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2 cops shot (one killed) in Brooklyn

Mmmm. Yeah, there are plenty of GOOD examples of police brutality. Problem is, NONE of these recent episodes are very good examples of such. It's only became the left WANTS to bring race into it. They don't bring up examples of police brutality on white people, do they? Interesting, right? :D

Now THIS below is assault by a police officer and it is CLEAR. It's clear that this "police brutality" stuff is faux outrage on the part of the leftists.

EXACTLY, where as each case should be tried on it's own merits, and dealt with pertaining to individuals who break the law. If a group breaks the law however, then they should be also dealt with as individuals (some followers and some leaders for example within or that make up the group), and the system should divvy up the punishment to all in a righteous (i.e. some may be worse than another, so one may do more time than the other) type of manor.

The feds have created this situation that we see today, because it let corrupt styled politics, and a sad weak leadership become it's backbone of today.
It's one or the other - are the protestors and Sarah Barracuda both to blame, or are they both not to blame?
The two don't go together, because Sarah Palin never called for anyone to die in her words spoken during an interview or speech she has given, and if by chance she did in which I don't know about, then yes a few dots maybe added pertaining to possible flame stoking. No one should call for any harm to come to anyone when politicking or campaigning etc. and I mean what so ever.
Mmmm. Yeah, there are plenty of GOOD examples of police brutality. Problem is, NONE of these recent episodes are very good examples of such. It's only became the left WANTS to bring race into it. They don't bring up examples of police brutality on white people, do they? Interesting, right? :D

Now THIS below is assault by a police officer and it is CLEAR. It's clear that this "police brutality" stuff is faux outrage on the part of the leftists.

Travis Allen: White teenager shot to death by police
Two Bullets in the Back Houston Press

Cheryl Seymour (white) and Latino cases that got LULAC involved:
One in three police shootings involve unarmed people - Houston Chronicle

the most publicized police brutality cases I can remember in Houston involving the Latino community complaining of racism
* Joe Campos Torres Murder of Joe Campos Torres - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
* Pedro Oregon Grand Jury Clears Police Who Shot Houston Man...
(although Pedro was not the guilty party, opponents of this as a race case argue that another family member was the drug dealer who the police were after in the raid, and still claim it was not a racist killing of an innocent person because someone else was actually guilty and indirectly at fault. This is similar to arguing Michael Brown or Trayvon Martin were not "innocent," even though they were killed without proper due process; where even if they deserved consequences for criminal behavior, getting an "instant death penalty" still isn't right. So the arguments get entangled because people don't respect defending someone with a criminal background, regardless of race. It gets hard to pinpoint which thing people are judging by.)

* Also you can lookup Rodney Johnson, a Black Officer shot 7 times in the face by a previously deported illegal criminal with a record.

If people have enough confidence or influence in the system to manage the process, they just use the system,
and might hold press conferences, but not mass protests.

for those who DON'T trust the authorities or media, and fear the investigation will be swept under the rug or written off,
that is what sparks these publicity drives.

it looks to me like the Black community petitions as a group to have more collective visible and vocal media presence.
Individually, the cases are "taken for granted." The people affected count as nobody.
So after the problems build and multiply., they finally explode.

And you have the Al Sharptons and Quanell X's come out in the media to make those cases "represent" what is going wrong.

The SADDEST thing is when the hot potato cases that end up jumped on by the media
are the WORST POSSIBLE examples of what you would WANT to use.

Like using Gary Graham for the anti-death penalty movement which angered opponents worse and hurt credibility
of real cases of innocent people on death row. And now with Trayvon Martin and Michael Brown that become
easy targets for pointing out their criminal reputations, so it hurts the credibility of people who AREN'T running from the law.

That's the part that just seem doubly exploitative.

The media won't jump on REAL cases, but seems to pick the Controversial ones, that bait both sides.
The crooks and creeps to turn into poster cases, so both sides go to town defending and attacking each other.

