"1st Amendment Zones" :: Would have been the result of the Commies winning Ranch War

The roped off "1st Amendment Area" is a sick idea. We are free to speak as we see fit, regardless of where we are.

But at the same time, there have often been limitations to areas for protests. An example of that would be the Westboro Baptists. There have been limits to where they were allowed to protest and their protest areas have been contained.
Though free speech zones existed in limited forms prior to the Presidency of George W. Bush; it was during Bush's presidency that their scope was greatly expanded.

Many colleges and universities earlier instituted free speech zone rules during the Vietnam-era protests of the 1960s and 1970s. In recent years, a number of them have revised or removed these restrictions following student protests and lawsuits.

Free speech zone - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Wolfe, or Chicken Little? You decide.
Did you know "free speech zones" were used the most by GWB and was cheered as the right thing to do because the left was "emboldening the enemy" by opposing the govt?

Of course you didnt because it was all good when it was against the other guy (Reminds you of the Patriot Act dont it?)

But now...NOW your panties are all a twist

And because I know "Nuuhhh uhhh" is the most commonly used retort here it is:

Free speech zones were commonly used by President George W. Bush after the September 11 attacks and through the 2004 election. Free speech zones were set up by the Secret Service, who scouted locations where the U.S. president was scheduled to speak, or pass through. Officials targeted those who carried anti-Bush signs and escorted them to the free speech zones prior to and during the event. Reporters were often barred by local officials from displaying these protesters on camera or speaking to them within the zone.[3][4] Protesters who refused to go to the free speech zone were often arrested and charged with trespassing, disorderly conduct and/or resisting arrest.[16][17] A seldom-used federal law making it unlawful to "willfully and knowingly to enter or remain in ... any posted, cordoned off, or otherwise restricted area of a building or grounds where the President or other person protected by the Secret Service is or will be temporarily visiting" has also been invoked.[18][19]

Free speech zone - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Not everyone on the right cheered Free Speech Zones and the Patriot Act and all those other encroachments on our liberty.
So where is the DNC and the left demanding the Free Speech Zones be eliminated and the Patriot Act be repealed? Just as many on your side of the aisle want that crap. Are they drowning out your voices or do you really want that stuff?
So where is the DNC and the left demanding the Free Speech Zones be eliminated and the Patriot Act be repealed? Just as many on your side of the aisle want that crap. Are they drowning out your voices or do you really want that stuff?


You shit the bed and ask why the dems havent scrubbed the sheets
So where is the DNC and the left demanding the Free Speech Zones be eliminated and the Patriot Act be repealed? Just as many on your side of the aisle want that crap. Are they drowning out your voices or do you really want that stuff?


You shit the bed and ask why the dems havent scrubbed the sheets

Yeah yeah yeah, Bush's fault. Well, you wanted to be in charge so you could fix the problems. Why haven't they been fixed? Why are there still Free Speech Zones? Why does the Patriot Act still exist? Why isn't the DNC or the grass roots left demanding those things be eliminated?

The answer is because the DNC is just as ugly as the GOP and for every liberty-loving leftist who is appalled at the mere idea of a Free Speech Zone there is at least one who loves it so long as they get to decide where the zones are.
But you never put the blame for such executive actions and laws on the people that put them into affect, now do you.

So where is the DNC and the left demanding the Free Speech Zones be eliminated and the Patriot Act be repealed? Just as many on your side of the aisle want that crap. Are they drowning out your voices or do you really want that stuff?


You shit the bed and ask why the dems havent scrubbed the sheets

Yeah yeah yeah, Bush's fault. Well, you wanted to be in charge so you could fix the problems. Why haven't they been fixed? Why are there still Free Speech Zones? Why does the Patriot Act still exist? Why isn't the DNC or the grass roots left demanding those things be eliminated?

The answer is because the DNC is just as ugly as the GOP and for every liberty-loving leftist who is appalled at the mere idea of a Free Speech Zone there is at least one who loves it so long as they get to decide where the zones are.
But you never put the blame for such executive actions and laws on the people that put them into affect, now do you.


You shit the bed and ask why the dems havent scrubbed the sheets

Yeah yeah yeah, Bush's fault. Well, you wanted to be in charge so you could fix the problems. Why haven't they been fixed? Why are there still Free Speech Zones? Why does the Patriot Act still exist? Why isn't the DNC or the grass roots left demanding those things be eliminated?

