1st CRT, Now Democrats Want To Teach 'Pornography Literacy' To Children?!


These people ARE sick!
Whats it like being a sick bastard who just believes any bullshit about people?

There is nothing wrong and they are following National and WHO standards... This easy having his bitching session

In a statement, a representative for Dalton said that Ms. Fonte “helped to develop an exemplary K-12 health and wellness program” and that her work should not be “overshadowed by unwarranted misinformation and hateful rhetoric.”
Multiple sex educators interviewed for this article said there was nothing inappropriate about her classes there or at Columbia. All of it was in line with current National Sex Education Standards and the World Health Organization’s International Technical Guidance on Sexuality Education.
The national standards are also used in public schools in New York City, where students in grades 6 through 12 take lessons on sexuality as part of their health education. Parents can opt out of certain aspects of the program.

The material for her first-grade class never used the term “masturbation,” Ms. Fonte said recently. The lesson was about private parts being private and included a cartoon in which two characters use anatomically correct names for their genitals and say that sometimes it feels good to touch them. “It’s OK to touch yourself and see how different body parts feel, but it’s best to only do it in private,” the narrator tells viewers.

The school described the intention of the course was to teach 1st graders to be able to 'conduct porn assessment'.

As previously posted, there are existing laws on the books to protect children from such perverse acts / incidents.

6yos do not need to be shown porn and taught how to 'assess porn'.

The fact that you are doing your best to defend this type of practice / 'education' with a classroom full of 6yos demonstrates that you personally have no problem with doing so, despite the fact that doing so is illegal.

Based on the Democrats vast, long history of pedophiles among their ranks, the last people I want to bring up / sex with my children are Democrats / liberals.

Our rank amongst other / in comparison to other nations in academics is low. What we desperately need from teachers / schools are better plans / methods on how to improve our academic status, to get kids to learn, more focus on on reading, writing, science, arithmetic, and other key courses and less indoctrination, Marxist ideology, showing 1st/2nd grader how to put on a condom, or introducing porn to our 6yos.

The US literally has to import doctors, scientists, engineers, etc... because many of our kids graduate being unable to read, unable to excel in math, science, etc....

I wish the teachers' unions and teachers would be as energetic, enthusiastic, passionate, and determined to teach our kids those subjects as they are about teaching Marxist-based, highly divisive CRT or showing porn to our 6 - 7 yos.


These people ARE sick!
Omg this is like the 4th story republicans have posted bashing liberals but no realizing that every one of these stories is about a private school. Th Dalton school? It’s private stupid. Do you want to regulate private schools?

I thought you republicans love private schools. This is four negative stories in 2 days about private schools.
Who gives a shit if this is a private school or not. Liberal extremists wanting to show porn to your 6yo should not even be an idea to consider for even a mili-second. For the NY Times to defend such an idea is ludicrous, and they should be HAMMERED for doing so.
It's a private company. What do you want to do to this private company? Regulate it? Interesting.

Yes it should matter if it's a public or private school. This to me sounds like an argument against private schools. Only you fuckers don't mention it's a private school. You want everyone to assume it's a public school.

Let the market decide. Isn't that what you guys always say? If the parents don't like it they can take their kids out of that school and send them to public school. But keep in mind my public school teacher taught us how to put a condom on too. Because a lot of our stupid parents weren't comfortable talking birds and bees with their kids and too many of our young teens are becoming parents. Wear a fucking condom is a good message. Suck a dick instead of putting it in your pussy is wise advice.
You keep whining about it being a private school like it matters, and you're the only one doing it. It simply doesn't matter whether the school is private or run by the government, parents are objecting and will be voting with their feet and dollars. This is a good thing because they have choice. They are not crammed into the one size (doesn't) fit all government model.
Voting? Voting for what? So you do want the politicians to regulate private schools? Interesting. Yes, it matters that these are private schools. What they do is between them and the parents who pay good money to send their kids to that school.

So what exactly are you voting to do?

I see what you are saying. In other words, you're just playing politics with this issue. You're bashing all schools. Well sorry but in the past, if this was a public school doing this, you would have said the solution is to defund the public schools and give you a tax break so you can send your kids to a private school. That was your solution. Well these are private schools committing these sins. Yet you seem to want to attack the media and all schools.

