2,009-Page, $1,205,146,000,000 Republican Spending Deal Allows Funding of Planned Parenthood

  • Congress Provides $1.6B to Resettle Illegal Immigrants Arriving at Border Through 2018
    The Washington Free Beacon ^ | December 17, 2013 | Morgan Chalfant
    A massive appropriations bill expected to be approved by Congress would provide more than $1.6 billion to resettle illegal immigrants arriving at the U.S. border through 2018. Congress would award the massive check to the government just as the U.S. is experiencing a surge in arrivals of immigrant children at the southern border. Last week, federal agencies said they were opening two temporary shelters with 1,000 beds in South Texas to cope with the surge. A 400-bed shelter is also to be opened in Southern California. “Out of an abundance of caution, the Office of Refugee Resettlement at the Department...
One would think they would have CUT something by now? Across the board 10% (at least!)? Consolidate/Eliminate? pay cuts? No travel? No bonus? no pay for congress? can't they live off the bribes/kickbacks?

Land O' Goshen.
The Children have no idea what these BUFFOONS have done to their future.
Pelosi's wish to remove language banning the CDC from funding gun control research was kept out of the budget. That's a win for Republicans, Vigilante.
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You are also leaving out that Ryan just got a 622 billion dollar tax cut passed separately from the omnibus bill.
  • Paul Ryan Fails the Omnibus Test
    The Conservative Review ^ | December 17, 2015 | The Conservative Review Editors
    It did not take long for newly minted Speaker Paul Ryan (R-WI) to give up on promises to "open up the process," "return to regular order," and "wipe the slate clean." If Ryan truly sought to define his leadership as the dawn of a new day for limited governance, the 2,009 page omnibus represented his chance to reassert GOP priorities. Instead, members will soon vote on a $1.149 trillion grab bag of special interest giveaways, liberal victories, and conservative concessions that they more than likely have not read. A full year after the president's lawless expansion of executive amnesty, Congress...
We've had 7 fucking years of No Budgets! Just Continuing resolutions

And again you've believed the lies the right has told you.

There have been budgets every year and signed into law by Obama.

Here's a search on it. Just click the link and pick your article.

budget passed and signed - Bing

The last time we had a real budget was 1997.

So all those budgets passed and signed into law in all the years since are just lies and really don't exist?

You really are delusional and can't admit when you're wrong.

Typical conservative.

what budgets

If you're too lazy to click the link I provided, I won't debate you.

You end up with posting the idiocy you posted above.

Grow up and start learning facts.

You're lying when you say there has not been a budget since 1997 You make that statement without providing any honest facts of your claim.

If you have to lie, how valid is your point and why should anyone believe one word from you?

there has not been a budget passed in years
THIS IS WHY TRUMP IS GOING TO BE THE NEXT PRESIDENT!!!!!!!! The Republican's and especially the NEW House Speaker, are a bunch of cowardly shits!

CNS ^ | December 16, 2015 | Terence P. Jeffrey
The 2,009 page fiscal 2016 spending deal that the Republican House leadership released today authorizes $1,205,146,000,000 in federal outlays between now and the end of fiscal 2016, according to the Congressional Budget Office, and it does not prohibit funding of Planned Parenthood, according to the House Appropriations Committee. The spending bill is paired with a separate 233-page tax bill. “We are maintaining all of our pro-life protections, including the Hyde Amendment, and we are making cuts to the UNFPA program,” House Speaker Paul Ryan said of the omnibus spending bill at a press conference today. Planned Parenthood is the nation’s...
I have to check out more information about this budget. I don't think too highly of people obsessed with planned parenthood pro or con. Abortion is the all-American smokescreen issue.

Within this budget deal, I understand that the moratorium on crude oil exports has been lifted, and I find that significant - better way to spend GOP political capital.
I don't ever listen to Rush Limbaugh because he is a fat, pompous, self-important, arrogant ass; however, I saw the headline today where he called for the disbanding of the Republican Party. For once I can honestly say I whole-heartedly agree with him.

Ryan's 'treason' just wiped away any doubt that the Republican Party is a complete sham, that the only thing that is different from them and the Liberals like Obama, Pelosi, and Reid is the one little letter ('R') that comes before their name.

For years now, election after election, the Washington Establishment, Liberal Progressive GOP leaders has rejected the Conservative (or even moderate) call to represent them and instead has DEMANDED their constituents HOLD THEIR NOSES AND VOTE THE PARTY LINE. That's equivalent to telling people not to swallow the shit being offered to them on the 'Left' but to instead hold their nose and swallow the same shit re-branded as 'Republican' they are serving. "Voting for us is better than voting for Liberals', they declared. NO - FALSE! Voting for their asses is the EXACT SAME THING as voting for 'Democrats'. Ryan, and all the Republicans who are quietly and quickly going along with him - constituents / country be damned - just proved / are proving that.

Any Conservative who closes their eyes, holds their noses, and goes along with another LIE, who swallows their B$ PROPAGANDA anymore is now doing so WILLINGLY. There is no way they can be doing so because they are 'fooled', 'tricked', 'manipulated', 'bamboozled'...

Ryan was Boehner's protégé - it was no secret. Ryan's whole 'play hard to get and make them beg me' crap was just an act to sell the treason. Once in the seat Ryan just dropped the act, F*ed the American people and this country, and gave those who thought he might be the change they wanted a big 'F* YOU' middle finger salute after pulling off this deal.

