19 Straight Interviews of Biden and Not One Question About Rape Accusation

Just think of the media as a department of the DNC and everything makes sense.

anything else the voices in your head are telling you, lowlife?

Thank you for admitting that the metoo movement was always nothing but bullshit, and that everyone who ever supported it, was nothing but a hypocritical piece of shit, as we all knew from the very beginning.

They were just accusing others of what they were doing. Leftists are pro-rape. Every country where they rule has had rape statistics double, triple and quadruple as the 3rd world immigrants have taken hold. Meanwhile, the rapes are underplayed and rapes of little girls not taken seriously. This is the true left...
Pelosi snaps at a reporter who points out the double standard concerning how Democrats treated sexual assault allegations against Biden vs. Kavanaugh: “I don’t need a lecture...”

19 Straight Interviews of Biden and Not One Question About Rape Accusation
Because he hasn't raped anyone. It's bullshit.

Thank you for admitting that every complaint made about sexist behavior against republicans was just libs being whores.
I admitted no such thing, you moron.

Reading comprehension definitely isn't your forte.

Thank you for admitting, again, as was demonstrated during the Bill Clinton scandal,

that N.O.W. stands for National Organization of Whores.

Be warned though, the next time you try to gin up a sex scandal on the republicans, we will just laugh in your face.
19 Straight Interviews of Biden and Not One Question About Rape Accusation
Because he hasn't raped anyone. It's bullshit.

Thank you for admitting that every complaint made about sexist behavior against republicans was just libs being whores.
I admitted no such thing, you moron.

Reading comprehension definitely isn't your forte.

Thank you for admitting, again, as was demonstrated during the Bill Clinton scandal,

that N.O.W. stands for National Organization of Whores.

Be warned though, the next time you try to gin up a sex scandal on the republicans, we will just laugh in your face.
You are a blubbering idiot, just like your messiah.
19 Straight Interviews of Biden and Not One Question About Rape Accusation
Because he hasn't raped anyone. It's bullshit.

Thank you for admitting that every complaint made about sexist behavior against republicans was just libs being whores.
I admitted no such thing, you moron.

Reading comprehension definitely isn't your forte.

Thank you for admitting, again, as was demonstrated during the Bill Clinton scandal,

that N.O.W. stands for National Organization of Whores.

Be warned though, the next time you try to gin up a sex scandal on the republicans, we will just laugh in your face.
You are a blubbering idiot, just like your messiah.

Thank you for admitting that all your pretense of concern for the victims of sexual harassment, or worse, was just for when it served a partisan purpose, and really, you consider women to be nothing but whores and sandwich makers.
19 Straight Interviews of Biden and Not One Question About Rape Accusation
Because he hasn't raped anyone. It's bullshit.

Thank you for admitting that every complaint made about sexist behavior against republicans was just libs being whores.
I admitted no such thing, you moron.

Reading comprehension definitely isn't your forte.

Thank you for admitting, again, as was demonstrated during the Bill Clinton scandal,

that N.O.W. stands for National Organization of Whores.

Be warned though, the next time you try to gin up a sex scandal on the republicans, we will just laugh in your face.
You are a blubbering idiot, just like your messiah.

How do you know Reade is lying, specifically?
19 Straight Interviews of Biden and Not One Question About Rape Accusation
Because he hasn't raped anyone. It's bullshit.

Thank you for admitting that every complaint made about sexist behavior against republicans was just libs being whores.
I admitted no such thing, you moron.

Reading comprehension definitely isn't your forte.

Thank you for admitting, again, as was demonstrated during the Bill Clinton scandal,

that N.O.W. stands for National Organization of Whores.

Be warned though, the next time you try to gin up a sex scandal on the republicans, we will just laugh in your face.
You are a blubbering idiot, just like your messiah.

Thank you for admitting that all your pretense of concern for the victims of sexual harassment, or worse, was just for when it served a partisan purpose, and really, you consider women to be nothing but whores and sandwich makers.
You're insane in the membrane, LOL.
19 Straight Interviews of Biden and Not One Question About Rape Accusation
Because he hasn't raped anyone. It's bullshit.

Thank you for admitting that every complaint made about sexist behavior against republicans was just libs being whores.
I admitted no such thing, you moron.

Reading comprehension definitely isn't your forte.

Thank you for admitting, again, as was demonstrated during the Bill Clinton scandal,

that N.O.W. stands for National Organization of Whores.

Be warned though, the next time you try to gin up a sex scandal on the republicans, we will just laugh in your face.
You are a blubbering idiot, just like your messiah.

How do you know Reade is lying, specifically?
I never said she was lying, asshole. Show me where I said that.
The media launched an unrelenting campaign aimed at Judge Kavanaugh over unsubstantiated allegations but they throw softballs at the democrat candidate for president. No surprises here.
Just think of the media as a department of the DNC and everything makes sense.

Why would any journalist want to jump on the bandwagon of someone who appears to be lying? The witnesses contradict her, her testimony is self-contradicting, she keeps changing her story, her own "witnesses" keep changing their stories, she won't present the hard evidence that she claims to have, and her story makes no sense at all. Why did she spend 27 years saying how awesome Biden was, just to flip as soon as Biden became frontrunner?

