2 million kids will lose CHIP coverage right away, report finds

Momma and “babies daddy” better get off their lazy asses and get a fucking job.
Most adults taking government assistamce work full time. Same for the parents of most of the kids receiving it. They just dont make a lot of money. So you sound like an idiot.
No. They never prepared for future and had kids without a clue how to raise them. I feel no pity.
The working poor lives paycheck to paycheck while Trump and his big donors profit millions with the tax scam law.
There’s a special place in hell for people like you and your pussygrabber.
Ask Any Democrat Senator - They all own at least 2 homes.
Democrats want to fund CHIP. Republicans were too busy paying off their rich donors to care about the children of this country.
You mean like Goldman Sachs, George Soros, Hollywood moguls? Oh, I’m sorry, those are Democratic Party supporters.
Nearly 2 million children will lose health coverage starting next month if Congress doesn’t renew funding for the Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP) by Friday, a new report projects
Hey, fuck 'em.

If a three-year old child wants health care, she can work for it like anyone else.

Fuckin' stupid freeloaders.
Perhaps the people that brought her into this world can get a J-O-B.
You will literally argue in favor of ANYTHING that you're told to, won't you?

I've been arguing against this program for years, it nothing new. The federal government has no constitutional right to be involved in health care or health insurance for the general population, that would be up to the States and individuals. That's exactly what the founders intended.


So that's a yes, you will literally argue for ANYTHING that they tell you to. Including cutting off sick kids from healthcare.

Just like the founders intended, you're totally right.

Fuck you, I have no obligation to support other peoples kids. Also the constitution is the supreme law of the land, which you apparently have no respect for.

You’re talking Constitution?
The same Constitution Trump shits on every single day while he continues to enrich himself on the public dime. Hypocrite.

Link? Your opinion is meaningless.

Another example of a clueless member of the T cult.
Has no idea what’s going on.

Donald Trump is using taxpayer dollars to enrich himself while asking Congress to fund his government.

Writer: Trump will continue to use the power of his office to enrich himself
So, it's the right thing to do to have kids you can't support and then pass that responsibility off to your neighbor?
Ignorance personified.
Two words that sums up the T cult.

It's a simple question... he made a statement about morals and the right thing to do, so, I merely threw it back in his face. Care to answer the question? Is it the right thing to do to plop out kids you can't support?
You want to punish the children for their parents. How Trump-like of you.
America takes care of its needy.
It did until this president.

Change is in the air fortunately.
Polls show sizable advantage for Democrats in 2018 midterm election
What are you doing to help poor kids?
He will say...”I vote Democrat”...watch this shit.
The typical response from the left is it’s the governments job to help the poor, then they whine because government always screws things up.
Most adults taking government assistamce work full time. Same for the parents of most of the kids receiving it. They just dont make a lot of money. So you sound like an idiot.
No. They never prepared for future and had kids without a clue how to raise them. I feel no pity.
The working poor lives paycheck to paycheck while Trump and his big donors profit millions with the tax scam law.
There’s a special place in hell for people like you and your pussygrabber.
Ask Any Democrat Senator - They all own at least 2 homes.
Democrats want to fund CHIP. Republicans were too busy paying off their rich donors to care about the children of this country.
You mean like Goldman Sachs, George Soros, Hollywood moguls? Oh, I’m sorry, those are Democratic Party supporters.


How many Ex-Goldman Sachs workers were/are in Trump's White House?

Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin worked for Soros...
I've been arguing against this program for years, it nothing new. The federal government has no constitutional right to be involved in health care or health insurance for the general population, that would be up to the States and individuals. That's exactly what the founders intended.


So that's a yes, you will literally argue for ANYTHING that they tell you to. Including cutting off sick kids from healthcare.

Just like the founders intended, you're totally right.

Fuck you, I have no obligation to support other peoples kids. Also the constitution is the supreme law of the land, which you apparently have no respect for.