There currently aren't - are NOT - two political parties in this country. There is only one with two heads, two names. None of them are listening, none of them are trying to listen, and none of them are representing their constituents. They have shed the mantle of 'Servants of the People' for their desired role as 'Masters'. They IMPOSE legislation on the people, they then Un-Constitutionally exempt themselves from those laws, they pay themselves how much they want to be paid when they want to be paid, they give themselves the best healthcare OUR money can buy while telling US what care we are limited to, ignore the 'checks-and-balances', look past when one of their own tries to evade or refuses to pay their taxes or break laws, and are not even TRYING to hide it any more.

So, again for once, I am with Limbaugh. If Conservatives are not smart enough to see that they have no party that represents them, if they are not smart enough to walk away from self-serving Progressive Liberals wearing a 'GOP' nametag who constantly tell them to 'STFU, hold your nose, and drink the kool-aid' then they, like this country, is lost.

'Republican in Name only - RINO....No, they ARE 'Republicans;. The problem is that 'Republican' just means 'Conservative Only in Name' (COIN)!

F* 'em all. To Ryan, Boehner, McConnell...the entire 'Republican' Party
... Buh-Bye! :fu:
Under Clinton we had a balance budget and even with surpluses.

CNN Fact Check: The last president to balance the budget

FALSE. Total debt has increased every year. No surplus existed.

Dollar Amount
09/30/2007 9,007,653,372,262.48
09/30/2006 8,506,973,899,215.23
09/30/2005 7,932,709,661,723.50
09/30/2004 7,379,052,696,330.32
09/30/2003 6,783,231,062,743.62
09/30/2002 6,228,235,965,597.16
09/30/2001 5,807,463,412,200.06
09/30/2000 5,674,178,209,886.86
09/30/1999 5,656,270,901,615.43
09/30/1998 5,526,193,008,897.62
09/30/1997 5,413,146,011,397.34
09/30/1996 5,224,810,939,135.73
09/29/1995 4,973,982,900,709.39
09/30/1994 4,692,749,910,013.32
09/30/1993 4,411,488,883,139.38
09/30/1992 4,064,620,655,521.66
09/30/1991 3,665,303,351,697.03
09/28/1990 3,233,313,451,777.25
Within this budget deal, I understand that the moratorium on crude oil exports has been lifted, and I find that significant - better way to spend GOP political capital.

Nothing is CUT? They funded Sanctuary Cities? Illegal immigration? Muslim immigrants? etc. Oil sales? That is nothing but more tax revenue for them going forward to fund more nonsense.
Paul Ryan just killed any dreams of Republicans reclaiming the White House. He just created a mass exodus. Many Republicans now understand it's a One Party-Rule sham. They're waking up to the sad reality.

Ryan's just a Big Government Democrat Globalist posing as a Republican. So the NWO Global Elites have pulled off their Coup d'etat here in America. It's One Party-Rule now. What are Americans gonna do about it? I guess we'll see.
Within this budget deal, I understand that the moratorium on crude oil exports has been lifted, and I find that significant - better way to spend GOP political capital.

Nothing is CUT? They funded Sanctuary Cities? Illegal immigration? Muslim immigrants? etc. Oil sales? That is nothing but more tax revenue for them going forward to fund more nonsense.
I found it surprising to roll the oil thing into a budget omnibus. Do you think that is how these other issues that you've mentioned will be resolved. Don't you think that the 2016 election will be the referendum on immigration?
Don't you think that the 2016 election will be the referendum on immigration?

I suppose if a guy like T-rump wins easily while claiming to build a wall, step up deportation, stop ME immigrants etc. you would be correct. That would show American public has had enough illegal and legal immigration?
Until he does anything he is just another politician promising people what they want to hear...
Most didn't even read it. The Pelosi is strong with this latest Republican fraud. The royal political elites just wanna get outta town to enjoy their lavish holiday vacations. I can ssure you, most of them didn't even bother to read it. They were far too busy scheduling their tee times. It went a little like this...

THIS IS WHY TRUMP IS GOING TO BE THE NEXT PRESIDENT!!!!!!!! The Republican's and especially the NEW House Speaker, are a bunch of cowardly shits!

CNS ^ | December 16, 2015 | Terence P. Jeffrey
The 2,009 page fiscal 2016 spending deal that the Republican House leadership released today authorizes $1,205,146,000,000 in federal outlays between now and the end of fiscal 2016, according to the Congressional Budget Office, and it does not prohibit funding of Planned Parenthood, according to the House Appropriations Committee. The spending bill is paired with a separate 233-page tax bill. “We are maintaining all of our pro-life protections, including the Hyde Amendment, and we are making cuts to the UNFPA program,” House Speaker Paul Ryan said of the omnibus spending bill at a press conference today. Planned Parenthood is the nation’s...
I have to check out more information about this budget. I don't think too highly of people obsessed with planned parenthood pro or con. Abortion is the all-American smokescreen issue.

Within this budget deal, I understand that the moratorium on crude oil exports has been lifted, and I find that significant - better way to spend GOP political capital.
can you explain to me why lifting the oil moratorium on exports is good?

I know nothing about the issue in any depth.....however, it just seems wrong, when we mouth off all the time about the need to get off the middle eastern oil teet, so that we can get out of all of these middle east wars and jihadists and stop wasting TRILLIONS of our tax dollars on them???

Does Congress really want to spend these trillions on warring there to support their military industrial complex donors and buddies?

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