1rst Putin Airstrike Kills 36 Syrians, Lots of Children and 0 ISIS

You sound like a total idiot.


Our guys are risking their lives to take out ISIS targets...

Yes... Those guys in Tampa and Vegas, flying those drones are risking every form of depravity... the blisters and carpal tunnel... the damage to those lower backs is beyond human endurance. It's just awful... .

We rarely find that sort of personal sacrifice outside of the basements and bedrooms of High Schoolers and college attendees well on their way to dropping out.
You sir are the very definition of a low information person. You do not know that Americans are in harms way ...

Well... We know that Americans are in harms way ass-hat.

Because they're being removed from the Army by obama, for defending little boys from the Muslims that are raping them.

But this is what happens when a people allow degenerates to find power. They quickly demand that you accept degeneracy. And when you don't, they use their power to serve retribution upon you.

Such is the nature of evil.
obama is mad he says "Let me at 'em. I'll show that Russian how a black man surrenders."
Always with the sheet and hood aren`t you? Do you ever take it off?
I'm not wrong am I?
Not wrong but plenty stupid. What will Obama surrender?


LOL! Perhaps you're groping for the question: "What HAS obama Surrendered?" The answer to which is: US Economic Viability, US Security and the whole of the Middle East.
You sound like a total idiot.


Our guys are risking their lives to take out ISIS targets...

Yes... Those guys in Tampa and Vegas, flying those drones are risking every form of depravity... the blisters and carpal tunnel... the damage to those lower backs is beyond human endurance. It's just awful... .

We rarely find that sort of personal sacrifice outside of the basements and bedrooms of High Schoolers and college attendees well on their way to dropping out.
You sir are the very definition of a low information person. You do not know that Americans are in harms way ...

Well... We know that Americans are in harms way ass-hat.

Because they're being removed from the Army by obama, for defending little boys from the Muslims that are raping them.

But this is what happens when a people allow degenerates to find power. They quickly demand that you accept degeneracy. And when you don't, they use their power to serve retribution upon you.

Such is the nature of evil.
Ya, change the subject. You thought the air campaign in Iraq and Syria was a drone war. You have no credibility. You had no idea manned combat aircraft were flying combat missions. How that is possible is a mystery to me. Now you are going to be an expert of Afghanistan.
"Western-backed Syrian rebel group says hit by Russian air strikes" - for dummies
Illuminati MOCK the "news" audience reduced to human cattle - there are ZERO Western-backed Syrian rebel groups.
Western-backed Syrian rebel group says hit by Russian air strikes

Syria: Russia: official first strike: Satanic celebration, Illuminati pass truth in plain sight:
To make sure that the audience gets that "strikes against ISIS" is just a cover-up for bombing civilians, four characters is again all it takes:
HOMS, which became in 2013 the first city totally destoyed with barrel bombs, and there were never any fake rebels of ISIS
To make sure that the audience gets what bombing Homs is all about, BBC news "Live updates: Russia begins Syria raids" includes a photo of the remnants of Homs.

Western-backed Syrian rebel group says hit by Russian air strikes
Western-backed Syrian rebel group says hit by Russian air strikes

BBC news "Live updates: Russia begins Syria raids" - see photo at
Sep 30 16:09 Talbisseh in Homs province is reported to be among the places targeted by Russian warplanes. It has already been badly damaged by fighting.
Live updates: Russia begins Syria raids - BBC News

From Aug 2014, BEFORE the "US led coalition" officially started sharing the syrian skies with Assad [updates as of Sep 2015 in brackets].
Russia, China supply IV Reich ground forces for World War III.
NATO is the official IV Reich military. As for the rest of the IV Reich shock troops:
Unofficial IV Reich military
Soldiers supplied by illuminazi puppets playing "governments" and "spiritual leaders" around the world.
The most important ones [as of Sep 2015] are officially controlled by:
- the "Supreme Leader of shi'a muslims": Iran, Baghdad regime in Iraq, Hezbollah regime in Lebanon;
- puppets playing sunni islamists, particularly importan are Turkey and Saudi Arabia.
- transnational entitiies: UN peacekeepers, African Union military;
- fake rebels: the most important are ISIS and the infiltrators who took control of Donetsk and Lugansk leadership in the May 16 coup shortly after the start of the armed revolt in eastern Ukraine.

IV Reich ground troops in Syria and Iraq
Since 2011 lluminazis were forced to
- withdraw most of the official troops, in this case US military, from Iraq, after 10,000+ NATO mercenaries were killed (same as in Afghanistan, after 10,000+ dead).
- send tens of thousands of shi'a shock troops first to Syria and after June 2014 also to Iraq.
[as of Sep 2015] More than 80% of the Assad regime and 60% of the Baghdad regime are iranian and lebanese Hezbollah.
15,000+ foreign shi'a were killed by the syrian and iraqi freedom fighters since July 2014 alone.

Russia and China IV Reich military for World War III -
China officially has just over 3,000 UN "peacekeepers".
Russia officially supplying only 87 UN "peacekeepers" has an incomparably more important role.
Russia plays the official role in arming the shi'a shock troops in Iraq and Syria.
In fact russian air pilots in russian fighter jets painted with Iraq's flag started to bomb iraqis after the fall of Mosul, same as since mid-2013 in Syria.

The IV Reich
IV Reich, lead by Adolf Hitler's great nephew
This is the problem with getting involved in other countries civil wars, and I think it's always been around. Russia and Assad are buddies, Assad's against everyone, including some American allies. Our allies over there asked us to attack Assad a while back, we declined getting involved in the civil war. Russia has elected not to decline the request for help from Assad. It's going to be a mess no matter what...

