1st CRT, Now Democrats Want To Teach 'Pornography Literacy' To Children?!


These people ARE sick!
Omg this is like the 4th story republicans have posted bashing liberals but no realizing that every one of these stories is about a private school. Th Dalton school? It’s private stupid. Do you want to regulate private schools?

I thought you republicans love private schools. This is four negative stories in 2 days about private schools.
Who gives a shit if this is a private school or not. Liberal extremists wanting to show porn to your 6yo should not even be an idea to consider for even a mili-second. For the NY Times to defend such an idea is ludicrous, and they should be HAMMERED for doing so.
It's a private company. What do you want to do to this private company? Regulate it? Interesting.

Yes it should matter if it's a public or private school. This to me sounds like an argument against private schools. Only you fuckers don't mention it's a private school. You want everyone to assume it's a public school.

Let the market decide. Isn't that what you guys always say? If the parents don't like it they can take their kids out of that school and send them to public school. But keep in mind my public school teacher taught us how to put a condom on too. Because a lot of our stupid parents weren't comfortable talking birds and bees with their kids and too many of our young teens are becoming parents. Wear a fucking condom is a good message. Suck a dick instead of putting it in your pussy is wise advice.
You keep whining about it being a private school like it matters, and you're the only one doing it. It simply doesn't matter whether the school is private or run by the government, parents are objecting and will be voting with their feet and dollars. This is a good thing because they have choice. They are not crammed into the one size (doesn't) fit all government model.

It's happening in public schools too. Las Vegas had a similar incident
So public and private schools agree this should be taught?
Except, as I proved, this is ILLEGAL. The fact that you don't get this or simply don't care and find it acceptable says more than enough about you.
Is it illegal? Well the good thing is the teacher was fired and she wasn't in a union that would fight for her to keep her job. So it was just one bad apple at that school teaching this without permission? Then you're making more of this than it is.


These people ARE sick!
Omg this is like the 4th story republicans have posted bashing liberals but no realizing that every one of these stories is about a private school. Th Dalton school? It’s private stupid. Do you want to regulate private schools?

I thought you republicans love private schools. This is four negative stories in 2 days about private schools.
Who gives a shit if this is a private school or not. Liberal extremists wanting to show porn to your 6yo should not even be an idea to consider for even a mili-second. For the NY Times to defend such an idea is ludicrous, and they should be HAMMERED for doing so.
It's a private company. What do you want to do to this private company? Regulate it? Interesting.

Yes it should matter if it's a public or private school. This to me sounds like an argument against private schools. Only you fuckers don't mention it's a private school. You want everyone to assume it's a public school.

Let the market decide. Isn't that what you guys always say? If the parents don't like it they can take their kids out of that school and send them to public school. But keep in mind my public school teacher taught us how to put a condom on too. Because a lot of our stupid parents weren't comfortable talking birds and bees with their kids and too many of our young teens are becoming parents. Wear a fucking condom is a good message. Suck a dick instead of putting it in your pussy is wise advice.
You keep whining about it being a private school like it matters, and you're the only one doing it. It simply doesn't matter whether the school is private or run by the government, parents are objecting and will be voting with their feet and dollars. This is a good thing because they have choice. They are not crammed into the one size (doesn't) fit all government model.
Voting? Voting for what? So you do want the politicians to regulate private schools? Interesting. Yes, it matters that these are private schools. What they do is between them and the parents who pay good money to send their kids to that school.

So what exactly are you voting to do?

I see what you are saying. In other words, you're just playing politics with this issue. You're bashing all schools. Well sorry but in the past, if this was a public school doing this, you would have said the solution is to defund the public schools and give you a tax break so you can send your kids to a private school. That was your solution. Well these are private schools committing these sins. Yet you seem to want to attack the media and all schools.

Why don't you focus on the problem. Private schools suck.
Now it's obvious that your foil helmet is on too tight because the mind reading circuits aren't working. When I say parents will vote with their feet and dollars, when they don't like a private school's agenda they pull their kids out and send them to another school. The first one loses their child and their money. Simple. It's the market at work. Now, if liberal idiots had their way and there were no private schools, the parents would have one less option and more would be forced to keep their kids in a failing government school. You keep trying to make this about private schools and are failing miserably, because this is a perfect example of how private schooling is supposed to work. When a private school goes off the rails the parents can move their kids. And you want to do away with that.
I don't want anything to do with your kids. I wish you didn't have them. And I wish I didn't have to pay taxes to send them to school. I'm 100% for all schools being private. Only give poor kids public school like we give poor kids Obamacare.
There should be a legal way to opt out of paying taxes - especially if you have no children - that go to funding the massively failed public schools that care more about indoctrination than actual education,
Why because I want children to grow up and not be racist mysogonistic homophobes?
Most children don't, and the ones who do are taught things like CRT, white privilege, etc. All the while benefitting from racist programs/policies like Affirmative Action........ You know, diversity and tolerance.


