1rst Putin Airstrike Kills 36 Syrians, Lots of Children and 0 ISIS

More troops than Russia? Not as of today.
How many Russian troops do are in theater compared to American troops?
No one on this forum knows how many US troops are on the ground in Syria. If there were more than a few someone would have been captured or killed by now. But we can see for ourselves on TV this morning the buildup of Russian ground forces in Syria. They aren't going to commit to having combat aircraft operating from bases inside Syria without the ground troops to protect those airbases.
The US government via the Pentagon consistently uses the figure of 3,500 US troops with boots on the ground in Iraq. Estimates by various sources for Russian troops hover around 1,700 to 2,000 troops. These estimates are gained by viewing military hardware and equipment. In addition, the US has large combat contingents on the Kuwait/Iraq border that can be in Baghdad in a day. These troops number over 15,000.
Exactly, no US troops on the ground in Syria.
We have Special Forces troops in 99% of the countries in the world for the past 60 years. Google it if you don't believe it.
Ya. There's three in Madagascar.
until Russia targets the U.S, we really should not be involved with what they do.
besides, somebody has to calm things down in the middle east, since we don't have leadership in the U.S, it looks like it is going to be up to Russia and China to cover for us.
They benefitted the most from Dubya's adventures anyways. They might as well earn it this time.

Do you miss American coffins coming home draped in flags that badly?

Evidently short term memory loss is a problem for Maryland Idiot. Let Maryland Idiot either join up, sign your kids up, or shut up.
Maryland idiot did 8 years in the military, so why don't you shut up? or maybe join and do your part instead of just bitching on an internet website.

So? I have three brothers who served in Vietnam and none of them would make such stupid statements as you.
I'm not sure your 'brothers' will take too kindly of you putting up the video of them pal. At least tell them to put a shirt on next time.
This is why you don't draw red lines unless you are willing to back it up. We are now a laughing stock around the world. Thanks Obama and your supporters.
We are not the laughing stock you wish for and fantasize about. That is a result of you hatred of the President which morphs into a hatred of America and America's military. America and our policies are viewed as rational and intelligent. That is why we have so much international support. 65 nations are supporting us in one way or another. How many are supporting Russia?

It really doesn't matter how many nations are supporting us when you have no strategy.
We have a strategy. The strategy has always been to degrade the ISIS forces. It is taking a long time because none of Iraq's or Syria's neighbors have stepped up to provided a ground force. Thankfully our President refuses to give in and make Americans do that job. When someone steps up and provides a ground force the strategy can move into the next phase.
But YOU just claimed the US has 65 countries as allies pal.
Surely a couple of them could send some help. None of them have "stepped up".
The only boots on the ground are going to be worn by the 150K Russian soldiers.
You really believe Putin is going to go in and 'clean up the fucking mess' then just march his troops home?
Then you're a fool.
Once Putin's military controls Syria on the ground Putin isn't going anywhere.
BOBO the fucking clown can only stand on the sidelines and act 'sophisticated' AKA totally out of his depth AKA naive and weak. The best part is BOBO knows Putin thinks BOBO is a pussy and BOBO knows that Putin knows it.
You are in for a disappointing surprise. It shouldn't be a surprise, but to a low information dopey guy like you, it will be.
Told you so.


Russia will not go after ISIS unless or until they become a direct threat to Assad. They will concentrate on killing the enemies of ISIS because they are also enemies of Assad. Plus innocents. Russia will kill lots of innocents as proven with today's attack.
The Syrian rebels are ISIS.
No they aren't. How can you be that misinformed?
ISIS is fighting Syria......Syrian rebels are fighting Syria.

They're on the same side.
They may be fighting a common enemy, but that does not make them the same. Russia is not going after the horrible force that has run around all over Syria and Iraq kidnapping young girls for sex slaves, murdering Christians, cutting off heads, crucifying children, etc. Coalition forces, including and mostly US have been chasing those monsters down and killing them. American pilots in A-10, F-18's, etc. have been risking their lives hunting those monsters down and killing them. It is American air crews risking getting shot down over ISIS territories, not Russian crews. Why do you want to give credit to Russians for doing something they are not doing?
It appears that even after a 2nd day of strikes the Russians have failed to attack the actual ISIS forces, however they do the same thing you do, they claim they are attacking ISIS because they have conveniently grouped anyone against Assad into one stereotype and grouping. They thankfully have guys like you to help spread their propaganda and lies.
And you trust anything the media reports? We have no boots on the ground in Syria. How do they confirm who was hit?

