it because they are kids, 18 to me is still a kid because I distinctly remember how stupid I was just 4 years ago. This girl was having sex with an 18 year old and if it wasnt him, it would be some other poor shlub that only has the ability to think with one head at a time. Im still working on using both of em. Its neither of their faults.. tell em to stop and move on, its a non issue, except for the fact that its an actual issue.

Actually it's 2 girls. And the only reason the parents are pressing charges is because it's a lesbian relationship.

Well, it is a felony under the law. It is, at least it is in the state I am from, it is illegal for anyone 18 or older to have sex with any one under 18. The question here seems to be did they have sex. It is is just kissing and some feeling about, then it isn't sex. It depends on what happened. If it is sex, yes, I'd say the 18 year old must face the consequences under the law. If it wasn't sex, then of course there should be no legal penalty. Eighteen is old enough to know, and should know, the law. The fact is, if it ruins the life of an 18 year old to have sex with a minor, please realize that such activity also affects the life of the minor, possibly in a quite negative way and for his/her entire life. Having sex that young, with an older person who should know better, is being taken advantage of sexually, exploited, and it does affect someone.

I understand what you mean; however, at 18 she SHOULD know. You have to be pretty obtuse and oblivious if you don't. Also, according to most legal issues, ignorance of the law has no bearing on guilt. If you break a law, you cannot plead ignorance. At the same time, I don't think this girl's life should be 'ruined.' But something serious has to be done, if only to send a message to other 18 year olds that having a sexual relationship with a minor is illegal, unacceptable behavior.

You need to understand the time in which we live. I am 22, lost my virginity at 16 and that was considered about normal. Some friends did it earlier, some a little later. These kids are going to do it because they are kids, 18 to me is still a kid because I distinctly remember how stupid I was just 4 years ago. This girl was having sex with an 18 year old and if it wasnt him, it would be some other poor shlub that only has the ability to think with one head at a time. Im still working on using both of em. Its neither of their faults.. tell em to stop and move on, its a non issue, except for the fact that its an actual issue.

Actually it's 2 girls. And the only reason the parents are pressing charges is because it's a lesbian relationship.

Possibly so, possibly so. This has certainly occured to me. However, it brings up an interesting situation. First, 18 year olds around the country need to know that sex with a minor is illegal. We used to call it 'jail bait.' Perhaps that phrase has gone out of circulation and needs to be brought back in. Everybody knew what it meant.

Second, I think that lesbians and gays may think they are immune from this kind of problem because it is not a boy-girl relationship. They need to know that the law applies to them as well. It's a new era where younger people, teens even, are being free and open about their sexual identity, which is a good thing. But, they need to know that the laws regarding adults having sex with minors apply to them as well as they apply to heterosexual relationships. An adult having sex with a minor is exploitation.
Its a sad day when a blowjob is considered so heinous between two consenting people that only have 4 years between them. It's you who needs a clue.. 20 year olds and 17 year olds, 16 and 19 year olds, it doesnt matter, its happening right now and I couldnt give a shit. Give me a call when there is 6 or 7 years between the two and maybe then we can talk about an actual problem.

Do you have children? I have a feeling you don't have children. Until kids are 18 or older, a year or two is a huge deal in their maturity and life experience. Six or 7 years? Seriously? So it would be okay for an 11 year old to date a 16 year old? And you are suggesting others are sick?

I dont have children. I am saying, is a four year difference between two people who go to the same school, have the same friends, live virtually similar lives that big of a deal? you caught, and caught is the key word here two kids in a relationship. If you feel comfortable saying that this 18 y/o deserves a felony on his record for his entire life because he may or may not have been having sex with someone who attended the same school as him then i guess we have reached an impass.
You keep saying he. I just want to clarify this is about 2 female students in a relationship. They were on the same basketball team
I do not believe it can be considered "consensual sex" when one of the people involved is a child, and a 13-15 year old is still a child.

