1945 Lost German Girl, who was she ? was he raped like millions other girls , women and boys by Barbaric Marxists Moscow´s hordemen ?

When Ike's U.S. Army was ordered to halt on the banks of the river and let the Russian hoard take the city. Who 'ya gonna blame?
"U.S. Army was ordered to halt on the banks " it was the wrong decision, for sure. we have to listen sir Churchill and General Patton instead


It was definetelly mass-murder and mass-displacement (war crimes) what the USA and their allies did do during and after world world war 2 in the areas of Europe, where in former times Germans had lived and in the area, which is today known as Germany. You additionally erased complete nations - as for example the Silesians or the Bohemians. A not realized idea of this time had it been for example to move Berlin to another place, because it would had been perhaps possible to rebuild Berlin again in a new place - on the old place it seemed to be impossible. This was all over Germany nearly the same problem. Germany was dead - it had absolutelly not any chance to survive any longer.

By the way: From this Germany of the year 1900 have today only about 1/3rd of all German children parents and ancestors.
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Sunni Man: You should stop to lie by propagating the so called "Auschwitz lie", anti-Semite. And if we Germans had had the same population growth since 1864 as the today so called Palestinians had (in former times Jews were called Palestinians) then today would exist 1 billion Germans.
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It was definetelly mass-murder and mass-displacement (war crimes) what the USA and their allies did do during and after world world war 2 in the areas of Europe, where in former times Germans had lived and in the area, which is today known as Germany. You additionally erased complete nations - as for example the Silesians or the Bohemians. A not realized idea of this time had it been for example to move Berlin to another place, because it would had been perhaps possible to rebuild Berlin again in a new place - on the old place it seemed to be impossible. This was all over Germany nearly the same problem. Germany was dead - it had absolutelly not any chance to survive any longer.

By the way: From this Germany of the year 1900 have today only about 1/3rd of all German children parents and ancestors.

...you must be reading the Volkischer Beobachter version of history--because the US did nothing of the sort

It was definetelly mass-murder and mass-displacement (war crimes) what the USA and their allies did do during and after world world war 2 in the areas of Europe, where in former times Germans had lived and in the area, which is today known as Germany. You additionally erased complete nations - as for example the Silesians or the Bohemians. A not realized idea of this time had it been for example to move Berlin to another place, because it would had been perhaps possible to rebuild Berlin again in a new place - on the old place it seemed to be impossible. This was all over Germany nearly the same problem. Germany was dead - it had absolutelly not any chance to survive any longer.

By the way: From this Germany of the year 1900 have today only about 1/3rd of all German children parents and ancestors.

...you must be reading the Volkischer Beobachter version of history--because the US did nothing of the sort

You are an idiot.

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It was definetelly mass-murder and mass-displacement (war crimes) what the USA and their allies did do during and after world world war 2 in the areas of Europe, where in former times Germans had lived and in the area, which is today known as Germany. You additionally erased complete nations - as for example the Silesians or the Bohemians. A not realized idea of this time had it been for example to move Berlin to another place, because it would had been perhaps possible to rebuild Berlin again in a new place - on the old place it seemed to be impossible. This was all over Germany nearly the same problem. Germany was dead - it had absolutelly not any chance to survive any longer.

By the way: From this Germany of the year 1900 have today only about 1/3rd of all German children parents and ancestors.

...you must be reading the Volkischer Beobachter version of history--because the US did nothing of the sort

You are an idiot.

.....so you Germans start the war and don't like it when you lose!!!!!

It was definetelly mass-murder and mass-displacement (war crimes) what the USA and their allies did do during and after world world war 2 in the areas of Europe, where in former times Germans had lived and in the area, which is today known as Germany. You additionally erased complete nations - as for example the Silesians or the Bohemians. A not realized idea of this time had it been for example to move Berlin to another place, because it would had been perhaps possible to rebuild Berlin again in a new place - on the old place it seemed to be impossible. This was all over Germany nearly the same problem. Germany was dead - it had absolutelly not any chance to survive any longer.

By the way: From this Germany of the year 1900 have today only about 1/3rd of all German children parents and ancestors.

...you must be reading the Volkischer Beobachter version of history--because the US did nothing of the sort

You are an idiot.

.....so you Germans start the war

More concrete: Hitler and Stalin started this war together. You was an ally of the Soviet Stalin.

and don't like it when you lose!!!!!

We never had a big problem, because we lost this war. It was always totally clear that this war will have to be lost from Germany. You have a problem because you wan this war, how all the united extremist idiots under arms in your country show very well.

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It was definetelly mass-murder and mass-displacement (war crimes) what the USA and their allies did do during and after world world war 2 in the areas of Europe, where in former times Germans had lived and in the area, which is today known as Germany. You additionally erased complete nations - as for example the Silesians or the Bohemians. A not realized idea of this time had it been for example to move Berlin to another place, because it would had been perhaps possible to rebuild Berlin again in a new place - on the old place it seemed to be impossible. This was all over Germany nearly the same problem. Germany was dead - it had absolutelly not any chance to survive any longer.

By the way: From this Germany of the year 1900 have today only about 1/3rd of all German children parents and ancestors.

...you must be reading the Volkischer Beobachter version of history--because the US did nothing of the sort

You are an idiot.

.....so you Germans start the war and don't like it when you lose!!!!!