Obviously, Obama can't do squat on the ground. Everything is public relations to him. I'd like independent confirmation before I react to what's reported in the news.
Putin has shown his card. Things could change, but a good bet is that the strategy will be to bring the non ISIS rebels to the negotiating table, organize them to make peace with Assad and all join forces in defeating ISIS.
Interesting. That would certainly be a strategy for killing multiple birds with one stone. The wild card in that equation is fighting ISIS, but no doubt Putin would be less concerned with those pesky rules of engagement.

Assad stays, he owes Putin, and Putin is the White Knight regarding ISIS. Definitely a win-win for Putin.

Thinking it through a bit, I have to wonder if Putin has been waiting for his moment in the Middle East once he saw us go in with guns a-blazin', kicking over the hornet's nest. This could be just what he has been expecting and waiting for.
It may not be that complicated. Iran is the money bags in the equation and they are getting access of a lot of bags of money with the nuke deal. Financing the efforts in Syria could cost a bunch of bags of money and Russia has a real need for those bags. The MIC that served Russia but remained in SE Ukraine that was lost in the Ukraine fiasco needs replacing. This adventure could finance that replacement of the industry lost is SE Ukraine and in desperate need of rebuilding in Russian territory.
So to update you pal. Iran has yet to receive one fucking dime of the money they blackmailed from BOBO. The money could take months to actually happen if ever. If a REP get's into the White House before the 'Blackmail' deal is fully ratified the fucking party is over for the fucking sand monkey rag head mullahs.
The rag heads have already stated they have no intention of honoring the inspection part of the agreement AND no one but the 'Pickle Lady's Lap Poodle' the 'war hero' Kerry has actually signed the agreement.
Kerry makes Chamberlain look like fucking Putin.
Told you so.


Russia will not go after ISIS unless or until they become a direct threat to Assad. They will concentrate on killing the enemies of ISIS because they are also enemies of Assad. Plus innocents. Russia will kill lots of innocents as proven with today's attack.
The Syrian rebels are ISIS.
No they aren't. How can you be that misinformed?
ISIS is fighting Syria......Syrian rebels are fighting Syria.

They're on the same side.
They may be fighting a common enemy, but that does not make them the same. Russia is not going after the horrible force that has run around all over Syria and Iraq kidnapping young girls for sex slaves, murdering Christians, cutting off heads, crucifying children, etc. Coalition forces, including and mostly US have been chasing those monsters down and killing them. American pilots in A-10, F-18's, etc. have been risking their lives hunting those monsters down and killing them. It is American air crews risking getting shot down over ISIS territories, not Russian crews. Why do you want to give credit to Russians for doing something they are not doing?
It appears that even after a 2nd day of strikes the Russians have failed to attack the actual ISIS forces, however they do the same thing you do, they claim they are attacking ISIS because they have conveniently grouped anyone against Assad into one stereotype and grouping. They thankfully have guys like you to help spread their propaganda and lies.
And you trust anything the media reports? We have no boots on the ground in Syria. How do they confirm who was hit?

Obviously, Obama can't do squat on the ground. Everything is public relations to him. I'd like independent confirmation before I react to what's reported in the news.
I posted two links to verify the thread title. One from a western source known to have sources on the ground in the area that was attacked. That source was the BBC. The other source is Arab and is also known to have sources on the ground in the area of the attacks. That source is Al Jazeera. Since posting those sources multiple other sources have confirmed or at least agreed with the reports. I have given far more evidence and links to back up the thread claim than most threads here.
Putin has shown his card. Things could change, but a good bet is that the strategy will be to bring the non ISIS rebels to the negotiating table, organize them to make peace with Assad and all join forces in defeating ISIS.
Interesting. That would certainly be a strategy for killing multiple birds with one stone. The wild card in that equation is fighting ISIS, but no doubt Putin would be less concerned with those pesky rules of engagement.

Assad stays, he owes Putin, and Putin is the White Knight regarding ISIS. Definitely a win-win for Putin.

