2 million kids will lose CHIP coverage right away, report finds

I've been arguing against this program for years, it nothing new. The federal government has no constitutional right to be involved in health care or health insurance for the general population, that would be up to the States and individuals. That's exactly what the founders intended.


So that's a yes, you will literally argue for ANYTHING that they tell you to. Including cutting off sick kids from healthcare.

Just like the founders intended, you're totally right.

Fuck you, I have no obligation to support other peoples kids. Also the constitution is the supreme law of the land, which you apparently have no respect for.


Yes, no obligation... and obviously you also don't have the morals or empathy to do the right thing either. You sound like the total package.

So, it's the right thing to do to have kids you can't support and then pass that responsibility off to your neighbor?

Good try, but horrible try.

On Saturday nights do you buy buckets of chicken and go to the park and eat it in front of homeless kids for kicks?

The children don't have a choice in who their parents are... You don't want people having abortions, so what's YOUR solution then? Keep in mind that there will ALWAYS be poor people, even if every single person in the world got a job. It's a fact, there will always be a lower class of poor people.

So give us YOUR solution.

I don't eat fried chicken. Solution? Don't bring children into this world if you can't support them.
Momma and “babies daddy” better get off their lazy asses and get a fucking job.
Most adults taking government assistamce work full time. Same for the parents of most of the kids receiving it. They just dont make a lot of money. So you sound like an idiot.
Census proves you wrong. 50% of welfare households are single mom. 70% of Black babies born out of wedlock because “babies daddy” off making more babies or is sitting in prison because he wanted that “thug life.” Laziness, criminality, and lack of responsibility has burden taxpayers in this country since LBJ and Great Society.
21.3% of US Participates in Government Assistance Programs Each Month
Momma and “babies daddy” better get off their lazy asses and get a fucking job.
Most adults taking government assistamce work full time. Same for the parents of most of the kids receiving it. They just dont make a lot of money. So you sound like an idiot.
No. They never prepared for future and had kids without a clue how to raise them. I feel no pity.
The working poor lives paycheck to paycheck while Trump and his big donors profit millions with the tax scam law.
There’s a special place in hell for people like you and your pussygrabber.
Ask Any Democrat Senator - They all own at least 2 homes.
Democrats want to fund CHIP. Republicans were too busy paying off their rich donors to care about the children of this country.
Fuck you, I have no obligation to support other peoples kids. Also the constitution is the supreme law of the land, which you apparently have no respect for.


Yes, no obligation... and obviously you also don't have the morals or empathy to do the right thing either. You sound like the total package.

So, it's the right thing to do to have kids you can't support and then pass that responsibility off to your neighbor?
Ignorance personified.
Two words that sums up the T cult.

It's a simple question... he made a statement about morals and the right thing to do, so, I merely threw it back in his face. Care to answer the question? Is it the right thing to do to plop out kids you can't support?
You want to punish the children for their parents. How Trump-like of you.
America takes care of its needy.
It did until this president.

Change is in the air fortunately.
Polls show sizable advantage for Democrats in 2018 midterm election
What are you doing to help poor kids?
I have no obligation to support other peoples kids
Of course you do. We could literally throw you in jail for not paying your taxes. Don't believe me? Try it.

Under the new tax plan I won't have to pay any, so there. But I've been supporting other peoples kids all my life, I've done enough. Hell I may just quit smoking so I can deprive them of the $0.60 a pack for this BS program as well.

So that's a yes, you will literally argue for ANYTHING that they tell you to. Including cutting off sick kids from healthcare.

Just like the founders intended, you're totally right.

Fuck you, I have no obligation to support other peoples kids. Also the constitution is the supreme law of the land, which you apparently have no respect for.


Yes, no obligation... and obviously you also don't have the morals or empathy to do the right thing either. You sound like the total package.

So, it's the right thing to do to have kids you can't support and then pass that responsibility off to your neighbor?