Very sad and sick. Totally distracts from real validity and credibility of cases that the media can't exploit for ratings!!!
I wonder what the outrage would be from blacks and libs if a white guy killed 2 black cops like that.........

In the case of Rodney Johnson, a Black officer killed by an illegal/deportee with a criminal record,
because the lawyers proved by showing "brain scans" the man was mentally deficient, he got
life in prison instead of the death penalty.

In that case, because the widow was and still is an HPD officer, she used the legal system
to sue for change that would have saved her husband's life. So it depends on the family I guess.

Other officers were outraged, but she could not speak out publicly because she is employed and under their policies.

It really depends if you use the legal system as your system,
the media, or the ministers, to represent and petition for you.

When people are out of the loop, or the system is so incestuous it can't be checked,
that's when people resort to screaming in the media to get any kind of public pressure going.

Like the public schools and public housing issues I saw get so corrupted, activists I know
had to RELY on holding press conferences, taping conversations and keeping documents
to file in court, etc. to hold any of those "public employees" to account!

I can only imagine that is how the people feel about these cases who are otherwise "left out of the loop."

When you don't have anyone you can trust, it is easy to be exploited politically by those taking advantage of the
cracks in the system that people fall through. Yes, those cracks exist, but no, inflaming the problems make them worse!

Cases like Cheryl Seymour (the white mental patient shot and killed by police after a call for help) were handled by working WITH police to change the policies on handling mentally ill people.

The Pedro Oregon case led to Community coalition meetings to take input from volunteers in panel forums until agreements could be reached with police representatives on grievances and recommendations to prevent racial profiling or targeting.

There are plenty of activists meeting with police in light of protests over Ferguson,
but we keep hearing about the threats, riots and hateful campaigns, and we don't hear
about the successful work to form collaborative agreements with police in various locales.

So again, the PEACEFUL civil cases you don't hear about in the news.
Just the messy messed up cases that draw fire from both sides to stir publicity and ratings.

You'd have to dig dieeper to see the cases where people worked CIVILLY and successfully with police
to change policies. Josyln Johnson was working with HPD on a lawsuit to FORCE two-officer patrols as the minimum
as a safety precaution. We don't hear about her work in the media because she is an employed officer and can't
make public statements, much less go around protesting! Th civilized reform work and efforts are what we SHOULD support but we don't hear about that because it is CIVILIZED and doesn't make the news like the screwed up violent protests.
Mmmm. Yeah, there are plenty of GOOD examples of police brutality. Problem is, NONE of these recent episodes are very good examples of such. It's only became the left WANTS to bring race into it. They don't bring up examples of police brutality on white people, do they? Interesting, right? :D

Now THIS below is assault by a police officer and it is CLEAR. It's clear that this "police brutality" stuff is faux outrage on the part of the leftists.

Travis Allen: White teenager shot to death by police
Two Bullets in the Back Houston Press

Cheryl Seymour (white) and Latino cases that got LULAC involved:
One in three police shootings involve unarmed people - Houston Chronicle

the most publicized police brutality cases I can remember in Houston involving the Latino community complaining of racism
* Joe Campos Torres Murder of Joe Campos Torres - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
* Pedro Oregon Grand Jury Clears Police Who Shot Houston Man...
(although Pedro was not the guilty party, opponents of this as a race case argue that another family member was the drug dealer who the police were after in the raid, and still claim it was not a racist killing of an innocent person because someone else was actually guilty and indirectly at fault. This is similar to arguing Michael Brown or Trayvon Martin were not "innocent," even though they were killed without proper due process; where even if they deserved consequences for criminal behavior, getting an "instant death penalty" still isn't right. So the arguments get entangled because people don't respect defending someone with a criminal background, regardless of race. It gets hard to pinpoint which thing people are judging by.)

* Also you can lookup Rodney Johnson, a Black Officer shot 7 times in the face by a previously deported illegal criminal with a record.

