2,009-Page, $1,205,146,000,000 Republican Spending Deal Allows Funding of Planned Parenthood

Spending nearly a trillion dollars on a failed bill that contains over 7,000 pieces of self/party-serving DNC pork and in the end costs tax payers over $742,000 per job the President CLAIMS to have created / saved causes the deficit to increase more than $6 Trillion in 4 years...

Setting new national records for 'monthly', 'annual', and 'total' deficit-spending helps the debt be increased over $6 trillion in 4 years...

Giving billions of US tax dollars to big time donors who invest in 13 bankrupt green energy companies to make sure none of THEIR money is lost helps the deficit go up over $6 trillion in 4 years...
Reagan's own words:

Over the course of this century, our tax system has been modified dozens of times and in hundreds of ways, yet most of those changes didn't improve the system. They made it more like Washington itself—complicated, unfair, cluttered with gobbledygook and loopholes designed for those with the power and influence to hire high-priced legal and tax advisers.


I'll start by answering one question on your minds: Will our proposal help you? You bet it will. We call it America's tax plan because it will reduce tax burdens on the working people of this country, close loopholes that benefit a privileged few, simplify a code so complex even Albert Einstein reportedly needed help on his 1040 Form, and lead us into a future of greater growth and opportunity for all.


The power to tax is the power to destroy. For three decades families have paid the freight for the special interests.


We're reducing tax rates by simplifying the complex system of special provisions that favor some at the expense of others.
Restoring confidence in our tax system means restoring and respecting the principle of fairness for all. This means curtailing some business deductions now being written off; it means ending several personal deductions, including the State and local tax deduction, which actually provides a special subsidy for high-income individuals, especially in a few high-tax States.
Reagan got it. It's time for you leeches who call yourselves "conservatives" to get on board. You're off the reservation. Way, way, way off.
Obama's own words:
'The ACA will not cost a dime.'
'The ACA will pay for itself.'
'If you like your plan you can keep your plan.'
'I was wrong - there are no such things as shovel-ready projects.'

Stimulus DNC-Only pork included money to help teach alcoholic Chinese prostitutes to drink more responsibly on duty, to fund a study on why homosexual Argentinian males have a 'better' love life that heterosexual males, and to give Millionaire Diane Feinstein's husband an interest free loan she never has to pay back to bail her husband's bankrupt business out (Now HE did not build that by himself).
-- THAT'S what you call 'being off the reservation', g!
Since Reagan's tax reform, the corrupt American Politboro has not just undone Reagan's work, they have added thousands upon thousands of new tax expenditures, averaging one a day for well over a decade.
As I showed above, the top ten tax expenditures alone will cost $12 trillion over a ten year period, equaling 5.4% of GDP.

These tax expenditures are extremely regressive.

During the same period, ObamaCare subsidies on health exchanges will equal 0.4% of GDP.
Democrats: Tax and spend.

Republicans: Borrow and spend.

Both parties are government gift parties.


The sooner the rubes wake up to this fact, the sooner things will change.

But as we consistently see by the demonstrated willful blindness of the rubes, that is not going to happen any time soon, and so nothing will change. Their puppet masters have them fully under control.
As I showed above, the top ten tax expenditures alone will cost $12 trillion over a ten year period, equaling 5.4% of GDP.

These tax expenditures are extremely regressive.

During the same period, ObamaCare subsidies on health exchanges will equal 0.4% of GDP.
Obamacare, that was promised not to cost a dime, added a MINIMUM of $1.1 trillion over 10 years. Of course that number has drastically increased because of the 'reimbursements' to insurance companies losing their asses and starting to bail out and the hundreds of billions spent for the Obama administration to build a web site that STILL doesn't work right / securely...and let's not forget the $500 million Obama stole from Medicare JUST to bring the (non-)COST of the ACA down.
folks like ryan is why trump is so popular

Here, let me correct your statement; "folks like ryan is why trump is so popular" with far right Republicans..

naw people are just plain tired of politics as usual except far left drones
Trump is proof the rubes don't want to look in the mirror to find who is to blame for their troubles. The rubes want a guy who will make everything sound simple and point the finger at that guy over there. They have been so deliberately dumbed down by their puppet masters, a Trump was an inevitability.

That's what the Trump phenomenon is all about.
As I showed above, the top ten tax expenditures alone will cost $12 trillion over a ten year period, equaling 5.4% of GDP.

These tax expenditures are extremely regressive.

During the same period, ObamaCare subsidies on health exchanges will equal 0.4% of GDP.
Obamacare, that was promised not to cost a dime, added a MINIMUM of $1.1 trillion over 10 years. Of course that number has drastically increased because of the 'reimbursements' to insurance companies losing their asses and starting to bail out and the hundreds of billions spent for the Obama administration to build a web site that STILL doesn't work right / securely...and let's not forget the $500 million Obama stole from Medicare JUST to bring the (non-)COST of the ACA down.
I just said 0.4% of GDP.

