2,009-Page, $1,205,146,000,000 Republican Spending Deal Allows Funding of Planned Parenthood

"2,009-Page, $1,205,146,000,000 Republican Spending Deal Allows Funding of Planned Parenthood"

There is no legitimate, logical, rational, appropriate reason to not fund Planned Parenthood.

And this is the nature of a First World industrialized Western democracy, this is sound, responsible governance, this is what is required to maintain all that you take for granted, and to afford you the benefits of living in a First World industrialized Western democracy; this reflects the will of the majority of the American people, as expressed through their elected representatives in the context of a free and democratic society, just as envisioned by the Framers.

You and other reactionary TPM ideologues and extremists make up a ridiculous, naïve, and childish minority incapable or unwilling to accept these facts.

The GOP rolling over every time is what their constituents elected them to actually do?
You don't have the votes to defunderstand Planned Parenthood. When you don't have the votes to change something, the status quo prevails. That's how sanity works. You Tea Partiers are insane.

Tea Party at least honest, unlike the Closet Transvestites like Paul Ryan with the political cross-dressing thing.

Honest? lol

Gutting funding for our infrastructure, science and educational system is a sure failure.

The fact that you think we can just do away with most of government maybe honest, but it isn't sane.

A federal government is under no obligation to fund x amount of stuff, especially education which should be funded at individual State level.

However if you agree with unlimited and expanding centralised government, well....
It's official - Ryan is 'Boehner 2.0', proving he is every bit of Obama's / Liberals' bitch as Boehner ever was. The 'padawan' has revealed he is Sith....

Having to make a good impression his 1st budget in the seat, Ryan instead comes out of the gate with his lips firmly pressed against liberal ass. Christmas came early for Liberals / Obama with Ryan's help.

The only ones who didn't get what they wanted, who got shit - not coal - in their stockings were the hard working tax payers.

The 'honeymoon' is over for Ryan. The question of if he will be a better change from Boehner has been answered.....surprise bitches!
What exactly did you want the budget to look like? What in particular are you unhappy about?

what does he want?
1. Dergulate our entire economy
2. Defund infrastructure and r&d investment
3. Abolish the epa, fda, cdc, nws, noaa, nasa...You get the picture.
4. Get rid of our anti-trust laws

Pretty much he wants us back in the mid 19th century.

Insanity that such a political movement has grown so powerful.

1 = yes, 2 = no, 3 = yes, except NASA, 4 = no.

Supporting ALL that stuff is, well, the purest form of Marxism.

It's official - Ryan is 'Boehner 2.0', proving he is every bit of Obama's / Liberals' bitch as Boehner ever was. The 'padawan' has revealed he is Sith....

Having to make a good impression his 1st budget in the seat, Ryan instead comes out of the gate with his lips firmly pressed against liberal ass. Christmas came early for Liberals / Obama with Ryan's help.

The only ones who didn't get what they wanted, who got shit - not coal - in their stockings were the hard working tax payers.

The 'honeymoon' is over for Ryan. The question of if he will be a better change from Boehner has been answered.....surprise bitches!

Did the honeymoon ever start? No, Ryan was jilted at the altar. Gosh, don't forget that Nancy Pelosi was pledging support to help Paul Ryan become Speaker, that should have given people a mega hint as to Ryan's political stance.

Only a complete fuccking idiot would gut our ability to compete in the world and defund infrastructure more. Your political stance would hurt America and turn America into a shit hole.

Where did I say that? I never did.
"2,009-Page, $1,205,146,000,000 Republican Spending Deal Allows Funding of Planned Parenthood"

There is no legitimate, logical, rational, appropriate reason to not fund Planned Parenthood.

And this is the nature of a First World industrialized Western democracy, this is sound, responsible governance, this is what is required to maintain all that you take for granted, and to afford you the benefits of living in a First World industrialized Western democracy; this reflects the will of the majority of the American people, as expressed through their elected representatives in the context of a free and democratic society, just as envisioned by the Framers.

You and other reactionary TPM ideologues and extremists make up a ridiculous, naïve, and childish minority incapable or unwilling to accept these facts.

There are no facts here.

It's the arrogant self-serving elitists like yourself that are incapable of coming out of their ivory towers that makes things so interesting.
It's also weird that the republicans want to deregulate even through the depression and great recession was caused because of deregulation. Republicans never learn!

