18 year old charged with sex with 14 year old.

If there is a law, and she violated it, she did the crime, so now she can do the time. If we enforce a law against one and not another, then that is no kind of legal system. The people of that state elect their lawmakers. If that is how they want it, the so mote it be.
I'm not suggesting she not get punished becauses she's a girl. I'm calling the law awful.
Pedophilia is one of the worst crimes due to its recidivism rate after both therapy and punitive corrections. The 18-year-old woman should never again be allowed access to children.

No offense, but it sounds like you don't know what pedophilia is.

I think most of us who can remember back to high school, know a high school senior who at some point dated a high school freshmen. I said earlier, my friend married his high school sweetheart and they are also 3 years apart.

Attempting to make this girl into a pedophile is beyond silly.
I'm not suggesting she not get punished becauses she's a girl. I'm calling the law awful.
Pedophilia is one of the worst crimes due to its recidivism rate after both therapy and punitive corrections. The 18-year-old woman should never again be allowed access to children.

No offense, but it sounds like you don't know what pedophilia is.

I think most of us who can remember back to high school, know a high school senior who at some point dated a high school freshmen. I said earlier, my friend married his high school sweetheart and they are also 3 years apart.

Attempting to make this girl into a pedophile is beyond silly.

This might help:


While there are no pics of her....let us assume the 15 year old is NOT prepubescent.
I'm not suggesting she not get punished becauses she's a girl. I'm calling the law awful.
Pedophilia is one of the worst crimes due to its recidivism rate after both therapy and punitive corrections. The 18-year-old woman should never again be allowed access to children.

An. 18 year old is not a pedophile with a 15 year old

To prosecute it is a miscarriage of justice
Why is everyone saying she was 14?

And yes, sex with a minor by an adult is pedophilia. An 18-year-old is an adult.
I'm not suggesting she not get punished becauses she's a girl. I'm calling the law awful.
Pedophilia is one of the worst crimes due to its recidivism rate after both therapy and punitive corrections. The 18-year-old woman should never again be allowed access to children.

No offense, but it sounds like you don't know what pedophilia is.

I think most of us who can remember back to high school, know a high school senior who at some point dated a high school freshmen. I said earlier, my friend married his high school sweetheart and they are also 3 years apart.

Attempting to make this girl into a pedophile is beyond silly.

Pedophilia is the inappropriate love for a minor child by an adult who is 18 years old or older. They do it because a much younger person is less resistant to bullshit than an older person and is more likely to acquiesce to advances than a same-age contemporary.
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It's not necessarily pedophilia...but the gamut of sex offenses is wide.

She MAY be a pedophile...I had a couple of female pedophiles (guess what? 18 year olds!) who were pedophiles; they groomed and preyed upon kids they babysat...and those relationships sometimes went on for years, well after the kids were no longer pre-pubescent, and starting before the girls were 18.

And I wonder if this 14 year old was actually in high school, or middle school, when targeted by her. Because most high schools aren't grades 9-12 anymore...most are 10-12.
Pedophilia is one of the worst crimes due to its recidivism rate after both therapy and punitive corrections. The 18-year-old woman should never again be allowed access to children.

An. 18 year old is not a pedophile with a 15 year old

To prosecute it is a miscarriage of justice
Why is everyone saying she was 14?

And yes, sex with a minor by an adult is pedophilia. An 18-year-old is an adult.

No it's not. Two teenagers dating does not pedophilia make. Who should teens be attracted to if not other teens?

This relationship isn't even illegal in every state, let alone even remotely close to the heinous crime of pedophilia.
Keeping teens from having sex should be the responsibility of parents, not the state. Consent laws are in place to protect children from predators, not ruin their lives for making impulsive decisions when they think they're in love.

This girl is facing 7-15 years in prison and may have to register as a sex offender. Her life as she knew it will be over before she's even out of high school.

Too bad.

She's an adult. If she had broken into a liquor store she would have been tried as an adult as well.

Her parents should have taught her not to act on every impulse, particularly those impulses that will land you in jail.

But I'll bet her parents, like you, told her that her sexuality was "normal", and that the law was secondary to her own desires.

So tell us, Amy, are you a mandatory reporter? Because if you are, and you have stated that you would break the law in order to *protect* children having illegal sex with adults, that could be a problem. Particularly if you work with children.

Oooohhh...do I detect a subtle threat?

Seems to me that when I read the terms and conditions of this forum, intruding into people's real identities, or exposing them in any way was against the rules.
I don't think they should be having sex.

But like I said earlier, I don't think teens engaging in sexual contact with one another should be a criminal issue. As I've also said, in my state, what they did is not a punishable offense. The age of consent is 16, and any one over the age of 13 but under the age of consent can fall into the close in age exemption as long as they are no more than 4 years apart.

