18 year old charged with sex with 14 year old.

Bodey knows the definiton of predator, it was a way of life for alot of lesbians in the Navy.

:lol: Actually, the "way of life" for a lot of lesbians in the Navy was outshining their male counterparts. Bootlicker, again, shows how he couldn't handle strong women and joined the rat patrol.

Prove it Bodey. You are lying like you all ways do when you get pissed. I have not once told a lie about you, when I go after you, its from what you have posted about yourself and what has been posted on this board openly. You make shit up because that is all you can do. You are a sorry POS Liar and we all know it.

Would you like a tissue? Again?
:lol: Actually, the "way of life" for a lot of lesbians in the Navy was outshining their male counterparts. Bootlicker, again, shows how he couldn't handle strong women and joined the rat patrol.

Prove it Bodey. You are lying like you all ways do when you get pissed. I have not once told a lie about you, when I go after you, its from what you have posted about yourself and what has been posted on this board openly. You make shit up because that is all you can do. You are a sorry POS Liar and we all know it.

Would you like a tissue? Again?

Dont need one, I dont lie, liar.
If both girls admitted to what they did, what is the argument about? this is pretty much a closed case right?
The argument, or rather my argument, is that the punishment does not fit the crime.

I don't think the girl should be thrown in prison, but what do you think should happen?

I admit I prefer the law in my state, which makes their relationship a non-punishable offense. However, at the very least it should not be a felony. A misdemeanor, community service, a fine. Ok. But labeling this girl a felon for the rest of her life? Outrageous, IMO.
The argument, or rather my argument, is that the punishment does not fit the crime.

I don't think the girl should be thrown in prison, but what do you think should happen?

I admit I prefer the law in my state, which makes their relationship a non-punishable offense. However, at the very least it should not be a felony. A misdemeanor, community service, a fine. Ok. But labeling this girl a felon for the rest of her life? Outrageous, IMO.

The problem is that under the law, there is no difference between an 18 year old and 35 year old being the accused. Sentencing can be impacted, but the law sees both people as the same.
Prove it Bodey. You are lying like you all ways do when you get pissed. I have not once told a lie about you, when I go after you, its from what you have posted about yourself and what has been posted on this board openly. You make shit up because that is all you can do. You are a sorry POS Liar and we all know it.

Would you like a tissue? Again?

Dont need one, I dont lie, liar.

Now you are really shrill. :D
I don't think the girl should be thrown in prison, but what do you think should happen?

I admit I prefer the law in my state, which makes their relationship a non-punishable offense. However, at the very least it should not be a felony. A misdemeanor, community service, a fine. Ok. But labeling this girl a felon for the rest of her life? Outrageous, IMO.

The problem is that under the law, there is no difference between an 18 year old and 35 year old being the accused. Sentencing can be impacted, but the law sees both people as the same.

I know, which is baffling to me.

The way the same law is written in my state is, if the 2 parties, one over 18, one under 16 are more than 10 years apart, its a felony, if they are both under 18, its not punishable, and if they are less than 4 years apart it can be, at most, a misdemeanor with a $1000 fine.

Why does the law treat a 50 year old with a 13 year old the same as an 18 year old and a 15 year old?

Consent laws are meant to protect kids from adult predators, not from normal teen relationships.
I admit I prefer the law in my state, which makes their relationship a non-punishable offense. However, at the very least it should not be a felony. A misdemeanor, community service, a fine. Ok. But labeling this girl a felon for the rest of her life? Outrageous, IMO.

The problem is that under the law, there is no difference between an 18 year old and 35 year old being the accused. Sentencing can be impacted, but the law sees both people as the same.

I know, which is baffling to me.

The way the same law is written in my state is, if the 2 parties, one over 18, one under 16 are more than 10 years apart, its a felony, if they are both under 18, its not punishable, and if they are less than 4 years apart it can be, at most, a misdemeanor with a $1000 fine.

Why does the law treat a 50 year old with a 13 year old the same as an 18 year old and a 15 year old?

Consent laws are meant to protect kids from adult predators, not from normal teen relationships.