If people have enough confidence or influence in the system to manage the process, they just use the system,
and might hold press conferences, but not mass protests.

for those who DON'T trust the authorities or media, and fear the investigation will be swept under the rug or written off,
that is what sparks these publicity drives.

it looks to me like the Black community petitions as a group to have more collective visible and vocal media presence.
Individually, the cases are "taken for granted." The people affected count as nobody.
So after the problems build and multiply., they finally explode.

And you have the Al Sharptons and Quanell X's come out in the media to make those cases "represent" what is going wrong.

The SADDEST thing is when the hot potato cases that end up jumped on by the media
are the WORST POSSIBLE examples of what you would WANT to use.

Like using Gary Graham for the anti-death penalty movement which angered opponents worse and hurt credibility
of real cases of innocent people on death row. And now with Trayvon Martin and Michael Brown that become
easy targets for pointing out their criminal reputations, so it hurts the credibility of people who AREN'T running from the law.

That's the part that just seem doubly exploitative.

The media won't jump on REAL cases, but seems to pick the Controversial ones, that bait both sides.
The crooks and creeps to turn into poster cases, so both sides go to town defending and attacking each other.

Very sad and sick. Totally distracts from real validity and credibility of cases that the media can't exploit for ratings!!!

The media doesn't react until the baiters and the leaders react on a story, then it becomes a huge story afterwards because someone of so called importance begins taking note of it all, and so the baiters and the leaders are the ones who are picking and choosing what they want to pump up and then pump out in this nation. The media are just lap dogs, and that is all they are. The media is an easy escape goat though, and that is why these so called leaders like Al Sharpton and Deblasio get away with this dividing the nation along agenda lines, race lines, gender lines and/or voter lines etc. every time. When will this nation learn that it is who we all place in charge that either foments division in the nation or brings us all together in the nation ?

I knew this nation was going to go haywire with Obama at the helm, because he can't help it that he finds himself in the position of people figuring him to be an instigator (knee jerk reactor) and/or an agitator that was created by Jeremiah Wright and his surroundings over those years. Now it is really sad to say but I think it's true now, because he has proven this every time he tried to interject himself into these matters so far. His bias shows in his words, so I think he is trying to remain silent now, because he looks at it as a losing proposition to say anything much about these issues, and this is because he really doesn't know what to say otherwise without changing his ways in life first. The Nation is praying for all on this Christmas Eve, but wow what a mess it all is.
Travis Allen: White teenager shot to death by police
Two Bullets in the Back Houston Press

Cheryl Seymour (white) and Latino cases that got LULAC involved:
One in three police shootings involve unarmed people - Houston Chronicle

the most publicized police brutality cases I can remember in Houston involving the Latino community complaining of racism
* Joe Campos Torres Murder of Joe Campos Torres - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
* Pedro Oregon Grand Jury Clears Police Who Shot Houston Man...
(although Pedro was not the guilty party, opponents of this as a race case argue that another family member was the drug dealer who the police were after in the raid, and still claim it was not a racist killing of an innocent person because someone else was actually guilty and indirectly at fault. This is similar to arguing Michael Brown or Trayvon Martin were not "innocent," even though they were killed without proper due process; where even if they deserved consequences for criminal behavior, getting an "instant death penalty" still isn't right. So the arguments get entangled because people don't respect defending someone with a criminal background, regardless of race. It gets hard to pinpoint which thing people are judging by.)

* Also you can lookup Rodney Johnson, a Black Officer shot 7 times in the face by a previously deported illegal criminal with a record.

If people have enough confidence or influence in the system to manage the process, they just use the system,
and might hold press conferences, but not mass protests.

for those who DON'T trust the authorities or media, and fear the investigation will be swept under the rug or written off,
that is what sparks these publicity drives.

I'm aware that police brutality exists. I would leave Trayvon Martin out of this. He was not killed by a police officer, and YES I consider that case a case of self defense too.

I am not stating they are either innocent or guilty. I am saying that if you are going to fight and be uncooperative with the police on the street, then you are NOT going to be walking away. I wouldn't ever EXPECT the police to let a person walk away either.

