1995 Video Surfaces Of Obama Praising Commie Frank Marshal Davis For Schooling Him On White Racism

do you think everyone who disagrees with you is it the Teaparty?
Teaper or a liberal. The two are very distinguishable yet unique types of idiots.
do you think everyone who disagrees with you is it the Teaparty?
Teaper or a liberal. The two are very distinguishable yet unique types of idiots.
I'm a independent conservative. I don't belong to any political party. I look at the facts, then make up my own mind. You, on the other hand, believe that all conservatives are out to destroy the country. What kind of twisted logic did you use to come to such a conclusion?
I am a TRUE conservative that loves my country despite Obama. I don't believe in hate politics, nonsense propaganda, hyperbole and hysteria for political gain. Teapers embody the worst of the worst when it comes to all of that. Their vitriol and hate have destroyed true conservatism and the GOP.

Huh?? What's a TRUE Conservative?? I consider the tea party to be a maturing group withing the GOP....but with some teething problems. I see very little hate among them but a lot of passion. That is a good thing. A few more years maturing and it will be a rock solid political movement that will produce excellent leadership. There is significant evidence of that now emerging.

I don't know what her problem is with the TP. I don't see the hate either. Maybe she could give us some examples?

There are some fringe dwellers i would consider a tad .....out there..but by and large the Teamob are just a group of yanks who were ripped off by Wall St and want the bastards' guts for gaiters!! Akin to my own thoughts on the matter quite frankly. As for the "Dean Screamer" divide and conquer tactic; it worked. Cudos to him. That it bordered on treason is frankly neither here nor there now..it is entrenched. The country needs a healer...and I don't think it's Hillary.

(Sorry for the typo)

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Teaper or a liberal. The two are very distinguishable yet unique types of idiots.
Teaper or a liberal. The two are very distinguishable yet unique types of idiots.
I'm a independent conservative. I don't belong to any political party. I look at the facts, then make up my own mind. You, on the other hand, believe that all conservatives are out to destroy the country. What kind of twisted logic did you use to come to such a conclusion?
I am a TRUE conservative that loves my country despite Obama. I don't believe in hate politics, nonsense propaganda, hyperbole and hysteria for political gain. Teapers embody the worst of the worst when it comes to all of that. Their vitriol and hate have destroyed true conservatism and the GOP.

Huh?? What's a TRUE Conservative?? I consider the tea party to be a maturing group withing the GOP....but with some teething problems. I see very little hate among them but a lot of passion. That is a good thing. A few more years maturing and it will be a rock solid political movement that will produce excellent leadership. There is significant evidence of that now emerging.

I don't know what her problem is with the TP. I don't see the hate either. Maybe she could give us some examples?

Therte are some fringe dwellers i would consider a tad .....out there..but by and large the Teamob are just a group of yanks who were ripped off by Wall St and what the bastards' guts for gaiters!! Akin to my own thoughts on the matter quite frankly. As for the "Dean Screamer" divide and conquer tactic; it worked. Cudos to him. That it bordered on treason is frankly neither here nor there now..it is entrenched. The country needs a healer...and I don't think it's Hillary.

If Killery gets elected, I'm grabbing some basic survival gear and heading for the Canadien Rockies. I may get eaten by a Grizzly of freeze to death, but it would be a better fate than living with her in charge.
I'm a independent conservative. I don't belong to any political party. I look at the facts, then make up my own mind. You, on the other hand, believe that all conservatives are out to destroy the country. What kind of twisted logic did you use to come to such a conclusion?
I am a TRUE conservative that loves my country despite Obama. I don't believe in hate politics, nonsense propaganda, hyperbole and hysteria for political gain. Teapers embody the worst of the worst when it comes to all of that. Their vitriol and hate have destroyed true conservatism and the GOP.

Huh?? What's a TRUE Conservative?? I consider the tea party to be a maturing group withing the GOP....but with some teething problems. I see very little hate among them but a lot of passion. That is a good thing. A few more years maturing and it will be a rock solid political movement that will produce excellent leadership. There is significant evidence of that now emerging.

I don't know what her problem is with the TP. I don't see the hate either. Maybe she could give us some examples?

Therte are some fringe dwellers i would consider a tad .....out there..but by and large the Teamob are just a group of yanks who were ripped off by Wall St and what the bastards' guts for gaiters!! Akin to my own thoughts on the matter quite frankly. As for the "Dean Screamer" divide and conquer tactic; it worked. Cudos to him. That it bordered on treason is frankly neither here nor there now..it is entrenched. The country needs a healer...and I don't think it's Hillary.

If Killery gets elected, I'm grabbing some basic survival gear and heading for the Canadien Rockies. I may get eaten by a Grizzly of freeze to death, but it would be a better fate than living with her in charge.

lol. Spare room at my place...only eight kids to share it with.....turn west at Brisbane.