But I do understand that the Florida law is not the same.

13, 14 and 15 is too young...16 is too young.

IMO by creating an exemption, you are giving tacit approval to the behavior.

Yeah, well when I graduated from high school in 1970, I was one of only three virgins in my graduating class of 19 girls and 6 boys. So, apparently way back in the 60s kids were having sex at those ages, so it's nothing new. And it's probably pretty normal. My own younger sister was only 15 when she first had sex (so I found out later!).
It's not necessarily pedophilia...but the gamut of sex offenses is wide.

She MAY be a pedophile...I had a couple of female pedophiles (guess what? 18 year olds!) who were pedophiles; they groomed and preyed upon kids they babysat...and those relationships sometimes went on for years, well after the kids were no longer pre-pubescent, and starting before the girls were 18.

And I wonder if this 14 year old was actually in high school, or middle school, when targeted by her. Because most high schools aren't grades 9-12 anymore...most are 10-12.

You have the most interesting ANECDOTES, I must say.
Keeping teens from having sex should be the responsibility of parents, not the state. Consent laws are in place to protect children from predators, not ruin their lives for making impulsive decisions when they think they're in love.

This girl is facing 7-15 years in prison and may have to register as a sex offender. Her life as she knew it will be over before she's even out of high school.

If there is a law, and she violated it, she did the crime, so now she can do the time. If we enforce a law against one and not another, then that is no kind of legal system. The people of that state elect their lawmakers. If that is how they want it, the so mote it be.
I'm not suggesting she not get punished becauses she's a girl. I'm calling the law awful.

Well, obviously the people of that state of quite comfortable with it themselves. Did you know that incest is not incest in every state. In KY sex with your first cousin is incest. In TN, it is not and you can marry your first cousin. The perp is 18. If what she did is a crime in that state according to laws written by the elected officials of that state, then she should be tried. I do know of a case in TN, in which two 17 year olds were 'involved.' The parents of the girl waited for the boy to turn 18 and sought prosecution. But the courts threw that one out, because the two were only months apart in age. Years apart in age, generally, is a concern as well when these laws are written.
If there is a law, and she violated it, she did the crime, so now she can do the time. If we enforce a law against one and not another, then that is no kind of legal system. The people of that state elect their lawmakers. If that is how they want it, the so mote it be.
I'm not suggesting she not get punished becauses she's a girl. I'm calling the law awful.

Well, obviously the people of that state of quite comfortable with it themselves. Did you know that incest is not incest in every state. In KY sex with your first cousin is incest. In TN, it is not and you can marry your first cousin. The perp is 18. If what she did is a crime in that state according to laws written by the elected officials of that state, then she should be tried. I do know of a case in TN, in which two 17 year olds were 'involved.' The parents of the girl waited for the boy to turn 18 and sought prosecution. But the courts threw that one out, because the two were only months apart in age. Years apart in age, generally, is a concern as well when these laws are written.

A majority may be happy with their age of consent laws. Who knows, maybe the about of international attention on this will spark a debate where they will change the law.
An. 18 year old is not a pedophile with a 15 year old

To prosecute it is a miscarriage of justice
Why is everyone saying she was 14?

And yes, sex with a minor by an adult is pedophilia. An 18-year-old is an adult.

No it's not. Two teenagers dating does not pedophilia make. Who should teens be attracted to if not other teens?

This relationship isn't even illegal in every state, let alone even remotely close to the heinous crime of pedophilia.

Pedophilia is a DSM VI TR diagnosis for adults who are sexually attracted to children. The crime charged is generally 'rape of a child' or similar wording. The laws of the state define who is an adult and who is a child.

As a medical diagnosis, pedophilia or paedophilia is a psychiatric disorder in persons 16 years of age or older typically characterized by a primary or exclusive sexual interest toward prepubescent children (generally age 11 years or younger, though specific diagnosis criteria for the disorder extends the cut-off point for prepubescence to age 13).[1][2][3][4] An adolescent who is 16 years of age or older must be at least five years older than the prepubescent child before the attraction can be diagnosed as pedophilia.[1][2]

ICD-10 and DSM The ICD-10 defines pedophilia as "a sexual preference for children, boys or girls or both, usually of prepubertal or early pubertal age".[5] Under this system's criteria, a person 16 years of age or older meets the definition if they have a persistent or predominant sexual preference for prepubescent children at least five years younger than them.[2]

I do wish people would stop confusing the illness with the crime. It is highly possible that there are many people out there with a penchant for children who have never perpetrated a child, but rather have struggled and dealt with their issues of sexual preferences for children through pschiatry.
Why is everyone saying she was 14?

And yes, sex with a minor by an adult is pedophilia. An 18-year-old is an adult.

No it's not. Two teenagers dating does not pedophilia make. Who should teens be attracted to if not other teens?