I know there is police brutality and that the police CAN be jerks, but I don't think it is nearly as commonplace as some on the left would have you believe. And no, I do not believe that most police officers are racist. I think that is a ridiculous assertion.

it looks to me like the Black community petitions as a group to have more collective visible and vocal media presence.
Individually, the cases are "taken for granted." The people affected count as nobody.
So after the problems build and multiply., they finally explode.

And you have the Al Sharptons and Quanell X's come out in the media to make those cases "represent" what is going wrong.

The SADDEST thing is when the hot potato cases that end up jumped on by the media
are the WORST POSSIBLE examples of what you would WANT to use.

Like using Gary Graham for the anti-death penalty movement which angered opponents worse and hurt credibility
of real cases of innocent people on death row. And now with Trayvon Martin and Michael Brown that become
easy targets for pointing out their criminal reputations, so it hurts the credibility of people who AREN'T running from the law.

That's the part that just seem doubly exploitative.

The media won't jump on REAL cases, but seems to pick the Controversial ones, that bait both sides.
The crooks and creeps to turn into poster cases, so both sides go to town defending and attacking each other.

Very sad and sick. Totally distracts from real validity and credibility of cases that the media can't exploit for ratings!!!

I agree with this. They pick the worst examples to hold up. They are grasping at straws, it seems to me.
30 people out of 100,000 is a mob?

Are you serious? You showed a picture from one city . . . :rolleyes-41:
Yes. New York City.

New York City???!!!! :eek-52:

So what? :lol:
Isn't that where the cops were shot? Yes.

Aren't the knuckle-draggers on the Right trying to blame the protestors? Yes.

I've proven that there were only 30 out of 100,000 who were chanting "Kill the Cops".

And even if it were more, it doesn't matter. Free speech. Personal responsibility for the murderer. Butthurt for the wingnuts.

Well if you say in a protest "what do we want, dead cops, when do we want them, NOW", and then two cops are ambushed and shot dead by a black man who had issues to begin with, and then it only took one of the messages being given or shouted high upon the roof tops by these protestors in these kinds of ways to settle in, well what do you thing the combination is going to bring as end result ?, What it did was finally add to or set a person off along with all the other problems in which he or she may have been already experiencing in life. I'd say that the protestors have a serious problem in all of this now..

I mean what part of this don't people know or understand in life, and that is that YOU CAN'T YELL FIRE IN A CROWDED THEATER, where as afterwards people lose their lives in or just outside of the theater all because of such a thing and/or even because of a prank that was being played out in the theater when FIRE was yelled out if be the example of a case.
The guy was in Baltimore. How is he going to hear 30 dopes on a side street in NYC chanting?

You can't yell fire in a crowded theater only because of the potential harm in a stampede of people. The analogy fails.
It's one or the other - are the protestors and Sarah Barracuda both to blame, or are they both not to blame?
The two don't go together, because Sarah Palin never called for anyone to die in her words spoken during an interview or speech she has given, and if by chance she did in which I don't know about, then yes a few dots maybe added pertaining to possible flame stoking. No one should call for any harm to come to anyone when politicking or campaigning etc. and I mean what so ever.
I don't need Sarah Palin to tell me that those are gun targets.
Are you serious? You showed a picture from one city . . . :rolleyes-41:
Yes. New York City.

New York City???!!!! :eek-52:

So what? :lol:
Isn't that where the cops were shot? Yes.

Aren't the knuckle-draggers on the Right trying to blame the protestors? Yes.

I've proven that there were only 30 out of 100,000 who were chanting "Kill the Cops".

And even if it were more, it doesn't matter. Free speech. Personal responsibility for the murderer. Butthurt for the wingnuts.

Well if you say in a protest "what do we want, dead cops, when do we want them, NOW", and then two cops are ambushed and shot dead by a black man who had issues to begin with, and then it only took one of the messages being given or shouted high upon the roof tops by these protestors in these kinds of ways to settle in, well what do you thing the combination is going to bring as end result ?, What it did was finally add to or set a person off along with all the other problems in which he or she may have been already experiencing in life. I'd say that the protestors have a serious problem in all of this now..

