1rst Putin Airstrike Kills 36 Syrians, Lots of Children and 0 ISIS

There is a youtube video titled: "+18 Ar Rastan Massacre-Homs, Horrific footage/ Assad's army bombing peaceful demonstration 2.3.2012" I am not going to include it, heck, I did not even watch it, but it just goes to show Assad knows Syria well. Here is another video which is from spring of this year.
This is why you don't draw red lines unless you are willing to back it up. We are now a laughing stock around the world. Thanks Obama and your supporters.
Russia lacks the capability to conduct precision air strikes and the command structure to regulate those strikes

Riiiiiiight, you know everything and you know the best.


And President Zippy has no strategy..............:dig:..........
The President gave the US Military clear and concise orders to attack ISIS in a way that created a minimum amount of civilian casualties, no American military casualties and stressed patience and the skills of a sophisticated hunter father than a bully and brute force. The US military is performing it task above and beyond what they were asked.

Russia lacks the capability to conduct precision air strikes and the command structure to regulate those strikes
But unlike the US the Russians are willing to put troops on the ground.
We have more troops on the ground than Russia does. Our troops as trainers and advisers have been active and in harms way in Iraq for a long time. To bad citizens like you ignore them for the sake of Obama obsessed hatred.
More troops than Russia? Not as of today.
This is why you don't draw red lines unless you are willing to back it up. We are now a laughing stock around the world. Thanks Obama and your supporters.
We are not the laughing stock you wish for and fantasize about. That is a result of you hatred of the President which morphs into a hatred of America and America's military. America and our policies are viewed as rational and intelligent. That is why we have so much international support. 65 nations are supporting us in one way or another. How many are supporting Russia?
And President Zippy has no strategy..............:dig:..........
The President gave the US Military clear and concise orders to attack ISIS in a way that created a minimum amount of civilian casualties, no American military casualties and stressed patience and the skills of a sophisticated hunter father than a bully and brute force. The US military is performing it task above and beyond what they were asked.

Russia lacks the capability to conduct precision air strikes and the command structure to regulate those strikes
But unlike the US the Russians are willing to put troops on the ground.
We have more troops on the ground than Russia does. Our troops as trainers and advisers have been active and in harms way in Iraq for a long time. To bad citizens like you ignore them for the sake of Obama obsessed hatred.
More troops than Russia? Not as of today.
How many Russian troops do you think are in theater compared to American troops?
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This is why you don't draw red lines unless you are willing to back it up. We are now a laughing stock around the world. Thanks Obama and your supporters.
We are not the laughing stock you wish for and fantasize about. That is a result of you hatred of the President which morphs into a hatred of America and America's military. America and our policies are viewed as rational and intelligent. That is why we have so much international support. 65 nations are supporting us in one way or another. How many are supporting Russia?

It really doesn't matter how many nations are supporting us when you have no strategy.
The President gave the US Military clear and concise orders to attack ISIS in a way that created a minimum amount of civilian casualties, no American military casualties and stressed patience and the skills of a sophisticated hunter father than a bully and brute force. The US military is performing it task above and beyond what they were asked.

Russia lacks the capability to conduct precision air strikes and the command structure to regulate those strikes
But unlike the US the Russians are willing to put troops on the ground.
We have more troops on the ground than Russia does. Our troops as trainers and advisers have been active and in harms way in Iraq for a long time. To bad citizens like you ignore them for the sake of Obama obsessed hatred.
More troops than Russia? Not as of today.
How many Russian troops do are in theater compared to American troops?
No one on this forum knows how many US troops are on the ground in Syria. If there were more than a few someone would have been captured or killed by now. But we can see for ourselves on TV this morning the buildup of Russian ground forces in Syria. They aren't going to commit to having combat aircraft operating from bases inside Syria without the ground troops to protect those airbases.
This is why you don't draw red lines unless you are willing to back it up. We are now a laughing stock around the world. Thanks Obama and your supporters.
We are not the laughing stock you wish for and fantasize about. That is a result of you hatred of the President which morphs into a hatred of America and America's military. America and our policies are viewed as rational and intelligent. That is why we have so much international support. 65 nations are supporting us in one way or another. How many are supporting Russia?

It really doesn't matter how many nations are supporting us when you have no strategy.
We have a strategy. The strategy has always been to degrade the ISIS forces. It is taking a long time because none of Iraq's or Syria's neighbors have stepped up to provided a ground force. Thankfully our President refuses to give in and make Americans do that job. When someone steps up and provides a ground force the strategy can move into the next phase.
This is why you don't draw red lines unless you are willing to back it up. We are now a laughing stock around the world. Thanks Obama and your supporters.
We are not the laughing stock you wish for and fantasize about. That is a result of you hatred of the President which morphs into a hatred of America and America's military. America and our policies are viewed as rational and intelligent. That is why we have so much international support. 65 nations are supporting us in one way or another. How many are supporting Russia?

It really doesn't matter how many nations are supporting us when you have no strategy.
We have a strategy. The strategy has always been to degrade the ISIS forces. It is taking a long time because none of Iraq's or Syria's neighbors have stepped up to provided a ground force. Thankfully our President refuses to give in and make Americans do that job. When someone steps up and provides a ground force the strategy can move into the next phase.

