2,000 National Guard Troops in DC Sworn in as Special Deputy US Marshals????

Heh heh. Wait'll the massive sell-off begins and investors start demanding their money...which isn't there.

They're just getting people used to seeing this, folks.

Of course, they won't tell you that on your idiot box. Why would they when they can do what they always do and manipulate the shallow red/blue mentality of the drones and frame it an entirely different way?

This whole thing is just one big charade.
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https://www.theepochtimes.com/2000-...in-as-special-deputy-us-marshals_3661278.htmlYeah, it's Epoch Times. Grain of salt and whatnot. Anybody seeing another source for this? What the hell does this mean?
It means, any funny business and the bad actor/s can be arrested, just as if he/she were a cop.
why? the cops have not done shit in the past to protect again rioters and looters in fact law enforcement has been more like mall cops
You nailed it,amen to that.
This is some crazy hitler type chit----------
Not near as bad as the millions of people who are convinced their guy was cheated and they are determined to force a change because they didn't like it.
Questioning the results of an election = Hitler type shit?

Got it.
No, questioning it is fine but refusing to accept the results of the investigation is juvenile or juvenile Hitleresque blah-blah...
What investigation?

You mean this investigation:

That's what we're complaining about.
:thankusmile: :thankusmile::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap:
This is a hysterical gin up from liberals and Democrats once again selling worst case as most likely. The main objective is Not security but rather to remove from sight, once again, any legitimate protest or countering opinion and expressions
https://www.theepochtimes.com/2000-...in-as-special-deputy-us-marshals_3661278.htmlYeah, it's Epoch Times. Grain of salt and whatnot. Anybody seeing another source for this? What the hell does this mean?
It means, any funny business and the bad actor/s can be arrested, just as if he/she were a cop.
why? the cops have not done shit in the past to protect again rioters and looters in fact law enforcement has been more like mall cops

Those rioters were Reich Brown Shirts.

If a Trump supporter so much as spits on a sidewalk they'll be shot on sight.

There is no question the Guard has been ordered to shoot to kill anyone with a MAGA hat or suspected of voting for Donald Trump.
I don't know if it is true, but I did hear the DC mayor say she had help on call, ready if the insurrectionist or foreign actors tried to instigate trouble in the less guarded, city part of DC where the people live.

So Bowow Bowser won't be painting a mural in the streets to honor the insurgents like she did the last time insurgents attacked our capital?
https://www.theepochtimes.com/2000-...in-as-special-deputy-us-marshals_3661278.htmlYeah, it's Epoch Times. Grain of salt and whatnot. Anybody seeing another source for this? What the hell does this mean?
It means, any funny business and the bad actor/s can be arrested, just as if he/she were a cop.
why? the cops have not done shit in the past to protect again rioters and looters in fact law enforcement has been more like mall cops
If cops haven't been doing the job, all the more reason to have the NG there, right?
https://www.theepochtimes.com/2000-...in-as-special-deputy-us-marshals_3661278.htmlYeah, it's Epoch Times. Grain of salt and whatnot. Anybody seeing another source for this? What the hell does this mean?
It means, any funny business and the bad actor/s can be arrested, just as if he/she were a cop.
why? the cops have not done shit in the past to protect again rioters and looters in fact law enforcement has been more like mall cops
If cops haven't been doing the job, all the more reason to have the NG there, right?
I doubt all this build up is simply for protesters/rioters...Intelligence of some sort is dictating this response... could be foreign enemy's opportunistic moment....after 1/6...They could think it's easy peasy to invade or lure Americans in to another attack on our Nation, and are working that angle, or an opportune time, to do something else? Who knows? Hopefully, this is all because our intel and security, is on top of it, whatever that it, is.
If cops haven't been doing the job, all the more reason to have the NG there, right?
I thought Nancy Pigshit said the National Guard are "Storm Troopers?"
Thuat's not what the article said. Quit making FASKE NEWS. It's getting old.

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