2,009-Page, $1,205,146,000,000 Republican Spending Deal Allows Funding of Planned Parenthood

We've had 7 fucking years of No Budgets! Just Continuing resolutions

When was the last time you had a Balanced Budget? :rolleyes-41:
Are you sure you want to hear that answer you blind conservative retard?! :laugh:

Why not, give me your 'um Leftist 'um "wisdom" oh sage....:popcorn::rolleyes-41:

Of course, make sure you mention that the National Debt has risen what is it, $11 TRILLION since Obama took office.

11 Trillion??????
On the first day of Obama's first fiscal year (October 1, 2009), the National Debt was 11,920,519,164,319.42
Today the National Debt is 18,798,211,680,628.12.
That's not quite 11 trillion dollars. Obama has spent a ton-of-dough, but $11 trillion? Pure bullshit. You're about $4 trillion too high.
Debt to the Penny (Daily History Search Application)

I did phrase it as a guess, if you read it.

So *gasp* Obama hasn't added $11 trillion to the National Debt....he's ONLY added $7 trillion....OMG Obama the mega Fiscal Conservative....:rolleyes-41: Obama the Responsible Adult, so careful with the pennies, just $7 trillion.

Hillary needs to run a new ad:

"The Democrats are the safest in the WH....WE ONLY added $7 trillion to the National Debt....because THAT'S how Fiscally Responsible and Adult we are, it's the Republicans who spend like drunken sailors....!"


You are the one to make the outlandish claim of how much the National Debt has gone up under Obama by exaggerating it by $4 trillion, that's a huge difference. Please note that I included "Obama has spent a ton-of-dough, but $11 trillion?" In other words, yes, he has spent too much.
Your hyper-partisanship is clearly evident, it must be because you're one of those folks who suck in all the hyper-partisan bullshit from hyper-partisan blogs every chance you get. No wonder your posts are so brilliant! :2up:
I love how Vig thinks Trump gives even the slightest of fucks about Planned Parenthood or any evangelical issues. He's already locked up the primaries with the anti-brown vote, and he knows the evangelicals will never vote Democrat, so why should he pander to those rubes?

Kantor thought the same thing. He got waxed.
So because you believe democrats lie you believe that it's ok for republicans to lie.

Never said that, but thank you for that false, B$ insinuation. Try sticking to speaking about what YOU believe instead of trying to tell others what they believe, because you absolutely SICK at trying to speak for others.
You are the one to make the outlandish claim of how much the National Debt has gone up under Obama by $4 trillion,

Ummmm...Obama increased the nation debt by OVER $6 trillion in his 1st for years...that is documented....but please continue...
You are the one to make the outlandish claim of how much the National Debt has gone up under Obama by $4 trillion,

Ummmm...Obama increased the nation debt by OVER $6 trillion in his 1st for years...that is documented....but please continue...

Actually, the National Debt has gone up by almost $7 trillion, the $4 trillion is how much poster Lucy Hamilton over-stated Obama's contribution to the National Debt.
I did catch the way I had stated that fact and went back and edited that specific post, but my previous post was to that one, remains unchanged, I take it you didn't read my original post in this thread.
Tax deductions, credits, and exemptions are government gifts. And they cost twice as much as welfare does.

Everyone has their fucking hand out. Gimme gimme gimme, and make that guy over there pay for it.

And when the debt goes through the roof, who do all these self-deluded bloodsucking leeches blame?

That guy over there.
If you support the mortgage interest deduction, you're a bloodsucking leech.

If you support the employer-sponsored health insurance income exemption, you're a bloodsucking leech.

If you support child tax credits, you're a bloodsucking leech.

The reason our tax rates are so high, and the reason we have to borrow so much, is so we can pay for all this shit.

This is what every real fiscal conservative knows.

Thought you should know. If you think you are a conservative, but support deductions, credits, and exemptions, then you are not. You are a bloodsucking leech.
If you support the mortgage interest deduction, you're a bloodsucking leech.

If you support the employer-sponsored health insurance income exemption, you're a bloodsucking leech.

If you support child tax credits, you're a bloodsucking leech.

The reason our tax rates are so high, and the reason we have to borrow so much, is so we can pay for all this shit.

Thought you should know.
There Liberals go trying to speak for others, declaring things to be so because THEY say so...
If you support the mortgage interest deduction, you're a bloodsucking leech.

If you support the employer-sponsored health insurance income exemption, you're a bloodsucking leech.

If you support child tax credits, you're a bloodsucking leech.

The reason our tax rates are so high, and the reason we have to borrow so much, is so we can pay for all this shit.

Thought you should know.
There Liberals go trying to speak for others, declaring things to be so because THEY say so...
No, it's a fact, leech.

Numbers don't lie.

You got yourself so confused by your Ministry of Propaganda, you think a fiscal conservative is a liberal. You maniacs have been led way, way, way, way off the reservation.
Ronald Reagan got it. He hated tax expenditures and did his best to eliminate as many as he could.

You dumb fucks have no clue what being a conservative means or is.

When Ronald Reagan was elected, he was vehemently opposed to high tax rates. Eventually, he became persuaded of the value of removing tax breaks as one way to finance the reduction in tax rates that he wanted. The consequence was the Tax Reform Act of 1986.

See, dumb shits? If you eliminate tax expenditures, you can lower tax rates. Our tax rates and borrowing are because of your leeching.

But, of course, the twists of history were not to end there. Later Congresses and presidents maintained their interest in the tax code as a vehicle to influence behavior, with Democrats and Republicans differing mainly in how, not whether, they would use it.

Like I keep saying, tax expenditures are a government behavioral control program. How anyone who calls themselves a conservative could go along with this is beyond me.
The Distribution of Major Tax Expenditures in the Individual Income Tax System

A number of exclusions, deductions, preferential rates, and credits in the federal tax system cause revenues to be much lower than they would be otherwise for any given structure of tax rates. Some of those provisions—in both the individual and corporate income tax systems—are termed “tax expenditures” because they resemble federal spending by providing financial assistance to specific activities, entities, or groups of people. Tax expenditures, like traditional forms of federal spending, contribute to the federal budget deficit; influence how people work, save, and invest; and affect the distribution of income.
So there you go. Tax expenditures contribute to the deficit, and they are government behavioral control of the population.

There are thousands and thousands of these expenditures. The top ten tax expenditures will add up to $12 trillion of government giveaways over ten years.

Twelve. Trillion. Dollars.

Together, those 10 tax expenditures are estimated to total more than $900 billion, or 5.7 percent of gross domestic product (GDP), in fiscal year 2013 and are projected to amount to nearly $12 trillion, or 5.4 percent of GDP, over the 2014–2023 period.
Just go ahead and ignore the evidence I am providing, leech.

You are a textbook example of a willfully blind rube.


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