I can't wait to watch Hillary balance our budget once again without cutting into our science institutions or roads. lol
That act that "deregulated" shit was signed by her husband you fuckin moron. She supported it you fuckin moron.
You are so goddamn gullible it is disgusting.
THIS IS WHY TRUMP IS GOING TO BE THE NEXT PRESIDENT!!!!!!!! The Republican's and especially the NEW House Speaker, are a bunch of cowardly shits!

CNS ^ | December 16, 2015 | Terence P. Jeffrey
The 2,009 page fiscal 2016 spending deal that the Republican House leadership released today authorizes $1,205,146,000,000 in federal outlays between now and the end of fiscal 2016, according to the Congressional Budget Office, and it does not prohibit funding of Planned Parenthood, according to the House Appropriations Committee. The spending bill is paired with a separate 233-page tax bill. “We are maintaining all of our pro-life protections, including the Hyde Amendment, and we are making cuts to the UNFPA program,” House Speaker Paul Ryan said of the omnibus spending bill at a press conference today. Planned Parenthood is the nation’s...
See,,, the GOP digs welfare and abortion....
"2,009-Page, $1,205,146,000,000 Republican Spending Deal Allows Funding of Planned Parenthood"

There is no legitimate, logical, rational, appropriate reason to not fund Planned Parenthood.

And this is the nature of a First World industrialized Western democracy, this is sound, responsible governance, this is what is required to maintain all that you take for granted, and to afford you the benefits of living in a First World industrialized Western democracy; this reflects the will of the majority of the American people, as expressed through their elected representatives in the context of a free and democratic society, just as envisioned by the Framers.

You and other reactionary TPM ideologues and extremists make up a ridiculous, naïve, and childish minority incapable or unwilling to accept these facts.

The GOP rolling over every time is what their constituents elected them to actually do?
You don't have the votes to defunderstand Planned Parenthood. When you don't have the votes to change something, the status quo prevails. That's how sanity works. You Tea Partiers are insane.

Tea Party at least honest, unlike the Closet Transvestites like Paul Ryan with the political cross-dressing thing.

Honest? lol

Gutting funding for our infrastructure, science and educational system is a sure failure.

The fact that you think we can just do away with most of government maybe honest, but it isn't sane.

A federal government is under no obligation to fund x amount of stuff, especially education which should be funded at individual State level.

However if you agree with unlimited and expanding centralised government, well....
Education is funded from the feds, the states and the local community where the school(s) are located....The feds put in about 15%..
People need to vote out the establishment. a 2,000+ page spending bill?
You people are fuckin stupid
THIS IS WHY TRUMP IS GOING TO BE THE NEXT PRESIDENT!!!!!!!! The Republican's and especially the NEW House Speaker, are a bunch of cowardly shits!

CNS ^ | December 16, 2015 | Terence P. Jeffrey
The 2,009 page fiscal 2016 spending deal that the Republican House leadership released today authorizes $1,205,146,000,000 in federal outlays between now and the end of fiscal 2016, according to the Congressional Budget Office, and it does not prohibit funding of Planned Parenthood, according to the House Appropriations Committee. The spending bill is paired with a separate 233-page tax bill. “We are maintaining all of our pro-life protections, including the Hyde Amendment, and we are making cuts to the UNFPA program,” House Speaker Paul Ryan said of the omnibus spending bill at a press conference today. Planned Parenthood is the nation’s...

"Tax credits for college expenses, child costs and lower-earning families would be made permanent, as would cuts for companies that do research or buy equipment. Also made permanent or at least extended were reductions for some charitable contributions, builders of energy-efficient homes, producers of Puerto Rican and Virgin Islands rum and owners of auto race tracks (?)

Led by GOP, House poised to renew over $600B in tax cuts

So why do producers of rum and owners of auto race tracks get tax breaks?
Great news!!! A shut down would mean that your party had no chance at all winning.

About time we had a budget!

We've had 7 fucking years of No Budgets! Just Continuing resolutions

And again you've believed the lies the right has told you.

There have been budgets every year and signed into law by Obama.

Here's a search on it. Just click the link and pick your article.

budget passed and signed - Bing

The last time we had a real budget was 1997.
THIS IS WHY TRUMP IS GOING TO BE THE NEXT PRESIDENT!!!!!!!! The Republican's and especially the NEW House Speaker, are a bunch of cowardly shits!