You’re talking Constitution?
The same Constitution Trump shits on every single day while he continues to enrich himself on the public dime. Hypocrite.

Link? Your opinion is meaningless.

Another example of a clueless member of the T cult.
Has no idea what’s going on.

Donald Trump is using taxpayer dollars to enrich himself while asking Congress to fund his government.
New Republic. You gotta be kidding. What a moron Dufus.
No. They never prepared for future and had kids without a clue how to raise them. I feel no pity.
The working poor lives paycheck to paycheck while Trump and his big donors profit millions with the tax scam law.
There’s a special place in hell for people like you and your pussygrabber.
Ask Any Democrat Senator - They all own at least 2 homes.
Democrats want to fund CHIP. Republicans were too busy paying off their rich donors to care about the children of this country.
You mean like Goldman Sachs, George Soros, Hollywood moguls? Oh, I’m sorry, those are Democratic Party supporters.


How many Ex-Goldman Sachs workers were/are in Trump's White House?

Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin worked for Soros...
About 40 Goldman Sachs employees in the Obama administration, shitforbrains.
Most adults taking government assistamce work full time. Same for the parents of most of the kids receiving it. They just dont make a lot of money. So you sound like an idiot.
No. They never prepared for future and had kids without a clue how to raise them. I feel no pity.
The working poor lives paycheck to paycheck while Trump and his big donors profit millions with the tax scam law.
There’s a special place in hell for people like you and your pussygrabber.
Ask Any Democrat Senator - They all own at least 2 homes.
Democrats want to fund CHIP. Republicans were too busy paying off their rich donors to care about the children of this country.
You mean like Goldman Sachs, George Soros, Hollywood moguls? Oh, I’m sorry, those are Democratic Party supporters.
Another asinine excuse for Trump and the GOP not concerned to fund CHIP.
The working poor lives paycheck to paycheck while Trump and his big donors profit millions with the tax scam law.
There’s a special place in hell for people like you and your pussygrabber.
Ask Any Democrat Senator - They all own at least 2 homes.
Democrats want to fund CHIP. Republicans were too busy paying off their rich donors to care about the children of this country.
You mean like Goldman Sachs, George Soros, Hollywood moguls? Oh, I’m sorry, those are Democratic Party supporters.


How many Ex-Goldman Sachs workers were/are in Trump's White House?

Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin worked for Soros...
About 40 Goldman Sachs employees in the Obama administration, shitforbrains.

Oh my! Did I argue that?

Nope... my point is, he had a stupid point because they are all crooked politicians from rich jobs.
If the parents can't provide for them, there are plenty of people willing to adopt them and provide a good home.


So these sick kids should be put up for adoption and placed in new homes in the next 12 days? This is your plan.

I don't care, the house passed all 12 federal budget bills and fully funded this unconstitutional program, tell your damn regressives senators to get off their ass and pass a budget. It's costs a lot more money to operate on short term CRs. The government hasn't operated under a budget passed by regular order in more than a decade, that's BS.


It's not just the Democrats fault... a Republican Senator was just on the news and said CHIP would get funded until March, and that they like to use deadlines to keep getting it funded on a short-term basis, because funding it long term feels too much like writing a blank check.

BS, budgets are done a year at a time.


Boy you are batting 1.000 today. How can you possibly get it wrong when you just argued against CRs which AREN'T a yearly thing?

Feel free to point where I mentioned a CR in the post you just responded to. And just so you know a CR can be used to fund the government for a year, they just don't normally do it and it costs more doing it for a short term.

So these sick kids should be put up for adoption and placed in new homes in the next 12 days? This is your plan.

I don't care, the house passed all 12 federal budget bills and fully funded this unconstitutional program, tell your damn regressives senators to get off their ass and pass a budget. It's costs a lot more money to operate on short term CRs. The government hasn't operated under a budget passed by regular order in more than a decade, that's BS.


