18 Yr Old Pepper Sprayed and Tazered for Sitting in a Parked Car

Title is wrong. The 18yo got manhandled because he decided to wrestle
He did no such thing
Jerk away from a cop giving you a pat down and it's game on.

The pat down was illegal.

Actually it was NOT.

Terry Frisk. From Terry v. Ohio SCOTUS law. FEDERAL law. Supercedes state law.t.

The only problem is that you're a known liar so anything you say is most likely bullshit. You've hurt your credibility
The drug buyer was "agitated" and got into a physical confrontation with a LEO.
The drug buyer lost and ended up in jail.
Any LEO is legally within their rights to detain anyone if they have reasonable suspicion a crime has occurred or is occurring.
When someone get's into a fight with a LEO a crime is being committed.
The Gestapo are claiming they had a right to search him (they legally don't) because he was sitting in his car in a "predictive hot spot."

Can police arrest you for parking where criminals like to park?

What's a "predictive hot spot"? Some place he regularly parked, was known to routinely park? If that's the case, perhaps it appeared like suspicious behavior.

It's a buzzword that police use in order to throw out the Constitution and go on harassment and fishing expeditions.
There are two things you say to the police: "This interaction is being recorded and saved off-site in real time. Am I being detained or am I free to go?" Answer to all questions should be, "Am I being detained or am I free to go?"
There are two things you say to the police: "This interaction is being recorded and saved off-site in real time. Am I being detained or am I free to go?" Answer to all questions should be, "Am I being detained or am I free to go?"
If they are asking you questions you are being detained, duh. You're just setting yourself up as a wiseass looking for trouble and cops have a lot of trouble to offer.
Hence "This interaction is being recorded and saved off-site in real time." (You don't have to send it to the cloud in real-time, they just need to THINK you are.)
There are two things you say to the police: "This interaction is being recorded and saved off-site in real time. Am I being detained or am I free to go?" Answer to all questions should be, "Am I being detained or am I free to go?"
I know you!
I dealt with you and your asshole buddies a long time ago. Frankly I'm surprised your are able to use a keyboard.
Comply and cooperate. Be polite and respectful. Let the officer satisfy his curiosity and the both of you can be on your way. If there is a problem, sort it out later. Don't force an encounter to develop into an altercation. You're not holding any cards.

And one more minor thing: Don't break the law and you won't have to worry about the cops.

There are two things you say to the police: "This interaction is being recorded and saved off-site in real time. Am I being detained or am I free to go?" Answer to all questions should be, "Am I being detained or am I free to go?"
I know you!
I dealt with you and your asshole buddies a long time ago. Frankly I'm surprised your are able to use a keyboard.

Are you posting drunk again?
There are two things you say to the police: "This interaction is being recorded and saved off-site in real time. Am I being detained or am I free to go?" Answer to all questions should be, "Am I being detained or am I free to go?"
I know you!
I dealt with you and your asshole buddies a long time ago. Frankly I'm surprised your are able to use a keyboard.

Are you posting drunk again?
That's it? A one-liner?

The feral negro bitch got off lucky. Another time and place and she'd be dragged by her hair out of the classroom then shot stone dead while 'resisting arrest' when her and the LEO were alone.
But we can all take heart.
This time will soon be coming to a fucking a shithole school full of bonobos near you.
The lid is going to blow off soon and when it happens you'll be able to smell the stink of dead ghetto thugs from Paris France.
Roll, roll, roll the joint
Pass it down the line
Take a toke and hold the smoke
Feel it blow your mind!

Smokin' some good shit today, kid?

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