18 year old charged with sex with 14 year old.

14 is too young to be having sex, gay or straight.

Its also too young to be having babies, but more and more 14 year olds are having kids.

I blame that shit on the asinine "reality" tv shows like Mtv's '16 and Pregnant'...that
'show' glorifies and glamorizes teen pregnancy..any one notice how the teen pregnancy rate has skyrocketed since the first season of that sad and sorry pos show?
There are girls across the nation who are getting knocked up and are trying their damnedest to be one of the 'stars' on that show.
It's disgusting.
There is someone very dear to me who is 16 and his GF is 15...they are due July 9th. The GF stays GLUED to that show. I was told they actually TRIED to get pregnant...when I was told otherwise, that it was an 'accident'.
I am still trying to piece it all together in my mind..WHY? Influenced by Morgan Freeman?

Actually it is just the opposite. Teen pregnancy rate is down.
Have you watched the show? It doesn't glorify it. It actually shows what a mess it can be.,
"But the report also specifically cites the popular "16 and Pregnant" series, indicating that 82 percent of the teens who watch it say the show helps them better understand the challenges of teen pregnancy and parenthood – "
From same link.
14 is too young to be having sex, gay or straight.

Its also too young to be having babies, but more and more 14 year olds are having kids.

I blame that shit on the asinine "reality" tv shows like Mtv's '16 and Pregnant'...that
'show' glorifies and glamorizes teen pregnancy..any one notice how the teen pregnancy rate has skyrocketed since the first season of that sad and sorry pos show?
There are girls across the nation who are getting knocked up and are trying their damnedest to be one of the 'stars' on that show.
It's disgusting.
There is someone very dear to me who is 16 and his GF is 15...they are due July 9th. The GF stays GLUED to that show. I was told they actually TRIED to get pregnant...when I was told otherwise, that it was an 'accident'.
I am still trying to piece it all together in my mind..WHY? Influenced by Morgan Freeman?

But MTV is cool and I want to be cool! While teenage pregnancy seems to be down, the idea of it is cooler than ever. It's like when they give attention to serial killers and that just sparks copy cats..Not to sound like a geezer, but TV today is making our kids bar none some of the stupidest ive ever seen.
Its also too young to be having babies, but more and more 14 year olds are having kids.

Actually, statistics show that teenage pregnances are down; there are far less of them than in preceding decades. Due to sex education programs and the availabilty of birth control.

That is untrue..

11 Facts About Teen Pregnancy | Do Something

Not to mention being 17 and preggo in 1970 and 17 and preggo in 2013 are two totally different circumstances. 1970 the girl was just starting her life like she should be (maybe a little early). Today she just ruined her life.
Actually, statistics show that teenage pregnances are down; there are far less of them than in preceding decades. Due to sex education programs and the availabilty of birth control.

That is untrue..

11 Facts About Teen Pregnancy | Do Something

Not to mention being 17 and preggo in 1970 and 17 and preggo in 2013 are two totally different circumstances. 1970 the girl was just starting her life like she should be (maybe a little early). Today she just ruined her life.

Also, a pregnant 17 year old in 1970 wasn't allowed to keep her baby. Nowadays, teenagers are aways given the option.
Its also too young to be having babies, but more and more 14 year olds are having kids.

I blame that shit on the asinine "reality" tv shows like Mtv's '16 and Pregnant'...that
'show' glorifies and glamorizes teen pregnancy..any one notice how the teen pregnancy rate has skyrocketed since the first season of that sad and sorry pos show?
There are girls across the nation who are getting knocked up and are trying their damnedest to be one of the 'stars' on that show.
It's disgusting.
There is someone very dear to me who is 16 and his GF is 15...they are due July 9th. The GF stays GLUED to that show. I was told they actually TRIED to get pregnant...when I was told otherwise, that it was an 'accident'.
I am still trying to piece it all together in my mind..WHY? Influenced by Morgan Freeman?

Actually it is just the opposite. Teen pregnancy rate is down.
Have you watched the show? It doesn't glorify it. It actually shows what a mess it can be.,
A force behind the lower teen birthrate: MTV's '16 and Pregnant' - CSMonitor.com

Yes, I have watched it...at first I thought the same as you, but the further into season one, and now season two, I got the sense that these girls and the rest of the people involved in their lives were being directed as to what to say and do...these kids and their families are PAID to be on the show...at 15 and 16 what do most girls want to do with that money? Go buy clothes, get their hair done, get their nails done, wear the best shoes money can buy. Take a good look at how these girls appear...where do you think they are getting the money to get cars, apts. baby clothes etc.
And, some of them are either on their way to becoming pregnant AGAIN or already are...more babies, more money for the show and the kids that are on it. THAT is why it's glamorous to the millions of teens that watch that show...get pregnant, get PAID if you can get on the show.
Actually, statistics show that teenage pregnances are down; there are far less of them than in preceding decades. Due to sex education programs and the availabilty of birth control.