The answer is because the DNC is just as ugly as the GOP and for every liberty-loving leftist who is appalled at the mere idea of a Free Speech Zone there is at least one who loves it so long as they get to decide where the zones are.

Let's say I do give Bush & Co. a pass. (I don't, but that's not the point.) It still doesn't answer the question why Obama & Co. is still using those laws. It's easy to point fingers at Bush, but why isn't the average Dem in the street demanding the removal of those laws?

Politics is not some spectator sport with my team and your team and the DNC doesn't care about your liberty any more than the GOP does. The sooner you figure that out and realize they aren't for you and they only want power for themselves, the better off you and the country will be.
But it really is about who set the wheels into motion. Do I give President Obama free pass on some of the issues. No.
This though has a bad taste about this Bundy fellow. He has abused the system for a decade or more and now stands on his rights.
This is so wrong.

But you never put the blame for such executive actions and laws on the people that put them into affect, now do you.

Yeah yeah yeah, Bush's fault. Well, you wanted to be in charge so you could fix the problems. Why haven't they been fixed? Why are there still Free Speech Zones? Why does the Patriot Act still exist? Why isn't the DNC or the grass roots left demanding those things be eliminated?

The answer is because the DNC is just as ugly as the GOP and for every liberty-loving leftist who is appalled at the mere idea of a Free Speech Zone there is at least one who loves it so long as they get to decide where the zones are.

Let's say I do give Bush & Co. a pass. (I don't, but that's not the point.) It still doesn't answer the question why Obama & Co. is still using those laws. It's easy to point fingers at Bush, but why isn't the average Dem in the street demanding the removal of those laws?

Politics is not some spectator sport with my team and your team and the DNC doesn't care about your liberty any more than the GOP does. The sooner you figure that out and realize they aren't for you and they only want power for themselves, the better off you and the country will be.
But you never put the blame for such executive actions and laws on the people that put them into affect, now do you.


You shit the bed and ask why the dems havent scrubbed the sheets

Yeah yeah yeah, Bush's fault. Well, you wanted to be in charge so you could fix the problems. Why haven't they been fixed? Why are there still Free Speech Zones? Why does the Patriot Act still exist? Why isn't the DNC or the grass roots left demanding those things be eliminated?

The answer is because the DNC is just as ugly as the GOP and for every liberty-loving leftist who is appalled at the mere idea of a Free Speech Zone there is at least one who loves it so long as they get to decide where the zones are.


He just goes yeah yeah we shit all over the bed so what. Then looks at the person who has to hand wash the shit out with disdain because the sheets arent white enough yet.

YOU SHIT THE BED! Clean up wouldnt be needed if you didnt fuck up the sheets with your shitty ass
No, I'm looking at the people who said they would clean the sheets and then decided shitty sheets were okay once they owned them. Bush started this, along with all the Dem members of both houses that went along with this back in 2001 and then renewed it at every opportunity since then.

You want to fix blame. I want to fix the problem.
But you never put the blame for such executive actions and laws on the people that put them into affect, now do you.

Yeah yeah yeah, Bush's fault. Well, you wanted to be in charge so you could fix the problems. Why haven't they been fixed? Why are there still Free Speech Zones? Why does the Patriot Act still exist? Why isn't the DNC or the grass roots left demanding those things be eliminated?

The answer is because the DNC is just as ugly as the GOP and for every liberty-loving leftist who is appalled at the mere idea of a Free Speech Zone there is at least one who loves it so long as they get to decide where the zones are.

Let's say I do give Bush & Co. a pass. (I don't, but that's not the point.) It still doesn't answer the question why Obama & Co. is still using those laws. It's easy to point fingers at Bush, but why isn't the average Dem in the street demanding the removal of those laws?

Politics is not some spectator sport with my team and your team and the DNC doesn't care about your liberty any more than the GOP does. The sooner you figure that out and realize they aren't for you and they only want power for themselves, the better off you and the country will be.

You DO give them a pass. You seem more upset that someone hasnt cleaned up his mess and have no problem with the fucking mess.
But you never put the blame for such executive actions and laws on the people that put them into affect, now do you.

Let's say I do give Bush & Co. a pass. (I don't, but that's not the point.) It still doesn't answer the question why Obama & Co. is still using those laws. It's easy to point fingers at Bush, but why isn't the average Dem in the street demanding the removal of those laws?

Politics is not some spectator sport with my team and your team and the DNC doesn't care about your liberty any more than the GOP does. The sooner you figure that out and realize they aren't for you and they only want power for themselves, the better off you and the country will be.