We never had a big problem, because we lost this war. It was totally clear that this war will have to be lost from Germany. You have a problem because you wan this war, how all the united extremist idiots under arms in your country show very well.

..part of your problem is your English is crap
..I admire most Germans and Germany--but not you
Actually, the Americans probably raped just as many German women. Not feeling bad about that, either.

You are confused, aren't you Moon Bat?

You really hate America don't you?

My father was a WWII vet. Landed at Normandy and went into Germany.

He said the Americans and Brits did not rape German women.

He said that after the surrender and during the immediate post war occupation if an American GI wanted a piece of ass they didn't have to rape. They could always get it from a German girl for a very cheap price.
Actually, the Americans probably raped just as many German women. Not feeling bad about that, either.

You are confused, aren't you Moon Bat?

You really hate America don't you?

My father was a WWII vet. Landed at Normandy and went into Germany.

He said the Americans and Brits did not rape German women.

One example: An American commander gave order to hang a list on a house with information who lives there and how old this persons are. As a result of this 17 girls and women came into a hospital because they were raped one or more times from negroes of the US-army.

About 190,000 women - perhaps much more - were raped from US-American soldiers.

He said that after the surrender and during the immediate post war occupation if an American GI wanted a piece of ass they didn't have to rape. They could always get it from a German girl for a very cheap price.

Or with other words: He called all German women whores and all Germans "cheap". And he was used to do anal sex.
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25 million Soviets died....pretty sure the Red Army Soldiers were no longer men but barbaric savages with many seeing the death of loved ones, fellow soldiers, etc.

War is brutal.

It was definetelly mass-murder and mass-displacement (war crimes) what the USA and their allies did do during and after world world war 2 in the areas of Europe, where in former times Germans had lived and in the area, which is today known as Germany. You additionally erased complete nations - as for example the Silesians or the Bohemians. A not realized idea of this time had it been for example to move Berlin to another place, because it would had been perhaps possible to rebuild Berlin again in a new place - on the old place it seemed to be impossible. This was all over Germany nearly the same problem. Germany was dead - it had absolutelly not any chance to survive any longer.

By the way: From this Germany of the year 1900 have today only about 1/3rd of all German children parents and ancestors.

So now the Germans are the victims? Did the Soviet Union ask to be invaded, murdered, blockaded, etc?

Will you please STFU....Nazi Germany was a plague that had to be eradicated by any and all means necessary.
Actually, the Americans probably raped just as many German women. Not feeling bad about that, either.

You are confused, aren't you Moon Bat?

You really hate America don't you?

My father was a WWII vet. Landed at Normandy and went into Germany.

He said the Americans and Brits did not rape German women.

He said that after the surrender and during the immediate post war occupation if an American GI wanted a piece of ass they didn't have to rape. They could always get it from a German girl for a very cheap price.

Or with other words: He called all German women whores.

WWII was very devastating to Europe and a lot of women from many countries whored themselves just to get something to eat.

American GIs mostly paid for their pussy. The Communists just took it by force.

It was definetelly mass-murder and mass-displacement (war crimes) what the USA and their allies did do during and after world world war 2 in the areas of Europe, where in former times Germans had lived and in the area, which is today known as Germany. You additionally erased complete nations - as for example the Silesians or the Bohemians. A not realized idea of this time had it been for example to move Berlin to another place, because it would had been perhaps possible to rebuild Berlin again in a new place - on the old place it seemed to be impossible. This was all over Germany nearly the same problem. Germany was dead - it had absolutelly not any chance to survive any longer.

By the way: From this Germany of the year 1900 have today only about 1/3rd of all German children parents and ancestors.

...you must be reading the Volkischer Beobachter version of history--because the US did nothing of the sort

You are an idiot.

.....so you Germans start the war and don't like it when you lose!!!!!

We never had a big problem, because we lost this war. It was totally clear that this war will have to be lost from Germany. You have a problem because you wan this war, how all the united extremist idiots under arms in your country show very well.

..part of your problem is your English is crap
..I admire most Germans and Germany--but not you

Nice to hear that you speak perfectly German because you admire Germans and Germany, while I speak crap so you don't have to love me.

....sow the wind
....the Germans MURDERED hundreds of thousands of Russians ....

Millions - "we" killed and murdered millions in Russia. But "we" did not rape women in world war 2. Btw: US-Americans raped many French women in world war 2.
comparing WW2 Germany to the US?????!!!!!
and raping is worse than murder?????!!!!!!!!!!

US-American soldiers also murdered millions of Germans.

War is hell, and Germans murdered millions of people of all nationalities, they killed six million Jews plus millions more.

They probably should not have followed their leader into war.
Actually, the Americans probably raped just as many German women. Not feeling bad about that, either.

You are confused, aren't you Moon Bat?

You really hate America don't you?

My father was a WWII vet. Landed at Normandy and went into Germany.

He said the Americans and Brits did not rape German women.

He said that after the surrender and during the immediate post war occupation if an American GI wanted a piece of ass they didn't have to rape. They could always get it from a German girl for a very cheap price.

Or with other words: He called all German women whores.

WWII was very devastating to Europe and a lot of women from many countries whored themselves just to get something to eat.[/quote]

Or with other words: US-Americvnas let their wifes die on hunger so they are able to have have sex with them?

American GIs mostly paid for their pussy. The Communists just took it by force.

The Russians had not be able to do so, if their US-Americans allies had not murdered millions of Germans.

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