That law is written to take said situations into account, by making the crime different degrees.

Florida probably does not have that, so under the law the 18 year old is just as bad as the 35 year old when the other person is under 16.
How hard is it to tell young adults not to have sex with underage children? Is it that they can't understand? Or, that we expect them to be so biologically driven that they shouldn't be expected to understand?

I was driven so mad with desire that I lost all reason is never going to be a valid defense to any crime. If we keep treating children as animals when they are still malleable, it should not be a surprise that they grow into fully adult animals.

Katz, we usually agree on just about anything, but I can't agree with you here. Telling young adults not to have sex has never proven to be effective. An 18 year old and 15 year old is not the same as a 25 year old and a 12 year old. Just for the sake of argument, lets say that when you were 17.5 years old you were attracted to someone who was 15. I know you can say you wouldn't allow that to happen, but for the sake of argument let's say it did happen. A half a year later you turn 18 and all of a sudden a relationship that was A-OK is now forbidden pedophilia. There is a gray area here where black and white laws just don't do justice. Judges should be able to exercise "judgement" in gray areas. No tolerance laws make judges into proclaimers who simply spout the penalty because they have no choice in the matter.

Why is it that we don't expect young people to have any control over their biological urges. There have always been biological urges and those who can't control them. The difference is now, they aren't expected to control them. A 17 year old boy who had sex with a 15 year old girl would get the absolute shit kicked out of him if there were no criminal penalties. It isn't that at 17.5 the conduct was AOK. It was never AOK. We just expect a level of maturity from someone 18 that we don't expect from someone 17. If they don't have that level of maturity, why not? Something in the maturation process is wrong.

There has never been a law that prevented any kind of conduct, from shoplifting to murder, all laws are ineffective. We end up with zero tolerance laws because of judicial discretion. The judges discretioned all penalties away.

We have here a young woman who is attracted to underage girls. She's not attracted to women, but underage girls. One would think that at the very least, Kaitlyn's own parents would have noticed the relationship, knew their daughter was gay, and started educating her as to appropriate behavior. The age difference of four years might not be important in ten more years but it is now and 14 year old are still guilty of molesting 10 year olds and 8 year olds victimize four year olds. I guarantee you that parents seeing their ten year old hanging around with a 14 year old would have alarm bells ringing.

Is our culture truly this sick, depraved and degenerate that we cannot even recognize predatory behavior? Excuse it when we see it? Is that how bad we've become?

Why ask, the answer is yes.
I admit I prefer the law in my state, which makes their relationship a non-punishable offense. However, at the very least it should not be a felony. A misdemeanor, community service, a fine. Ok. But labeling this girl a felon for the rest of her life? Outrageous, IMO.

The problem is that under the law, there is no difference between an 18 year old and 35 year old being the accused. Sentencing can be impacted, but the law sees both people as the same.

I know, which is baffling to me.

The way the same law is written in my state is, if the 2 parties, one over 18, one under 16 are more than 10 years apart, its a felony, if they are both under 18, its not punishable, and if they are less than 4 years apart it can be, at most, a misdemeanor with a $1000 fine.

Why does the law treat a 50 year old with a 13 year old the same as an 18 year old and a 15 year old?

Consent laws are meant to protect kids from adult predators, not from normal teen relationships.

There's the problem right there. A normal teen relationship now includes having sex. Therefore, a teen that doesn't want to be promiscuous is abnormal and needs to have counseling so that they strip as often as possible.
The problem is that under the law, there is no difference between an 18 year old and 35 year old being the accused. Sentencing can be impacted, but the law sees both people as the same.

I know, which is baffling to me.

The way the same law is written in my state is, if the 2 parties, one over 18, one under 16 are more than 10 years apart, its a felony, if they are both under 18, its not punishable, and if they are less than 4 years apart it can be, at most, a misdemeanor with a $1000 fine.

Why does the law treat a 50 year old with a 13 year old the same as an 18 year old and a 15 year old?

Consent laws are meant to protect kids from adult predators, not from normal teen relationships.

There's the problem right there. A normal teen relationship now includes having sex. Therefore, a teen that doesn't want to be promiscuous is abnormal and needs to have counseling so that they strip as often as possible.

