18 year old charged with sex with 14 year old.

I think reasonable people would agree that if this turns out to be a case of kissing and nothing more, this girl should never have been arrested or charged with any crime.

That is certainly my opinion.

And I also concur that if sex was involved, the filing of charges is unobjectionable.
While it may be their right to file, I still think it was a terrible idea. Instead of keeping it a private matter, they choose to take their 14 year old daughters sexual preference public. While nationally her identity may not be public, I'm sure everyone in her community knows.

Now she has to deal with the fact that her girlfriend is facing 15 years in jail, a trial where she may he forced to testify, issues with her parents, issues with peers at school, and all those in her community who know.

I could think of many crimes a school age girl could be a victim that the reporting of may have the side-effect of stigmatization...

Do you believe in those cases that stigmatization should be the determining factor in reporting a crime?

I believe as parents you have to put your child before everything, including your own personal opinions and even reporting a crime.

From everything Ive read they didn't make any attempts to help their child privately. They have tramatized her in far unnecessary ways. They could have called the other girls parents, spoken to the principal, tried to work something out.

Instead they made their daughters relationship into a three ring circus and I bet before this is over she drops out of that school.
While it may be their right to file, I still think it was a terrible idea. Instead of keeping it a private matter, they choose to take their 14 year old daughters sexual preference public. While nationally her identity may not be public, I'm sure everyone in her community knows.

Now she has to deal with the fact that her girlfriend is facing 15 years in jail, a trial where she may he forced to testify, issues with her parents, issues with peers at school, and all those in her community who know.

I could think of many crimes a school age girl could be a victim that the reporting of may have the side-effect of stigmatization...

Do you believe in those cases that stigmatization should be the determining factor in reporting a crime?

I believe as parents you have to put your child before everything, including your own personal opinions and even reporting a crime.

From everything Ive read they didn't make any attempts to help their child privately. They have tramatized her in far unnecessary ways. They could have called the other girls parents, spoken to the principal, tried to work something out.

Instead they made their daughters relationship into a three ring circus and I bet before this is over she drops out of that school.

I doubt the parents thought it would blow up like this...I wouldn't have.

In my minds eye, I picture the parents finding out an 18 year old was having an improper sexual relationship with their 14 year old and immediately called the police...which is what reasonable people do when they believe a crime has been committed.

I cannot fault them for that.
Btw, in case you didn't catch it. I don't view the 14/15 year old as a victim of the 17/18 year old. They are both victims of poor parental decisions and a bad law.

It doesn't matter what you view. It's a crime, regardless of whether you think that good parents allow their children to have sex with adults or not.
how does it change anything about this story?

if it was an 18 year old boy and a 14 year old girl it would not have made national news.

because it was an 18 year old lesbian corrupting a 14 year old girl, it makes front page news.

I am not saying that is right or wrong, just stating facts.
Apparently you missed the Jerry Lee Lewis story. *sigh*

He got kicked out of England and booed when he got back to the states for marrying his underage cousin.
Btw, in case you didn't catch it. I don't view the 14/15 year old as a victim of the 17/18 year old. They are both victims of poor parental decisions and a bad law.

IMO, a 13, 14 or 15 year old girl shouldn't be having sexual contact with anyone...that's why we have an age of consent.

At 16/17, I'll concede that it takes two to tango and no ones life should be ruined. Many states the age of consent IS 16 or 17...I don't agree with that, but that is the law.

At 18+, too bad, so sad, but if you aren't dating the same person you were dating when you were also a minor, you better be prepared to face the music.

With the age of majority come responsibility...and one of the responsibilities is to understand boundaries. One of those boundaries is the age of consent.
I don't think they should be having sex.

But like I said earlier, I don't think teens engaging in sexual contact with one another should be a criminal issue. As I've also said, in my state, what they did is not a punishable offense. The age of consent is 16, and any one over the age of 13 but under the age of consent can fall into the close in age exemption as long as they are no more than 4 years apart.

But I do understand that the Florida law is not the same.
how does it change anything about this story?

if it was an 18 year old boy and a 14 year old girl it would not have made national news.

because it was an 18 year old lesbian corrupting a 14 year old girl, it makes front page news.

I am not saying that is right or wrong, just stating facts.
Apparently you missed the Jerry Lee Lewis story. *sigh*

He got kicked out of England and booed when he got back to the states for marrying his underage cousin.

Scubble dum. I mean, double scum! My mother hated him, and I never knew why until I saw that movie.
Just curious, who here wasn't horny as hell at 14 and 15 years old? If you say "not me", you're lying. I'm in no way suggesting that 14 and 15 year olds should be having sex, but to deny that they are sexual beings and are not attracted to people their age or a few years older is delusional. It's the way God made us.
I don't think they should be having sex.

But like I said earlier, I don't think teens engaging in sexual contact with one another should be a criminal issue. As I've also said, in my state, what they did is not a punishable offense. The age of consent is 16, and any one over the age of 13 but under the age of consent can fall into the close in age exemption as long as they are no more than 4 years apart.

But I do understand that the Florida law is not the same.