CNS ^ | December 16, 2015 | Terence P. Jeffrey
The 2,009 page fiscal 2016 spending deal that the Republican House leadership released today authorizes $1,205,146,000,000 in federal outlays between now and the end of fiscal 2016, according to the Congressional Budget Office, and it does not prohibit funding of Planned Parenthood, according to the House Appropriations Committee. The spending bill is paired with a separate 233-page tax bill. “We are maintaining all of our pro-life protections, including the Hyde Amendment, and we are making cuts to the UNFPA program,” House Speaker Paul Ryan said of the omnibus spending bill at a press conference today. Planned Parenthood is the nation’s...

If you actually believe trump you're extremely stupid.

The man tells you things you want to hear to get your vote.

He's lying to you.

He can't stop anyone from coming to America for the only reason that they're muslim. It's illegal and unconstitutional. He can't just write an EO and everything is sunshine and roses.

It has to go through the congress and passed as a law. Even then it's not going to become law. The courts of this nation will strike it down quickly. It will never happen.

You believe he's going to shut down mosques? That's unconstitutional and illegal. It will never happen.

You believe he's going to kill terrorist family members? LOL. That's unconstitutional and illegal. Even if trump could actually find them. It's never going to happen.

You actually believe him when he talks about the trade deals that have made trump even more rich? Show me one of his products he sells that's made in America. Most of it comes from China and what doesn't comes from other poor nations that wages are a dollar a week, no worker or environmental protections. All for the only reason to make more money off you. If you believe he's going to magically void all those trade agreements you really need to wake up. It's not going to happen.

I haven't heard one thing from the man that he can actually do. Yet you people gobble up those lies, bob your heads up and down and vote for another republican who is lying through his teeth only for personal gain to get your vote so he can become richer.

If you think that trump will defund planned parenthood you've just fallen for another lie from him. I just did a search on trump supports planned parenthood. He supports funding Planned Parenthood.

Here's the link to the search. Click it and pick your article.

Donald Trump Supports Planned Parenthood - Bing

Here's a quote from one of the articles:

The GOP front-runner said in an interview Tuesday that he supported the status quo when it comes to Planned Parenthood. The group couldn’t be more pleased.

And you buy his lies hook, line and sinker. LOL Wow are you blind.
Are you sure you want to hear that answer you blind conservative retard?! :laugh:

Why not, give me your 'um Leftist 'um "wisdom" oh sage....:popcorn::rolleyes-41:

Of course, make sure you mention that the National Debt has risen what is it, $11 TRILLION since Obama took office.
Oh you're upset about Obama nearly doubling the national debt? Are you upset about Bush MORE THAN doubling the national debt? Or Reagan more than TRIPLING the national debt?!

As to your question, the last balanced budget/budget surpluses were the last 3 years of candidate Hillary Clinton's husband's Presidency. He had the country well on track when he left.

If only he hadn't gotten a bj from an intern, who knows where we'd be today?

The whole blow-job thing was I think baffling to the rest of the planet, storm in teacup situation. President Warren Harding had to hide his woman in a closet in the Oval Office when Mrs. Harding arrived home early, his only child, borne to his mistress, occurred whilst he was President.

Europa is far more comfortable regarding sex. My favourite is former French President Valéry Giscard d'Estaing, crashing his vehicle into a milk-float in the middle of Paris at about 4am, he was en route home to Mme. Giscard d'Estaing after spending the night with his then mistress.

This is ALL quite normal in Europa, in fact in many nations a man is considered not actually normal if he doesn't have a mistress and a woman is often encouraged to take a paramour herself.

Except Great Britain, where the British tend to have a sex hang-up, repressed you know, famous for it.
If Bill had kept it in his pants, or the internet hadn't existed at the time, the last 15 years would have been a continuation of the 90's golden age. The government, the budget, and basically the running of America were all under control. But then Bill got a BJ and the crazies rallied to the underdog Dubya's side, and the Gore supporters turned into left wing crazies, and the world plunged into darkness thanks to the U.S. giving in to insanity.

Obama is the result of insanity taking over this country. Hillary should have won in 2008. I don't know if she can fix anything in 2016. And I CERTAINLY don't think any of the nutjobs the GOP has to offer can fix anything.
You expect that drunken slut to "fix" anything?
Jimminee Cricket!

drunken slut? drunken slut???

Satan has taken possession over right wingers, BEWARE people!!! :eek:

THIS IS WHY TRUMP IS GOING TO BE THE NEXT PRESIDENT!!!!!!!! The Republican's and especially the NEW House Speaker, are a bunch of cowardly shits!

