18 year old charged with sex with 14 year old.

Solve the problem about who knew what when.

Put Kaitlyn Hunt on trial, get the parents, all of them, on the stand and ask them under oath.
Not the same. They were not dating in High School. Find a case where a Senior dating a Freshman, with the full knowledge of the parents, was charged with two felonies and expelled when they turned 18.

Nice try. If you are asking for the EXACT same situation, you are setting up a scenario where it is impossible to match. The cases above are legally exactly the same as the case in this thread.

The fact is the relationships above were consensual, were between an 18 year old and 13/14 year old, and the 18 year olds were being prosecuted. They were between an older male and younger female.

How does the school status matter here? How does expelling matter? What matters is they were prosecuted, and the girl in this case is bieng prosecuted.

I have met your challenge. At least have the courage and conviction to accept it.
I believe that to be her point. You cannot match it because males are not prosecuted for that tho we all know (and many have giving personal experience in) that Seniors have dating Freshmen all the time.

Prove it. Tissue for the man hating dyke?
Not the same. They were not dating in High School. Find a case where a Senior dating a Freshman, with the full knowledge of the parents, was charged with two felonies and expelled when they turned 18.

Nice try. If you are asking for the EXACT same situation, you are setting up a scenario where it is impossible to match. The cases above are legally exactly the same as the case in this thread.

The fact is the relationships above were consensual, were between an 18 year old and 13/14 year old, and the 18 year olds were being prosecuted. They were between an older male and younger female.

How does the school status matter here? How does expelling matter? What matters is they were prosecuted, and the girl in this case is bieng prosecuted.

I have met your challenge. At least have the courage and conviction to accept it.
I believe that to be her point. You cannot match it because males are not prosecuted for that tho we all know (and many have giving personal experience in) that Seniors have dating Freshmen all the time.

I just listed 3 prosecutions of 18 year old guys who had sex with 13/14 year old girls. What does schooling status have to do with it?

They were doing the exact same thing the couple in question were doing, at around the exact same ages, and the guys were prosecuted just the same as the 18 year old in this case.

She asked for examples, i gave them, and then the goalposts started dragging through the playing field.
Why is everyone saying she was 14?

And yes, sex with a minor by an adult is pedophilia. An 18-year-old is an adult.

Why can't 18 year old adults buy alcohol?

Since the statutory age of consent in this jurisdiction is 16, Hunt is still a pedophile with a 15 year old girl.

That has nothing to do with my question. If an 18 year old dating another teenager a few years younger is going to be consider a pedophile simply because they are considered an "adult" at 18 years old, then why aren't they allowed to be adult enough to buy alcohol? Are they an adult or aren't they? They can die for their country, but they can't have a beer. If we are going to make a legal age of adulthood, let's be consistent.
It is kind of odd. This relationship started when the yonger one was 13 and the older one was 17. A thirteen year old should be in middle school, not in high school. An 18 year old should be near to graduation and way out of the orbit of a 14 year old. Again, at that age, 4 years is a big deal and any kid who is 4 years older and nearing or having reached majority should not be having a sexual relationship with a child 4 years younger. If they are, they have issues, they are extremely immature for their age. It is not a healthy situation.
There is a 3 year age difference, not 4. No one is suggesting the younger was 13 at any point during the relationship, she wasn't. The only point in question was how old the older girl was when it started, her family say 17, the other girls family say 18.

Right now the girls are 18 and 15.

I believe it is written somewhere in the thead that the relationship started when one was 13 and the other 17. In any case, in all honesty, for those who have children, how happy, content, and/or comfortable would you be with your 13-14, even 15, year old child being in a serious, romantic/sexual relationship with a kid 3-4 years older? I would not be at all happy about it, and I don't think it is healthy. Same age, or 1-2 years age difference would be what I would consider as healthy and reasonable. I am very familiar with teenagers and a high school freshman as opposed to a senior: there is a lot of difference in maturity and 'life experience.'

BTW I remember reading about a study that showed the earlier young women have sex, the more likely they are to get married young, have children, often before marriage, end up as young, single, divorced mothers, and to forego higher education. No matter how mature or cool a teenage girl feels about being sexually free at a young age, it doesn't bode well for her future. I am not moralistic about this. My position and perspective have to do with the mental and emotional health of the child and of his or her prospects for the future.

I don't think it's about how much we as parents would approve. It's about whether 2 felony charges and 15 years in jail is an appropriate punishment for a girl who dated a fellow high school student.
Why can't 18 year old adults buy alcohol?

Since the statutory age of consent in this jurisdiction is 16, Hunt is still a pedophile with a 15 year old girl.

That has nothing to do with my question. If an 18 year old dating another teenager a few years younger is going to be consider a pedophile simply because they are considered an "adult" at 18 years old, then why aren't they allowed to be adult enough to buy alcohol? Are they an adult or aren't they? They can die for their country, but they can't have a beer. If we are going to make a legal age of adulthood, let's be consistent.