Where do you get this stuff?:confused:
How hard is it to tell young adults not to have sex with underage children? Is it that they can't understand? Or, that we expect them to be so biologically driven that they shouldn't be expected to understand?

I was driven so mad with desire that I lost all reason is never going to be a valid defense to any crime. If we keep treating children as animals when they are still malleable, it should not be a surprise that they grow into fully adult animals.

Katz, we usually agree on just about anything, but I can't agree with you here. Telling young adults not to have sex has never proven to be effective. An 18 year old and 15 year old is not the same as a 25 year old and a 12 year old. Just for the sake of argument, lets say that when you were 17.5 years old you were attracted to someone who was 15. I know you can say you wouldn't allow that to happen, but for the sake of argument let's say it did happen. A half a year later you turn 18 and all of a sudden a relationship that was A-OK is now forbidden pedophilia. There is a gray area here where black and white laws just don't do justice. Judges should be able to exercise "judgement" in gray areas. No tolerance laws make judges into proclaimers who simply spout the penalty because they have no choice in the matter.

Why is it that we don't expect young people to have any control over their biological urges. There have always been biological urges and those who can't control them. The difference is now, they aren't expected to control them. A 17 year old boy who had sex with a 15 year old girl would get the absolute shit kicked out of him if there were no criminal penalties. It isn't that at 17.5 the conduct was AOK. It was never AOK. We just expect a level of maturity from someone 18 that we don't expect from someone 17. If they don't have that level of maturity, why not? Something in the maturation process is wrong.

There has never been a law that prevented any kind of conduct, from shoplifting to murder, all laws are ineffective. We end up with zero tolerance laws because of judicial discretion. The judges discretioned all penalties away.

We have here a young woman who is attracted to underage girls. She's not attracted to women, but underage girls. One would think that at the very least, Kaitlyn's own parents would have noticed the relationship, knew their daughter was gay, and started educating her as to appropriate behavior. The age difference of four years might not be important in ten more years but it is now and 14 year old are still guilty of molesting 10 year olds and 8 year olds victimize four year olds. I guarantee you that parents seeing their ten year old hanging around with a 14 year old would have alarm bells ringing.

Is our culture truly this sick, depraved and degenerate that we cannot even recognize predatory behavior? Excuse it when we see it? Is that how bad we've become?

Why ask, the answer is yes.

Not sure where you live, but that scenario happens every day. Not getting the shit kicked out of them, but 17 year old boys having sex with 15 year old girls. For God's sake, what you're suggesting is that teenagers of similar age can't date and everyone needs to wait until they are over 18 to begin a relationship. Never happened, never will. I have an aunt and uncle who got married when he was 16 and she was 15......with the concent of both sets of parents. Her daddy was the county sherrif. They've been married for over 50 years now. I guess we could go the burqa route and feep the genders seperated, but that seems a bit extreem and counter to human nature.
I know, which is baffling to me.

The way the same law is written in my state is, if the 2 parties, one over 18, one under 16 are more than 10 years apart, its a felony, if they are both under 18, its not punishable, and if they are less than 4 years apart it can be, at most, a misdemeanor with a $1000 fine.

Why does the law treat a 50 year old with a 13 year old the same as an 18 year old and a 15 year old?

Consent laws are meant to protect kids from adult predators, not from normal teen relationships.

There's the problem right there. A normal teen relationship now includes having sex. Therefore, a teen that doesn't want to be promiscuous is abnormal and needs to have counseling so that they strip as often as possible.

Where do you get this stuff?:confused:

I love Katz.:razz:
I know, which is baffling to me.

The way the same law is written in my state is, if the 2 parties, one over 18, one under 16 are more than 10 years apart, its a felony, if they are both under 18, its not punishable, and if they are less than 4 years apart it can be, at most, a misdemeanor with a $1000 fine.

Why does the law treat a 50 year old with a 13 year old the same as an 18 year old and a 15 year old?

Consent laws are meant to protect kids from adult predators, not from normal teen relationships.