It's not just the Democrats fault... a Republican Senator was just on the news and said CHIP would get funded until March, and that they like to use deadlines to keep getting it funded on a short-term basis, because funding it long term feels too much like writing a blank check.

BS, budgets are done a year at a time.


Boy you are batting 1.000 today. How can you possibly get it wrong when you just argued against CRs which AREN'T a yearly thing?

Feel free to point where I mentioned a CR in the post you just responded to. And just so you know a CR can be used to fund the government for a year, they just don't normally do it and it costs more doing it for a short term.


Holy shit bro... it's part of this quote chain.

...and obviously I didn't say CRs are used to budget for the year, otherwise I wouldn't have said what I did. :rofl:
The GOP has a huge stain on them.

Tax cuts for the wealthiest among us; no health insurance for poor children — the most vulnerable among us.

You know, that's the type of world dems created with electing that p.o.s. Obama.

The famed Community Organizer. Disrupt and Divide. AND it also taught
us how to count seats in Congress.

Those poor children's parents, the vast majority, vote democrat..."Hand
Outs." So, the GOP ain't out anything nor does it gain anything if it
passes an extension.

There is a giant misconception that the average American really cares
about shit like this. Yeah...they'll care, but they make up their mind
how to vote at the kitchen table when they are formulating their yearly
household budget. They really don't worry that Little Takio isn't getting
more taxpayer money.

This might make a lame moral debate on an Internet Message Board, but
it doesn't mean shit in real life.
Oh Obama is to blame. Of course :lol:

Fuck ‘em their parents voted for Obama. How compassionate.

Never mind that the children affected are from red states that wouldn’t accept the Medicaid expansion under the ACA.

And never mind that children have no choice. You’re a fucking idiot
The working poor lives paycheck to paycheck while Trump and his big donors profit millions with the tax scam law.
There’s a special place in hell for people like you and your pussygrabber.
Ask Any Democrat Senator - They all own at least 2 homes.
Democrats want to fund CHIP. Republicans were too busy paying off their rich donors to care about the children of this country.
You mean like Goldman Sachs, George Soros, Hollywood moguls? Oh, I’m sorry, those are Democratic Party supporters.


How many Ex-Goldman Sachs workers were/are in Trump's White House?

Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin worked for Soros...
About 40 Goldman Sachs employees in the Obama administration, shitforbrains.
Hillary Clinton reaping donations from Wall Street
The GOP has a huge stain on them.

Tax cuts for the wealthiest among us; no health insurance for poor children — the most vulnerable among us.

You know, that's the type of world dems created with electing that p.o.s. Obama.

The famed Community Organizer. Disrupt and Divide. AND it also taught
us how to count seats in Congress.

Those poor children's parents, the vast majority, vote democrat..."Hand
Outs." So, the GOP ain't out anything nor does it gain anything if it
passes an extension.

There is a giant misconception that the average American really cares
about shit like this. Yeah...they'll care, but they make up their mind
how to vote at the kitchen table when they are formulating their yearly
household budget. They really don't worry that Little Takio isn't getting
more taxpayer money.

This might make a lame moral debate on an Internet Message Board, but
it doesn't mean shit in real life.
Oh Obama is to blame. Of course :lol:

Fuck ‘em their parents voted for Obama. How compassionate.

Never mind that the children affected are from red states that wouldn’t accept the Medicaid expansion under the ACA
Red State African-Americans who vote straight Democrat.
You haven't prove shit, SCHIP existed before maobamacare, it should have been done away with when maobamacare passed. Also it only provides matching funds to States, it is not fully funded by the feds, as you indicated. Being a typical ignorant regressive you seem to have a rather lax definition of proof.


You will literally argue in favor of ANYTHING that you're told to, won't you?

I've been arguing against this program for years, it nothing new. The federal government has no constitutional right to be involved in health care or health insurance for the general population, that would be up to the States and individuals. That's exactly what the founders intended.


So that's a yes, you will literally argue for ANYTHING that they tell you to. Including cutting off sick kids from healthcare.