Thinking it through a bit, I have to wonder if Putin has been waiting for his moment in the Middle East once he saw us go in with guns a-blazin', kicking over the hornet's nest. This could be just what he has been expecting and waiting for.
It may not be that complicated. Iran is the money bags in the equation and they are getting access of a lot of bags of money with the nuke deal. Financing the efforts in Syria could cost a bunch of bags of money and Russia has a real need for those bags. The MIC that served Russia but remained in SE Ukraine that was lost in the Ukraine fiasco needs replacing. This adventure could finance that replacement of the industry lost is SE Ukraine and in desperate need of rebuilding in Russian territory.
So to update you pal. Iran has yet to receive one fucking dime of the money they blackmailed from BOBO. The money could take months to actually happen if ever. If a REP get's into the White House before the 'Blackmail' deal is fully ratified the fucking party is over for the fucking sand monkey rag head mullahs.
The rag heads have already stated they have no intention of honoring the inspection part of the agreement AND no one but the 'Pickle Lady's Lap Poodle' the 'war hero' Kerry has actually signed the agreement.
Kerry makes Chamberlain look like fucking Putin.
A low information person like you should not be trying to update anyone. You think the US and the Republicans in Congress are in control of the sanctions and fate of Iran. That is because you are a low information person. The agreement is with four other countries besides the US, including Russia and China. They are not obligated to follow US or US Senate instructions and rules. They will lift and ignore sanctions no matter what the US does. That means trade, including purchasing oil by China and selling weapons by Russia. Iran can easily use the profits from oil sales to pay for the weapons.
Putin has shown his card. Things could change, but a good bet is that the strategy will be to bring the non ISIS rebels to the negotiating table, organize them to make peace with Assad and all join forces in defeating ISIS.
Interesting. That would certainly be a strategy for killing multiple birds with one stone. The wild card in that equation is fighting ISIS, but no doubt Putin would be less concerned with those pesky rules of engagement.

Assad stays, he owes Putin, and Putin is the White Knight regarding ISIS. Definitely a win-win for Putin.

Thinking it through a bit, I have to wonder if Putin has been waiting for his moment in the Middle East once he saw us go in with guns a-blazin', kicking over the hornet's nest. This could be just what he has been expecting and waiting for.
It may not be that complicated. Iran is the money bags in the equation and they are getting access of a lot of bags of money with the nuke deal. Financing the efforts in Syria could cost a bunch of bags of money and Russia has a real need for those bags. The MIC that served Russia but remained in SE Ukraine that was lost in the Ukraine fiasco needs replacing. This adventure could finance that replacement of the industry lost is SE Ukraine and in desperate need of rebuilding in Russian territory.
So to update you pal. Iran has yet to receive one fucking dime of the money they blackmailed from BOBO. The money could take months to actually happen if ever. If a REP get's into the White House before the 'Blackmail' deal is fully ratified the fucking party is over for the fucking sand monkey rag head mullahs.
The rag heads have already stated they have no intention of honoring the inspection part of the agreement AND no one but the 'Pickle Lady's Lap Poodle' the 'war hero' Kerry has actually signed the agreement.
Kerry makes Chamberlain look like fucking Putin.
A low information person like you should not be trying to update anyone. You think the US and the Republicans in Congress are in control of the sanctions and fate of Iran. That is because you are a low information person. The agreement is with four other countries besides the US, including Russia and China. They are not obligated to follow US or US Senate instructions and rules. They will lift and ignore sanctions no matter what the US does. That means trade, including purchasing oil by China and selling weapons by Russia. Iran can easily use the profits from oil sales to pay for the weapons.
Your words: " Iran is the money bags in the equation and they are getting access of a lot of bags of money with the nuke deal.". Looks like you're the LIP.
Russia and China have been dealing in the black market with Iran for years. Everyone knows this.
Russia and China only what ONE thing from the sand monkeys and it's not their 'forty something' stinky sweaty hairy virgins. In time they will control all the ME oil except KSA.
Just curious. Are you from Pakistan originally?
You sure as hell were not born in the US.
Your 'english' isn't too bad but it's not hard to spot a foreigner.
Putin has shown his card. Things could change, but a good bet is that the strategy will be to bring the non ISIS rebels to the negotiating table, organize them to make peace with Assad and all join forces in defeating ISIS.
Interesting. That would certainly be a strategy for killing multiple birds with one stone. The wild card in that equation is fighting ISIS, but no doubt Putin would be less concerned with those pesky rules of engagement.

Assad stays, he owes Putin, and Putin is the White Knight regarding ISIS. Definitely a win-win for Putin.