I'm all for changing the laws to be more consistent. but until they are changed this 18 year old was breaking the law, and is being prosecuted like other 18 year olds caught boinking someone underaged.

It is also not pedopilia as by definition that is attraction to PRE pubescent children. The 18/14 year old girl relationship is not really any sexual disfunction, but it falls afoul of our legal system.
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There is a 3 year age difference, not 4. No one is suggesting the younger was 13 at any point during the relationship, she wasn't. The only point in question was how old the older girl was when it started, her family say 17, the other girls family say 18.

Right now the girls are 18 and 15.

I believe it is written somewhere in the thead that the relationship started when one was 13 and the other 17. In any case, in all honesty, for those who have children, how happy, content, and/or comfortable would you be with your 13-14, even 15, year old child being in a serious, romantic/sexual relationship with a kid 3-4 years older? I would not be at all happy about it, and I don't think it is healthy. Same age, or 1-2 years age difference would be what I would consider as healthy and reasonable. I am very familiar with teenagers and a high school freshman as opposed to a senior: there is a lot of difference in maturity and 'life experience.'

BTW I remember reading about a study that showed the earlier young women have sex, the more likely they are to get married young, have children, often before marriage, end up as young, single, divorced mothers, and to forego higher education. No matter how mature or cool a teenage girl feels about being sexually free at a young age, it doesn't bode well for her future. I am not moralistic about this. My position and perspective have to do with the mental and emotional health of the child and of his or her prospects for the future.

I don't think it's about how much we as parents would approve. It's about whether 2 felony charges and 15 years in jail is an appropriate punishment for a girl who dated a fellow high school student.

One thing I want to note is people quoting "2 felony counts and 15 years." That is probably the worst case scenario based on the charges brought. I guarnatee, like any other situation similar to this, if she plead out she would get much more reduced charges, likely a misdemeanor and minimal if any jail time.

She broke the law. Best course is to get some deal and be done with it.
Do you have children? I have a feeling you don't have children. Until kids are 18 or older, a year or two is a huge deal in their maturity and life experience. Six or 7 years? Seriously? So it would be okay for an 11 year old to date a 16 year old? And you are suggesting others are sick?

I dont have children. I am saying, is a four year difference between two people who go to the same school, have the same friends, live virtually similar lives that big of a deal? you caught, and caught is the key word here two kids in a relationship. If you feel comfortable saying that this 18 y/o deserves a felony on his record for his entire life because he may or may not have been having sex with someone who attended the same school as him then i guess we have reached an impass.

Yes, it is a big deal. And kids with a 3-4 year age difference, though they may be in the same school, do not generally have the same friends or live virtually the same lives. I am saying that the older kid's life should not be 'ruined,' but that there should be serious consequences, and I am saying an 18 year old, no matter who he/she finds himself in the same building with (at school or working at McDonald's) needs to know the law and abide by it and its consequences. An 18 year old, though still in school, is an adult. For example, that 18 year old can walk away from that school and no one can do anything about it. The younger person is still a child and cannot do that until at least 16. These two are not on the same level. An 18 year old has all the rights of an adult, and, as I stated earlier, ALL the responsibilities too.
Except that's not true.

These girls, as pointed out before, had the same friends, played on the same team, and were even in the same honors class, together.

You see a vast difference between a sophomore and a senior where there isn't one.
I believe it is written somewhere in the thead that the relationship started when one was 13 and the other 17. In any case, in all honesty, for those who have children, how happy, content, and/or comfortable would you be with your 13-14, even 15, year old child being in a serious, romantic/sexual relationship with a kid 3-4 years older? I would not be at all happy about it, and I don't think it is healthy. Same age, or 1-2 years age difference would be what I would consider as healthy and reasonable. I am very familiar with teenagers and a high school freshman as opposed to a senior: there is a lot of difference in maturity and 'life experience.'

BTW I remember reading about a study that showed the earlier young women have sex, the more likely they are to get married young, have children, often before marriage, end up as young, single, divorced mothers, and to forego higher education. No matter how mature or cool a teenage girl feels about being sexually free at a young age, it doesn't bode well for her future. I am not moralistic about this. My position and perspective have to do with the mental and emotional health of the child and of his or her prospects for the future.

I don't think it's about how much we as parents would approve. It's about whether 2 felony charges and 15 years in jail is an appropriate punishment for a girl who dated a fellow high school student.

One thing I want to note is people quoting "2 felony counts and 15 years." That is probably the worst case scenario based on the charges brought. I guarnatee, like any other situation similar to this, if she plead out she would get much more reduced charges, likely a misdemeanor and minimal if any jail time.