18 is still a child too.. see my post above to get a better point of what im trying to say

An 18 year old is young, but not a child. An 18 year old can drive, drink, be in the military, live on his/her own, vote, buy a house, etc. An 18 year old is an adult with all the rights AND RESPONSIBILITIES of an adult.

They cant drink but I get your point. Here is mine though. When you were 18 what were you doing? My guess, if I may, is that you had things sort of set up, job, life, etc. 18 today might as well be 13 twenty years ago. These kids arent ready for life, they make mistakes. This kid made a bad mistake and I dont agree with him at all, but he is too young to charge as a pedophile.
Well, it is a felony under the law. It is, at least it is in the state I am from, it is illegal for anyone 18 or older to have sex with any one under 18. The question here seems to be did they have sex. It is is just kissing and some feeling about, then it isn't sex. It depends on what happened. If it is sex, yes, I'd say the 18 year old must face the consequences under the law. If it wasn't sex, then of course there should be no legal penalty. Eighteen is old enough to know, and should know, the law. The fact is, if it ruins the life of an 18 year old to have sex with a minor, please realize that such activity also affects the life of the minor, possibly in a quite negative way and for his/her entire life. Having sex that young, with an older person who should know better, is being taken advantage of sexually, exploited, and it does affect someone.

I understand what you mean; however, at 18 she SHOULD know. You have to be pretty obtuse and oblivious if you don't. Also, according to most legal issues, ignorance of the law has no bearing on guilt. If you break a law, you cannot plead ignorance. At the same time, I don't think this girl's life should be 'ruined.' But something serious has to be done, if only to send a message to other 18 year olds that having a sexual relationship with a minor is illegal, unacceptable behavior.

You need to understand the time in which we live. I am 22, lost my virginity at 16 and that was considered about normal. Some friends did it earlier, some a little later. These kids are going to do it because they are kids, 18 to me is still a kid because I distinctly remember how stupid I was just 4 years ago. This girl was having sex with an 18 year old and if it wasnt him, it would be some other poor shlub that only has the ability to think with one head at a time. Im still working on using both of em. Its neither of their faults.. tell em to stop and move on, its a non issue, except for the fact that its an actual issue.

Actually it's 2 girls. And the only reason the parents are pressing charges is because it's a lesbian relationship.

Holy Shit! Is that true? people are freaking nuts
You need to understand the time in which we live. I am 22, lost my virginity at 16 and that was considered about normal. Some friends did it earlier, some a little later. These kids are going to do it because they are kids, 18 to me is still a kid because I distinctly remember how stupid I was just 4 years ago. This girl was having sex with an 18 year old and if it wasnt him, it would be some other poor shlub that only has the ability to think with one head at a time. Im still working on using both of em. Its neither of their faults.. tell em to stop and move on, its a non issue, except for the fact that its an actual issue.

Actually it's 2 girls. And the only reason the parents are pressing charges is because it's a lesbian relationship.

Possibly so, possibly so. This has certainly occured to me. However, it brings up an interesting situation. First, 18 year olds around the country need to know that sex with a minor is illegal. We used to call it 'jail bait.' Perhaps that phrase has gone out of circulation and needs to be brought back in. Everybody knew what it meant.

Second, I think that lesbians and gays may think they are immune from this kind of problem because it is not a boy-girl relationship. They need to know that the law applies to them as well. It's a new era where younger people, teens even, are being free and open about their sexual identity, which is a good thing. But, they need to know that the laws regarding adults having sex with minors apply to them as well as they apply to heterosexual relationships. An adult having sex with a minor is exploitation.

In the old days, before abortion was legal and our erstwhile teachers taught kids they have a *right* to have sex, and don't have to tell anyone....parents DID teach their children not to have sex..they didn't tell them not to have sex before they were 18, but not to have sex until they were married, which often was the same thing.

The kids that ignored that admonition got in a lot of trouble. Ever heard of a shotgun wedding? You marry the girl, or her dad shoots you. That's if she's pregnant. If she's not pregnant, then it's just the shotgun.