Thinking it through a bit, I have to wonder if Putin has been waiting for his moment in the Middle East once he saw us go in with guns a-blazin', kicking over the hornet's nest. This could be just what he has been expecting and waiting for.
It may not be that complicated. Iran is the money bags in the equation and they are getting access of a lot of bags of money with the nuke deal. Financing the efforts in Syria could cost a bunch of bags of money and Russia has a real need for those bags. The MIC that served Russia but remained in SE Ukraine that was lost in the Ukraine fiasco needs replacing. This adventure could finance that replacement of the industry lost is SE Ukraine and in desperate need of rebuilding in Russian territory.
So to update you pal. Iran has yet to receive one fucking dime of the money they blackmailed from BOBO. The money could take months to actually happen if ever. If a REP get's into the White House before the 'Blackmail' deal is fully ratified the fucking party is over for the fucking sand monkey rag head mullahs.
The rag heads have already stated they have no intention of honoring the inspection part of the agreement AND no one but the 'Pickle Lady's Lap Poodle' the 'war hero' Kerry has actually signed the agreement.
Kerry makes Chamberlain look like fucking Putin.
A low information person like you should not be trying to update anyone. You think the US and the Republicans in Congress are in control of the sanctions and fate of Iran. That is because you are a low information person. The agreement is with four other countries besides the US, including Russia and China. They are not obligated to follow US or US Senate instructions and rules. They will lift and ignore sanctions no matter what the US does. That means trade, including purchasing oil by China and selling weapons by Russia. Iran can easily use the profits from oil sales to pay for the weapons.
Your words: " Iran is the money bags in the equation and they are getting access of a lot of bags of money with the nuke deal.". Looks like you're the LIP.
Russia and China have been dealing in the black market with Iran for years. Everyone knows this.
Russia and China only what ONE thing from the sand monkeys and it's not their 'forty something' stinky sweaty hairy virgins. In time they will control all the ME oil except KSA.
Just curious. Are you from Pakistan originally?
You sure as hell were not born in the US.
Your 'english' isn't too bad but it's not hard to spot a foreigner.
Darn, you caught me, but I deny being from Pakistan.
Interesting. That would certainly be a strategy for killing multiple birds with one stone. The wild card in that equation is fighting ISIS, but no doubt Putin would be less concerned with those pesky rules of engagement.

Assad stays, he owes Putin, and Putin is the White Knight regarding ISIS. Definitely a win-win for Putin.