CNS ^ | December 16, 2015 | Terence P. Jeffrey
The 2,009 page fiscal 2016 spending deal that the Republican House leadership released today authorizes $1,205,146,000,000 in federal outlays between now and the end of fiscal 2016, according to the Congressional Budget Office, and it does not prohibit funding of Planned Parenthood, according to the House Appropriations Committee. The spending bill is paired with a separate 233-page tax bill. “We are maintaining all of our pro-life protections, including the Hyde Amendment, and we are making cuts to the UNFPA program,” House Speaker Paul Ryan said of the omnibus spending bill at a press conference today. Planned Parenthood is the nation’s...

as if anyone was surprised by this

everyone pretty much predicted the ass fucking

when they chose the new two faced speaker of the house
THIS IS WHY TRUMP IS GOING TO BE THE NEXT PRESIDENT!!!!!!!! The Republican's and especially the NEW House Speaker, are a bunch of cowardly shits!

CNS ^ | December 16, 2015 | Terence P. Jeffrey
The 2,009 page fiscal 2016 spending deal that the Republican House leadership released today authorizes $1,205,146,000,000 in federal outlays between now and the end of fiscal 2016, according to the Congressional Budget Office, and it does not prohibit funding of Planned Parenthood, according to the House Appropriations Committee. The spending bill is paired with a separate 233-page tax bill. “We are maintaining all of our pro-life protections, including the Hyde Amendment, and we are making cuts to the UNFPA program,” House Speaker Paul Ryan said of the omnibus spending bill at a press conference today. Planned Parenthood is the nation’s...

If you actually believe trump you're extremely stupid.

The man tells you things you want to hear to get your vote.

He's lying to you.

He can't stop anyone from coming to America for the only reason that they're muslim. It's illegal and unconstitutional. He can't just write an EO and everything is sunshine and roses.

It has to go through the congress and passed as a law. Even then it's not going to become law. The courts of this nation will strike it down quickly. It will never happen.

You believe he's going to shut down mosques? That's unconstitutional and illegal. It will never happen.

You believe he's going to kill terrorist family members? LOL. That's unconstitutional and illegal. Even if trump could actually find them. It's never going to happen.

You actually believe him when he talks about the trade deals that have made trump even more rich? Show me one of his products he sells that's made in America. Most of it comes from China and what doesn't comes from other poor nations that wages are a dollar a week, no worker or environmental protections. All for the only reason to make more money off you. If you believe he's going to magically void all those trade agreements you really need to wake up. It's not going to happen.

I haven't heard one thing from the man that he can actually do. Yet you people gobble up those lies, bob your heads up and down and vote for another republican who is lying through his teeth only for personal gain to get your vote so he can become richer.

If you think that trump will defund planned parenthood you've just fallen for another lie from him. I just did a search on trump supports planned parenthood. He supports funding Planned Parenthood.

Here's the link to the search. Click it and pick your article.

Donald Trump Supports Planned Parenthood - Bing

Here's a quote from one of the articles:

The GOP front-runner said in an interview Tuesday that he supported the status quo when it comes to Planned Parenthood. The group couldn’t be more pleased.

And you buy his lies hook, line and sinker. LOL Wow are you blind.

Dems are the world's leading experts on lying politicians

"If you like your plan...."

"Video was responsible for the attack...
Great news!!! A shut down would mean that your party had no chance at all winning.

About time we had a budget!

We've had 7 fucking years of No Budgets! Just Continuing resolutions

When was the last time you had a Balanced Budget? :rolleyes-41:
Are you sure you want to hear that answer you blind conservative retard?! :laugh:

Why not, give me your 'um Leftist 'um "wisdom" oh sage....:popcorn::rolleyes-41:

Of course, make sure you mention that the National Debt has risen what is it, $11 TRILLION since Obama took office.

11 Trillion??????
On the first day of Obama's first fiscal year (October 1, 2009), the National Debt was 11,920,519,164,319.42
Today the National Debt is 18,798,211,680,628.12.
That's not quite 11 trillion dollars. Obama has spent a ton-of-dough, but $11 trillion? Pure bullshit. You're about $4 trillion too high.
Debt to the Penny (Daily History Search Application)

Actually no.

The bush boy kept his two wars and his medicare prescription program off the budget his whole presidency.

