1996 Clinton interfered in the Russian election. Kept Yeltsin in power.

So as every left wing whacko and Never Trumpers like McCain are screaming their heads off because they "say" they beleive Russia meddled in the election check what happened in Russia in 1996.

The USA made sure Clinton's buddy Yeltsin won.

So anyone bitching at you about the Russians and Trump's win tell them "it's just karma baby"



TIME Magazine Cover: Boris Yeltsin - July 15, 1996

So you are ok with our voting rights being damaged?

How were they damaged?

If Russian hackers decide the winner of an election, how valuable is your vote? Are politicians going to cater to Russia now rather than US citizens?
/---- "If" is for children. Post proof that they did "decide" the election or STFU with your non stop whining.
cry baby.jpg
Obammy spent taxpayer money meddling in Israel's elections too

Obama admin. sent taxpayer money to campaign to oust Netanyahu

So you are ok with our voting rights being damaged? What if Russians choose Dems to win next time?
/--- Stop with the code words. Now explain how our rights were "damaged." Here is some help for you:
past tense: damaged; past participle: damaged
  1. inflict physical harm on (something) so as to impair its value, usefulness, or normal function.
    "the car was badly damaged in the accident"
    synonyms: harm, deface, mutilate, mangle, impair, injure, disfigure, vandalize; More
    • have a detrimental effect on.
      "the scandal could seriously damage his career"
      synonyms: harmful, detrimental, injurious, hurtful, inimical, dangerous, destructive, ruinous, deleterious; More
So as every left wing whacko and Never Trumpers like McCain are screaming their heads off because they "say" they beleive Russia meddled in the election check what happened in Russia in 1996.

The USA made sure Clinton's buddy Yeltsin won.

So anyone bitching at you about the Russians and Trump's win tell them "it's just karma baby"



TIME Magazine Cover: Boris Yeltsin - July 15, 1996

So you are ok with our voting rights being damaged?

How were they damaged?

If Russian hackers decide the winner of an election, how valuable is your vote? Are politicians going to cater to Russia now rather than US citizens?
/---- "If" is for children. Post proof that they did "decide" the election or STFU with your non stop whining.
View attachment 139235

I suppose you were whining about an email server?
So as every left wing whacko and Never Trumpers like McCain are screaming their heads off because they "say" they beleive Russia meddled in the election check what happened in Russia in 1996.

The USA made sure Clinton's buddy Yeltsin won.

So anyone bitching at you about the Russians and Trump's win tell them "it's just karma baby"



TIME Magazine Cover: Boris Yeltsin - July 15, 1996

So you are ok with our voting rights being damaged?

How were they damaged?

If Russian hackers decide the winner of an election, how valuable is your vote? Are politicians going to cater to Russia now rather than US citizens?
/---- "If" is for children. Post proof that they did "decide" the election or STFU with your non stop whining.
View attachment 139235

I suppose you were whining about an email server?
/---- The email server was proven to exist. Hildabeast admitted it and even apologized for it. There is nothing to prove our voting rights were "damaged" by the Ruskies or anyone else.
So you are ok with our voting rights being damaged?

How were they damaged?

If Russian hackers decide the winner of an election, how valuable is your vote? Are politicians going to cater to Russia now rather than US citizens?
/---- "If" is for children. Post proof that they did "decide" the election or STFU with your non stop whining.
View attachment 139235

I suppose you were whining about an email server?
/---- The email server was proven to exist. Hildabeast admitted it and even apologized for it. There is nothing to prove our voting rights were "damaged" by the Ruskies or anyone else.

Yes it existed. And what damage was done?
So as every left wing whacko and Never Trumpers like McCain are screaming their heads off because they "say" they beleive Russia meddled in the election check what happened in Russia in 1996.

The USA made sure Clinton's buddy Yeltsin won.

So anyone bitching at you about the Russians and Trump's win tell them "it's just karma baby"



TIME Magazine Cover: Boris Yeltsin - July 15, 1996

So you are ok with our voting rights being damaged?
/--- Let me try this analogy to help you understand how stupid you sound.
A neighbor accuses you of "damaging" his property. You ask him to explain what and how it was damaged and provide proof you caused it. He offers nothing to support his claim except generalities and slogans like: So you are OK with my property being damaged?. Now would you open you checkbook and offer a settlement based on that?
How were they damaged?

If Russian hackers decide the winner of an election, how valuable is your vote? Are politicians going to cater to Russia now rather than US citizens?
/---- "If" is for children. Post proof that they did "decide" the election or STFU with your non stop whining.
View attachment 139235

I suppose you were whining about an email server?
/---- The email server was proven to exist. Hildabeast admitted it and even apologized for it. There is nothing to prove our voting rights were "damaged" by the Ruskies or anyone else.