(Kids are all grown up and moved out...so is spare most of the time). With some Dems in Congress telling Obama to go jump over his Iran deal it may not be too bad if Hills gets in.....besides, she's nearly brain dead so what harm can she do?? She's been for everything before she was against it...but O'Malley is my pick of the Dem candidates to make it to the election; smart bastard that, but I doubt a Dem will win the WH in 2016.

Of course Obama admired Davis. He was his real daddy. That's why we can't see the birth certificate.
This is chilling coming from what would eventually be our constitutionally ineligible president. The hatred he exhibits for Whites is apparent. This video should have been released during the 08 campaign but since he was never fully vetted and given a pass, it wasn't.

Watch the 2nd video down in full where he talks about getting revenge on his alleged white friends by taking them to a black party in Hawaii where they would be in the minority and be put in their place.
Unearthed Video Obama Admits Mentor Was Communist Agitator Frank Marshall Davis - Birther Report
Gee, I guess his chances of getting re-elected in 2016 have decreased.
Of course Obama admired Davis. He was his real daddy. That's why we can't see the birth certificate.

Davis was his real daddy. Just google the images.

Davis was porking The Lying Cocksucker's mama while she was under-aged and when she got preggo with the Lying Cocksucker, they found a patsy that happened to be going to school with her and happened to be the correct skin color.

In fact, Davis was a porn-writer. It's how he made a living. And most of his porno novelettes were semi-autobiographies. The one he was writing at the time was about a Black Man having an illegal affair with an underage White Girl.

the Lying Cocksucker's history reads more like that of a serial killer than it does of a future president.

And let me tell ALL of you something RIGHT FUCKING NOW.

dimocrap filth do not care if obama was/is a communist.

dimocrap filth do not care if he was illegitimate, a citizen, a liar, a knob-gobbler, an Anti-American, racist scumbag piece of shit, a phony.


They really don't.

They ARE dimocraps. The scum of the earth. All they care about is that dimocraps steal money from people who work for it and give it to them.


dimocrap FILTH and the Lying Cocksucker in Chief.

A perfect match for one another
Of course Obama admired Davis. He was his real daddy. That's why we can't see the birth certificate.

Davis was his real daddy. Just google the images.

Davis was porking The Lying Cocksucker's mama while she was under-aged and when she got preggo with the Lying Cocksucker, they found a patsy that happened to be going to school with her and happened to be the correct skin color.

In fact, Davis was a porn-writer. It's how he made a living. And most of his porno novelettes were semi-autobiographies. The one he was writing at the time was about a Black Man having an illegal affair with an underage White Girl.

the Lying Cocksucker's history reads more like that of a serial killer than it does of a future president.

And let me tell ALL of you something RIGHT FUCKING NOW.

dimocrap filth do not care if obama was/is a communist.

dimocrap filth do not care if he was illegitimate, a citizen, a liar, a knob-gobbler, an Anti-American, racist scumbag piece of shit, a phony.


They really don't.

They ARE dimocraps. The scum of the earth. All they care about is that dimocraps steal money from people who work for it and give it to them.


dimocrap FILTH and the Lying Cocksucker in Chief.

A perfect match for one another
Do you think Obama intentionally lied about any of that?
Of course Obama admired Davis. He was his real daddy. That's why we can't see the birth certificate.

Davis was his real daddy. Just google the images.

Davis was porking The Lying Cocksucker's mama while she was under-aged and when she got preggo with the Lying Cocksucker, they found a patsy that happened to be going to school with her and happened to be the correct skin color.

In fact, Davis was a porn-writer. It's how he made a living. And most of his porno novelettes were semi-autobiographies. The one he was writing at the time was about a Black Man having an illegal affair with an underage White Girl.

the Lying Cocksucker's history reads more like that of a serial killer than it does of a future president.

And let me tell ALL of you something RIGHT FUCKING NOW.

dimocrap filth do not care if obama was/is a communist.

dimocrap filth do not care if he was illegitimate, a citizen, a liar, a knob-gobbler, an Anti-American, racist scumbag piece of shit, a phony.


They really don't.

They ARE dimocraps. The scum of the earth. All they care about is that dimocraps steal money from people who work for it and give it to them.


dimocrap FILTH and the Lying Cocksucker in Chief.

A perfect match for one another
Do you think Obama intentionally lied about any of that?
BWAHAHAHA! Is tha...LOLOL...A rhetorical. ..hahaha...question?
6 years....still crying. Teapers are pathetic
what's really pathetic, is that people like you are still making excuses for him. we all know what your reaction would be if it was a conservative who had done this. pretty pathetic.
:lol: No, I just don't care. 6 years of new videos, iron clad evidence and other nonsense. He is still in office and that won't change until 2017. There will be no impeachment, there will be no civil war. Just moaning and bitchng by teapers because we have a President of a darker hue.

If you teapers put the same effort into solutions and alternatives, America would be in a better place. Instead, you teaper faggots have destroyed true conservatism and replaced it with hate politics and nonsense that has destroyed the GOP.

You've got the right user name, nuts fits you to a tea, pun intended

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