I mean what part of this don't people know or understand in life, and that is that YOU CAN'T YELL FIRE IN A CROWDED THEATER, where as afterwards people lose their lives in or just outside of the theater all because of such a thing and/or even because of a prank that was being played out in the theater when FIRE was yelled out if be the example of a case.
The guy was in Baltimore. How is he going to hear 30 dopes on a side street in NYC chanting?

You can't yell fire in a crowded theater only because of the potential harm in a stampede of people. The analogy fails.

It's the precedence being set, not necessarily the "words." It's an attitude towards the police/authority that is being encouraged.

I would like to know, what would some of you liberals have the police do when a giant 300-pound man starts tensing up and giving the police a problem when they are trying to put handcuffs on him? I don't want to hear your deflections either.
As with 9/11, the one thing we can all say is
that NONE of us did enough to stop the killing because it happened.

Had ANY of us done enough to prevent it, it would not have occurred.
True. I should have been there to stop the killer's bullet from hitting Mike Brown.
So you would have taken a bullet for Mike Brown eh ? Even after all you saw in evidence there of, you still would have taken that bullet ? Are you the purest of sheeple in America or what, otherwise are you gullible to follow or swallow just about anything near a bouts that comes down the pipe your way ?
Yes. New York City.

New York City???!!!! :eek-52:

So what? :lol:
Isn't that where the cops were shot? Yes.

Aren't the knuckle-draggers on the Right trying to blame the protestors? Yes.

I've proven that there were only 30 out of 100,000 who were chanting "Kill the Cops".

And even if it were more, it doesn't matter. Free speech. Personal responsibility for the murderer. Butthurt for the wingnuts.

Well if you say in a protest "what do we want, dead cops, when do we want them, NOW", and then two cops are ambushed and shot dead by a black man who had issues to begin with, and then it only took one of the messages being given or shouted high upon the roof tops by these protestors in these kinds of ways to settle in, well what do you thing the combination is going to bring as end result ?, What it did was finally add to or set a person off along with all the other problems in which he or she may have been already experiencing in life. I'd say that the protestors have a serious problem in all of this now..

I mean what part of this don't people know or understand in life, and that is that YOU CAN'T YELL FIRE IN A CROWDED THEATER, where as afterwards people lose their lives in or just outside of the theater all because of such a thing and/or even because of a prank that was being played out in the theater when FIRE was yelled out if be the example of a case.
The guy was in Baltimore. How is he going to hear 30 dopes on a side street in NYC chanting?

You can't yell fire in a crowded theater only because of the potential harm in a stampede of people. The analogy fails.

It's the precedence being set, not necessarily the "words." It's an attitude towards the police/authority that is being encouraged.

I would like to know, what would some of you liberals have the police do when a giant 300-pound man starts tensing up and giving the police a problem when they are trying to put handcuffs on him? I don't want to hear your deflections either.
As many cops that were there, and the poor condition of the mans health, I wouldn't have shut off his wind like they did, because they didn't have to with as many that were there or were involved in the take down, and once they took him down they should have known to immediately adjust what ever problems that Mr.Garner was suffering from. No racial problem here, just a bad move on the police take down because it ended in the man's death, and what he was doing didn't deserve him dying over it. I am sure that the law never realized he was in that kind of health, but the situation turned bad for him and them who were involved, but it was an accident is all, because they had no way of knowing the man couldn't take a take down in the way they thought they had to subdue him. I bet the police officer who used the throat as a means to help subdue him, has got to be extremely distraught over what has transpired in that situation, and I bet he is completely sorrowful after the fact, and I hope he does everything in his fiber to try and apologize to the family of Eric Garner.

This case should be a learning curve for the police, but not something that cast fear into them where as they are scared now to do their job, because the job comes with risk, and that is the way it will always be so lets morn Eric Garner and his families loss, and also we should consider the police and all that they are put through in order to protect and do their job for the good citizens in this nation.
Yes. New York City.

