18 year old charged with sex with 14 year old.

Warn your children that they will be prosecuted. I remember many relationships like this when I was in school. Its a different world in high school and these kids tend to see each other as the same. By the law they are not. The strange twist on this case is that both of these teens are girls. 16 is the age of consent in most cases.

Teen charged for sex with girl, 14 - CNN.com Video

You are forgetting the romeo and juliet law.
Warn your children that they will be prosecuted. I remember many relationships like this when I was in school. Its a different world in high school and these kids tend to see each other as the same. By the law they are not. The strange twist on this case is that both of these teens are girls. 16 is the age of consent in most cases.

Teen charged for sex with girl, 14 - CNN.com Video

You are forgetting the romeo and juliet law.

Florida's "Romeo & Juliet" does not provide any defense or protection against being charged with a crime, being prosecuted, or being convicted. Florida's "Romeo & Juliet" law only allows for those that are close in age for the older participant to apply to have their name removed from the Sex Offender registry.

I'm so glad there are progressives in the world, who will teach children everywhere that no law should keep you from screwing, no matter how old you are...and if you do opt to have sex with an adult, your secret is safe with them!

Warms the cockles of my heart.

I don't think that is what any of us are saying. This girls life shouldn't be ruined because she had no idea what she was doing was illegal. She was in high school, the parents should have dealt with this, not ruin her life.
If my son was dating a 14 year old when he was a senior, I would work with her parents to make sure they weren't seeing each other. It's called being a parent.

The boys who raped the unconscious girl and posted the videos didn't think that what they were doing was illegal either. That's why we don't have criminal trials on the basis of whether the criminal knows what they did was illegal.

If you had a son who was "dating" a 14 year old in the whore-sense of the word and not just going out, it is up to YOU to make sure he knows what jailbait is. Not the girl's parents. The same way you have to teach your kid not to go to someone's home and steal the silverware. It's called being a parent. It is not up to someone else to parent your kid.
My ten year old could reel in an 18 year old, and she'd be tickled pink. Am I going to let her? HELL no. Because she's only 10.

These are 14 year olds we're talking about. They shouldn't even be left alone with adults of the opposite sex.

Perhaps seniors should be schooled in a separate building than the other children.

They are in Texas. HS is grade 10-12 only. 16-18 year olds mostly.
I'm still waiting for someone to find a similar case with a heterosexual teen couple. Somebody tell me again about how this isn't about homophobia?


Goldsboro News-Argus | News: 18-year-old faces two counts of statutory rape

Two (terrible ending on this one)

Statutory rape case dismissed after alleged victim commits suicide - CNN.com


Dowelltown Man Charged with Statutory Rape | WJLE

Google is your friend.

Not the same. They were not dating in High School. Find a case where a Senior dating a Freshman, with the full knowledge of the parents, was charged with two felonies and expelled when they turned 18.
I'm still waiting for someone to find a similar case with a heterosexual teen couple. Somebody tell me again about how this isn't about homophobia?


Goldsboro News-Argus | News: 18-year-old faces two counts of statutory rape

Two (terrible ending on this one)

Statutory rape case dismissed after alleged victim commits suicide - CNN.com


Dowelltown Man Charged with Statutory Rape | WJLE

Google is your friend.

Not the same. They were not dating in High School. Find a case where a Senior dating a Freshman, with the full knowledge of the parents, was charged with two felonies and expelled when they turned 18.

Nice try. If you are asking for the EXACT same situation, you are setting up a scenario where it is impossible to match. The cases above are legally exactly the same as the case in this thread.

The fact is the relationships above were consensual, were between an 18 year old and 13/14 year old, and the 18 year olds were being prosecuted. They were between an older male and younger female.

How does the school status matter here? How does expelling matter? What matters is they were prosecuted, and the girl in this case is bieng prosecuted.

I have met your challenge. At least have the courage and conviction to accept it.
I'm still waiting for someone to find a similar case with a heterosexual teen couple. Somebody tell me again about how this isn't about homophobia?


Goldsboro News-Argus | News: 18-year-old faces two counts of statutory rape

Two (terrible ending on this one)

Statutory rape case dismissed after alleged victim commits suicide - CNN.com


Dowelltown Man Charged with Statutory Rape | WJLE

Google is your friend.

Not the same. They were not dating in High School. Find a case where a Senior dating a Freshman, with the full knowledge of the parents, was charged with two felonies and expelled when they turned 18.

Parents were pissed because a lesbian was going after thier daughter...so what.I bet they would be pissed if was a male 18 year old also. They are concerned about thier 14 year old daughter being exposed to a Homosexual. Call it homophobia are whatever you want. Get over it, just because you are gay doesnt mean we have to like or accept your lifestyle, especially when gays try to influence minors.
If there is a law, and she violated it, she did the crime, so now she can do the time. If we enforce a law against one and not another, then that is no kind of legal system. The people of that state elect their lawmakers. If that is how they want it, the so mote it be.
I'm not suggesting she not get punished becauses she's a girl. I'm calling the law awful.
Pedophilia is one of the worst crimes due to its recidivism rate after both therapy and punitive corrections. The 18-year-old woman should never again be allowed access to children.

Whoa, whoa, whoa........pedophilia? Seriously. Like I said earlier, I dated a 15 year old girl when I was 19......with her parents approval. We met at church and we were "good" kids. In the 2 or 3 years we dated, we never "went all the way", but there was tons of heavy petting involved on a regular basis. I was not a pedophile. I was a teenager dating a teenager who went to the same school and church. We were simply two teenagers attracted to each other.
Pedophilia is one of the worst crimes due to its recidivism rate after both therapy and punitive corrections. The 18-year-old woman should never again be allowed access to children.

An. 18 year old is not a pedophile with a 15 year old

To prosecute it is a miscarriage of justice
Why is everyone saying she was 14?

And yes, sex with a minor by an adult is pedophilia. An 18-year-old is an adult.

Why can't 18 year old adults buy alcohol?
I'm still waiting for someone to find a similar case with a heterosexual teen couple. Somebody tell me again about how this isn't about homophobia?


Goldsboro News-Argus | News: 18-year-old faces two counts of statutory rape

Two (terrible ending on this one)

Statutory rape case dismissed after alleged victim commits suicide - CNN.com


Dowelltown Man Charged with Statutory Rape | WJLE

Google is your friend.

Not the same. They were not dating in High School. Find a case where a Senior dating a Freshman, with the full knowledge of the parents, was charged with two felonies and expelled when they turned 18.

If the parents had full knowledge, how come they didn't know until the basketball coach told them? You suppose that the victim's parents knew and approved of this relationship and allowed their daughter to be raped solely to wait until Hunt got to be 18. That's a senseless position/

Not the same. They were not dating in High School. Find a case where a Senior dating a Freshman, with the full knowledge of the parents, was charged with two felonies and expelled when they turned 18.

Nice try. If you are asking for the EXACT same situation, you are setting up a scenario where it is impossible to match. The cases above are legally exactly the same as the case in this thread.

The fact is the relationships above were consensual, were between an 18 year old and 13/14 year old, and the 18 year olds were being prosecuted. They were between an older male and younger female.

How does the school status matter here? How does expelling matter? What matters is they were prosecuted, and the girl in this case is bieng prosecuted.

I have met your challenge. At least have the courage and conviction to accept it.
I believe that to be her point. You cannot match it because males are not prosecuted for that tho we all know (and many have giving personal experience in) that Seniors have dating Freshmen all the time.

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