Thinking it through a bit, I have to wonder if Putin has been waiting for his moment in the Middle East once he saw us go in with guns a-blazin', kicking over the hornet's nest. This could be just what he has been expecting and waiting for.
It may not be that complicated. Iran is the money bags in the equation and they are getting access of a lot of bags of money with the nuke deal. Financing the efforts in Syria could cost a bunch of bags of money and Russia has a real need for those bags. The MIC that served Russia but remained in SE Ukraine that was lost in the Ukraine fiasco needs replacing. This adventure could finance that replacement of the industry lost is SE Ukraine and in desperate need of rebuilding in Russian territory.
So to update you pal. Iran has yet to receive one fucking dime of the money they blackmailed from BOBO. The money could take months to actually happen if ever. If a REP get's into the White House before the 'Blackmail' deal is fully ratified the fucking party is over for the fucking sand monkey rag head mullahs.
The rag heads have already stated they have no intention of honoring the inspection part of the agreement AND no one but the 'Pickle Lady's Lap Poodle' the 'war hero' Kerry has actually signed the agreement.
Kerry makes Chamberlain look like fucking Putin.
A low information person like you should not be trying to update anyone. You think the US and the Republicans in Congress are in control of the sanctions and fate of Iran. That is because you are a low information person. The agreement is with four other countries besides the US, including Russia and China. They are not obligated to follow US or US Senate instructions and rules. They will lift and ignore sanctions no matter what the US does. That means trade, including purchasing oil by China and selling weapons by Russia. Iran can easily use the profits from oil sales to pay for the weapons.
Your words: " Iran is the money bags in the equation and they are getting access of a lot of bags of money with the nuke deal.". Looks like you're the LIP.
Russia and China have been dealing in the black market with Iran for years. Everyone knows this.
Russia and China only what ONE thing from the sand monkeys and it's not their 'forty something' stinky sweaty hairy virgins. In time they will control all the ME oil except KSA.
Just curious. Are you from Pakistan originally?
You sure as hell were not born in the US.
Your 'english' isn't too bad but it's not hard to spot a foreigner.
Darn, you caught me, but I deny being from Pakistan.
I don't give a fuck what part of the world you came from. You have a grade nine point of view of geopolitics.
A little knowledge is a very dangerous thing when it comes to making grandiose claims.
This LIP has two PHDs. One in World History the other in Political Science.
Instead of running your mouth why not sit back and learn something.
What's happening in the ME is like what's happening hourly between Persian carpet sellers in Morocco. Always fluid. Nothing is ever the way it seems. No one believes anything anyone says. Always much much deeper currents than what you read on biased Internet forums. Including this one.
It may not be that complicated. Iran is the money bags in the equation and they are getting access of a lot of bags of money with the nuke deal. Financing the efforts in Syria could cost a bunch of bags of money and Russia has a real need for those bags. The MIC that served Russia but remained in SE Ukraine that was lost in the Ukraine fiasco needs replacing. This adventure could finance that replacement of the industry lost is SE Ukraine and in desperate need of rebuilding in Russian territory.
So to update you pal. Iran has yet to receive one fucking dime of the money they blackmailed from BOBO. The money could take months to actually happen if ever. If a REP get's into the White House before the 'Blackmail' deal is fully ratified the fucking party is over for the fucking sand monkey rag head mullahs.
The rag heads have already stated they have no intention of honoring the inspection part of the agreement AND no one but the 'Pickle Lady's Lap Poodle' the 'war hero' Kerry has actually signed the agreement.
Kerry makes Chamberlain look like fucking Putin.
A low information person like you should not be trying to update anyone. You think the US and the Republicans in Congress are in control of the sanctions and fate of Iran. That is because you are a low information person. The agreement is with four other countries besides the US, including Russia and China. They are not obligated to follow US or US Senate instructions and rules. They will lift and ignore sanctions no matter what the US does. That means trade, including purchasing oil by China and selling weapons by Russia. Iran can easily use the profits from oil sales to pay for the weapons.
Your words: " Iran is the money bags in the equation and they are getting access of a lot of bags of money with the nuke deal.". Looks like you're the LIP.
Russia and China have been dealing in the black market with Iran for years. Everyone knows this.
Russia and China only what ONE thing from the sand monkeys and it's not their 'forty something' stinky sweaty hairy virgins. In time they will control all the ME oil except KSA.
Just curious. Are you from Pakistan originally?
You sure as hell were not born in the US.
Your 'english' isn't too bad but it's not hard to spot a foreigner.
Darn, you caught me, but I deny being from Pakistan.
I don't give a fuck what part of the world you came from. You have a grade nine point of view of geopolitics.
A little knowledge is a very dangerous thing when it comes to making grandiose claims.
This LIP has two PHDs. One in World History the other in Political Science.
Instead of running your mouth why not sit back and learn something.
What's happening in the ME is like what's happening hourly between Persian carpet sellers in Morocco. Always fluid. Nothing is ever the way it seems. No one believes anything anyone says. Always much much deeper currents than what you read on biased Internet forums. Including this one.

