2 million kids will lose CHIP coverage right away, report finds

Let them die the republicans will scream. The complete opposite of Jesus's teachings but they aint real followers anyways.

They're spawn of satan.

If they gave two shits about children they'd vote tonight to make sure it doesn't happen.

Get over your childish attacks. Really grow up. Even in the article it says an extension has bipartisan support! What is stopping a Democrat from presenting a CHIP funding bill? Nothing. Heck nothing stopped that moron for pushing for an impeachment vote.

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I'm sorry you're too ignorant to understand that nine unelected lawyers don't have the authority to rewrite the Constitution.
Well, while that is an adorable bit of whining on your part, the fact is that you are truly banging your head against the wall to think that the unsupported, authoritative claim that a SCOTUS decision "rewrites the Constitution" is a compelling argument in any serious setting. If the SCOTUS deems something to be Constitutional, then it is, by definition, Constitutional. I'll give you one guess where you can find that spelled out for you. ;)
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Fuck you, I have no obligation to support other peoples kids. Also the constitution is the supreme law of the land, which you apparently have no respect for.


Yes, no obligation... and obviously you also don't have the morals or empathy to do the right thing either. You sound like the total package.

So, it's the right thing to do to have kids you can't support and then pass that responsibility off to your neighbor?

Good try, but horrible try.

On Saturday nights do you buy buckets of chicken and go to the park and eat it in front of homeless kids for kicks?

The children don't have a choice in who their parents are... You don't want people having abortions, so what's YOUR solution then? Keep in mind that there will ALWAYS be poor people, even if every single person in the world got a job. It's a fact, there will always be a lower class of poor people.

So give us YOUR solution.

I don't eat fried chicken. Solution? Don't bring children into this world if you can't support them.
How are you going to prevent that, asshole?

How about we tax them, the more you tax something the less of it you get. Your answer is to reward them, that's ass backwards.

I think I found the Democratic response to the Trump Tax Plan. Based on the very words of left wing respondents on this board...my research indicates that this is what is going through their panicked minds when they think of the tax plans impact...

OMG...Republicans want to kill people...resist...the sky is falling! Resist!
So that's a yes, you will literally argue for ANYTHING that they tell you to. Including cutting off sick kids from healthcare.

Just like the founders intended, you're totally right.

Fuck you, I have no obligation to support other peoples kids. Also the constitution is the supreme law of the land, which you apparently have no respect for.

You’re talking Constitution?
The same Constitution Trump shits on every single day while he continues to enrich himself on the public dime. Hypocrite.

Link? Your opinion is meaningless.

Another example of a clueless member of the T cult.
Has no idea what’s going on.

Donald Trump is using taxpayer dollars to enrich himself while asking Congress to fund his government.
New Republic. You gotta be kidding. What a moron Dufus.
Idiot puts down the New Republic but thinks the Gateway Pundit is a truth teller.
But the hilarious part is how uninformed OK Texas, you and your kind are about Trump personally enriching himself.
He promised to divest from his companies but of course the Liar didn’t which is a violation of the emolument clause of the Constitution.
Funny you didn’t know this. You revel in your ignorance.
Fuck you, I have no obligation to support other peoples kids. Also the constitution is the supreme law of the land, which you apparently have no respect for.


Yes, no obligation... and obviously you also don't have the morals or empathy to do the right thing either. You sound like the total package.

So, it's the right thing to do to have kids you can't support and then pass that responsibility off to your neighbor?

Good try, but horrible try.

On Saturday nights do you buy buckets of chicken and go to the park and eat it in front of homeless kids for kicks?

The children don't have a choice in who their parents are... You don't want people having abortions, so what's YOUR solution then? Keep in mind that there will ALWAYS be poor people, even if every single person in the world got a job. It's a fact, there will always be a lower class of poor people.

So give us YOUR solution.

I don't eat fried chicken. Solution? Don't bring children into this world if you can't support them.
How are you going to prevent that, asshole?

Same way I did for 28 years....
Yes, no obligation... and obviously you also don't have the morals or empathy to do the right thing either. You sound like the total package.

So, it's the right thing to do to have kids you can't support and then pass that responsibility off to your neighbor?

Good try, but horrible try.

On Saturday nights do you buy buckets of chicken and go to the park and eat it in front of homeless kids for kicks?

The children don't have a choice in who their parents are... You don't want people having abortions, so what's YOUR solution then? Keep in mind that there will ALWAYS be poor people, even if every single person in the world got a job. It's a fact, there will always be a lower class of poor people.

So give us YOUR solution.

I don't eat fried chicken. Solution? Don't bring children into this world if you can't support them.
How are you going to prevent that, asshole?

How about we tax them, the more you tax something the less of it you get. Your answer is to reward them, that's ass backwards.

So providing children with health care is rewarding the parents? In what universe?
So your solution is to increase taxes on poor people while giving the Uber rich more money like in this tax scam law.
Got it.
You cultists are morally repugnant people..
Let them die the republicans will scream. The complete opposite of Jesus's teachings but they aint real followers anyways.

They're spawn of satan.

If they gave two shits about children they'd vote tonight to make sure it doesn't happen.
Sure. I remember the sermon Jesus gave about Rome providing health care to all it’s subjects.
But you choose to forget him saying “ we are our brother’s keeper.”
You morally berift cock suckers are a disgrace to humanity.
Not even the supreme court has the authority to ignore the constitution
If you think the SCOTUS ignored the Constitution, then get your legal team together and get your day in court. Oh wait, someone already did that. They lost. I guess that means you are just a source of hot air.