New York City???!!!! :eek-52:

So what? :lol:
Isn't that where the cops were shot? Yes.

Aren't the knuckle-draggers on the Right trying to blame the protestors? Yes.

I've proven that there were only 30 out of 100,000 who were chanting "Kill the Cops".

And even if it were more, it doesn't matter. Free speech. Personal responsibility for the murderer. Butthurt for the wingnuts.

Well if you say in a protest "what do we want, dead cops, when do we want them, NOW", and then two cops are ambushed and shot dead by a black man who had issues to begin with, and then it only took one of the messages being given or shouted high upon the roof tops by these protestors in these kinds of ways to settle in, well what do you thing the combination is going to bring as end result ?, What it did was finally add to or set a person off along with all the other problems in which he or she may have been already experiencing in life. I'd say that the protestors have a serious problem in all of this now..

I mean what part of this don't people know or understand in life, and that is that YOU CAN'T YELL FIRE IN A CROWDED THEATER, where as afterwards people lose their lives in or just outside of the theater all because of such a thing and/or even because of a prank that was being played out in the theater when FIRE was yelled out if be the example of a case.
The guy was in Baltimore. How is he going to hear 30 dopes on a side street in NYC chanting?

You can't yell fire in a crowded theater only because of the potential harm in a stampede of people. The analogy fails.

It's the precedence being set, not necessarily the "words." It's an attitude towards the police/authority that is being encouraged.

I would like to know, what would some of you liberals have the police do when a giant 300-pound man starts tensing up and giving the police a problem when they are trying to put handcuffs on him? I don't want to hear your deflections either.
Use their non-lethal training.
New York City???!!!! :eek-52:

So what? :lol:
Isn't that where the cops were shot? Yes.

Aren't the knuckle-draggers on the Right trying to blame the protestors? Yes.

I've proven that there were only 30 out of 100,000 who were chanting "Kill the Cops".

And even if it were more, it doesn't matter. Free speech. Personal responsibility for the murderer. Butthurt for the wingnuts.

Well if you say in a protest "what do we want, dead cops, when do we want them, NOW", and then two cops are ambushed and shot dead by a black man who had issues to begin with, and then it only took one of the messages being given or shouted high upon the roof tops by these protestors in these kinds of ways to settle in, well what do you thing the combination is going to bring as end result ?, What it did was finally add to or set a person off along with all the other problems in which he or she may have been already experiencing in life. I'd say that the protestors have a serious problem in all of this now..

I mean what part of this don't people know or understand in life, and that is that YOU CAN'T YELL FIRE IN A CROWDED THEATER, where as afterwards people lose their lives in or just outside of the theater all because of such a thing and/or even because of a prank that was being played out in the theater when FIRE was yelled out if be the example of a case.
The guy was in Baltimore. How is he going to hear 30 dopes on a side street in NYC chanting?

You can't yell fire in a crowded theater only because of the potential harm in a stampede of people. The analogy fails.

It's the precedence being set, not necessarily the "words." It's an attitude towards the police/authority that is being encouraged.

I would like to know, what would some of you liberals have the police do when a giant 300-pound man starts tensing up and giving the police a problem when they are trying to put handcuffs on him? I don't want to hear your deflections either.
As many cops that were there, and the poor condition of the mans health, I wouldn't have shut off his wind like they did, because they didn't have to with as many that were there or were involved in the take down, and once they took him down they should have known to immediately adjust what ever problems that Mr.Garner was suffering from. No racial problem here, just a bad move on the police take down because it ended in the man's death, and what he was doing didn't deserve him dying over it. I am sure that the law never realized he was in that kind of health, but the situation turned bad for him and them who were involved, but it was an accident is all, because they had no way of knowing the man couldn't take a take down in the way they thought they had to subdue him. I bet the police officer who used the throat as a means to help subdue him, has got to be extremely distraught over what has transpired in that situation, and I bet he is completely sorrowful after the fact, and I hope he does everything in his fiber to try and apologize to the family of Eric Garner.

