18 year old charged with sex with 14 year old.

Bill Clinton having sex with Monica Lewinsky did not break any laws because both were adults. He was impeached for lying in a court case. Had there been no lawsuit by Paul Jones, what Clinton did would merely have been distasteful and dishonored the office of the presidency.

Sexual predators cannot be cured. They can learn to control their urges.
Well if it goes to trial I assume they'd have to call the 15 year old to testify... Idk about her parents...

Are the parents on trial for something? What are the charges against them? Trying to keep a predator away from their daughter. That's what they did wrong.

"Judge my parents wouldn't let me have sex with an older girl".

Yeah, use that.

So...the accusers don't have to testify? The accused doesn't get to face her accusers anymore? Doesn't get to cross examine them anymore?

The crime is statutory. That means the act itself is what is criminal, regardless of the intent of the accused. The "victim" could be 100% on the side of the accused, and that would not matter, because the act itself is the crime regardless of permission from the victim, or the mental state of the perpetrator.

If the girl took the stand and said there was not sex involved the case would be harder, but there are the previous statements, as well as the admittance by the accused of the relationship.
And anyone calling this girl a sexual predator has major issues. I almost feel sorry for them.
Why? what did they do wrong but try to protect thier child from a lesbian predator. :cool:

A predator? :lol:

I threw that in there to piss bodey off. :eusa_shhh:

Bootlicker has had a lifetime of being intimidated by strong women. He tries to excuse it by saying they are dykes and predators. Which, of course, shows he thinks of himself as a victim of these women.
Well if it goes to trial I assume they'd have to call the 15 year old to testify... Idk about her parents...

Are the parents on trial for something? What are the charges against them? Trying to keep a predator away from their daughter. That's what they did wrong.

"Judge my parents wouldn't let me have sex with an older girl".

Yeah, use that.

So...the accusers don't have to testify? The accused doesn't get to face her accusers anymore? Doesn't get to cross examine them anymore?

There is no accuser. Has anyone suggested that Kaitlyn Hunt is accused of a crime she did not commit? No. She fully admitted to her conduct. Both girls did. So there isn't any accuser. As you may have noticed, there's no defense either.

The trial, if you could call it that, would really be a sentencing hearing to determine whether there is are any reasons that would mitigate the statutory sentence to something else.
A predator? :lol:

I threw that in there to piss bodey off. :eusa_shhh:

Bootlicker has had a lifetime of being intimidated by strong women. He tries to excuse it by saying they are dykes and predators. Which, of course, shows he thinks of himself as a victim of these women.

Lying again, making shit up again. Lying liar just lies. You know nothing about me, But we all know about you when you put out there for all to see. :cool:
A predator? :lol:

I guess Bootlicker has been "prey" for strong women his whole life.......

Bodey knows the definiton of predator, it was a way of life for alot of lesbians in the Navy.

:lol: Actually, the "way of life" for a lot of lesbians in the Navy was outshining their male counterparts. Bootlicker, again, shows how he couldn't handle strong women and joined the rat patrol.
Are the parents on trial for something? What are the charges against them? Trying to keep a predator away from their daughter. That's what they did wrong.

"Judge my parents wouldn't let me have sex with an older girl".

Yeah, use that.

So...the accusers don't have to testify? The accused doesn't get to face her accusers anymore? Doesn't get to cross examine them anymore?

There is no accuser. Has anyone suggested that Kaitlyn Hunt is accused of a crime she did not commit? No. She fully admitted to her conduct. Both girls did. So there isn't any accuser. As you may have noticed, there's no defense either.

The trial, if you could call it that, would really be a sentencing hearing to determine whether there is are any reasons that would mitigate the statutory sentence to something else.

If both girls admitted to what they did, what is the argument about? this is pretty much a closed case right?
I guess Bootlicker has been "prey" for strong women his whole life.......

Bodey knows the definiton of predator, it was a way of life for alot of lesbians in the Navy.

:lol: Actually, the "way of life" for a lot of lesbians in the Navy was outshining their male counterparts. Bootlicker, again, shows how he couldn't handle strong women and joined the rat patrol.

Prove it Bodey. You are lying like you all ways do when you get pissed. I have not once told a lie about you, when I go after you, its from what you have posted about yourself and what has been posted on this board openly. You make shit up because that is all you can do. You are a sorry POS Liar and we all know it.
So...the accusers don't have to testify? The accused doesn't get to face her accusers anymore? Doesn't get to cross examine them anymore?

There is no accuser. Has anyone suggested that Kaitlyn Hunt is accused of a crime she did not commit? No. She fully admitted to her conduct. Both girls did. So there isn't any accuser. As you may have noticed, there's no defense either.

The trial, if you could call it that, would really be a sentencing hearing to determine whether there is are any reasons that would mitigate the statutory sentence to something else.