Btw, the definition of "constitutional", legally, is when the SCOTUS says something is constitutional.
Because John Roberts can’t interpret the Commerce Clause right. Asshole.
Bottom feeder now thinks he’s smarter than a Supreme Court Justice.
Thanks for the laugh.
Let them die the republicans will scream. The complete opposite of Jesus's teachings but they aint real followers anyways.

They're spawn of satan.

If they gave two shits about children they'd vote tonight to make sure it doesn't happen.
Sure. I remember the sermon Jesus gave about Rome providing health care to all it’s subjects.
But you choose to forget him saying “ we are our brother’s keeper.”
You morally berift cock suckers are a disgrace to humanity.

And you people that think it is OK to pass your responsibilities off unto others arenot a disgrace?
Interesting... the first line of defense (as it always is) is to simply call these facts,. "FAKE NEWS!!!". Now that this has worn off (without a single acknowledgment of this embarrasing lie), the Randian pukes and mindless pseudo-conservatives are forced to try to craft arguments against providing children with healthcare. Look at the (lack of) depth of thought they put into these efforts, as they react like an amoeba to any bit of new information. However, even an amoeba seems to be more adaptive, as it does not force itself to react the same way forever to any situation, but instead alters its reaction based on new information (stimulus).
Hollywood elite is worth hundreds of billions.
At best 3 will serve soup to the Poor for a few hours for a photo op.
Too stupid for words.
But I’m sure you thought it was presidential when Mr. Photo Op himself “ helped “ the people of Puerto Rico by tossing 6 rolls of paper towels under the spotlights of all the cameras.
Let them die the republicans will scream. The complete opposite of Jesus's teachings but they aint real followers anyways.

They're spawn of satan.

If they gave two shits about children they'd vote tonight to make sure it doesn't happen.
Sure. I remember the sermon Jesus gave about Rome providing health care to all it’s subjects.
But you choose to forget him saying “ we are our brother’s keeper.”
You morally berift cock suckers are a disgrace to humanity.

He never said that...
I've been arguing against this program for years, it nothing new. The federal government has no constitutional right to be involved in health care or health insurance for the general population, that would be up to the States and individuals. That's exactly what the founders intended.


So that's a yes, you will literally argue for ANYTHING that they tell you to. Including cutting off sick kids from healthcare.

Just like the founders intended, you're totally right.

Fuck you, I have no obligation to support other peoples kids. Also the constitution is the supreme law of the land, which you apparently have no respect for.

You’re talking Constitution?
The same Constitution Trump shits on every single day while he continues to enrich himself on the public dime. Hypocrite.

Link? Your opinion is meaningless.

Another example of a clueless member of the T cult.
Has no idea what’s going on.

Donald Trump is using taxpayer dollars to enrich himself while asking Congress to fund his government.

Writer: Trump will continue to use the power of his office to enrich himself

So you dumb little fucks are still hung up on they emoluments clause, which has no bearing on a business that provides goods and services at a market rate. But feel free to keep pounding your head against that wall.

Solution to bringing unwanted kids into the word.I call it the
Tax free plan

Under personal responsibility
Kindness program
Interesting... the first line of defense (as it always is) is to simply call these facts,. "FAKE NEWS!!!". Now that this has worn off (without a single acknowledgment of this embarrasing lie), the Randian pukes and mindless pseudo-conservatives are forced to try to craft arguments against providing children with healthcare. Look at the (lack of) depth of thought they put into these efforts, as they react like an amoeba to any bit of new information. However, even an amoeba seems to be more adaptive, as it does not force itself to react the same way forever to any situation, but instead alters its reaction based on new information (stimulus).
Good post. These insane knownothings were given legitimacy ( THEY THINK) with the election of a totally incompetent corrupt president.
Time to send them out to pasture or back under the rock from which they came and it starts next November.

Polls show sizable advantage for Democrats in 2018 midterm election
Interesting... the first line of defense (as it always is) is to simply call these facts,. "FAKE NEWS!!!". Now that this has worn off (without a single acknowledgment of this embarrasing lie), the Randian pukes and mindless pseudo-conservatives are forced to try to craft arguments against providing children with healthcare. Look at the (lack of) depth of thought they put into these efforts, as they react like an amoeba to any bit of new information. However, even an amoeba seems to be more adaptive, as it does not force itself to react the same way forever to any situation, but instead alters its reaction based on new information (stimulus).
Good post. These insane knownothings were given legitimacy ( THEY THINK) with the election of a totally incompetent corrupt president.
Time to send them out to pasture or back under the rock from which they came and it starts next November.

Polls show sizable advantage for Democrats in 2018 midterm election

Yeah, and Hillary in a landslide polls showed.
So, it's the right thing to do to have kids you can't support and then pass that responsibility off to your neighbor?

Good try, but horrible try.

On Saturday nights do you buy buckets of chicken and go to the park and eat it in front of homeless kids for kicks?

The children don't have a choice in who their parents are... You don't want people having abortions, so what's YOUR solution then? Keep in mind that there will ALWAYS be poor people, even if every single person in the world got a job. It's a fact, there will always be a lower class of poor people.

So give us YOUR solution.

I don't eat fried chicken. Solution? Don't bring children into this world if you can't support them.
How are you going to prevent that, asshole?

How about we tax them, the more you tax something the less of it you get. Your answer is to reward them, that's ass backwards.

So providing children with health care is rewarding the parents? In what universe?
So your solution is to increase taxes on poor people while giving the Uber rich more money like in this tax scam law.
Got it.
You cultists are morally repugnant people..
Rewards bad behavior and irresponsibility. Perpetuates the problem.

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