This case should be a learning curve for the police, but not something that cast fear into them where as they are scared now to do their job, because the job comes with risk, and that is the way it will always be so lets morn Eric Garner and his families loss, and also we should consider the police and all that they are put through in order to protect and do their job for the good citizens in this nation.

Good point, and I agree. I think it was accidental, but I don't deny that the police can be too rough at times. I just think that the people who go around saying that it was because the cops hate black people are just race baiting. I don't think that man's death had anything to do with his ethnicity. There are plenty of examples of police brutality. I think the most recent examples do not meet the criteria.
New York City???!!!! :eek-52:

So what? :lol:
Isn't that where the cops were shot? Yes.

Aren't the knuckle-draggers on the Right trying to blame the protestors? Yes.

I've proven that there were only 30 out of 100,000 who were chanting "Kill the Cops".

And even if it were more, it doesn't matter. Free speech. Personal responsibility for the murderer. Butthurt for the wingnuts.

Well if you say in a protest "what do we want, dead cops, when do we want them, NOW", and then two cops are ambushed and shot dead by a black man who had issues to begin with, and then it only took one of the messages being given or shouted high upon the roof tops by these protestors in these kinds of ways to settle in, well what do you thing the combination is going to bring as end result ?, What it did was finally add to or set a person off along with all the other problems in which he or she may have been already experiencing in life. I'd say that the protestors have a serious problem in all of this now..

I mean what part of this don't people know or understand in life, and that is that YOU CAN'T YELL FIRE IN A CROWDED THEATER, where as afterwards people lose their lives in or just outside of the theater all because of such a thing and/or even because of a prank that was being played out in the theater when FIRE was yelled out if be the example of a case.
The guy was in Baltimore. How is he going to hear 30 dopes on a side street in NYC chanting?

You can't yell fire in a crowded theater only because of the potential harm in a stampede of people. The analogy fails.

It's the precedence being set, not necessarily the "words." It's an attitude towards the police/authority that is being encouraged.

I would like to know, what would some of you liberals have the police do when a giant 300-pound man starts tensing up and giving the police a problem when they are trying to put handcuffs on him? I don't want to hear your deflections either.
Use their non-lethal training.

If a 300-pound man is fighting a man who is, say, 180 pounds, he is going to have to do some extraordinary things to bring that man down to the ground. That's all there is to it.
New York City???!!!! :eek-52:

So what? :lol:
Isn't that where the cops were shot? Yes.

Aren't the knuckle-draggers on the Right trying to blame the protestors? Yes.

I've proven that there were only 30 out of 100,000 who were chanting "Kill the Cops".

And even if it were more, it doesn't matter. Free speech. Personal responsibility for the murderer. Butthurt for the wingnuts.

Well if you say in a protest "what do we want, dead cops, when do we want them, NOW", and then two cops are ambushed and shot dead by a black man who had issues to begin with, and then it only took one of the messages being given or shouted high upon the roof tops by these protestors in these kinds of ways to settle in, well what do you thing the combination is going to bring as end result ?, What it did was finally add to or set a person off along with all the other problems in which he or she may have been already experiencing in life. I'd say that the protestors have a serious problem in all of this now..

I mean what part of this don't people know or understand in life, and that is that YOU CAN'T YELL FIRE IN A CROWDED THEATER, where as afterwards people lose their lives in or just outside of the theater all because of such a thing and/or even because of a prank that was being played out in the theater when FIRE was yelled out if be the example of a case.
The guy was in Baltimore. How is he going to hear 30 dopes on a side street in NYC chanting?

You can't yell fire in a crowded theater only because of the potential harm in a stampede of people. The analogy fails.

It's the precedence being set, not necessarily the "words." It's an attitude towards the police/authority that is being encouraged.

I would like to know, what would some of you liberals have the police do when a giant 300-pound man starts tensing up and giving the police a problem when they are trying to put handcuffs on him? I don't want to hear your deflections either.
Use their non-lethal training.
Umm they did, I mean they just didn't walk up and shoot him for doing wrong did they ?

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