That is untrue..

11 Facts About Teen Pregnancy | Do Something

Not to mention being 17 and preggo in 1970 and 17 and preggo in 2013 are two totally different circumstances. 1970 the girl was just starting her life like she should be (maybe a little early). Today she just ruined her life.

Nailed. Not only that but the latest 'statistics' only show 2010 and 2011 rates. The show first aired 2012...the second season is running now as I type this...and the show is searching for season three pregnant teens as well.
Keep getting pregnant girls and you just might land a spot on '16 and Pregnant'.

Not to mention being 17 and preggo in 1970 and 17 and preggo in 2013 are two totally different circumstances. 1970 the girl was just starting her life like she should be (maybe a little early). Today she just ruined her life.

Nailed. Not only that but the latest 'statistics' only show 2010 and 2011 rates. The show first aired 2012...the second season is running now as I type this...and the show is searching for season three pregnant teens as well.
Keep getting pregnant girls and you just might land a spot on '16 and Pregnant'.

No it didn't. The show came out in 2009.
And it's already on its 5th season, not third.
I don't think you know much about the show.

Not to mention being 17 and preggo in 1970 and 17 and preggo in 2013 are two totally different circumstances. 1970 the girl was just starting her life like she should be (maybe a little early). Today she just ruined her life.

Also, a pregnant 17 year old in 1970 wasn't allowed to keep her baby. Nowadays, teenagers are aways given the option.

Yes they were. They usually got married, but even if they didn't, they had the choice of keeping their baby. You are thinking of the 1950's, not the 1970's. The 70's were not the dark ages.
Its also too young to be having babies, but more and more 14 year olds are having kids.

Actually, statistics show that teenage pregnances are down; there are far less of them than in preceding decades. Due to sex education programs and the availabilty of birth control.

That is untrue..

11 Facts About Teen Pregnancy | Do Something

No, it isn't untrue. Whatever reality program you are watching about teen pregnancy, they are misleading you, probably to get higher ratings.

This is quoted from the Center for Disease Control and Prevention:
The U.S. teen birth rate declined 9 percent from 2009 to 2010, reaching a historic low at 34.3 births per 1,000 women aged 15–19; the rate dropped 44 percent from 1991 through 2010.
Products - Data Briefs - Number 89 - April 2012

The website you cited, though an admirable cause, is biased and not giving full and unbiased information: again, in order to promote their agenda; an agenda, btw, which I fully support--eliminating teen pregnancy. But they are not being honest.

After experiencing its highest teen pregnancy rates, the United States is now witnessing its lowest in at least nine decades.

In 1990 the rate of teenagers becoming pregnant (116.9 per 1,000 individuals) reached a modern high. Since then, the rate has plummeted. By 2008 (the most recent year for which complete figures are available), the teen pregnancy rate was down to 67.8 per 1,000 individuals.

Although pregnancy rates are not available for the years before 1972, birth rates by age groups are known going back to 1917. The 2009 teen birth rate of 39.1 per 1,000 is the lowest ever. Between 1954 and 1960 the teenage birth rate was consistently above 90 per 1,000. Since 1999, each year’s rate has been below 50. Prior to 1999, the only year in which the teenage birth rate dipped that low was the Depression year of 1933.

In addition to the reduction in teens becoming pregnant, the number of those under 20 having abortions also has dropped significantly. The teenage abortion rate in 2008 was 17.8 per 1,000 women. According to the Guttmacher Institute, this figure is the lowest since abortion was legalized in 1973 and represents a 59% drop compared to the peak year of 1988, when the rate was 43.5.

From 1986 to 2008, the percentage of teenage pregnancies terminated by abortion dropped from 46% to 31%. This being the case, researchers attribute the teen birth rate decline to increased use of contraception and, to a lesser extent, delayed sexual activity.
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This girls life shouldn't be ruined because she had no idea what she was doing was illegal. She was in high school, the parents should have dealt with this, not ruin her life. .

Would you apply that thinking (which runs directly contrary to the actual law) to all crimes committed by legal adults who happen to be in high school?
I'm so glad there are progressives in the world, who will teach children everywhere that no law should keep you from screwing, no matter how old you are...and if you do opt to have sex with an adult, your secret is safe with them!

Warms the cockles of my heart.

I don't think that is what any of us are saying. This girls life shouldn't be ruined because she had no idea what she was doing was illegal. She was in high school, the parents should have dealt with this, not ruin her life.
If my son was dating a 14 year old when he was a senior, I would work with her parents to make sure they weren't seeing each other. It's called being a parent.

