1rst Putin Airstrike Kills 36 Syrians, Lots of Children and 0 ISIS

Told you so.


Russia will not go after ISIS unless or until they become a direct threat to Assad. They will concentrate on killing the enemies of ISIS because they are also enemies of Assad. Plus innocents. Russia will kill lots of innocents as proven with today's attack.

Know who else was indiscriminate in war? God. Bible's full of wars including targetting of women and children.

Kill Men, Women, and Children

"Then I heard the LORD say to the other men, "Follow him through the city and kill everyone whose forehead is not marked. Show no mercy; have no pity! Kill them all – old and young, girls and women and little children. But do not touch anyone with the mark. Begin your task right here at the Temple." So they began by killing the seventy leaders. "Defile the Temple!" the LORD commanded. "Fill its courtyards with the bodies of those you kill! Go!" So they went throughout the city and did as they were told." (Ezekiel 9:5-7 NLT)

Ya there's a deity I wanna be affiliated with.
We have more troops on the ground than Russia does. Our troops as trainers and advisers have been active and in harms way in Iraq for a long time. To bad citizens like you ignore them for the sake of Obama obsessed hatred.
More troops than Russia? Not as of today.
How many Russian troops do are in theater compared to American troops?
No one on this forum knows how many US troops are on the ground in Syria. If there were more than a few someone would have been captured or killed by now. But we can see for ourselves on TV this morning the buildup of Russian ground forces in Syria. They aren't going to commit to having combat aircraft operating from bases inside Syria without the ground troops to protect those airbases.
The US government via the Pentagon consistently uses the figure of 3,500 US troops with boots on the ground in Iraq. Estimates by various sources for Russian troops hover around 1,700 to 2,000 troops. These estimates are gained by viewing military hardware and equipment. In addition, the US has large combat contingents on the Kuwait/Iraq border that can be in Baghdad in a day. These troops number over 15,000.
Exactly, no US troops on the ground in Syria.
We have Special Forces troops in 99% of the countries in the world for the past 60 years. Google it if you don't believe it.
Told you so.


Russia will not go after ISIS unless or until they become a direct threat to Assad. They will concentrate on killing the enemies of ISIS because they are also enemies of Assad. Plus innocents. Russia will kill lots of innocents as proven with today's attack.

Know who else was indiscriminate in war? God. Bible's full of wars including targetting of women and children.

Kill Men, Women, and Children

"Then I heard the LORD say to the other men, "Follow him through the city and kill everyone whose forehead is not marked. Show no mercy; have no pity! Kill them all – old and young, girls and women and little children. But do not touch anyone with the mark. Begin your task right here at the Temple." So they began by killing the seventy leaders. "Defile the Temple!" the LORD commanded. "Fill its courtyards with the bodies of those you kill! Go!" So they went throughout the city and did as they were told." (Ezekiel 9:5-7 NLT)

