2,009-Page, $1,205,146,000,000 Republican Spending Deal Allows Funding of Planned Parenthood

The mortgage interest deduction alone transfers tens and tens of billions of dollars of wealth every year from the pockets of the rubes into the pockets of home builders, realtors, brokers, and bankers.

It would be hilarious the rubes buy the lie they are getting to keep more of their own money if it wasn't so criminal.
No they don't. You are proof they don't. You steadfastly refuse to look in the mirror. You want a modern day Hitler to find a scapegoat for you.

I don't look in the mirror? G, your boy has failed miserably.

He has armed Mexican Drug cartels, resulting in the deaths of over 500 innocent people including 2 dead Americans.

He has armed The Muslim Brotherhood, Al '9/11/01' Qaeida, and ISIS.

He took the nation to war on his own to help Al Qaeida take over Libya.

He has allowed 4 needless terrorist attacks on US soil and the deaths and woundings of American civilians...while mocking the people's VALID concerns for their safety.

He called Bush Unpatriotic for adding $4 trillion to the debt in over 8 (EIGHT) years and then HE added over $6 trillion in only 4 years, more than ALL US President COMBINED; he added almost $1 trillion in one shot by passing the failed stimulus that contained over 7,000 pieces of DNC-ONLY pork, handing out more 'goodies' to liberals than Paul Ryan could ever think of.

He has been a F*ing disaster and is the worst President in this nation's history. And you are so delusional and so desperate to protect Obama and blame a conservative that you are calling someone a 'modern-day' Hitler, which demonstrates you REALLY don't understand Hitler and his entire soul-less evil at all.

Your attacks are politically partisanly over-blown, emotional, mentally-immature rantings.

How about you take the Libtard shit-colored glasses off and take a REAL good long look at YOURSELF and the party and people you are willing to defend to the death no matter what....people who don't give a SHITE about YOU!
Reagan's own words:

Over the course of this century, our tax system has been modified dozens of times and in hundreds of ways, yet most of those changes didn't improve the system. They made it more like Washington itself—complicated, unfair, cluttered with gobbledygook and loopholes designed for those with the power and influence to hire high-priced legal and tax advisers.


I'll start by answering one question on your minds: Will our proposal help you? You bet it will. We call it America's tax plan because it will reduce tax burdens on the working people of this country, close loopholes that benefit a privileged few, simplify a code so complex even Albert Einstein reportedly needed help on his 1040 Form, and lead us into a future of greater growth and opportunity for all.


The power to tax is the power to destroy. For three decades families have paid the freight for the special interests.


We're reducing tax rates by simplifying the complex system of special provisions that favor some at the expense of others.
Restoring confidence in our tax system means restoring and respecting the principle of fairness for all. This means curtailing some business deductions now being written off; it means ending several personal deductions, including the State and local tax deduction, which actually provides a special subsidy for high-income individuals, especially in a few high-tax States.

I agree. However you're trying to talk intelligently to people who have no concept of intelligence. In fact, they're proud of their stupidity.

I might be able to reduce it to a bumpersticker mentality for them so that they might be able to understand it.

Right now, too many people and corporations aren't paying their fair share or any taxes due to the loopholes they have bought politicians to give them. Thus some corporations not only don't pay anything in income taxes, they actually get refunds in the millions from the government. All because of the loopholes that politicians have given them. Or people who live off unearned income like romney and other investors, who pay from zero up to I think it's 20% ( I could be wrong ) on the money they make in the year.

When that happens someone else has to make up for that loss in revenue. That someone is YOU. You pay higher taxes because the rich don't pay taxes.

If all those rich people started paying their share of taxes, YOU would have to pay LESS in taxes.

I hope that helps get the point across to the far right crazy people. But then, what can you do with people who are actually proud of being so stupid?
Great news!!! A shut down would mean that your party had no chance at all winning.

About time we had a budget!

We've had 7 fucking years of No Budgets! Just Continuing resolutions

And again you've believed the lies the right has told you.