And it worked pretty well. Most girls waited until they were married to have sex, the abortion rates were low, single parent families were almost unheard of, and kids did much, much better than they do now.

The long and short of it...parent your kids. Tell them not to have sex, or there can be disastrous consequences...above and beyond the creation of another human. Don't enable them to shrug off the law, don't tell them you don't approve of or like the law, don't tell them you'll understand if they break the law. Tell them that if they screw around they can go to jail, or worse. Tell them they have no business hanging out with younger kids. Tell them that if an older kid tries to talk them into sex, they need to tell you...and don't look the other way when your kid is spending a lot of quality time with an older kid of either sex.

My kids didn't get to spend quality time with anyone without me butting in on a regular basis. Their time was managed, and overseen. That's what it is to be a parent. We didn't "discuss" whether or not they got to have sex..it was always my adamant position that they NOT have sex..and towards that end there was (and is) NO DATING, no GOING STEADY, no parties, no traveling with buds over the weekend. When they were out of my sight I knew who they were with, where they were at, what they were doing, how much money they had...and I would swing by to check on them.

I swear you people act like the minute a girl gets her period, it's open season.
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You need to understand the time in which we live. I am 22, lost my virginity at 16 and that was considered about normal. Some friends did it earlier, some a little later. These kids are going to do it because they are kids, 18 to me is still a kid because I distinctly remember how stupid I was just 4 years ago. This girl was having sex with an 18 year old and if it wasnt him, it would be some other poor shlub that only has the ability to think with one head at a time. Im still working on using both of em. Its neither of their faults.. tell em to stop and move on, its a non issue, except for the fact that its an actual issue.

Actually it's 2 girls. And the only reason the parents are pressing charges is because it's a lesbian relationship.

Possibly so, possibly so. This has certainly occured to me. However, it brings up an interesting situation. First, 18 year olds around the country need to know that sex with a minor is illegal. We used to call it 'jail bait.' Perhaps that phrase has gone out of circulation and needs to be brought back in. Everybody knew what it meant.

Second, I think that lesbians and gays may think they are immune from this kind of problem because it is not a boy-girl relationship. They need to know that the law applies to them as well. It's a new era where younger people, teens even, are being free and open about their sexual identity, which is a good thing. But, they need to know that the laws regarding adults having sex with minors apply to them as well as they apply to heterosexual relationships. An adult having sex with a minor is exploitation.

Jail bait is still the word.. Girls would come to our parties from local HS and we ended up having to start ID ing with our college ID's so no one would fall into this trap, but 16 and 22 is just too weird.
Its a sad day when a blowjob is considered so heinous between two consenting people that only have 4 years between them. It's you who needs a clue.. 20 year olds and 17 year olds, 16 and 19 year olds, it doesnt matter, its happening right now and I couldnt give a shit. Give me a call when there is 6 or 7 years between the two and maybe then we can talk about an actual problem.

Do you have children? I have a feeling you don't have children. Until kids are 18 or older, a year or two is a huge deal in their maturity and life experience. Six or 7 years? Seriously? So it would be okay for an 11 year old to date a 16 year old? And you are suggesting others are sick?

I dont have children. I am saying, is a four year difference between two people who go to the same school, have the same friends, live virtually similar lives that big of a deal? you caught, and caught is the key word here two kids in a relationship. If you feel comfortable saying that this 18 y/o deserves a felony on his record for his entire life because he may or may not have been having sex with someone who attended the same school as him then i guess we have reached an impass.