There's the problem right there. A normal teen relationship now includes having sex. Therefore, a teen that doesn't want to be promiscuous is abnormal and needs to have counseling so that they strip as often as possible.

Where do you get this stuff?:confused:

From you.
There are plenty of old people on this message board that have less maturity than your typical 14year old. Basing maturity solely on age is a joke.
I threw that in there to piss bodey off. :eusa_shhh:

Bootlicker has had a lifetime of being intimidated by strong women. He tries to excuse it by saying they are dykes and predators. Which, of course, shows he thinks of himself as a victim of these women.

Lying again, making shit up again. Lying liar just lies. You know nothing about me, But we all know about you when you put out there for all to see. :cool:

You mad? I think you are mad.
Bootlicker has had a lifetime of being intimidated by strong women. He tries to excuse it by saying they are dykes and predators. Which, of course, shows he thinks of himself as a victim of these women.

Lying again, making shit up again. Lying liar just lies. You know nothing about me, But we all know about you when you put out there for all to see. :cool:

You mad? I think you are mad.

Nope, Just point out another set of your friend bodeys lies, you keep classy company.
Katz, we usually agree on just about anything, but I can't agree with you here. Telling young adults not to have sex has never proven to be effective. An 18 year old and 15 year old is not the same as a 25 year old and a 12 year old. Just for the sake of argument, lets say that when you were 17.5 years old you were attracted to someone who was 15. I know you can say you wouldn't allow that to happen, but for the sake of argument let's say it did happen. A half a year later you turn 18 and all of a sudden a relationship that was A-OK is now forbidden pedophilia. There is a gray area here where black and white laws just don't do justice. Judges should be able to exercise "judgement" in gray areas. No tolerance laws make judges into proclaimers who simply spout the penalty because they have no choice in the matter.

Why is it that we don't expect young people to have any control over their biological urges. There have always been biological urges and those who can't control them. The difference is now, they aren't expected to control them. A 17 year old boy who had sex with a 15 year old girl would get the absolute shit kicked out of him if there were no criminal penalties. It isn't that at 17.5 the conduct was AOK. It was never AOK. We just expect a level of maturity from someone 18 that we don't expect from someone 17. If they don't have that level of maturity, why not? Something in the maturation process is wrong.

There has never been a law that prevented any kind of conduct, from shoplifting to murder, all laws are ineffective. We end up with zero tolerance laws because of judicial discretion. The judges discretioned all penalties away.

We have here a young woman who is attracted to underage girls. She's not attracted to women, but underage girls. One would think that at the very least, Kaitlyn's own parents would have noticed the relationship, knew their daughter was gay, and started educating her as to appropriate behavior. The age difference of four years might not be important in ten more years but it is now and 14 year old are still guilty of molesting 10 year olds and 8 year olds victimize four year olds. I guarantee you that parents seeing their ten year old hanging around with a 14 year old would have alarm bells ringing.

Is our culture truly this sick, depraved and degenerate that we cannot even recognize predatory behavior? Excuse it when we see it? Is that how bad we've become?

Why ask, the answer is yes.

Not sure where you live, but that scenario happens every day. Not getting the shit kicked out of them, but 17 year old boys having sex with 15 year old girls. For God's sake, what you're suggesting is that teenagers of similar age can't date and everyone needs to wait until they are over 18 to begin a relationship. Never happened, never will. I have an aunt and uncle who got married when he was 16 and she was 15......with the concent of both sets of parents. Her daddy was the county sherrif. They've been married for over 50 years now. I guess we could go the burqa route and feep the genders seperated, but that seems a bit extreem and counter to human nature.

As a matter of fact, everyone TODAY does wait until they are quite up in age before they build a relationship. More and more, TODAY, they don't build relationships at all. It's the hook up culture and Hunt's parents have artfully prepared her for it. The victm's family might feel differently

It's just destructive. Which is why children need guidance.

Still trying for an answer as to what is a "date". Is it going to a movie? Or has the whore definition of date meaning a business transaction with a john become accepted?

If I go to dinner and a play with someone is that a date? Or does it have to end in sex to be a real date?

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