1st time in history all 4 leadership positions in House & Senate Appropriations Committees will be held by women, notably Susan Collins & Rosa DeLauro


Diamond Member
Nov 26, 2015
i respect women. i like women, of course i'd rather hang out with my bros, but i respect women. hopefully they do a good job, they ARE qualified!

So what? We all know women will steal and lie, and Pelosi and Feinstein were very happy insider traders throughout their terms, and Feinstein kept a Red Chinese spy on her payroll for two decades. Maxine Waters doesn't even live in her district; even top porksters on the right like Ron Paul and Newt Gingrich lived in theirs and spread the pork around, while Water's and AOC's districts are still shithole wildernesses. lol at the notion that 'women will do better'.

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