"1st Amendment Zones" :: Would have been the result of the Commies winning Ranch War

Gotta love right-wing hypocrisy.

"My cattle should be able to freeload on whatever land they want!".

All they do is talk their bullshit talk about liberals wanting stuff from the government, but who gets the stuff? Republicans do.

Military budget? All for Republicans and their supporters.

Social Security and Medicare and Medicaid? Who's sucking all those benefits back? Right, old white crabby Republicans who have all the free time in the world to listen to AM radio all day pretending like it's all the rest of us who are lazy. Meanwhile, we're the ones subsidizing their lazy, angry asses.

I would have shot all the cattle and arrested the freeloading rancher.

You would have to get off your ass before you did anything beyond run your mouth.

In America, we don't kill people or cattle over grazing fees. And, we didn't use to send in an army of armed marshalls to enforce grazing prohibitions. We use the courts for such issues.

What we have here is an attempt by the BLM to intimidate citizens with a show of force, and the citizens did not like that idea. So, they stood with the family that the intimidation was aimed at. That is America at its best.

What is even worse, is that this was all initiated by Dirty Harry Reid and his crony capitalism with a Chinese company aimed at ripping off the taxpayers for the benefit of Reid and his crony capitalist.


"On November 3, 1998, the Court issued an order permanently enjoining Bundy from grazing his livestock on the former Bunkerville Allotment ('The Allotment'), and ordering him to remove his livestock no later than November 30, 1998, and pay damages to the United States in the amount of $200 per day per head for any remaining livestock on the allotment after November 30, 1998." The court stated that "[t]he government has shown commendable restraint in allowing this trespass to continue for so long without impounding Bundy’s livestock."[4] On September 17, 1999, after Bundy failed to comply with the court’s earlier order(s), the court issued another order directing Bundy to comply with the 1998 permanent injunction and modifying the trespass damages owed.[3][4][5]

Bundy standoff - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


Bundy said in a radio interview last Thursday. "I abide by all of Nevada state laws. But I don’t recognize the United States government as even existing." Ironically, this position directly contradicts Article 1, Section 2 of the Nevada Constitution:
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So you see, only to the other side is it personal responsibility, not their side.
If the sheets were cleaned and the other side dirtied the sheets, yes then we understand. However, when the side that dirtied the scheme gets no responsibility
they cannot hold the other side responsible.

But you never put the blame for such executive actions and laws on the people that put them into affect, now do you.

Yeah yeah yeah, Bush's fault. Well, you wanted to be in charge so you could fix the problems. Why haven't they been fixed? Why are there still Free Speech Zones? Why does the Patriot Act still exist? Why isn't the DNC or the grass roots left demanding those things be eliminated?

The answer is because the DNC is just as ugly as the GOP and for every liberty-loving leftist who is appalled at the mere idea of a Free Speech Zone there is at least one who loves it so long as they get to decide where the zones are.


He just goes yeah yeah we shit all over the bed so what. Then looks at the person who has to hand wash the shit out with disdain because the sheets arent white enough yet.

YOU SHIT THE BED! Clean up wouldnt be needed if you didnt fuck up the sheets with your shitty ass
But he will use federal constructed infrastructure. If you asked for him to pay a toll he would not pay.
Bundy is a leech and one cannot color him any other way.

Gotta love right-wing hypocrisy.

"My cattle should be able to freeload on whatever land they want!".

All they do is talk their bullshit talk about liberals wanting stuff from the government, but who gets the stuff? Republicans do.

Military budget? All for Republicans and their supporters.

Social Security and Medicare and Medicaid? Who's sucking all those benefits back? Right, old white crabby Republicans who have all the free time in the world to listen to AM radio all day pretending like it's all the rest of us who are lazy. Meanwhile, we're the ones subsidizing their lazy, angry asses.

I would have shot all the cattle and arrested the freeloading rancher.

You would have to get off your ass before you did anything beyond run your mouth.

In America, we don't kill people or cattle over grazing fees. And, we didn't use to send in an army of armed marshalls to enforce grazing prohibitions. We use the courts for such issues.

What we have here is an attempt by the BLM to intimidate citizens with a show of force, and the citizens did not like that idea. So, they stood with the family that the intimidation was aimed at. That is America at its best.

What is even worse, is that this was all initiated by Dirty Harry Reid and his crony capitalism with a Chinese company aimed at ripping off the taxpayers for the benefit of Reid and his crony capitalist.


"On November 3, 1998, the Court issued an order permanently enjoining Bundy from grazing his livestock on the former Bunkerville Allotment ('The Allotment'), and ordering him to remove his livestock no later than November 30, 1998, and pay damages to the United States in the amount of $200 per day per head for any remaining livestock on the allotment after November 30, 1998." The court stated that "[t]he government has shown commendable restraint in allowing this trespass to continue for so long without impounding Bundy’s livestock."[4] On September 17, 1999, after Bundy failed to comply with the court’s earlier order(s), the court issued another order directing Bundy to comply with the 1998 permanent injunction and modifying the trespass damages owed.[3][4][5]

Bundy standoff - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The Irony of Cliven Bundy's Unconstitutional Stand - Matt Ford - The Atlantic

Bundy said in a radio interview last Thursday. "I abide by all of Nevada state laws. But I don’t recognize the United States government as even existing." Ironically, this position directly contradicts Article 1, Section 2 of the Nevada Constitution:

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