Yes it existed. And what damage was done?
/---- Nice attempt at misdirection and changing the subject, but it won't work. Now how were our voting rights "damaged?"
If Russian hackers decide the winner of an election, how valuable is your vote? Are politicians going to cater to Russia now rather than US citizens?
/---- "If" is for children. Post proof that they did "decide" the election or STFU with your non stop whining.
View attachment 139235

I suppose you were whining about an email server?
/---- The email server was proven to exist. Hildabeast admitted it and even apologized for it. There is nothing to prove our voting rights were "damaged" by the Ruskies or anyone else.

Yes it existed. And what damage was done?
/---- Nice attempt at misdirection and changing the subject, but it won't work. Now how were our voting rights "damaged?"

Was an example of real whining.

When Russians are meddling with our elections the value of all our votes goes down and hence damaged. Putin hates democracy, why do you think he did it? To destroy a pillar of our country.
/---- "If" is for children. Post proof that they did "decide" the election or STFU with your non stop whining.
View attachment 139235

I suppose you were whining about an email server?
/---- The email server was proven to exist. Hildabeast admitted it and even apologized for it. There is nothing to prove our voting rights were "damaged" by the Ruskies or anyone else.

Yes it existed. And what damage was done?
/---- Nice attempt at misdirection and changing the subject, but it won't work. Now how were our voting rights "damaged?"

Was an example of real whining.

When Russians are meddling with our elections the value of all our votes goes down and hence damaged. Putin hates democracy, why do you think he did it? To destroy a pillar of our country.
/----- When monkey fly out of your ass they can leave a real bad stain on your underpants and hence damage them. So why are you OK with monkeys flying out of your ass? Do you not care how hard your mommy has to scrub your shorts to get them clean? How could you be so callous?
Hillary did it ...

SO? Haven't you learned by now it's wrong and there is 'criminal guilt' only if a Republican is ACCUSED of doing it (doesn't even have to do it, just be accused of it)?!
I suppose you were whining about an email server?
/---- The email server was proven to exist. Hildabeast admitted it and even apologized for it. There is nothing to prove our voting rights were "damaged" by the Ruskies or anyone else.

Yes it existed. And what damage was done?
/---- Nice attempt at misdirection and changing the subject, but it won't work. Now how were our voting rights "damaged?"

Was an example of real whining.

When Russians are meddling with our elections the value of all our votes goes down and hence damaged. Putin hates democracy, why do you think he did it? To destroy a pillar of our country.
/----- When monkey fly out of your ass they can leave a real bad stain on your underpants and hence damage them. So why are you OK with monkeys flying out of your ass? Do you not care how hard your mommy has to scrub your shorts to get them clean? How could you be so callous?
View attachment 139244

Clearly you are not bright and put politics over country. Or are you Russian?
/---- The email server was proven to exist. Hildabeast admitted it and even apologized for it. There is nothing to prove our voting rights were "damaged" by the Ruskies or anyone else.

Yes it existed. And what damage was done?
/---- Nice attempt at misdirection and changing the subject, but it won't work. Now how were our voting rights "damaged?"

Was an example of real whining.

When Russians are meddling with our elections the value of all our votes goes down and hence damaged. Putin hates democracy, why do you think he did it? To destroy a pillar of our country.
/----- When monkey fly out of your ass they can leave a real bad stain on your underpants and hence damage them. So why are you OK with monkeys flying out of your ass? Do you not care how hard your mommy has to scrub your shorts to get them clean? How could you be so callous?
View attachment 139244

Clearly you are not bright and put politics over country. Or are you Russian?
/----Clearly you're still coming up short on any evidence to back up your hysterical claims. No one will accept your ridiculous charges based only on some vague accusations. Rush is right. Today's kids are not taught critical thinking and can not present a well founded argument based on fact. Now run along and make up some more slogans.
So, does every event that may influence how a person may vote damage voting rights. Did Comey damage voting rights by announcing the opening of HRC's email investigation again? Did NBC damaged voting rights by releasing the Trump pussy grabbing video? Did North Korea damaged voting rights by testing a nuke? I can go on an on, but the point is there are unlimited events that voters consider when they decide how to vote, but it is ultimately the voter's responsibility to decide. My vote wasn't damaged, it still counted as one vote.

One of the lessons learned should be to upgrade cyber security when it comes to the DNC, the RNC, and individual states voter information systems. Russia as well as other countries are going try to spy on us just as the USA spies on Russia and other countries. That is not going to stop as a result of the Russia investigations/witch hunts that are going on now. The spy vs. spy game is nothing new.
Last edited:
I suppose you were whining about an email server?
/---- The email server was proven to exist. Hildabeast admitted it and even apologized for it. There is nothing to prove our voting rights were "damaged" by the Ruskies or anyone else.

Yes it existed. And what damage was done?
/---- Nice attempt at misdirection and changing the subject, but it won't work. Now how were our voting rights "damaged?"