When Obama became president those expenses were added to the budget.

Over night the national debt skyrocketed to nearly 13 trillion dollars.

So you have to start with the honest numbers. The national debt was around 13 trillion dollars when Obama took office.

Then you have to look at the budget deficit. It was 1.4 trillion dollars when Obama took office.

I can't find figures for 2015, probably because the year isn't over yet, but I found figures for the end of 2014. The budget deficit at that time was 483 billion dollars.

The debt can't be decreased until the deficit is eliminated. Obama has us more than half way there.

I'm sure if we get another democratic president the deficit will be eliminated and we will be back on our way to paying off the debt that was mostly forced on us by 3 republican presidents, they are reagan, bush and the bush boy.

Republicans scream about debt and deficits but the people they elect and support are the ones who create such high deficits and debt.
Last edited:
Great news!!! A shut down would mean that your party had no chance at all winning.

About time we had a budget!

We've had 7 fucking years of No Budgets! Just Continuing resolutions

And again you've believed the lies the right has told you.

There have been budgets every year and signed into law by Obama.

Here's a search on it. Just click the link and pick your article.

budget passed and signed - Bing

The last time we had a real budget was 1997.

So all those budgets passed and signed into law in all the years since are just lies and really don't exist?

You really are delusional and can't admit when you're wrong.

Typical conservative.
THIS IS WHY TRUMP IS GOING TO BE THE NEXT PRESIDENT!!!!!!!! The Republican's and especially the NEW House Speaker, are a bunch of cowardly shits!

CNS ^ | December 16, 2015 | Terence P. Jeffrey
The 2,009 page fiscal 2016 spending deal that the Republican House leadership released today authorizes $1,205,146,000,000 in federal outlays between now and the end of fiscal 2016, according to the Congressional Budget Office, and it does not prohibit funding of Planned Parenthood, according to the House Appropriations Committee. The spending bill is paired with a separate 233-page tax bill. “We are maintaining all of our pro-life protections, including the Hyde Amendment, and we are making cuts to the UNFPA program,” House Speaker Paul Ryan said of the omnibus spending bill at a press conference today. Planned Parenthood is the nation’s...

If you actually believe trump you're extremely stupid.

The man tells you things you want to hear to get your vote.

He's lying to you.

He can't stop anyone from coming to America for the only reason that they're muslim. It's illegal and unconstitutional. He can't just write an EO and everything is sunshine and roses.

It has to go through the congress and passed as a law. Even then it's not going to become law. The courts of this nation will strike it down quickly. It will never happen.

You believe he's going to shut down mosques? That's unconstitutional and illegal. It will never happen.

You believe he's going to kill terrorist family members? LOL. That's unconstitutional and illegal. Even if trump could actually find them. It's never going to happen.

You actually believe him when he talks about the trade deals that have made trump even more rich? Show me one of his products he sells that's made in America. Most of it comes from China and what doesn't comes from other poor nations that wages are a dollar a week, no worker or environmental protections. All for the only reason to make more money off you. If you believe he's going to magically void all those trade agreements you really need to wake up. It's not going to happen.

I haven't heard one thing from the man that he can actually do. Yet you people gobble up those lies, bob your heads up and down and vote for another republican who is lying through his teeth only for personal gain to get your vote so he can become richer.

If you think that trump will defund planned parenthood you've just fallen for another lie from him. I just did a search on trump supports planned parenthood. He supports funding Planned Parenthood.

Here's the link to the search. Click it and pick your article.

Donald Trump Supports Planned Parenthood - Bing

Here's a quote from one of the articles:

The GOP front-runner said in an interview Tuesday that he supported the status quo when it comes to Planned Parenthood. The group couldn’t be more pleased.

And you buy his lies hook, line and sinker. LOL Wow are you blind.

Dems are the world's leading experts on lying politicians

"If you like your plan...."

"Video was responsible for the attack...

So because you believe democrats lie you believe that it's ok for republicans to lie.

That's not a very good excuse for voting for people who are lying through their teeth to you.

For your information we aren't talking about democrats. We're talking about the lies of trump.

He's lying to you and you have no problem with it because he's saying lies you agree with and want to hear.

You get what you deserve. You voted for, defend and support those republicans who lie to you over and over and over again.

And you make excuses for their lies. If you believe it's not ok for a democrat to lie but it's ok for a republican to lie, you're a typical conservative.

Totally hypocritical and stupid.

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