Honestly, I think our best bet is to get our boys out, protest if Russia's tagging non ISIS, and just let Russia fail, then shit can calm down and we'll go pick up the pieces. I mean it's shitty as fuck, because a lot of innocent folks are going to die from Russia/Assad, but given the situation... Do we really want to risk a possible war because of /Syria's/ civil war? It's not like egoPut is going to back down from us unless we went all in, nor that Obamapuss would stand up to him and go all in. There is /no/ win for America here...
Putin has always backed Assad and to be honest I could care less if they all kill themselves over there.

If they want to do something about ISIS let the Arab League do that something.

We sure as shit don't need to be over there and we certainly don't need to take in Syrian refugees. Refugees who could easily be jihadists. Not only that but these refugees will cost we taxpayers millions of dollars as they will need housing and medical care.

Not our problem and no way should any of them be here at all.
I'm amazed at what Americans are stupid.

I mean it's shitty as fuck, because a lot of innocent folks are going to die from Russia/Assad, but given the situation... Do we really want to risk a possible war because of /Syria's/ civil war?

I could care less if they all kill themselves over there.

If you feel different, grab your gun and go lend a hand.
Told you so.


Russia will not go after ISIS unless or until they become a direct threat to Assad. They will concentrate on killing the enemies of ISIS because they are also enemies of Assad. Plus innocents. Russia will kill lots of innocents as proven with today's attack.

Where's the evidence?
1rst Putin Airstrike Kills 36 Syrians, Lots of Children and 0 ISIS

These targets were worth something to Assad and Putin. They might have been high value people, high value infrastructure/command centers, or it might have been personal. From the body language of Obama and Putin after the 90 minute meeting those two had earlier this week I would guess Obama gave Putin a real talking down to. These strikes might have been Putin giving Obama the finger.

While Putin did not strike ISIS he will. Given that Syria, Russia, Iran, Iraq, and maybe China have set up a intelligence sharing command center one must look at the challenge they face. Sooner or later that group is going to want to connect point A to point B.

(maps from wiki and google maps)
Syrian Civil War - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Iraqi Civil War (2014–present) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

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Told you so.


Russia will not go after ISIS unless or until they become a direct threat to Assad. They will concentrate on killing the enemies of ISIS because they are also enemies of Assad. Plus innocents. Russia will kill lots of innocents as proven with today's attack.
The Syrian rebels are ISIS.
No they aren't. How can you be that misinformed?
ISIS is fighting Syria......Syrian rebels are fighting Syria.

They're on the same side.
Told you so.


Russia will not go after ISIS unless or until they become a direct threat to Assad. They will concentrate on killing the enemies of ISIS because they are also enemies of Assad. Plus innocents. Russia will kill lots of innocents as proven with today's attack.
The Syrian rebels are ISIS.
No they aren't. How can you be that misinformed?
ISIS is fighting Syria......Syrian rebels are fighting Syria.

They're on the same side.
They may be fighting a common enemy, but that does not make them the same. Russia is not going after the horrible force that has run around all over Syria and Iraq kidnapping young girls for sex slaves, murdering Christians, cutting off heads, crucifying children, etc. Coalition forces, including and mostly US have been chasing those monsters down and killing them. American pilots in A-10, F-18's, etc. have been risking their lives hunting those monsters down and killing them. It is American air crews risking getting shot down over ISIS territories, not Russian crews. Why do you want to give credit to Russians for doing something they are not doing?
It appears that even after a 2nd day of strikes the Russians have failed to attack the actual ISIS forces, however they do the same thing you do, they claim they are attacking ISIS because they have conveniently grouped anyone against Assad into one stereotype and grouping. They thankfully have guys like you to help spread their propaganda and lies.
This is why you don't draw red lines unless you are willing to back it up. We are now a laughing stock around the world. Thanks Obama and your supporters.
We are not the laughing stock you wish for and fantasize about. That is a result of you hatred of the President which morphs into a hatred of America and America's military. America and our policies are viewed as rational and intelligent. That is why we have so much international support. 65 nations are supporting us in one way or another. How many are supporting Russia?

It really doesn't matter how many nations are supporting us when you have no strategy.
List of 'support' provided to the US by the 65 countries:
2 boxes of 'Baby Wipes'
I 1994 Jeep Cherokee
4 bags of Thrift store sweaters size small.
This is why you don't draw red lines unless you are willing to back it up. We are now a laughing stock around the world. Thanks Obama and your supporters.
We are not the laughing stock you wish for and fantasize about. That is a result of you hatred of the President which morphs into a hatred of America and America's military. America and our policies are viewed as rational and intelligent. That is why we have so much international support. 65 nations are supporting us in one way or another. How many are supporting Russia?

It really doesn't matter how many nations are supporting us when you have no strategy.
We have a strategy. The strategy has always been to degrade the ISIS forces. It is taking a long time because none of Iraq's or Syria's neighbors have stepped up to provided a ground force. Thankfully our President refuses to give in and make Americans do that job. When someone steps up and provides a ground force the strategy can move into the next phase.
But YOU just claimed the US has 65 countries as allies pal.
Surely a couple of them could send some help. None of them have "stepped up".
The only boots on the ground are going to be worn by the 150K Russian soldiers.
You really believe Putin is going to go in and 'clean up the fucking mess' then just march his troops home?
Then you're a fool.
Once Putin's military controls Syria on the ground Putin isn't going anywhere.
BOBO the fucking clown can only stand on the sidelines and act 'sophisticated' AKA totally out of his depth AKA naive and weak. The best part is BOBO knows Putin thinks BOBO is a pussy and BOBO knows that Putin knows it.

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