Why don't you focus on the problem. Private schools suck.
Now it's obvious that your foil helmet is on too tight because the mind reading circuits aren't working. When I say parents will vote with their feet and dollars, when they don't like a private school's agenda they pull their kids out and send them to another school. The first one loses their child and their money. Simple. It's the market at work. Now, if liberal idiots had their way and there were no private schools, the parents would have one less option and more would be forced to keep their kids in a failing government school. You keep trying to make this about private schools and are failing miserably, because this is a perfect example of how private schooling is supposed to work. When a private school goes off the rails the parents can move their kids. And you want to do away with that.
I stopped reading when you said something false. You said if liberal idiots had their way and there were no private schools.

So I stopped reading right there. If that's your premise the conclusion must be wrong too. You're just a right wing foil helmet wearing mother fucker yourself.
Based on what you said, you read where I said that private schools allow the market to work and parents can take action if they don't like what their kids are being taught. Now you should understand what I meant when I said people will vote with their feet and their dollars. Schools that go off the rails will lose students and dollars. Government schools lose neither, save for the few kids whose parents take the initiative and the expense of private or home schooling.

You've stated multiple times that you hate private schools, you oppose private schools, that they are the problem, and on and on. So do you want parents to have the choice of where and how to educate their kids or not?
I don’t hate private schools. I don’t like rich people getting tax breaks that will defund public schools
Leftists sure do like to sexualize children.
We should all send our kids to private schools. Oh wait. this is a private school.
News flash, dumbass: Nobody cares what kind of schools are doing this. They're teaching kids things that aren't age appropriate.

Your GOTCHA attempt is so lame, we need to call a veterinarian and have it put down.
Do your small children need to know how to 'critically assess' the pornography they are being shown by a teacher in school you don't know?

Hell no!

Dont complaint to the school administrators, go to the POLICE

Federal law strictly prohibits the distribution of obscene matter to minors. Any transfer or attempt to transfer such material to a minor under the age of 16, including over the Internet, is punishable under federal law.
Leftists sure do like to sexualize children.
We should all send our kids to private schools. Oh wait. this is a private school.
News flash, dumbass: Nobody cares what kind of schools are doing this. They're teaching kids things that aren't age appropriate.

Your GOTCHA attempt is so lame, we need to call a veterinarian and have it put down.
Either you don’t get it or you are playing dumb. It certainly does matter that this is a private school. The solution to this problem will be different if it’s a private school.

What do you say the solution is to this problem we are having at this private school? More regulations? I can’t wait to hear your solution to this.

As for public schools, we will cross that bridge when you can show me this is happening at a public school. Until then this is just republican spin and trying to control the false narrative.
Do your small children need to know how to 'critically assess' the pornography they are being shown by a teacher in school you don't know?

Hell no!

Dont complaint to the school administrators, go to the POLICE

Federal law strictly prohibits the distribution of obscene matter to minors. Any transfer or attempt to transfer such material to a minor under the age of 16, including over the Internet, is punishable under federal law.
Define obscene. And was what she taught them obscene?

Let me ask you something else. Is murder obscene? How come we’re allowed to see that and not a boob?
Do your small children need to know how to 'critically assess' the pornography they are being shown by a teacher in school you don't know?

Hell no!

Dont complaint to the school administrators, go to the POLICE

Federal law strictly prohibits the distribution of obscene matter to minors. Any transfer or attempt to transfer such material to a minor under the age of 16, including over the Internet, is punishable under federal law.
Define obscene. And was what she taught them obscene?

Let me ask you something else. Is murder obscene? How come we’re allowed to see that and not a boob?
No one needs to spoonfeed you the definition of the word 'obscene', you crazy f*!

It is ILLEGAL show a child pornographic material as was done. The definition of the law that was violated has already been posted - go back & read THAT!
Do your small children need to know how to 'critically assess' the pornography they are being shown by a teacher in school you don't know?

Hell no!

Dont complaint to the school administrators, go to the POLICE

Federal law strictly prohibits the distribution of obscene matter to minors. Any transfer or attempt to transfer such material to a minor under the age of 16, including over the Internet, is punishable under federal law.
Define obscene. And was what she taught them obscene?