In stark contrast, Biden has been completely consistent. It's not just a case of the evidence backing Biden. It's a case of competing credibility, and Biden is the credible one.

An honest media would investigate who is bankrolling her, especially given her professed adoration of Putin.

Remember, we're not like you. While lying is considered a resume-builder by conservatives, it's a career-killer everywhere else.
Biden was been completely consistent? Ah...he's been consistently avoiding the topic, Mamooth! He had his political aides respond to the allegations but he hasn't commented on them. Does that strike you as strange?
The media is in a bind. Like everyone else they are fully aware of Biden's delicate mental health. If they ask him a tough question and he goes off into a psychotic tirade it's all over for democrats.
19 Straight Interviews of Biden and Not One Question About Rape Accusation
Because he hasn't raped anyone. It's bullshit.

Thank you for admitting that every complaint made about sexist behavior against republicans was just libs being whores.
I admitted no such thing, you moron.

Reading comprehension definitely isn't your forte.

Thank you for admitting, again, as was demonstrated during the Bill Clinton scandal,

that N.O.W. stands for National Organization of Whores.

Be warned though, the next time you try to gin up a sex scandal on the republicans, we will just laugh in your face.
You are a blubbering idiot, just like your messiah.

Thank you for admitting that all your pretense of concern for the victims of sexual harassment, or worse, was just for when it served a partisan purpose, and really, you consider women to be nothing but whores and sandwich makers.
You're insane in the membrane, LOL.

Wow. Thanks for admitting that the feminist movement has been nothing but a partisan whore sham for decades.

When did it stop being about equality for women and become nothing but a collection of lefty whores? In your opinion.
19 Straight Interviews of Biden and Not One Question About Rape Accusation
Because he hasn't raped anyone. It's bullshit.

Thank you for admitting that every complaint made about sexist behavior against republicans was just libs being whores.
I admitted no such thing, you moron.

Reading comprehension definitely isn't your forte.

Thank you for admitting, again, as was demonstrated during the Bill Clinton scandal,

that N.O.W. stands for National Organization of Whores.

Be warned though, the next time you try to gin up a sex scandal on the republicans, we will just laugh in your face.
You are a blubbering idiot, just like your messiah.

Thank you for admitting that all your pretense of concern for the victims of sexual harassment, or worse, was just for when it served a partisan purpose, and really, you consider women to be nothing but whores and sandwich makers.
You're insane in the membrane, LOL.

Wow. Thanks for admitting that the feminist movement has been nothing but a partisan whore sham for decades.

When did it stop being about equality for women and become nothing but a collection of lefty whores? In your opinion.
LOL. You are a delusional nitwit.
19 Straight Interviews of Biden and Not One Question About Rape Accusation
Because he hasn't raped anyone. It's bullshit.

Thank you for admitting that every complaint made about sexist behavior against republicans was just libs being whores.
I admitted no such thing, you moron.

Reading comprehension definitely isn't your forte.

Thank you for admitting, again, as was demonstrated during the Bill Clinton scandal,

that N.O.W. stands for National Organization of Whores.

Be warned though, the next time you try to gin up a sex scandal on the republicans, we will just laugh in your face.
You are a blubbering idiot, just like your messiah.

Thank you for admitting that all your pretense of concern for the victims of sexual harassment, or worse, was just for when it served a partisan purpose, and really, you consider women to be nothing but whores and sandwich makers.
You're insane in the membrane, LOL.

Wow. Thanks for admitting that the feminist movement has been nothing but a partisan whore sham for decades.

When did it stop being about equality for women and become nothing but a collection of lefty whores? In your opinion.
LOL. You are a delusional nitwit.

Seriously? You think the feminist movement has been nothing but partisan whores since the early 70s?

Wow. THanks for admitting that. I knew it was, by the late 70s, but you seem to think it is even worse than I thought.

So, what do you think of male feminists? Are they just whores too, or do you consider them more cucks?
Who cares at this point. When Trump starts answering questions about allegations of the child rape he committed at Epstein's party; allegations regarding the rape of E. jean Caroll; allegations regarding the rape of his wife; his 20 plus allegations of sexual harassment; why he barged into the dressing room of Ms. Teen contestants; and, why he makes suggestive sexually tinged comments about his daughter on what seems like a regular basis then I might change my mind. Until then I could care less about Biden’s allegations.
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19 Straight Interviews of Biden and Not One Question About Rape Accusation
Because he hasn't raped anyone. It's bullshit.
So you are calling Tara Reid a liar? Talk about hypocrisy at its worst. I guess you arent for the #metoo movement.

New Evidence Suggests Tara Reade’s Mother Knew of Allegations in 1993
Reade has accused former Vice-President Joe Biden, the Democratic Party’s presumptive presidential nominee, of sexually assaulting her when she worked for his Senate office.
I guess your definition of Sexual Assault is foreplay?

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