Just like the founders intended, you're totally right.

Fuck you, I have no obligation to support other peoples kids. Also the constitution is the supreme law of the land, which you apparently have no respect for.


Yes, no obligation... and obviously you also don't have the morals or empathy to do the right thing either. You sound like the total package.

You're right, if a parent can't adequately take care of a child they should allow them to be adopted by someone who can. It's not on me to pay for their parents bad decisions.

You will literally argue in favor of ANYTHING that you're told to, won't you?

I've been arguing against this program for years, it nothing new. The federal government has no constitutional right to be involved in health care or health insurance for the general population, that would be up to the States and individuals. That's exactly what the founders intended.


So that's a yes, you will literally argue for ANYTHING that they tell you to. Including cutting off sick kids from healthcare.

Just like the founders intended, you're totally right.

Fuck you, I have no obligation to support other peoples kids. Also the constitution is the supreme law of the land, which you apparently have no respect for.


Yes, no obligation... and obviously you also don't have the morals or empathy to do the right thing either. You sound like the total package.

You're right, if a parent can't adequately take care of a child they should allow them to be adopted by someone who can. It's not on me to pay for their parents bad decisions.


So if something catastrophic happens in your life, and you couldn't pay for your kid's health insurance you'd be good with someone coming in and taking your kids? You do understand that people aren't always poor when they have kids?
I've been arguing against this program for years, it nothing new. The federal government has no constitutional right to be involved in health care or health insurance for the general population, that would be up to the States and individuals. That's exactly what the founders intended.


So that's a yes, you will literally argue for ANYTHING that they tell you to. Including cutting off sick kids from healthcare.

Just like the founders intended, you're totally right.

Fuck you, I have no obligation to support other peoples kids. Also the constitution is the supreme law of the land, which you apparently have no respect for.

You’re talking Constitution?
The same Constitution Trump shits on every single day while he continues to enrich himself on the public dime. Hypocrite.

Link? Your opinion is meaningless.

Another example of a clueless member of the T cult.
Has no idea what’s going on.

Donald Trump is using taxpayer dollars to enrich himself while asking Congress to fund his government.

Writer: Trump will continue to use the power of his office to enrich himself
That cult you speak of is actually known as “The Winners Club.” You, on the other hand, are part of the “Whiners Society.”
You do understand that people aren't always poor when they have kids?

Also, that not everyone who can't afford health insurance for their family is "poor''. medical costs are too high in this country, thus resulting in health insurance that is of prohibitive cost to a lot of people well above the poverty line.
So that's a yes, you will literally argue for ANYTHING that they tell you to. Including cutting off sick kids from healthcare.

Just like the founders intended, you're totally right.

Fuck you, I have no obligation to support other peoples kids. Also the constitution is the supreme law of the land, which you apparently have no respect for.

You’re talking Constitution?
The same Constitution Trump shits on every single day while he continues to enrich himself on the public dime. Hypocrite.

Link? Your opinion is meaningless.

Another example of a clueless member of the T cult.
Has no idea what’s going on.

Donald Trump is using taxpayer dollars to enrich himself while asking Congress to fund his government.

Writer: Trump will continue to use the power of his office to enrich himself
That cult you speak of is actually known as “The Winners Club.” You, on the other hand, are part of the “Whiners Society.”
Ah, you're a Randian puke. That explains it.
Not even the supreme court has the authority to ignore the constitution
If you think the SCOTUS ignored the Constitution, then get your legal team together and get your day in court. Oh wait, someone already did that. They lost. I guess that means you are just a source of hot air.

Btw, the definition of "constitutional", legally, is when the SCOTUS says something is constitutional.

I'm sorry you're too ignorant to understand that nine unelected lawyers don't have the authority to rewrite the Constitution. Not holding them accountable is a political decision, not a legal one. Commiecrats will never vote to impeach a justice that goes against the Constitution because they want it made irrelevant.


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