Was an example of real whining.

When Russians are meddling with our elections the value of all our votes goes down and hence damaged. Putin hates democracy, why do you think he did it? To destroy a pillar of our country.
/----- When monkey fly out of your ass they can leave a real bad stain on your underpants and hence damage them. So why are you OK with monkeys flying out of your ass? Do you not care how hard your mommy has to scrub your shorts to get them clean? How could you be so callous?
View attachment 139244
I bet many of the LGBT supporters would love to have monkeys fly out of there asses. It might be better to them than gerbils.
So, does every event that may influence how a person may vote damage voting rights. Did Comey damage voting rights by announcing the opening of HRC's email investigation again? Did NBC damaged voting rights by releasing the Trump pussy grabbing video? Did North Korea damaged voting rights by testing a nuke? I can go on an on, but the point is there are unlimited events that voters consider when they decide how to vote, but it is ultimately the voter's responsibility to decide. My vote wasn't damaged, it still counted a one point.

One of the lessons learned should be to upgrade cyber security when it comes to the DNC, the RNC, and individual states voter information systems. Russia as well as other countries are going try to spy on us just as the USA spies on Russia and other countries. That is not going to stop as a result of an Russia investigations/witch hunts that are going on now. The spy vs. spy game is nothing new.
/--- Well stated but way over the head of Brian357 who only has slogans in his arsenal.
So, does every event that may influence how a person may vote damage voting rights. Did Comey damage voting rights by announcing the opening of HRC's email investigation again? Did NBC damaged voting rights by releasing the Trump pussy grabbing video? Did North Korea damaged voting rights by testing a nuke? I can go on an on, but the point is there are unlimited events that voters consider when they decide how to vote, but it is ultimately the voter's responsibility to decide. My vote wasn't damaged, it still counted as one vote.

One of the lessons learned should be to upgrade cyber security when it comes to the DNC, the RNC, and individual states voter information systems. Russia as well as other countries are going try to spy on us just as the USA spies on Russia and other countries. That is not going to stop as a result of the Russia investigations/witch hunts that are going on now. The spy vs. spy game is nothing new.

What comey did was wrong. But it wasn't a foreign government seeking to influence our
election. The Russian hackers wanted trump to win and swayed votes. We don't want foreign governments deciding who wins our elections. I don't see republicans doing anything about this. Trump seems very buddy with Putin.
So, does every event that may influence how a person may vote damage voting rights. Did Comey damage voting rights by announcing the opening of HRC's email investigation again? Did NBC damaged voting rights by releasing the Trump pussy grabbing video? Did North Korea damaged voting rights by testing a nuke? I can go on an on, but the point is there are unlimited events that voters consider when they decide how to vote, but it is ultimately the voter's responsibility to decide. My vote wasn't damaged, it still counted as one vote.

One of the lessons learned should be to upgrade cyber security when it comes to the DNC, the RNC, and individual states voter information systems. Russia as well as other countries are going try to spy on us just as the USA spies on Russia and other countries. That is not going to stop as a result of the Russia investigations/witch hunts that are going on now. The spy vs. spy game is nothing new.

What comey did was wrong. But it wasn't a foreign government seeking to influence our
election. The Russian hackers wanted trump to win and swayed votes. We don't want foreign governments deciding who wins our elections. I don't see republicans doing anything about this. Trump seems very buddy with Putin.
/----- Your post: "The Russian hackers wanted trump to win and swayed votes." Why would the Ruskies take a chance on Trump when Hildabeast was bought, paid for and 100% predictable? Trump was and still is an unknown.
So, does every event that may influence how a person may vote damage voting rights. Did Comey damage voting rights by announcing the opening of HRC's email investigation again? Did NBC damaged voting rights by releasing the Trump pussy grabbing video? Did North Korea damaged voting rights by testing a nuke? I can go on an on, but the point is there are unlimited events that voters consider when they decide how to vote, but it is ultimately the voter's responsibility to decide. My vote wasn't damaged, it still counted as one vote.

One of the lessons learned should be to upgrade cyber security when it comes to the DNC, the RNC, and individual states voter information systems. Russia as well as other countries are going try to spy on us just as the USA spies on Russia and other countries. That is not going to stop as a result of the Russia investigations/witch hunts that are going on now. The spy vs. spy game is nothing new.

What comey did was wrong. But it wasn't a foreign government seeking to influence our
election. The Russian hackers wanted trump to win and swayed votes. We don't want foreign governments deciding who wins our elections. I don't see republicans doing anything about this. Trump seems very buddy with Putin.
/----- Your post: "The Russian hackers wanted trump to win and swayed votes." Why would the Ruskies take a chance on Trump when Hildabeast was bought, paid for and 100% predictable? Trump was and still is an unknown.

Yet the evidence is clear they tried to elect trump. Why?

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