With only rare exceptions the courts have long held that ignorance of the law is no excuse.

Ignorantia juris non excusat or ignorantia legis neminem excusat (Latin for "ignorance of the law does not excuse" or "ignorance of the law excuses no one") is a legal principle holding that a person who is unaware of a law may not escape liability for violating that law merely because he or she was unaware of its content. In the United States, exceptions to this general rule are found in cases such as Lambert v. California (knowledge of city ordinances) and Cheek v. United States (willfulness requirement in U.S. federal tax crimes).

Ignorantia juris non excusat - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
I'm so glad there are progressives in the world, who will teach children everywhere that no law should keep you from screwing, no matter how old you are...and if you do opt to have sex with an adult, your secret is safe with them!

Warms the cockles of my heart.

I don't think that is what any of us are saying. This girls life shouldn't be ruined because she had no idea what she was doing was illegal. She was in high school, the parents should have dealt with this, not ruin her life.
If my son was dating a 14 year old when he was a senior, I would work with her parents to make sure they weren't seeing each other. It's called being a parent.

With only rare exceptions the courts have long held that ignorance of the law is no excuse.

Ignorantia juris non excusat or ignorantia legis neminem excusat (Latin for "ignorance of the law does not excuse" or "ignorance of the law excuses no one") is a legal principle holding that a person who is unaware of a law may not escape liability for violating that law merely because he or she was unaware of its content. In the United States, exceptions to this general rule are found in cases such as Lambert v. California (knowledge of city ordinances) and Cheek v. United States (willfulness requirement in U.S. federal tax crimes).

Ignorantia juris non excusat - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I never claimed anything different, but thank you, I needed a Wikipedia link to back up common sense.
I don't think that is what any of us are saying. This girls life shouldn't be ruined because she had no idea what she was doing was illegal. She was in high school, the parents should have dealt with this, not ruin her life.
If my son was dating a 14 year old when he was a senior, I would work with her parents to make sure they weren't seeing each other. It's called being a parent.

With only rare exceptions the courts have long held that ignorance of the law is no excuse.

Ignorantia juris non excusat or ignorantia legis neminem excusat (Latin for "ignorance of the law does not excuse" or "ignorance of the law excuses no one") is a legal principle holding that a person who is unaware of a law may not escape liability for violating that law merely because he or she was unaware of its content. In the United States, exceptions to this general rule are found in cases such as Lambert v. California (knowledge of city ordinances) and Cheek v. United States (willfulness requirement in U.S. federal tax crimes).

Ignorantia juris non excusat - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I never claimed anything different, but thank you, I needed a Wikipedia link to back up common sense.

You claimed that her life shouldn't be ruined over something she didn't know was the law. LOL. How quickly you forget your own posts. And you wouldn't be able to understand a legal text. Wiki is all you can handle. So that's all you get.
With only rare exceptions the courts have long held that ignorance of the law is no excuse.

Ignorantia juris non excusat - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I never claimed anything different, but thank you, I needed a Wikipedia link to back up common sense.

You claimed that her life shouldn't be ruined over something she didn't know was the law. LOL. How quickly you forget your own posts. And you wouldn't be able to understand a legal text. Wiki is all you can handle. So that's all you get.

I know what I said, but i never claimed she could use it as a defense in trial.
Obviously I am not the one who can only handle Wikipedia.
Did you actually read what I posted before posting your Wikipedia link?
It was quite obvious what point I was making... But from what I can tell, you have a hard time understanding what is obvious let alone anything that requires any sort of brain power.
I never claimed anything different, but thank you, I needed a Wikipedia link to back up common sense.

You claimed that her life shouldn't be ruined over something she didn't know was the law. LOL. How quickly you forget your own posts. And you wouldn't be able to understand a legal text. Wiki is all you can handle. So that's all you get.

I know what I said, but i never claimed she could use it as a defense in trial.
Obviously I am not the one who can only handle Wikipedia.

It was implied in your post that she SHOULD be able to get off because she didn't know about the law. Do you know what implied means? I didn't think so.

You said:
I don't think that is what any of us are saying. This girls life shouldn't be ruined because she had no idea what she was doing was illegal. She was in high school, the parents should have dealt with this, not ruin her life.
If my son was dating a 14 year old when he was a senior, I would work with her parents to make sure they weren't seeing each other. It's called being a parent.
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You claimed that her life shouldn't be ruined over something she didn't know was the law. LOL. How quickly you forget your own posts. And you wouldn't be able to understand a legal text. Wiki is all you can handle. So that's all you get.

I know what I said, but i never claimed she could use it as a defense in trial.
Obviously I am not the one who can only handle Wikipedia.

It was implied in your post that she SHOULD be able to get off because she didn't know about the law. Do you know what implied means? I didn't think so.

No it wasn't.

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