I think you are full of crap. I always think that when a poster attacks the messenger instead of the message the way you do. Plus I rarely pay attention to crude and foul bigots like you. They always turn out to be dopes.
I notice you failed to address the first part of my post where I mention that four other countries are signatories of the agreement and not under the control of the US Senate nonsense and actions. Those countries will lift the sanctions no matter how much blustering the Republicans in the Senate do. If you have all those degrees in higher education you should be able to make some kind of intellectual and academic comments about the topic. Perhaps you can clue us in as to the difference between black market oil sales and supertanker sized legitimate oil sales. Maybe explain delayed payment and international financing options that are available to Iran without sanctions from countries that decide to ignore the US boycotted agreement if the Republican Tea Party Senate gets it's way.
It may not be that complicated. Iran is the money bags in the equation and they are getting access of a lot of bags of money with the nuke deal. Financing the efforts in Syria could cost a bunch of bags of money and Russia has a real need for those bags. The MIC that served Russia but remained in SE Ukraine that was lost in the Ukraine fiasco needs replacing. This adventure could finance that replacement of the industry lost is SE Ukraine and in desperate need of rebuilding in Russian territory.
So to update you pal. Iran has yet to receive one fucking dime of the money they blackmailed from BOBO. The money could take months to actually happen if ever. If a REP get's into the White House before the 'Blackmail' deal is fully ratified the fucking party is over for the fucking sand monkey rag head mullahs.
The rag heads have already stated they have no intention of honoring the inspection part of the agreement AND no one but the 'Pickle Lady's Lap Poodle' the 'war hero' Kerry has actually signed the agreement.
Kerry makes Chamberlain look like fucking Putin.
A low information person like you should not be trying to update anyone. You think the US and the Republicans in Congress are in control of the sanctions and fate of Iran. That is because you are a low information person. The agreement is with four other countries besides the US, including Russia and China. They are not obligated to follow US or US Senate instructions and rules. They will lift and ignore sanctions no matter what the US does. That means trade, including purchasing oil by China and selling weapons by Russia. Iran can easily use the profits from oil sales to pay for the weapons.
Your words: " Iran is the money bags in the equation and they are getting access of a lot of bags of money with the nuke deal.". Looks like you're the LIP.
Russia and China have been dealing in the black market with Iran for years. Everyone knows this.
Russia and China only what ONE thing from the sand monkeys and it's not their 'forty something' stinky sweaty hairy virgins. In time they will control all the ME oil except KSA.
Just curious. Are you from Pakistan originally?
You sure as hell were not born in the US.
Your 'english' isn't too bad but it's not hard to spot a foreigner.
Darn, you caught me, but I deny being from Pakistan.
I don't give a fuck what part of the world you came from. You have a grade nine point of view of geopolitics.
A little knowledge is a very dangerous thing when it comes to making grandiose claims.
This LIP has two PHDs. One in World History the other in Political Science.
Instead of running your mouth why not sit back and learn something.
What's happening in the ME is like what's happening hourly between Persian carpet sellers in Morocco. Always fluid. Nothing is ever the way it seems. No one believes anything anyone says. Always much much deeper currents than what you read on biased Internet forums. Including this one.
I thought I was the only one on here without a degree in political science.
What is to Putin's todo list? A) secure Assad, B) beat back the enemy. Of course Putin is going to hit the green dots first (reference to map of controlled areas). In case anyone thought otherwise neither Assad nor Putin have any notion Assad is leaving power anytime soon.
One either fights for justice and righteousness or one fights for a side. The U.S. is in a sovereign country fighting without international legitimacy. We are fighting for a side, the Sunni side. Is this really where we want to be?
Told you so.
Russia will not go after ISIS unless or until they become a direct threat to Assad. They will concentrate on killing the enemies of ISIS because they are also enemies of Assad. Plus innocents. Russia will kill lots of innocents as proven with today's attack.
The Syrian rebels are ISIS.
No they aren't. How can you be that misinformed?
Where is the evidence bro =)
Told you so.
Russia will not go after ISIS unless or until they become a direct threat to Assad. They will concentrate on killing the enemies of ISIS because they are also enemies of Assad. Plus innocents. Russia will kill lots of innocents as proven with today's attack.
The Syrian rebels are ISIS.
No they aren't. How can you be that misinformed?
Where is the evidence bro =)
What is proof? News accounts have reported and referred to their sources. You believe them or you don't. You are ignoring the BBC article which you re-posted. I also supplied an article from al jazeera. Since posting those articles multiple sources have reported the same or similar numbers. The point is that civilians are allegedly being killed and injured in unacceptably high numbers and ISIS is not being the primary targeted recipient of the Russian air strikes. If you do not want to believe all those news accounts and sources from multiple countries, including Arab countries, it is your business and freedom to only believe the Russian controlled sources.
Told you so.
Russia will not go after ISIS unless or until they become a direct threat to Assad. They will concentrate on killing the enemies of ISIS because they are also enemies of Assad. Plus innocents. Russia will kill lots of innocents as proven with today's attack.
The Syrian rebels are ISIS.
No they aren't. How can you be that misinformed?
Where is the evidence bro =)
Camp does have a point. There is a difference between the rebels and ISIS. While Russia is working for Iran in Syria we are working for Saudi Arabia. In a practical sense. I doubt there is any written contract, although there might be. We are in Syria to help the Sunni rebels overthrow Assad. We are not there to defeat ISIS.
Told you so.


Russia will not go after ISIS unless or until they become a direct threat to Assad. They will concentrate on killing the enemies of ISIS because they are also enemies of Assad. Plus innocents. Russia will kill lots of innocents as proven with today's attack.
The Syrian rebels are ISIS.
No they aren't. How can you be that misinformed?
And even under the guise of fighting ISIS what gives us the right to go kill ISIS members? They are Muslims doing their Muslim thing.

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