This relationship isn't even illegal in every state, let alone even remotely close to the heinous crime of pedophilia.

Pedophilia is a DSM VI TR diagnosis for adults who are sexually attracted to children. The crime charged is generally 'rape of a child' or similar wording. The laws of the state define who is an adult and who is a child.

As a medical diagnosis, pedophilia or paedophilia is a psychiatric disorder in persons 16 years of age or older typically characterized by a primary or exclusive sexual interest toward prepubescent children (generally age 11 years or younger, though specific diagnosis criteria for the disorder extends the cut-off point for prepubescence to age 13).[1][2][3][4] An adolescent who is 16 years of age or older must be at least five years older than the prepubescent child before the attraction can be diagnosed as pedophilia.[1][2]

ICD-10 and DSM The ICD-10 defines pedophilia as "a sexual preference for children, boys or girls or both, usually of prepubertal or early pubertal age".[5] Under this system's criteria, a person 16 years of age or older meets the definition if they have a persistent or predominant sexual preference for prepubescent children at least five years younger than them.[2]

I do wish people would stop confusing the illness with the crime. It is highly possible that there are many people out there with a penchant for children who have never perpetrated a child, but rather have struggled and dealt with their issues of sexual preferences for children through pschiatry.

Chain those crazy people to the wall in a basement--they skeer me
Why is everyone saying she was 14?

And yes, sex with a minor by an adult is pedophilia. An 18-year-old is an adult.

No it's not. Two teenagers dating does not pedophilia make. Who should teens be attracted to if not other teens?

This relationship isn't even illegal in every state, let alone even remotely close to the heinous crime of pedophilia.

Pedophilia is a DSM VI TR diagnosis for adults who are sexually attracted to children. The crime charged is generally 'rape of a child' or similar wording. The laws of the state define who is an adult and who is a child.

As a medical diagnosis, pedophilia or paedophilia is a psychiatric disorder in persons 16 years of age or older typically characterized by a primary or exclusive sexual interest toward prepubescent children (generally age 11 years or younger, though specific diagnosis criteria for the disorder extends the cut-off point for prepubescence to age 13).[1][2][3][4] An adolescent who is 16 years of age or older must be at least five years older than the prepubescent child before the attraction can be diagnosed as pedophilia.[1][2]

ICD-10 and DSM The ICD-10 defines pedophilia as "a sexual preference for children, boys or girls or both, usually of prepubertal or early pubertal age".[5] Under this system's criteria, a person 16 years of age or older meets the definition if they have a persistent or predominant sexual preference for prepubescent children at least five years younger than them.[2]

I do wish people would stop confusing the illness with the crime. It is highly possible that there are many people out there with a penchant for children who have never perpetrated a child, but rather have struggled and dealt with their issues of sexual preferences for children through pschiatry.
Interesting information:)
No it's not. Two teenagers dating does not pedophilia make. Who should teens be attracted to if not other teens?

This relationship isn't even illegal in every state, let alone even remotely close to the heinous crime of pedophilia.

Pedophilia is a DSM VI TR diagnosis for adults who are sexually attracted to children. The crime charged is generally 'rape of a child' or similar wording. The laws of the state define who is an adult and who is a child.


ICD-10 and DSM The ICD-10 defines pedophilia as "a sexual preference for children, boys or girls or both, usually of prepubertal or early pubertal age".[5] Under this system's criteria, a person 16 years of age or older meets the definition if they have a persistent or predominant sexual preference for prepubescent children at least five years younger than them.[2]

I do wish people would stop confusing the illness with the crime. It is highly possible that there are many people out there with a penchant for children who have never perpetrated a child, but rather have struggled and dealt with their issues of sexual preferences for children through pschiatry.

Chain those crazy people to the wall in a basement--they skeer me

Who? The DSM people? Hell yes, they skeer me too and I worked in the field for 25 years. They can turn any ordinary hiccup into a disorder or take any perversion and turn it normal. It is a highly political process. If you don't believe it go back and read from the very first years of there being a DSM. You will see what I mean.

Having the credentials to diagnose and treat psychiatric disorders, there are some diagnoses I simply will not give a patient because I find them problematic. I rarely put in an Axis II disorder (Personality disorder) because the staff will read that in the chart and use it as an excuse to be hateful to the patient. But one I particularly loathe is Dependent Personality Disorder. Women in the south particularly are taught to 'find a good man to take care of you.' So they do that, and all is well with the world. Then that 'good man' dies or trades her in for a younger model and she has no way to support herself, can't find her way through life because she bought the bill of goods, and all of a sudden she has a 'disorder.' IMO, any woman who bought into that garbage has one hell of a lot of shit to go through, and having a diagnosis of some 'disroder' piled on top of it is just the triple whammy.

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