1rst Putin Airstrike Kills 36 Syrians, Lots of Children and 0 ISIS

until Russia targets the U.S, we really should not be involved with what they do.
besides, somebody has to calm things down in the middle east, since we don't have leadership in the U.S, it looks like it is going to be up to Russia and China to cover for us.
They benefitted the most from Dubya's adventures anyways. They might as well earn it this time.

Do you miss American coffins coming home draped in flags that badly?

Evidently short term memory loss is a problem for Maryland Idiot. Let Maryland Idiot either join up, sign your kids up, or shut up.
Maryland idiot did 8 years in the military, so why don't you shut up? or maybe join and do your part instead of just bitching on an internet website.

So? I have three brothers who served in Vietnam and none of them would make such stupid statements as you.
Christ upon a crutch!

Putin meets Obama one day and the very next starts acting like Him!
Can you link to the story where Putin has stopped leading and picked up the game of Golf while directing all of his attention at racially dividing the country that he is trying to financially ruin?
Motherfucking loser American nutters cannot go a minute without claiming that we have no leadership..........but they can't help but claim that Obama is a fucking dictator.

Assholes. You don't know what you want.........and your entire POV is shaped by selecting opposition to what this POTUS does.

You suck.

Good point, LL. They just can't make up their minds between FEMA camps and a military coup after Obama magically cancels the 2016 elecitons, or a lame duck. Funny.
until Russia targets the U.S, we really should not be involved with what they do.
besides, somebody has to calm things down in the middle east, since we don't have leadership in the U.S, it looks like it is going to be up to Russia and China to cover for us.
They benefitted the most from Dubya's adventures anyways. They might as well earn it this time.

Do you miss American coffins coming home draped in flags that badly?

Evidently short term memory loss is a problem for Maryland Idiot. Let Maryland Idiot either join up, sign your kids up, or shut up.
Maryland idiot did 8 years in the military, so why don't you shut up? or maybe join and do your part instead of just bitching on an internet website.

So? I have three brothers who served in Vietnam and none of them would make such stupid statements as you.
If they are liberals then they don't count.
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Putin has shown his card. Things could change, but a good bet is that the strategy will be to bring the non ISIS rebels to the negotiating table, organize them to make peace with Assad and all join forces in defeating ISIS.
Interesting. That would certainly be a strategy for killing multiple birds with one stone. The wild card in that equation is fighting ISIS, but no doubt Putin would be less concerned with those pesky rules of engagement.

Assad stays, he owes Putin, and Putin is the White Knight regarding ISIS. Definitely a win-win for Putin.

Thinking it through a bit, I have to wonder if Putin has been waiting for his moment in the Middle East once he saw us go in with guns a-blazin', kicking over the hornet's nest. This could be just what he has been expecting and waiting for.
Christ upon a crutch!

Putin meets Obama one day and the very next starts acting like Him!
Can you link to the story where Putin has stopped leading and picked up the game of Golf while directing all of his attention at racially dividing the country that he is trying to financially ruin?
Putin has not taken up the game of golf and this discussion is not about Ukraine.
This is why you don't draw red lines unless you are willing to back it up. We are now a laughing stock around the world. Thanks Obama and your supporters.
We are not the laughing stock you wish for and fantasize about. That is a result of you hatred of the President which morphs into a hatred of America and America's military. America and our policies are viewed as rational and intelligent. That is why we have so much international support. 65 nations are supporting us in one way or another. How many are supporting Russia?
They think of America as a bunch of pussies, thanks for that.
And President Zippy has no strategy..............:dig:..........
The President gave the US Military clear and concise orders to attack ISIS in a way that created a minimum amount of civilian casualties, no American military casualties and stressed patience and the skills of a sophisticated hunter father than a bully and brute force. The US military is performing it task above and beyond what they were asked.
Air strikes only is the same as fertilizing and watering fence posts to grow telephone poles.