You just perfectly described 'leading from behind', which like I said, is no strategy. What is this 'next phase' that you speak of?
This is why you don't draw red lines unless you are willing to back it up. We are now a laughing stock around the world. Thanks Obama and your supporters.
We are not the laughing stock you wish for and fantasize about. That is a result of you hatred of the President which morphs into a hatred of America and America's military. America and our policies are viewed as rational and intelligent. That is why we have so much international support. 65 nations are supporting us in one way or another. How many are supporting Russia?

It really doesn't matter how many nations are supporting us when you have no strategy.
We have a strategy. The strategy has always been to degrade the ISIS forces. It is taking a long time because none of Iraq's or Syria's neighbors have stepped up to provided a ground force. Thankfully our President refuses to give in and make Americans do that job. When someone steps up and provides a ground force the strategy can move into the next phase.
Muslims really, really do not want to fight ISIS. It is a religious thing. America is going to have to come to grips with that.
Russia lacks the capability to conduct precision air strikes and the command structure to regulate those strikes
But unlike the US the Russians are willing to put troops on the ground.
We have more troops on the ground than Russia does. Our troops as trainers and advisers have been active and in harms way in Iraq for a long time. To bad citizens like you ignore them for the sake of Obama obsessed hatred.
More troops than Russia? Not as of today.
How many Russian troops do are in theater compared to American troops?
No one on this forum knows how many US troops are on the ground in Syria. If there were more than a few someone would have been captured or killed by now. But we can see for ourselves on TV this morning the buildup of Russian ground forces in Syria. They aren't going to commit to having combat aircraft operating from bases inside Syria without the ground troops to protect those airbases.
The US government via the Pentagon consistently uses the figure of 3,500 US troops with boots on the ground in Iraq. Estimates by various sources for Russian troops hover around 1,700 to 2,000 troops. These estimates are gained by viewing military hardware and equipment. In addition, the US has large combat contingents on the Kuwait/Iraq border that can be in Baghdad in a day. These troops number over 15,000.
This is why you don't draw red lines unless you are willing to back it up. We are now a laughing stock around the world. Thanks Obama and your supporters.
We are not the laughing stock you wish for and fantasize about. That is a result of you hatred of the President which morphs into a hatred of America and America's military. America and our policies are viewed as rational and intelligent. That is why we have so much international support. 65 nations are supporting us in one way or another. How many are supporting Russia?

It really doesn't matter how many nations are supporting us when you have no strategy.
We have a strategy. The strategy has always been to degrade the ISIS forces. It is taking a long time because none of Iraq's or Syria's neighbors have stepped up to provided a ground force. Thankfully our President refuses to give in and make Americans do that job. When someone steps up and provides a ground force the strategy can move into the next phase.

You just perfectly described 'leading from behind', which like I said, is no strategy. What is this 'next phase' that you speak of?
Use of ground forces. Who is going to supply the ground forces is unknown at the present time.
Russia has a plan and ground troops provided by Iran. The goal is to restore Assad to full power.
But unlike the US the Russians are willing to put troops on the ground.
We have more troops on the ground than Russia does. Our troops as trainers and advisers have been active and in harms way in Iraq for a long time. To bad citizens like you ignore them for the sake of Obama obsessed hatred.
More troops than Russia? Not as of today.
How many Russian troops do are in theater compared to American troops?
No one on this forum knows how many US troops are on the ground in Syria. If there were more than a few someone would have been captured or killed by now. But we can see for ourselves on TV this morning the buildup of Russian ground forces in Syria. They aren't going to commit to having combat aircraft operating from bases inside Syria without the ground troops to protect those airbases.
The US government via the Pentagon consistently uses the figure of 3,500 US troops with boots on the ground in Iraq. Estimates by various sources for Russian troops hover around 1,700 to 2,000 troops. These estimates are gained by viewing military hardware and equipment. In addition, the US has large combat contingents on the Kuwait/Iraq border that can be in Baghdad in a day. These troops number over 15,000.
Exactly, no US troops on the ground in Syria.
After hearing Ash Carter just now, we should take all our toys and go home. This is for the big boys. Only those who know what they're doing belong in or near Syria.
We have more troops on the ground than Russia does. Our troops as trainers and advisers have been active and in harms way in Iraq for a long time. To bad citizens like you ignore them for the sake of Obama obsessed hatred.
More troops than Russia? Not as of today.
How many Russian troops do are in theater compared to American troops?
No one on this forum knows how many US troops are on the ground in Syria. If there were more than a few someone would have been captured or killed by now. But we can see for ourselves on TV this morning the buildup of Russian ground forces in Syria. They aren't going to commit to having combat aircraft operating from bases inside Syria without the ground troops to protect those airbases.
The US government via the Pentagon consistently uses the figure of 3,500 US troops with boots on the ground in Iraq. Estimates by various sources for Russian troops hover around 1,700 to 2,000 troops. These estimates are gained by viewing military hardware and equipment. In addition, the US has large combat contingents on the Kuwait/Iraq border that can be in Baghdad in a day. These troops number over 15,000.
Exactly, no US troops on the ground in Syria.
I misunderstood. You are correct, no US troops in Syria, only Iraq.

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