There have been budgets every year and signed into law by Obama.

Here's a search on it. Just click the link and pick your article.

budget passed and signed - Bing

The last time we had a real budget was 1997.

So all those budgets passed and signed into law in all the years since are just lies and really don't exist?

You really are delusional and can't admit when you're wrong.

Typical conservative.

what budgets
The mortgage interest deduction is rolled into the cost of your house. You are paying more for your house because of it.

So the MID is cancelled out by your higher mortgage payment. You aren't getting to keep more of your own money.

Now...who benefits from a higher cost house?

The guy who built it.

The guy who loans you the money at interest to buy it.

The guy who sells it to you for a commission.

THAT is who gets to keep more of your money, thanks to the MID.

Not only that, you are paying higher tax rates to pay for the deduction. So not only is your MID cancelled out by higher home prices, you are paying higher taxes.

So much for that "I keep to keep more of my money" bullshit! It's a massive wealth transfer scheme from your pocket to the pockets of home builders, realtors, brokers, and bankers.

That makes you a textbook rube if you support the con that is robbing you.

One widely cited 1996 study by Dennis Capozza, Richard Green, and Patric Hendershott estimated that eliminating the mortgage interest and property tax deductions would reduce housing prices in the short term by an average of 13 percent nationwide, with regional changes ranging from 8 to 27 percent.

You are paying 13 percent more for your house.

About $30,000 extra for a $250,000 house. Who is getting that extra money you paid?

Realtors, home builders, brokers, and bankers.

Suckers. Still think the MID is you getting to keep more of your own money?
If not mistaken? The 2008/2009 budget included $786B TARP? Any TARP was paid back during later Obama years with interest. This free TARP income + FED floating $4T GOVT debt was during BHO.
Great news!!! A shut down would mean that your party had no chance at all winning.

About time we had a budget!

We've had 7 fucking years of No Budgets! Just Continuing resolutions

And again you've believed the lies the right has told you.

There have been budgets every year and signed into law by Obama.

Here's a search on it. Just click the link and pick your article.

budget passed and signed - Bing

The last time we had a real budget was 1997.

So all those budgets passed and signed into law in all the years since are just lies and really don't exist?

You really are delusional and can't admit when you're wrong.

Typical conservative.

what budgets

If you're too lazy to click the link I provided, I won't debate you.

You end up with posting the idiocy you posted above.

Grow up and start learning facts.

You're lying when you say there has not been a budget since 1997 You make that statement without providing any honest facts of your claim.

If you have to lie, how valid is your point and why should anyone believe one word from you?
God bless Planned Parenthood.

IF there is a GOD, he certainly wouldn't bless a bunch of murderers!

It's utter repulsion, the most innocent of innocents. I must point out, that I believe abortion should be allowed to save the Mother's life and in the cases of rape/incest.

Abortion as a method of contraception is murder, so is Partial Birth Abortion, the latter there's nothing wrong with an emergency C-Section instead.

Do you think abortion is murder?
As I showed above, the top ten tax expenditures alone will cost $12 trillion over a ten year period, equaling 5.4% of GDP.

These tax expenditures are extremely regressive.

During the same period, ObamaCare subsidies on health exchanges will equal 0.4% of GDP.

Am I correct in saying that tax expenditures are code words for raising taxes?
Tea Party at least honest, unlike the Closet Transvestites like Paul Ryan with the political cross-dressing thing.

The teabaggers are domestic terrorists. Don't believe me? What would you call a multi-millionaire willing to put women and children between him and police trying to get him to pay his bills?
The mortgage interest deduction is rolled into the cost of your house. You are paying more for your house because of it.

So the MID is cancelled out by your higher mortgage payment. You aren't getting to keep more of your own money.

Now...who benefits from a higher cost house?

The guy who built it.

The guy who loans you the money at interest to buy it.

The guy who sells it to you for a commission.