13, 14 and 15 is too young...16 is too young.

IMO by creating an exemption, you are giving tacit approval to the behavior.
I think reasonable people would agree that if this turns out to be a case of kissing and nothing more, this girl should never have been arrested or charged with any crime.

That is certainly my opinion.

And I also concur that if sex was involved, the filing of charges is unobjectionable.
While it may be their right to file, I still think it was a terrible idea. Instead of keeping it a private matter, they choose to take their 14 year old daughters sexual preference public. While nationally her identity may not be public, I'm sure everyone in her community knows.

Now she has to deal with the fact that her girlfriend is facing 15 years in jail, a trial where she may he forced to testify, issues with her parents, issues with peers at school, and all those in her community who know.

I could think of many crimes a school age girl could be a victim that the reporting of may have the side-effect of stigmatization...

Do you believe in those cases that stigmatization should be the determining factor in reporting a crime?

I think she is more stigmatized by her parents overreaction
Keeping teens from having sex should be the responsibility of parents, not the state. Consent laws are in place to protect children from predators, not ruin their lives for making impulsive decisions when they think they're in love.

This girl is facing 7-15 years in prison and may have to register as a sex offender. Her life as she knew it will be over before she's even out of high school.
Just curious, who here wasn't horny as hell at 14 and 15 years old? If you say "not me", you're lying. I'm in no way suggesting that 14 and 15 year olds should be having sex, but to deny that they are sexual beings and are not attracted to people their age or a few years older is delusional. It's the way God made us.

When I was in school, it was a status symbol for a girl to have an 'upper classman' as a boyfriend. But we didn't have the pill then, so we didn't always act on our impulses. Most of us, anyway.

These were two girls. But, IMO, if there is a law that was broken, then what's good for the gander is good for the goose. They would be ready to string a male perp up by the toes.
Keeping teens from having sex should be the responsibility of parents, not the state. Consent laws are in place to protect children from predators, not ruin their lives for making impulsive decisions when they think they're in love.

This girl is facing 7-15 years in prison and may have to register as a sex offender. Her life as she knew it will be over before she's even out of high school.

If there is a law, and she violated it, she did the crime, so now she can do the time. If we enforce a law against one and not another, then that is no kind of legal system. The people of that state elect their lawmakers. If that is how they want it, the so mote it be.
Keeping teens from having sex should be the responsibility of parents, not the state. Consent laws are in place to protect children from predators, not ruin their lives for making impulsive decisions when they think they're in love.

This girl is facing 7-15 years in prison and may have to register as a sex offender. Her life as she knew it will be over before she's even out of high school.

Too bad.

She's an adult. If she had broken into a liquor store she would have been tried as an adult as well.

Her parents should have taught her not to act on every impulse, particularly those impulses that will land you in jail.

But I'll bet her parents, like you, told her that her sexuality was "normal", and that the law was secondary to her own desires.

So tell us, Amy, are you a mandatory reporter? Because if you are, and you have stated that you would break the law in order to *protect* children having illegal sex with adults, that could be a problem. Particularly if you work with children.
Keeping teens from having sex should be the responsibility of parents, not the state. Consent laws are in place to protect children from predators, not ruin their lives for making impulsive decisions when they think they're in love.

This girl is facing 7-15 years in prison and may have to register as a sex offender. Her life as she knew it will be over before she's even out of high school.

If there is a law, and she violated it, she did the crime, so now she can do the time. If we enforce a law against one and not another, then that is no kind of legal system. The people of that state elect their lawmakers. If that is how they want it, the so mote it be.
I'm not suggesting she not get punished becauses she's a girl. I'm calling the law awful.
The 18 year old should have not had sex with the younger person. It is as simple as that. However, if the mother of the underage girl thinks this will stop her daughter from seeing the 18 year old or anyone else she will be sadly mistaken.
Keeping teens from having sex should be the responsibility of parents, not the state. Consent laws are in place to protect children from predators, not ruin their lives for making impulsive decisions when they think they're in love.

This girl is facing 7-15 years in prison and may have to register as a sex offender. Her life as she knew it will be over before she's even out of high school.

If there is a law, and she violated it, she did the crime, so now she can do the time. If we enforce a law against one and not another, then that is no kind of legal system. The people of that state elect their lawmakers. If that is how they want it, the so mote it be.
I'm not suggesting she not get punished becauses she's a girl. I'm calling the law awful.
Pedophilia is one of the worst crimes due to its recidivism rate after both therapy and punitive corrections. The 18-year-old woman should never again be allowed access to children.
If there is a law, and she violated it, she did the crime, so now she can do the time. If we enforce a law against one and not another, then that is no kind of legal system. The people of that state elect their lawmakers. If that is how they want it, the so mote it be.
I'm not suggesting she not get punished becauses she's a girl. I'm calling the law awful.
Pedophilia is one of the worst crimes due to its recidivism rate after both therapy and punitive corrections. The 18-year-old woman should never again be allowed access to children.

An. 18 year old is not a pedophile with a 15 year old

To prosecute it is a miscarriage of justice

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