$1.1 trillion, compared to the $12 trillion of the top ten tax expenditures.

Like I keep saying, tax expenditures are costing us way more than welfare.
folks like ryan is why trump is so popular

Here, let me correct your statement; "folks like ryan is why trump is so popular" with far right Republicans..

naw people are just plain tired of politics as usual except far left drones
Trump is proof the rubes don't want to look in the mirror to find who is to blame for their troubles. The rubes want a guy who will make everything sound simple and point the finger at that guy over there. They have been so deliberately dumbed down by their puppet masters, a Trump was an inevitability.

That's what the Trump phenomenon is all about.
what the fuck are you talking about

the gop is being rejected for their same ol ways you fucktard
Trump is proof the rubes don't want to look in the mirror to find who is to blame for their troubles.


Americans KNOW who is to blame for our troubles... that is why the trust in Obama to deal with terrorism has sunk to 36% after a FOURTH successful terrorist attack on US soil and more dead Americans. They KNOW who is to blame for our troubles as shown by the historic, record-setting BEAT DOWN the Liberals received in the 2014 election.

Trump is an example of the American people's acknowledgement of what the problem is - F*ed up Liberals and Washington Establishment GOP.
folks like ryan is why trump is so popular

Here, let me correct your statement; "folks like ryan is why trump is so popular" with far right Republicans..

naw people are just plain tired of politics as usual except far left drones
Trump is proof the rubes don't want to look in the mirror to find who is to blame for their troubles. The rubes want a guy who will make everything sound simple and point the finger at that guy over there. They have been so deliberately dumbed down by their puppet masters, a Trump was an inevitability.

That's what the Trump phenomenon is all about.
what the fuck are you talking about

the gop is being rejected for their same ol ways you fucktard
The rubes are jumping out of the frying pan and into the fire.

Simplistic trumpisms and jingoism are not the way to solving our problems.
Trump is proof the rubes don't want to look in the mirror to find who is to blame for their troubles.


Americans KNOW who is to blame for our troubles...

No they don't. You are proof they don't. You steadfastly refuse to look in the mirror. You want a modern day Hitler to find a scapegoat for you.

Obama is President because you deserve him as President. And we will get worse and worse Presidents until you figure it out.
I just said 0.4% of GDP.

$1.1 trillion, compared to the $12 trillion of the top ten tax expenditures.

I said MINIMUM....and as recorded, Obama, with the help of Liberals, added over $6 trillion in only 4 years, more than every President in US History COMBINED!
folks like ryan is why trump is so popular

Here, let me correct your statement; "folks like ryan is why trump is so popular" with far right Republicans..

naw people are just plain tired of politics as usual except far left drones
Trump is proof the rubes don't want to look in the mirror to find who is to blame for their troubles. The rubes want a guy who will make everything sound simple and point the finger at that guy over there. They have been so deliberately dumbed down by their puppet masters, a Trump was an inevitability.

That's what the Trump phenomenon is all about.
what the fuck are you talking about

the gop is being rejected for their same ol ways you fucktard
The rubes are jumping out of the frying pan and into the fire.

Simplistic trumpisms and jingoism are not the way to solving our problems.

says who


now that is a joke

The rubes can't do the math. That's why they guzzle their puppet masters' lies that tax expenditures mean, "I get to keep more of my own money!"

That's a lie. A tax expenditure is theft from someone else's pocket, and it is theft from your own pocket. Unfortunately, it takes an understanding of mathematics to get that.
Here, let me correct your statement; "folks like ryan is why trump is so popular" with far right Republicans..

naw people are just plain tired of politics as usual except far left drones
Trump is proof the rubes don't want to look in the mirror to find who is to blame for their troubles. The rubes want a guy who will make everything sound simple and point the finger at that guy over there. They have been so deliberately dumbed down by their puppet masters, a Trump was an inevitability.

That's what the Trump phenomenon is all about.
what the fuck are you talking about

the gop is being rejected for their same ol ways you fucktard
The rubes are jumping out of the frying pan and into the fire.

Simplistic trumpisms and jingoism are not the way to solving our problems.

says who


now that is a joke

Just look at your posts. Clearly written by a simple-minded person. You don't have the intelligence it takes to grasp the real problem, much less the solution.
naw people are just plain tired of politics as usual except far left drones
Trump is proof the rubes don't want to look in the mirror to find who is to blame for their troubles. The rubes want a guy who will make everything sound simple and point the finger at that guy over there. They have been so deliberately dumbed down by their puppet masters, a Trump was an inevitability.

That's what the Trump phenomenon is all about.
what the fuck are you talking about

the gop is being rejected for their same ol ways you fucktard
The rubes are jumping out of the frying pan and into the fire.

Simplistic trumpisms and jingoism are not the way to solving our problems.

says who


now that is a joke

Just look at your posts. Clearly written by a simple-minded person. You don't have the intelligence it takes to grasp the real problem, much less the solution.

pot calling the kettle black

you are a joke

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