2 Black thugz beat to death 88 yr old WWII Vet

Guess why this will remain a local story... Something tells me obama won't speak out even if a member of the greatest generation gets murdered by "teens".. Can't score any political points.

WWII vet, beaten by teens outside Eagles Lodge, dies | Spokane/E. WA - KXLY.com

Photos of homicide suspects | KXLY.com - Spokane/E. WA

Yeah! It was a mess in Spokane today. This happened right off of division, and. Few hours later a man was killed in a stand off with Police about three miles down division. Both areas were blocked off all day.
Oh! And it happened not even 24 hrs ago, who knows what Obama will say.
I want the black community to shame this kind of behavior like the white community shames our people that hurt others.

SHAME on the Black community for not condemning this kind of Animal, savage behavior.

So, when my family asks me "why would a black guy live way the hell up in nowhere Montana" I tell them about instances like this.

This country is riding a hell-bound train...headlong into disaster.

Spokane is 86% white. ;)
Given stories like these will only be local stories, I wonder if liberals will get google etc to block these stories since liberals will only acknowledge black on white crime if the victim is gay or transgender.

It just happened. ;)
It makes me sick that these cowards killed a hero!

Obama, Sharpton, the liberal media, and the like have sowed seeds of destruction in the fertile ground of these black degenerates - from what preceeded the beer summit to Zimmerman, and beyond; they have blood on their hands.

There were many whites who voted for a black man to unite the country, but Obama has had the opposite effect, and has made it much more difficult for another black to win that office. The biggest enemy to the black race is other blacks; the criminals, and their instigators!
So what is your outrage? That Obama or Jesse hasn't said anything?
On a crime that happened not even 24 hrs ago?
Crime is horrible in Spokane and it isnt because of black people. It's called poverty and drugs.
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Where's the outrage, the NAACP, Jessie Jackson, Calypso Louis, Al Sharpton and the rest of you pathetic fucking Libberhoids.....

SPOKANE, Wash. -
WWII veteran Delbert Belton survived being wounded in action during the Battle of Okinawa only to be beaten and left for dead by two teens at the Eagles Lodge in Spokane on Wednesday evening.

WWII vet, beaten by teens outside Eagles Lodge, dies | Spokane/E. WA - KXLY.com

Have the perps be released on their own without charges? I'm outraged if they have been.

Has the victim been held at least partially responsible for getting killed? I'm outraged if people are blaming him.
Crime is horrible in Spokane and its bit because of black people. It's called poverty and drugs.
Bullshit: there are many other poor races who have access to drugs which are inhibited. It is called thug culture which is more prevalent in the black population - especially young black males.
I want racism treated the same no matter if it is white, black or yellow.

This is all I ask for...The left seems to want to give blacks a pass.

Even though your posts have never ever reflected this, I most certainly do agree with the sentiment.

How about posters here, on USMess, lead the way? Refuse to feed this racist crap we're getting from media ON BOTH SIDES.

Just stop it.

Its the only thing that will ever work.

Better yet, how about if we all become color blind and hate the crime without hating the color of either the victim or the criminal?

Here's the problem LuddyNutty- you leftists have trashed Conservatives to include black conservatives for nearly 5 years now.. I'll add that black conservatives get trashed and even have their lives ruined (See Allen West, Clarence Thomas, Herman Cain, Alan Keyes) because of your nastyazz pasty white cracka-ass party leaders decided to use self loathing idiots who happen to be minorities to further their agenda.. Where the fuck has it gotten the black community as a whole?? POORER, slaughtering your own- Black on black crime is so rampant that it's the number one cause of death amongst young black males between the ages of 16- 30... You DEMORACISTS have brought this war on.. you perpetuated hatred and racial tension to the point it's not safe for an old WWII Vet to walk down a street.. THIS FUCKED UP SHIT IS SOLELY on the shoulders of the RACE WHORES. Now you want to make nice and pretend everything is ok?? NOT FUCKING HAPPENING. . . We want our neighborhoods back.. we want color to matter only in coloring books.. you idiots have made stand out like a bulls eye.. in every fucking thing.. and that is the definition of racism.
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Even British media covered the killing of lee rigby who was a young man. This elderly guy had no chance
It's economic, but thanks for the race baiting, 50% racist Pub dupes, the cause of our economic problems. Well, for stupidly being the chumps of pander to the rich, distract and divide the dupes, greedy idiot lying Pub a-holes.

let it be noted you want to kill whitey
I want racism treated the same no matter if it is white, black or yellow.

This is all I ask for...The left seems to want to give blacks a pass.

Even though your posts have never ever reflected this, I most certainly do agree with the sentiment.

How about posters here, on USMess, lead the way? Refuse to feed this racist crap we're getting from media ON BOTH SIDES.

Just stop it.

Its the only thing that will ever work.

Better yet, how about if we all become color blind and hate the crime without hating the color of either the victim or the criminal?

You mean like how you did not claim Zimmerman was white and claim after he was found not guilty that he was really guilty? Like that?
Well, I hope some soldier catches these punks, and will put the fear o' God into their souls before they are put away for the remainder of their lives. This man survived the hells of WWII but is taken down by a pair of low life black kids. Am I racist for saying the black kids are low lifes? No. I am being factual.

Liberals think nothing of it. Of course not, nobody in the DNC thinks of it when it doesn't play along with their narrative.

Please..let me help here. I am black. These thugs are gutter trash who, will most likely end up dead in some gutter. They are animals who would take on an old man because he is an easy target.

No, whites are NOT racist for pointing out the obvious. If they were White and the Vet was black, the same would apply.

Stupid Liberals.

dude , we are getting fed up

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