These people ARE sick!
Omg this is like the 4th story republicans have posted bashing liberals but no realizing that every one of these stories is about a private school. Th Dalton school? It’s private stupid. Do you want to regulate private schools?

I thought you republicans love private schools. This is four negative stories in 2 days about private schools.
Who gives a shit if this is a private school or not. Liberal extremists wanting to show porn to your 6yo should not even be an idea to consider for even a mili-second. For the NY Times to defend such an idea is ludicrous, and they should be HAMMERED for doing so.
It's a private company. What do you want to do to this private company? Regulate it? Interesting.

Yes it should matter if it's a public or private school. This to me sounds like an argument against private schools. Only you fuckers don't mention it's a private school. You want everyone to assume it's a public school.

Let the market decide. Isn't that what you guys always say? If the parents don't like it they can take their kids out of that school and send them to public school. But keep in mind my public school teacher taught us how to put a condom on too. Because a lot of our stupid parents weren't comfortable talking birds and bees with their kids and too many of our young teens are becoming parents. Wear a fucking condom is a good message. Suck a dick instead of putting it in your pussy is wise advice.
You keep whining about it being a private school like it matters, and you're the only one doing it. It simply doesn't matter whether the school is private or run by the government, parents are objecting and will be voting with their feet and dollars. This is a good thing because they have choice. They are not crammed into the one size (doesn't) fit all government model.
Voting? Voting for what? So you do want the politicians to regulate private schools? Interesting. Yes, it matters that these are private schools. What they do is between them and the parents who pay good money to send their kids to that school.

So what exactly are you voting to do?

I see what you are saying. In other words, you're just playing politics with this issue. You're bashing all schools. Well sorry but in the past, if this was a public school doing this, you would have said the solution is to defund the public schools and give you a tax break so you can send your kids to a private school. That was your solution. Well these are private schools committing these sins. Yet you seem to want to attack the media and all schools.

Why don't you focus on the problem. Private schools suck.
Now it's obvious that your foil helmet is on too tight because the mind reading circuits aren't working. When I say parents will vote with their feet and dollars, when they don't like a private school's agenda they pull their kids out and send them to another school. The first one loses their child and their money. Simple. It's the market at work. Now, if liberal idiots had their way and there were no private schools, the parents would have one less option and more would be forced to keep their kids in a failing government school. You keep trying to make this about private schools and are failing miserably, because this is a perfect example of how private schooling is supposed to work. When a private school goes off the rails the parents can move their kids. And you want to do away with that.
I stopped reading when you said something false. You said if liberal idiots had their way and there were no private schools.

So I stopped reading right there. If that's your premise the conclusion must be wrong too. You're just a right wing foil helmet wearing mother fucker yourself.
I stopped reading when you said something false. You said if liberal idiots had their way and there were no private schools.

You LIE! This leads me to believe you can't even read...
Why because I want children to grow up and not be racist mysogonistic homophobes?
Most children don't, and the ones who do are taught things like CRT, white privilege, etc. All the while benefitting from racist programs/policies like Affirmative Action........ You know, diversity and tolerance.
I'm starting to see the demographic that benefits from affirmative action the most are women and they don't appreciate it. Neither do the blacks here. Nothings ever enough for them.

So while I believe there is a need for diversity programs because 95% of our white collar in this country are white men and that's a problem in a country as diverse as ours. It shows bias exists. It must. Can't all be coincidence. Impossible. But, since women and blacks don't appreciate us white male liberals for giving them AA, fuck them. I'm with you on this now bro. Fuck them. Blacks aren't qualified and women will quit at some point to start a family. And I'm sure there is a reason so few Mexican's, asians, indians and anyone else who's not white are so under represented in the executive boardrooms in America. No bias here. They just aren't as smart as us white men. Any woman who's a VP or higher is so only because of Affirmative Action. And even with Affirmative action they are way under represented in the boardrooms. Why? Not because of bias but because they won't put in the long hours and they will put their careers on hold at some point to start a family before it's too late.
I stopped reading when you said something false. You said if liberal idiots had their way and there were no private schools.
View attachment 510653

You LIE! This leads me to believe you can't even read...
You said this: if liberal idiots had their way and there were no private schools

We do not want to do away with private schools. So if you believe that, you're wrong. So whatever else you say after that is just nonsense since the premise is wrong. Even if what you said after was correct I stopped reading because the premise was wrong. Maybe if you reword it. If we had our way people who send their kids to private schools would not get tax breaks that defund public schools. Everyone has to pay for public schools, medicare and social security. You don't get to opt out.
You said this: if liberal idiots had their way and there were no private schools
View attachment 510663

I just went back over all of my comments in this thread - I did not say that. You LIE.
I was talking to hadit. Why did you get involved?
When I responded back to you, you directly replied back to ME, not hadit, lying / telling ME I had said that...twice.

Thank you for admitting you f*ed up and responded to the wrong person, though.