Tell me......what is your hero Putin doing?
The Communist butcher ain't my hero but he's busy killing innocent people.
This is why you don't draw red lines unless you are willing to back it up. We are now a laughing stock around the world. Thanks Obama and your supporters.
There are dozens of reasons why the US is the laughing stock around the world.
Obama is the least of them.
until Russia targets the U.S, we really should not be involved with what they do.
besides, somebody has to calm things down in the middle east, since we don't have leadership in the U.S, it looks like it is going to be up to Russia and China to cover for us.
They benefitted the most from Dubya's adventures anyways. They might as well earn it this time.

Do you miss American coffins coming home draped in flags that badly?

Evidently short term memory loss is a problem for Maryland Idiot. Let Maryland Idiot either join up, sign your kids up, or shut up.
Maryland idiot did 8 years in the military, so why don't you shut up? or maybe join and do your part instead of just bitching on an internet website.

So? I have three brothers who served in Vietnam and none of them would make such stupid statements as you.
Your sig picture?
Putin has shown his card. Things could change, but a good bet is that the strategy will be to bring the non ISIS rebels to the negotiating table, organize them to make peace with Assad and all join forces in defeating ISIS.
Interesting. That would certainly be a strategy for killing multiple birds with one stone. The wild card in that equation is fighting ISIS, but no doubt Putin would be less concerned with those pesky rules of engagement.

Assad stays, he owes Putin, and Putin is the White Knight regarding ISIS. Definitely a win-win for Putin.

Thinking it through a bit, I have to wonder if Putin has been waiting for his moment in the Middle East once he saw us go in with guns a-blazin', kicking over the hornet's nest. This could be just what he has been expecting and waiting for.
It may not be that complicated. Iran is the money bags in the equation and they are getting access of a lot of bags of money with the nuke deal. Financing the efforts in Syria could cost a bunch of bags of money and Russia has a real need for those bags. The MIC that served Russia but remained in SE Ukraine that was lost in the Ukraine fiasco needs replacing. This adventure could finance that replacement of the industry lost is SE Ukraine and in desperate need of rebuilding in Russian territory.
And President Zippy has no strategy..............:dig:..........
The President gave the US Military clear and concise orders to attack ISIS in a way that created a minimum amount of civilian casualties, no American military casualties and stressed patience and the skills of a sophisticated hunter father than a bully and brute force. The US military is performing it task above and beyond what they were asked.

The way it look it will get complicated as it is. Just wondering what the coalition would do.
And President Zippy has no strategy..............:dig:..........
The President gave the US Military clear and concise orders to attack ISIS in a way that created a minimum amount of civilian casualties, no American military casualties and stressed patience and the skills of a sophisticated hunter father than a bully and brute force. The US military is performing it task above and beyond what they were asked.

Russia lacks the capability to conduct precision air strikes and the command structure to regulate those strikes
Maybe they thought they were bombing ISIS but they are bombing the other side. uuupps wrong town.
This is why you don't draw red lines unless you are willing to back it up. We are now a laughing stock around the world. Thanks Obama and your supporters.
We are not the laughing stock you wish for and fantasize about. That is a result of you hatred of the President which morphs into a hatred of America and America's military. America and our policies are viewed as rational and intelligent. That is why we have so much international support. 65 nations are supporting us in one way or another. How many are supporting Russia?

It really doesn't matter how many nations are supporting us when you have no strategy.

Your saying that all of those coalition countries that participate in this bombing campaign do not have strategy? They just dropped leaflets for wedding invitations?
This is why you don't draw red lines unless you are willing to back it up. We are now a laughing stock around the world. Thanks Obama and your supporters.
We are not the laughing stock you wish for and fantasize about. That is a result of you hatred of the President which morphs into a hatred of America and America's military. America and our policies are viewed as rational and intelligent. That is why we have so much international support. 65 nations are supporting us in one way or another. How many are supporting Russia?


He is correct.

Obama is viewed as weak, and other countries are taking advantage.

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