1st President NOT to See 3% Growth's GDP Falls to 1.1%

1st President NOT to See 3% Growth's GDP Falls to 1.1%

what do you expect when Republicans control congress. They're responsible for passing laws, not the POTUS.
1st President NOT to See 3% Growth's GDP Falls to 1.1%

what do you expect when Republicans control congress. They're responsible for passing laws, not the POTUS.

It is the President who sets the policies though. He certainly crows about the jobs he claims to have created and the robust economy he claims we are experiencing.
1st President NOT to See 3% Growth's GDP Falls to 1.1%

what do you expect when Republicans control congress. They're responsible for passing laws, not the POTUS.

It is the President who sets the policies though. He certainly crows about the jobs he claims to have created and the robust economy he claims we are experiencing.

the POTUS proposes, Congress disposes ..

remember that.
1st President NOT to See 3% Growth's GDP Falls to 1.1%

what do you expect when Republicans control congress. They're responsible for passing laws, not the POTUS.


Obama's EXECUTIVE pen has destroyed any legislation that could have helped.


list those EO's ...
Too many to remember them all but a good chunk of the growth killers were about Obamacare. Feel free to search this forum. They have been listed numerous times. You won't of course. You'll claim they don't exist because I can't cite them on demand.

Predictable, hack is predictable
1st President NOT to See 3% Growth's GDP Falls to 1.1%

what do you expect when Republicans control congress. They're responsible for passing laws, not the POTUS.


Obama's EXECUTIVE pen has destroyed any legislation that could have helped.


list those EO's ...
Too many to remember them all but a good chunk of the growth killers were about Obamacare. Feel free to search this forum. They have been listed numerous times. You won't of course. You'll claim they don't exist because I can't cite them on demand.

Predictable, hack is predictable

Riiiiiiiiiight ... have no idea, so call me a name.

since you cant "remember" heres the EO index ..

point out the EO's that destroyed legislation and held back the GDP ...

easy peasy huh?

Barack Obama Executive Orders Subjects
Just know that the socialists (renamed progressives) want this. Make no mistake. The last thing socialists want is a growing vibrant economy in a capitalist free market. That would mean all of their ideologies or economic philosophies are wrong. More importantly and most crucial is in order to CAPTURE people, you need to get them on the government dole.

They have already been able to convince the losers that the ALL of the blame of the slow growth is due to rich whitey. That scapegoat is as important as anything for them to carry out their nefarious plans.

Well, behind their 3 main communication giants, they are able to carry out their agenda. Steal from the rich, give to the poor. Seduce the slaves that their plight is someone else's fault. Mesmerize them with flattery speech. Have them yell in their echo chambers. Those 3 main communication giants filled with pathetic arrogant hypocrites. This is what we get. Education, mass media and entertainment.

This is what we are seeing. The destruction of America means the rise of the one world government and the new world order.

1st President NOT to See 3% Growth's GDP Falls to 1.1%

what do you expect when Republicans control congress. They're responsible for passing laws, not the POTUS.

The economy nosed-dived under a Democratic near super-majority controlled Congress and liberals blamed Bush.
- 'It's the President's fault' the liberals say.

Obama drives the economy further into the ground..
- 'It's the GOP'S Congress fault' the liberals say.

So it's either Congress or the President.... NO, actually, according to Liberals, it's always the GOP's fault.

Thanks, Siette, for demonstrating how hypocritically, partisanly full of shit liberals like yourself are.
dodge, speculate, lie, call names ... do anything and everything but prove your horseshit doesn't stink.

and I even made it easy for the RW dolts.

1st President NOT to See 3% Growth's GDP Falls to 1.1%

what do you expect when Republicans control congress. They're responsible for passing laws, not the POTUS.

Wait a minute, hold on a second there Sparky. Haven't the lefties been crowing the economy is great thanks to Obama? Now we have proof positive that he has been the worst economic President, even worse than Hoover; and the lefties now claim it is the Republicans fault.

How can anyone debate with them! All we are doing is looking for gotcha moments, because they know as well as we do, Obama has stunk it out, and knew it rather quickly.

This board is not an exchange of ideas, this board is about the left defending Obama, or rather, liberal policy. You could show a video of Obama laughing as he is handing Iran billions, and people like Siete, Rightwinger, and a host of others would defend it.

These people on here are not Democrats of old, they are today's Socialists. Kennedy and Truman would have had these Marxists tried for treason! They have more in common with Nikita Kruschev, then they do with John Kennedy. The best thing that ever happened for the left was Kennedy getting assassinated, both John and Bobby. The far left turned them into saints, then for years told us what they would do through the mouth of Teddy Kennedy. Thing was, they were lying, or they would have been for the Reagan tax cuts, and military build up, now wouldn't they!

Reagan basically did what Kennedy did, but Reagan was an asshole, right lefties, lol. These people are phonies, and I got 5 bucks that says at least 60% of them are astro turfers, especially his majesty Winger-)
1st President NOT to See 3% Growth's GDP Falls to 1.1%

what do you expect when Republicans control congress. They're responsible for passing laws, not the POTUS.
Does this mean you credit the Republican Congress for the strong economy while Bubba Clinton was in office?

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