These people ARE sick!
Omg this is like the 4th story republicans have posted bashing liberals but no realizing that every one of these stories is about a private school. Th Dalton school? It’s private stupid. Do you want to regulate private schools?

I thought you republicans love private schools. This is four negative stories in 2 days about private schools.
Who gives a shit if this is a private school or not. Liberal extremists wanting to show porn to your 6yo should not even be an idea to consider for even a mili-second. For the NY Times to defend such an idea is ludicrous, and they should be HAMMERED for doing so.
It's a private company. What do you want to do to this private company? Regulate it? Interesting.

Yes it should matter if it's a public or private school. This to me sounds like an argument against private schools. Only you fuckers don't mention it's a private school. You want everyone to assume it's a public school.

Let the market decide. Isn't that what you guys always say? If the parents don't like it they can take their kids out of that school and send them to public school. But keep in mind my public school teacher taught us how to put a condom on too. Because a lot of our stupid parents weren't comfortable talking birds and bees with their kids and too many of our young teens are becoming parents. Wear a fucking condom is a good message. Suck a dick instead of putting it in your pussy is wise advice.
You keep whining about it being a private school like it matters, and you're the only one doing it. It simply doesn't matter whether the school is private or run by the government, parents are objecting and will be voting with their feet and dollars. This is a good thing because they have choice. They are not crammed into the one size (doesn't) fit all government model.
Voting? Voting for what? So you do want the politicians to regulate private schools? Interesting. Yes, it matters that these are private schools. What they do is between them and the parents who pay good money to send their kids to that school.

So what exactly are you voting to do?

I see what you are saying. In other words, you're just playing politics with this issue. You're bashing all schools. Well sorry but in the past, if this was a public school doing this, you would have said the solution is to defund the public schools and give you a tax break so you can send your kids to a private school. That was your solution. Well these are private schools committing these sins. Yet you seem to want to attack the media and all schools.

Why don't you focus on the problem. Private schools suck.
Now it's obvious that your foil helmet is on too tight because the mind reading circuits aren't working. When I say parents will vote with their feet and dollars, when they don't like a private school's agenda they pull their kids out and send them to another school. The first one loses their child and their money. Simple. It's the market at work. Now, if liberal idiots had their way and there were no private schools, the parents would have one less option and more would be forced to keep their kids in a failing government school. You keep trying to make this about private schools and are failing miserably, because this is a perfect example of how private schooling is supposed to work. When a private school goes off the rails the parents can move their kids. And you want to do away with that.
I stopped reading when you said something false. You said if liberal idiots had their way and there were no private schools.

So I stopped reading right there. If that's your premise the conclusion must be wrong too. You're just a right wing foil helmet wearing mother fucker yourself.
Based on what you said, you read where I said that private schools allow the market to work and parents can take action if they don't like what their kids are being taught. Now you should understand what I meant when I said people will vote with their feet and their dollars. Schools that go off the rails will lose students and dollars. Government schools lose neither, save for the few kids whose parents take the initiative and the expense of private or home schooling.

You've stated multiple times that you hate private schools, you oppose private schools, that they are the problem, and on and on. So do you want parents to have the choice of where and how to educate their kids or not?
I stopped reading when you said something false. You said if liberal idiots had their way and there were no private schools.
View attachment 510653

You LIE! This leads me to believe you can't even read...
You said this: if liberal idiots had their way and there were no private schools

We do not want to do away with private schools. So if you believe that, you're wrong. So whatever else you say after that is just nonsense since the premise is wrong. Even if what you said after was correct I stopped reading because the premise was wrong. Maybe if you reword it. If we had our way people who send their kids to private schools would not get tax breaks that defund public schools. Everyone has to pay for public schools, medicare and social security. You don't get to opt out.
Who gets a tax break for sending their kids to private schools?


These people ARE sick!
They are itching top blame a civil war on Republicans.


These people ARE sick!
Whats it like being a sick bastard who just believes any bullshit about people?

There is nothing wrong and they are following National and WHO standards... This easy having his bitching session

In a statement, a representative for Dalton said that Ms. Fonte “helped to develop an exemplary K-12 health and wellness program” and that her work should not be “overshadowed by unwarranted misinformation and hateful rhetoric.”
Multiple sex educators interviewed for this article said there was nothing inappropriate about her classes there or at Columbia. All of it was in line with current National Sex Education Standards and the World Health Organization’s International Technical Guidance on Sexuality Education.
The national standards are also used in public schools in New York City, where students in grades 6 through 12 take lessons on sexuality as part of their health education. Parents can opt out of certain aspects of the program.

The material for her first-grade class never used the term “masturbation,” Ms. Fonte said recently. The lesson was about private parts being private and included a cartoon in which two characters use anatomically correct names for their genitals and say that sometimes it feels good to touch them. “It’s OK to touch yourself and see how different body parts feel, but it’s best to only do it in private,” the narrator tells viewers.


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