Yes, it is a big deal. And kids with a 3-4 year age difference, though they may be in the same school, do not generally have the same friends or live virtually the same lives. I am saying that the older kid's life should not be 'ruined,' but that there should be serious consequences, and I am saying an 18 year old, no matter who he/she finds himself in the same building with (at school or working at McDonald's) needs to know the law and abide by it and its consequences. An 18 year old, though still in school, is an adult. For example, that 18 year old can walk away from that school and no one can do anything about it. The younger person is still a child and cannot do that until at least 16. These two are not on the same level. An 18 year old has all the rights of an adult, and, as I stated earlier, ALL the responsibilities too.
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18 is still a child too.. see my post above to get a better point of what im trying to say

An 18 year old is young, but not a child. An 18 year old can drive, drink, be in the military, live on his/her own, vote, buy a house, etc. An 18 year old is an adult with all the rights AND RESPONSIBILITIES of an adult.

They cant drink but I get your point. Here is mine though. When you were 18 what were you doing? My guess, if I may, is that you had things sort of set up, job, life, etc. 18 today might as well be 13 twenty years ago. These kids arent ready for life, they make mistakes. This kid made a bad mistake and I dont agree with him at all, but he is too young to charge as a pedophile.

When I was 18 I was out on my own, working my way through college, with no financial or any other kind of assistance from anyone. However, to say that 18 today isn't what it used to be: that's nonsense. Eighteen year olds today are not helpless children; they are not stupid. There is no excuse for them to behave so.
Do you have children? I have a feeling you don't have children. Until kids are 18 or older, a year or two is a huge deal in their maturity and life experience. Six or 7 years? Seriously? So it would be okay for an 11 year old to date a 16 year old? And you are suggesting others are sick?

I dont have children. I am saying, is a four year difference between two people who go to the same school, have the same friends, live virtually similar lives that big of a deal? you caught, and caught is the key word here two kids in a relationship. If you feel comfortable saying that this 18 y/o deserves a felony on his record for his entire life because he may or may not have been having sex with someone who attended the same school as him then i guess we have reached an impass.

Yes, it is a big deal. And kids with a 3-4 year age difference, though they may be in the same school, do not generally have the same friends or live virtually the same lives. I am saying that the older kid's life should not be 'ruined,' but that there should be serious consequences, and I am saying an 18 year old, no matter who he/she finds himself in the same building with (at school or working at McDonald's) needs to know the law and abide by it and its consequences. An 18 year old, though still in school, is an adult. For example, that 18 year old can walk away from that school and no one can do anything about it. The younger person is still a child and cannot do that until at least 16. These two are not on the same level. An 18 year old has all the rights of an adult, and, as I stated earlier, ALL the responsibilities too.

Very good points. I can appreciate where you are coming from. Maybe its a little too close for me because it wasnt that long ago where I was seeing that occur everywhere around me. I guess im just jaded by it
I dont have children. I am saying, is a four year difference between two people who go to the same school, have the same friends, live virtually similar lives that big of a deal? you caught, and caught is the key word here two kids in a relationship. If you feel comfortable saying that this 18 y/o deserves a felony on his record for his entire life because he may or may not have been having sex with someone who attended the same school as him then i guess we have reached an impass.

Yes, it is a big deal. And kids with a 3-4 year age difference, though they may be in the same school, do not generally have the same friends or live virtually the same lives. I am saying that the older kid's life should not be 'ruined,' but that there should be serious consequences, and I am saying an 18 year old, no matter who he/she finds himself in the same building with (at school or working at McDonald's) needs to know the law and abide by it and its consequences. An 18 year old, though still in school, is an adult. For example, that 18 year old can walk away from that school and no one can do anything about it. The younger person is still a child and cannot do that until at least 16. These two are not on the same level. An 18 year old has all the rights of an adult, and, as I stated earlier, ALL the responsibilities too.

Very good points. I can appreciate where you are coming from. Maybe its a little too close for me because it wasnt that long ago where I was seeing that occur everywhere around me. I guess im just jaded by it

Pretty much... For one my friend has three children with the guy she met as a freshman, who was a senior. They were married for 7 to 8 years I believe. I was a bridesmaid in their wedding.
When we were freshman we though nothing of it. Her parents did try to stop it but she would just lie to them.

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