THAT is who gets to keep more of your money, thanks to the MID.

Not only that, you are paying higher tax rates to pay for the deduction. So not only is your MID cancelled out by higher home prices, you are paying higher taxes.

So much for that "I keep to keep more of my money" bullshit! It's a massive wealth transfer scheme from your pocket to the pockets of home builders, realtors, brokers, and bankers.

That makes you a textbook rube if you support the con that is robbing you.

And you really think that the cost of a home would go down if the MID was eliminated. LMFAO
Has anyone mentioned that the FECKLESS House Speaker has CONTINUED on the path of that worthless, piece of shit, John "BONER".... and the establishment Republicans wonder why TRUMP is going to be the candidate of the "FED UP WITH POLITICIANS" people!
THIS IS WHY TRUMP IS GOING TO BE THE NEXT PRESIDENT!!!!!!!! The Republican's and especially the NEW House Speaker, are a bunch of cowardly shits!

CNS ^ | December 16, 2015 | Terence P. Jeffrey
The 2,009 page fiscal 2016 spending deal that the Republican House leadership released today authorizes $1,205,146,000,000 in federal outlays between now and the end of fiscal 2016, according to the Congressional Budget Office, and it does not prohibit funding of Planned Parenthood, according to the House Appropriations Committee. The spending bill is paired with a separate 233-page tax bill. “We are maintaining all of our pro-life protections, including the Hyde Amendment, and we are making cuts to the UNFPA program,” House Speaker Paul Ryan said of the omnibus spending bill at a press conference today. Planned Parenthood is the nation’s...
To hell with the Rinos...
THIS IS WHY TRUMP IS GOING TO BE THE NEXT PRESIDENT!!!!!!!! The Republican's and especially the NEW House Speaker, are a bunch of cowardly shits!

CNS ^ | December 16, 2015 | Terence P. Jeffrey
The 2,009 page fiscal 2016 spending deal that the Republican House leadership released today authorizes $1,205,146,000,000 in federal outlays between now and the end of fiscal 2016, according to the Congressional Budget Office, and it does not prohibit funding of Planned Parenthood, according to the House Appropriations Committee. The spending bill is paired with a separate 233-page tax bill. “We are maintaining all of our pro-life protections, including the Hyde Amendment, and we are making cuts to the UNFPA program,” House Speaker Paul Ryan said of the omnibus spending bill at a press conference today. Planned Parenthood is the nation’s...
To hell with the Rinos...

Can anyone tell us WHAT THE REPUBLICAN'S GOT in this bill?...I see full finance for ObozoCare, Planned :GET YOUR BABY PARTS HERE" Parenthood, Syrian Terrorist relocation, Money for his Latino children...what did the Republican's get...BESIDES GIVING TRUMP MORE VOTERS AS THEY REALIZE THE FUCKING RINO SPEAKER FOLDED QUICKER THAN "BONER" ever did...at least "BONER" put up a squawk for one, maybe 2 days, for appearance sake!
They got to sell us oil overseas !

This has made the GOP oil masters very happy. All hail Exxon !!!!
When FED interest rates reach only 1% the yearly DEBT interest payment will be more than Defense. Nothing off the Principal, interest only loan. Hard to believe many want MORE of it? $9T increase since SEPT 07'.

09/30/2015 18,150,604,277,750.63
09/30/2014 17,824,071,380,733.82
09/30/2013 16,738,183,526,697.32
09/30/2012 16,066,241,407,385.89
09/30/2011 14,790,340,328,557.15
09/30/2010 13,561,623,030,891.79
09/30/2009 11,909,829,003,511.75
09/30/2008 10,024,724,896,912.49
09/30/2007 9,007,653,372,262.48
Has anyone mentioned that the FECKLESS House Speaker has CONTINUED on the path of that worthless, piece of shit, John "BONER".... and the establishment Republicans wonder why TRUMP is going to be the candidate of the "FED UP WITH POLITICIANS" people!

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