Let me ask you something else. Is murder obscene? How come we’re allowed to see that and not a boob?
No one needs to spoonfeed you the definition of the word 'obscene', you crazy f*!

It is ILLEGAL show a child pornographic material as was done. The definition of the law that was violated has already been posted - go back & read THAT!
Too many holes in this story. Doesn’t surprise me it’s a Fox piece.

I bet what she was teaching was sex Ed not pornography. A naked body is not pornography.

Who invited her to give this sex Ed class? The article doesnt say.

The Zoom lessons never used the term "masturbation," according to Fonte. Instead, Safronova notes, "The lesson was about private parts being private and included a cartoon in which two characters use anatomically correct names for their genitals and say that sometimes it feels good to touch them. ‘It’s OK to touch yourself and see how different body parts feel, but it’s best to only do it in private,’ the narrator tells viewers."

But the video reportedly outraged parents to the point that Dalton parents "bombarded" the school with more complaints about Fonte’s curriculum, according to the New York Post. Fonte would later resign from Dalton, with the school reportedly having no ill will toward her.

"Throughout her tenure at Dalton, Justine Ang Fonte has helped to develop an exemplary K-12 Health and Wellness program. Dalton — our faculty, staff, administration, and trustees — continue to stand firmly behind this program and those who teach it," Dalton’s head of school, Jim Best, who also won't be returning, said in a statement.

I see nothing wrong here
Do your small children need to know how to 'critically assess' the pornography they are being shown by a teacher in school you don't know?

Hell no!

Dont complaint to the school administrators, go to the POLICE

Federal law strictly prohibits the distribution of obscene matter to minors. Any transfer or attempt to transfer such material to a minor under the age of 16, including over the Internet, is punishable under federal law.
Define obscene. And was what she taught them obscene?

Let me ask you something else. Is murder obscene? How come we’re allowed to see that and not a boob?
No one needs to spoonfeed you the definition of the word 'obscene', you crazy f*!

It is ILLEGAL show a child pornographic material as was done. The definition of the law that was violated has already been posted - go back & read THAT!
Democrat voters pretend they're innocent victims and have nothing to do with this cultural change, but they ALWAYS come out of the woodwork to defend it
Do your small children need to know how to 'critically assess' the pornography they are being shown by a teacher in school you don't know?

Hell no!

Dont complaint to the school administrators, go to the POLICE

Federal law strictly prohibits the distribution of obscene matter to minors. Any transfer or attempt to transfer such material to a minor under the age of 16, including over the Internet, is punishable under federal law.
Define obscene. And was what she taught them obscene?

Let me ask you something else. Is murder obscene? How come we’re allowed to see that and not a boob?
No one needs to spoonfeed you the definition of the word 'obscene', you crazy f*!

It is ILLEGAL show a child pornographic material as was done. The definition of the law that was violated has already been posted - go back & read THAT!
Democrat voters pretend they're innocent victims and have nothing to do with this cultural change, but they ALWAYS come out of the woodwork to defend it
Nothing wrong with teaching sex Ed. This teacher taught this for years. Suddenly she gets swept up in the cancel culture. Your type doesn’t like them teaching kids what they should know so you forced the teacher to resign. Happy now? It’s a private school. It’s as conservative or liberal as the parents and teachers are.


These people ARE sick!
Well, not all of us can reproduce asexually like conservatives.
Leftists sure do like to sexualize children.
We should all send our kids to private schools. Oh wait. this is a private school.
News flash, dumbass: Nobody cares what kind of schools are doing this. They're teaching kids things that aren't age appropriate.

Your GOTCHA attempt is so lame, we need to call a veterinarian and have it put down.
Either you don’t get it or you are playing dumb. It certainly does matter that this is a private school. The solution to this problem will be different if it’s a private school.

What do you say the solution is to this problem we are having at this private school? More regulations? I can’t wait to hear your solution to this.

As for public schools, we will cross that bridge when you can show me this is happening at a public school. Until then this is just republican spin and trying to control the false narrative.
This is a private school. No government intervention required, in this case.

The parents need to remind the school who works for whom. Hint: The school provides a service, making the parents the school's employers.

I know, I know, that's not what you want to hear. You're desperate for me to say I want government intervention. I hate to disappoint you, but...wait, no, I have no objection at all to disappointing you. Government has no business in this situation, unless a teacher is presenting obscene material to a minor -- which is a crime.