She broke the law. Best course is to get some deal and be done with it.

They have offered her a plea deal but it would still be a felony charge. The DA refuses to plead it to a misdemeanor which the family has already said they would accept.
How hard is it to tell young adults not to have sex with underage children? Is it that they can't understand? Or, that we expect them to be so biologically driven that they shouldn't be expected to understand?

I was driven so mad with desire that I lost all reason is never going to be a valid defense to any crime. If we keep treating children as animals when they are still malleable, it should not be a surprise that they grow into fully adult animals.
I dont have children. I am saying, is a four year difference between two people who go to the same school, have the same friends, live virtually similar lives that big of a deal? you caught, and caught is the key word here two kids in a relationship. If you feel comfortable saying that this 18 y/o deserves a felony on his record for his entire life because he may or may not have been having sex with someone who attended the same school as him then i guess we have reached an impass.

Yes, it is a big deal. And kids with a 3-4 year age difference, though they may be in the same school, do not generally have the same friends or live virtually the same lives. I am saying that the older kid's life should not be 'ruined,' but that there should be serious consequences, and I am saying an 18 year old, no matter who he/she finds himself in the same building with (at school or working at McDonald's) needs to know the law and abide by it and its consequences. An 18 year old, though still in school, is an adult. For example, that 18 year old can walk away from that school and no one can do anything about it. The younger person is still a child and cannot do that until at least 16. These two are not on the same level. An 18 year old has all the rights of an adult, and, as I stated earlier, ALL the responsibilities too.
Except that's not true.

These girls, as pointed out before, had the same friends, played on the same team, and were even in the same honors class, together.

You see a vast difference between a sophomore and a senior where there isn't one.

Intelligent enough to be in an honors class but too stupid to know what they were doing was against the law.

Evidently the sex ed they were getting didn't include criminal penalties.
Florida teen charged in relationship with minor mulls plea deal - TODAY.com

The plea deal offered would keep her out of jail, however it would mean she would be a convicted felon, have to wear an ankle monitor for 2 years, have to register as a sex offender, and have to attend meetings with actual sex offenders.

The family has until tomorrow to decide to accept or go to trial.

Lisa Bloom, an NBC legal analyst, said nearly all cases like this involve an adult male and an underage female.
“This case seems to be an outlier,” she told TODAY's Savannah Guthrie.

She also said that because both girls have admitted the relationship was consensual, Hunt may have no choice but to accept a plea deal.

“She really doesn’t have a defense,” she said.
Nice try. If you are asking for the EXACT same situation, you are setting up a scenario where it is impossible to match. The cases above are legally exactly the same as the case in this thread.

The fact is the relationships above were consensual, were between an 18 year old and 13/14 year old, and the 18 year olds were being prosecuted. They were between an older male and younger female.

How does the school status matter here? How does expelling matter? What matters is they were prosecuted, and the girl in this case is bieng prosecuted.

I have met your challenge. At least have the courage and conviction to accept it.
I believe that to be her point. You cannot match it because males are not prosecuted for that tho we all know (and many have giving personal experience in) that Seniors have dating Freshmen all the time.

Prove it. Tissue for the man hating dyke?

I see that the Bootlicker has decided to talk about me today. Could it be he is pining for his Lord and Master?
Florida teen charged in relationship with minor mulls plea deal - TODAY.com

The plea deal offered would keep her out of jail, however it would mean she would be a convicted felon, have to wear an ankle monitor for 2 years, have to register as a sex offender, and have to attend meetings with actual sex offenders.

The family has until tomorrow to decide to accept or go to trial.

Lisa Bloom, an NBC legal analyst, said nearly all cases like this involve an adult male and an underage female.
“This case seems to be an outlier,” she told TODAY's Savannah Guthrie.

She also said that because both girls have admitted the relationship was consensual, Hunt may have no choice but to accept a plea deal.

“She really doesn’t have a defense,” she said.

I don't think anyone is arguing she didn't break the law.
How hard is it to tell young adults not to have sex with underage children? Is it that they can't understand? Or, that we expect them to be so biologically driven that they shouldn't be expected to understand?

I was driven so mad with desire that I lost all reason is never going to be a valid defense to any crime. If we keep treating children as animals when they are still malleable, it should not be a surprise that they grow into fully adult animals.

How has that worked over the centuries?
Florida teen charged in relationship with minor mulls plea deal - TODAY.com

The plea deal offered would keep her out of jail, however it would mean she would be a convicted felon, have to wear an ankle monitor for 2 years, have to register as a sex offender, and have to attend meetings with actual sex offenders.

The family has until tomorrow to decide to accept or go to trial.

I'd fight it if I were her parents.

I'm not sure what Id do .... Worse case, fighting could lead to her spending time in prison, but being a convicted felon and a registered sex offender ruins her life as well. ...

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