If both girls admitted to what they did, what is the argument about? this is pretty much a closed case right?
The argument, or rather my argument, is that the punishment does not fit the crime.
How hard is it to tell young adults not to have sex with underage children? Is it that they can't understand? Or, that we expect them to be so biologically driven that they shouldn't be expected to understand?

I was driven so mad with desire that I lost all reason is never going to be a valid defense to any crime. If we keep treating children as animals when they are still malleable, it should not be a surprise that they grow into fully adult animals.

Katz, we usually agree on just about anything, but I can't agree with you here. Telling young adults not to have sex has never proven to be effective. An 18 year old and 15 year old is not the same as a 25 year old and a 12 year old. Just for the sake of argument, lets say that when you were 17.5 years old you were attracted to someone who was 15. I know you can say you wouldn't allow that to happen, but for the sake of argument let's say it did happen. A half a year later you turn 18 and all of a sudden a relationship that was A-OK is now forbidden pedophilia. There is a gray area here where black and white laws just don't do justice. Judges should be able to exercise "judgement" in gray areas. No tolerance laws make judges into proclaimers who simply spout the penalty because they have no choice in the matter.
Well if it goes to trial I assume they'd have to call the 15 year old to testify... Idk about her parents...

Are the parents on trial for something? What are the charges against them? Trying to keep a predator away from their daughter. That's what they did wrong.

"Judge my parents wouldn't let me have sex with an older girl".

Yeah, use that.

Nope, the parents are not on trial because they are not charged with a crime. However they are witnesses and the ones that issued the charge and under our legal system the defendent has aright to face his/her accusers. Therefore they are eligible to be called to the stand to testify.

Given a review of the law and the information available in the media, the only possibility of Hunt beating the charges is "jury nullification" where they make a case that while technically in violation of the law that circumstances are such that a "not guilty" verdict be returned. A very dangerous course because a "guilty" verdict can also be returned.

One would assume that the defense would depose the parents prior to trial. Then in court try to show that they knew about the relationship between the 17 year old girl and the 14 year old and allowed the situation to continue with no action until the 17 year old turned 18. Instead of dealing with a situation as parents when they knew about it, barring the daughter from the Basketball Team, not allowing her to date, contacting the 17 year old's parents, etc. They laid in wait for the girl to turn 18 to make it a criminal case.

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How hard is it to tell young adults not to have sex with underage children? Is it that they can't understand? Or, that we expect them to be so biologically driven that they shouldn't be expected to understand?

I was driven so mad with desire that I lost all reason is never going to be a valid defense to any crime. If we keep treating children as animals when they are still malleable, it should not be a surprise that they grow into fully adult animals.

Katz, we usually agree on just about anything, but I can't agree with you here. Telling young adults not to have sex has never proven to be effective. An 18 year old and 15 year old is not the same as a 25 year old and a 12 year old. Just for the sake of argument, lets say that when you were 17.5 years old you were attracted to someone who was 15. I know you can say you wouldn't allow that to happen, but for the sake of argument let's say it did happen. A half a year later you turn 18 and all of a sudden a relationship that was A-OK is now forbidden pedophilia. There is a gray area here where black and white laws just don't do justice. Judges should be able to exercise "judgement" in gray areas. No tolerance laws make judges into proclaimers who simply spout the penalty because they have no choice in the matter.

One could go with the "telling murderers not murder has never proven to been effective" line of logic as well. We have to draw the line somewhere, and in the cases it was 18 yrs and 14 yrs.

The relationship is not pedophilia if the younger person is above puberty. What the relationship becomes is statuory rape, which is a crime.

If homosexuals want thier relationships treated the same as any other, this is one of the end results. I have already posted plenty of 18/14 male/female statuory cases previously.
I threw that in there to piss bodey off. :eusa_shhh:

Bootlicker has had a lifetime of being intimidated by strong women. He tries to excuse it by saying they are dykes and predators. Which, of course, shows he thinks of himself as a victim of these women.

Lying again, making shit up again. Lying liar just lies. You know nothing about me, But we all know about you when you put out there for all to see. :cool:

I've struck a nerve alright. :D Certainly ties in with your DESPERATE need for affirmation/approval by certain people.
There is no accuser. Has anyone suggested that Kaitlyn Hunt is accused of a crime she did not commit? No. She fully admitted to her conduct. Both girls did. So there isn't any accuser. As you may have noticed, there's no defense either.

The trial, if you could call it that, would really be a sentencing hearing to determine whether there is are any reasons that would mitigate the statutory sentence to something else.

If both girls admitted to what they did, what is the argument about? this is pretty much a closed case right?
The argument, or rather my argument, is that the punishment does not fit the crime.

I don't think the girl should be thrown in prison, but what do you think should happen?

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