Ya there's a deity I wanna be affiliated with.
Say wha? This makes no sense at all.
And President Zippy has no strategy..............:dig:..........
The President gave the US Military clear and concise orders to attack ISIS in a way that created a minimum amount of civilian casualties, no American military casualties and stressed patience and the skills of a sophisticated hunter father than a bully and brute force. The US military is performing it task above and beyond what they were asked.
Air strikes only is the same as fertilizing and watering fence posts to grow telephone poles.
The airstrikes are in support of forces on the ground, mostly Pesmerga or Kurds but also Iraqi. Maybe you remember taking back Kobani where airstrikes took out thousands of ISIS fighters supporting the Kurds, or retaking the oil fields and dams in Iraq.
Air power alone will not win any war. Ask any military academy graduate with years of combat experience.
And President Zippy has no strategy..............:dig:..........
The President gave the US Military clear and concise orders to attack ISIS in a way that created a minimum amount of civilian casualties, no American military casualties and stressed patience and the skills of a sophisticated hunter father than a bully and brute force. The US military is performing it task above and beyond what they were asked.
Air strikes only is the same as fertilizing and watering fence posts to grow telephone poles.
The airstrikes are in support of forces on the ground, mostly Pesmerga or Kurds but also Iraqi. Maybe you remember taking back Kobani where airstrikes took out thousands of ISIS fighters supporting the Kurds, or retaking the oil fields and dams in Iraq.
Air power alone will not win any war. Ask any military academy graduate with years of combat experience.
Who is fighting a war with only air power?
And President Zippy has no strategy..............:dig:..........
The President gave the US Military clear and concise orders to attack ISIS in a way that created a minimum amount of civilian casualties, no American military casualties and stressed patience and the skills of a sophisticated hunter father than a bully and brute force. The US military is performing it task above and beyond what they were asked.
Air strikes only is the same as fertilizing and watering fence posts to grow telephone poles.
The airstrikes are in support of forces on the ground, mostly Pesmerga or Kurds but also Iraqi. Maybe you remember taking back Kobani where airstrikes took out thousands of ISIS fighters supporting the Kurds, or retaking the oil fields and dams in Iraq.
Air power alone will not win any war. Ask any military academy graduate with years of combat experience.
Who is fighting a war with only air power?
Uncle Barack, TheManchurian Kenyan Dicktater.
until Russia targets the U.S, we really should not be involved with what they do.
besides, somebody has to calm things down in the middle east, since we don't have leadership in the U.S, it looks like it is going to be up to Russia and China to cover for us.
They benefitted the most from Dubya's adventures anyways. They might as well earn it this time.

Do you miss American coffins coming home draped in flags that badly?

Evidently short term memory loss is a problem for Maryland Idiot. Let Maryland Idiot either join up, sign your kids up, or shut up.
Count down in seconds before liberals give Putin hell for killing civilians in Syria like they claim Bush did: 999,999,999,999. 999,999,999,998. 999,999,999,997. 999,999,999,996 ...
After hearing Ash Carter just now, we should take all our toys and go home. This is for the big boys. Only those who know what they're doing belong in or near Syria.
You are not just saying that because his tie looked like a dead koi, are you?
His TIE. He looked like a dead koi!
He was bizarre and humiliating.

So ten years of war with no victory was not enough for you? What does it take for idiots to understand that non-intervention in the Middle East is our only option? Let the fucking Saudis go and clean up. They have more money than 100 Koch brothers. Let the Israelis take a stand. France is getting involved because of in country attacks (Charlie Hebdo) from ISIS, they are not doing it to get gold stars from the international community.
until Russia targets the U.S, we really should not be involved with what they do.
besides, somebody has to calm things down in the middle east, since we don't have leadership in the U.S, it looks like it is going to be up to Russia and China to cover for us.
They benefitted the most from Dubya's adventures anyways. They might as well earn it this time.

Do you miss American coffins coming home draped in flags that badly?

Evidently short term memory loss is a problem for Maryland Idiot. Let Maryland Idiot either join up, sign your kids up, or shut up.
Maryland idiot did 8 years in the military, so why don't you shut up? or maybe join and do your part instead of just bitching on an internet website.
Motherfucking loser American nutters cannot go a minute without claiming that we have no leadership..........but they can't help but claim that Obama is a fucking dictator.

Assholes. You don't know what you want.........and your entire POV is shaped by selecting opposition to what this POTUS does.

You suck.
Count down before liberals give Putin hell for killing civilians in Syria like they did with Bush: 999,999,999,999. 999,999,999,998. 999,999,999,997. 999,999,999,996 ...

Why don't you quote Iraqi and Afghan civilian casualties and displacements from 2003-2011 since you're on such a roll.....
And President Zippy has no strategy..............:dig:..........
The President gave the US Military clear and concise orders to attack ISIS in a way that created a minimum amount of civilian casualties, no American military casualties and stressed patience and the skills of a sophisticated hunter father than a bully and brute force. The US military is performing it task above and beyond what they were asked.
Air strikes only is the same as fertilizing and watering fence posts to grow telephone poles.

Tell me......what is your hero Putin doing?

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