But it's funny how you pretend leftists aren't pushing for inappropriate sex education in public schools. NOTE: Your unwillingness to accept it does not mean it's not happening.

Sexualization, Pornography, and Grooming in the Schools

High School Caught Asking Students About Their Sexual Activity Without Parents' Knowledge

Parents Alarmed at Washington State K-12 'Sexxx Ed' That Would Offer 'Varieties of Sexual Stimulation'

Las Vegas school board wants to teach 5-yr-olds about masturbation

Sputter some more about it like an idiot.
the reason this is being done is to promote sexual promiscuity to younger people in order to keep a permanent single parent voter base ... the dems are at war with the nuclear family .


These people ARE sick!
Omg this is like the 4th story republicans have posted bashing liberals but no realizing that every one of these stories is about a private school. Th Dalton school? It’s private stupid. Do you want to regulate private schools?

I thought you republicans love private schools. This is four negative stories in 2 days about private schools.
and no dems condemn what they are doing ..
Leftists sure do like to sexualize children.
We should all send our kids to private schools. Oh wait. this is a private school.
News flash, dumbass: Nobody cares what kind of schools are doing this. They're teaching kids things that aren't age appropriate.

Your GOTCHA attempt is so lame, we need to call a veterinarian and have it put down.
Either you don’t get it or you are playing dumb. It certainly does matter that this is a private school. The solution to this problem will be different if it’s a private school.

What do you say the solution is to this problem we are having at this private school? More regulations? I can’t wait to hear your solution to this.

As for public schools, we will cross that bridge when you can show me this is happening at a public school. Until then this is just republican spin and trying to control the false narrative.
This is a private school. No government intervention required, in this case.

The parents need to remind the school who works for whom. Hint: The school provides a service, making the parents the school's employers.

I know, I know, that's not what you want to hear. You're desperate for me to say I want government intervention. I hate to disappoint you, but...wait, no, I have no objection at all to disappointing you. Government has no business in this situation, unless a teacher is presenting obscene material to a minor -- which is a crime.

But it's funny how you pretend leftists aren't pushing for inappropriate sex education in public schools. NOTE: Your unwillingness to accept it does not mean it's not happening.

Sexualization, Pornography, and Grooming in the Schools

High School Caught Asking Students About Their Sexual Activity Without Parents' Knowledge

Parents Alarmed at Washington State K-12 'Sexxx Ed' That Would Offer 'Varieties of Sexual Stimulation'

Las Vegas school board wants to teach 5-yr-olds about masturbation

Sputter some more about it like an idiot.
Ha! You answered exactly how I wanted. You admit this is between the private school and parents. This isn’t a public education issue at all even though you wanted everyone to think this was happening in a public school.

We Dont lov3 private schools you do. So now you are showing us the flaws with private schools. Thank you for showing us why we shouldn’t support them. They may be promoting crt. One would hav3 assumed they didn’t teach such nonsense.
Leftists sure do like to sexualize children.
We should all send our kids to private schools. Oh wait. this is a private school.
That isn't the issue. The issue is teaching masturbation to children. What's your opinion?
I’m ok with it. They’re doing it. It’s natural. Nothing to be ashamed of. Don’t hav3 a problem with it. I think they were high school kids right?

And I think I does matter that you republicans praise private schools all the time and every one of these misleading posts suggest our public schools are doing these creepy things but it turns out they are all private schools.

If you don’t like it don’t pay to send your kid to that school.
I think it is abhorrent. If this is private school, I hate to think what public school teaches these days. The USA is going to be wasting great minds on stupid shit.
Thanks for admitting private schools are not the answer


These people ARE sick!

Wow....in the depths of the Roman Empire depravity.....they were not as demonic as the Rats are today in America.


These people ARE sick!
Omg this is like the 4th story republicans have posted bashing liberals but no realizing that every one of these stories is about a private school. Th Dalton school? It’s private stupid. Do you want to regulate private schools?

I thought you republicans love private schools. This is four negative stories in 2 days about private schools.
and no dems condemn what they are doing ..
We condemn all private schools. We don’t want to give you a tax break to send your kids to a private school that teaches crt.

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