You DO give them a pass. You seem more upset that someone hasnt cleaned up his mess and have no problem with the fucking mess.

Hardly. But short of a time machine, I don't see how I can prevent Bush and the Congress, including all those Dems by the way, who put this crap in place. You blame Bush and I'm all for that but you fail to address the question of what the DNC or all those Dems in DC or even the grassroots Dem faithful are doing to get rid of crap like the Patriot Act or Free Speech Zones. All you do is keep blaming Bush. Fine, it's Bush's fault. Your guy ran on a campaign of being able to fix Bush's messes. Well, we're waiting.
Gotta love right-wing hypocrisy.

"My cattle should be able to freeload on whatever land they want!".

All they do is talk their bullshit talk about liberals wanting stuff from the government, but who gets the stuff? Republicans do.

Military budget? All for Republicans and their supporters.

Social Security and Medicare and Medicaid? Who's sucking all those benefits back? Right, old white crabby Republicans who have all the free time in the world to listen to AM radio all day pretending like it's all the rest of us who are lazy. Meanwhile, we're the ones subsidizing their lazy, angry asses.

I would have shot all the cattle and arrested the freeloading rancher.

You would have to get off your ass before you did anything beyond run your mouth.

In America, we don't kill people or cattle over grazing fees. And, we didn't use to send in an army of armed marshalls to enforce grazing prohibitions. We use the courts for such issues.

What we have here is an attempt by the BLM to intimidate citizens with a show of force, and the citizens did not like that idea. So, they stood with the family that the intimidation was aimed at. That is America at its best.

What is even worse, is that this was all initiated by Dirty Harry Reid and his crony capitalism with a Chinese company aimed at ripping off the taxpayers for the benefit of Reid and his crony capitalist.
Let's say I do give Bush & Co. a pass. (I don't, but that's not the point.) It still doesn't answer the question why Obama & Co. is still using those laws. It's easy to point fingers at Bush, but why isn't the average Dem in the street demanding the removal of those laws?

Politics is not some spectator sport with my team and your team and the DNC doesn't care about your liberty any more than the GOP does. The sooner you figure that out and realize they aren't for you and they only want power for themselves, the better off you and the country will be.

You DO give them a pass. You seem more upset that someone hasnt cleaned up his mess and have no problem with the fucking mess.

Hardly. But short of a time machine, I don't see how I can prevent Bush and the Congress, including all those Dems by the way, who put this crap in place. You blame Bush and I'm all for that but you fail to address the question of what the DNC or all those Dems in DC or even the grassroots Dem faithful are doing to get rid of crap like the Patriot Act or Free Speech Zones. All you do is keep blaming Bush. Fine, it's Bush's fault. Your guy ran on a campaign of being able to fix Bush's messes. Well, we're waiting.

If your question is why arent the liberals more liberal I'm right there with you. Because they arent "liberals" at all and are spineless
Gotta love right-wing hypocrisy.

"My cattle should be able to freeload on whatever land they want!".

All they do is talk their bullshit talk about liberals wanting stuff from the government, but who gets the stuff? Republicans do.

Military budget? All for Republicans and their supporters.

Social Security and Medicare and Medicaid? Who's sucking all those benefits back? Right, old white crabby Republicans who have all the free time in the world to listen to AM radio all day pretending like it's all the rest of us who are lazy. Meanwhile, we're the ones subsidizing their lazy, angry asses.

I would have shot all the cattle and arrested the freeloading rancher.

You would have to get off your ass before you did anything beyond run your mouth.

In America, we don't kill people or cattle over grazing fees. And, we didn't use to send in an army of armed marshalls to enforce grazing prohibitions. We use the courts for such issues.
and that's what happened here. mr. bundy is just choosing to align himself with thugs to avoid enforcement of the courts decisions. it will not end well for him.
What we have here is an attempt by the BLM to intimidate citizens with a show of force, and the citizens did not like that idea. So, they stood with the family that the intimidation was aimed at. That is America at its best.
actually, what we have here are a bunch of assholes who think that they can intimidate the blm into not doing their jobs by turning up with guns and making demands. you're completely backwards on who is trying to intimidate whom.
What is even worse, is that this was all initiated by Dirty Harry Reid and his crony capitalism with a Chinese company aimed at ripping off the taxpayers for the benefit of Reid and his crony capitalist.
right. there's a bunch of real credible evidence and information to back that up, too. i mean it's not like you got everything else in your post wrong and hurt your credibility or anything.

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