Good try, but horrible try.

On Saturday nights do you buy buckets of chicken and go to the park and eat it in front of homeless kids for kicks?

The children don't have a choice in who their parents are... You don't want people having abortions, so what's YOUR solution then? Keep in mind that there will ALWAYS be poor people, even if every single person in the world got a job. It's a fact, there will always be a lower class of poor people.

So give us YOUR solution.

I don't eat fried chicken. Solution? Don't bring children into this world if you can't support them.
How are you going to prevent that, asshole?
So that's a yes, you will literally argue for ANYTHING that they tell you to. Including cutting off sick kids from healthcare.

Just like the founders intended, you're totally right.

Fuck you, I have no obligation to support other peoples kids. Also the constitution is the supreme law of the land, which you apparently have no respect for.


Yes, no obligation... and obviously you also don't have the morals or empathy to do the right thing either. You sound like the total package.

So, it's the right thing to do to have kids you can't support and then pass that responsibility off to your neighbor?

Good try, but horrible try.

On Saturday nights do you buy buckets of chicken and go to the park and eat it in front of homeless kids for kicks?

The children don't have a choice in who their parents are... You don't want people having abortions, so what's YOUR solution then? Keep in mind that there will ALWAYS be poor people, even if every single person in the world got a job. It's a fact, there will always be a lower class of poor people.

So give us YOUR solution.

I don't eat fried chicken. Solution? Don't bring children into this world if you can't support them.

You still didn't answer my question.

You are for punishing kids because of what their parents did?

Are you for abortion then?

Or are you saying that poor people shouldn't be allowed to have sex?

Or are you saying poor people should be sterilized so they can't have kids?

Do you understand how stupid you sound when you criticize a problem but can't give even a hint of an idea at a solution?
Momma and “babies daddy” better get off their lazy asses and get a fucking job.
Most adults taking government assistamce work full time. Same for the parents of most of the kids receiving it. They just dont make a lot of money. So you sound like an idiot.
No. They never prepared for future and had kids without a clue how to raise them. I feel no pity.
The working poor lives paycheck to paycheck while Trump and his big donors profit millions with the tax scam law.
There’s a special place in hell for people like you and your pussygrabber.
Ask Any Democrat Senator - They all own at least 2 homes.
Democrats want to fund CHIP. Republicans were too busy paying off their rich donors to care about the children of this country.
Find a new record, yours keeps skipping.

You forgot they hate puppies, moron.
They never prepared for future and had kids without a clue how to raise them
All of them, eh? Your powers of omniscience are astounding. Or, maybe you're just an unethical moron willing to demonize millions of people to justify your own vile beliefs to yourself out loud. I wonder which is more likely?
Pretty much...yep.
Copped to being an unethical moron.
Ha ha!
GHW Bush wants nothing to do with you.
Momma and “babies daddy” better get off their lazy asses and get a fucking job.
Most adults taking government assistamce work full time. Same for the parents of most of the kids receiving it. They just dont make a lot of money. So you sound like an idiot.
No. They never prepared for future and had kids without a clue how to raise them. I feel no pity.
The working poor lives paycheck to paycheck while Trump and his big donors profit millions with the tax scam law.
There’s a special place in hell for people like you and your pussygrabber.
Ask Any Democrat Senator - They all own at least 2 homes.
Democrats want to fund CHIP. Republicans were too busy paying off their rich donors to care about the children of this country.

Dems don't mind aborting children either.
Yes, no obligation... and obviously you also don't have the morals or empathy to do the right thing either. You sound like the total package.

So, it's the right thing to do to have kids you can't support and then pass that responsibility off to your neighbor?
Ignorance personified.
Two words that sums up the T cult.

It's a simple question... he made a statement about morals and the right thing to do, so, I merely threw it back in his face. Care to answer the question? Is it the right thing to do to plop out kids you can't support?
You want to punish the children for their parents. How Trump-like of you.
America takes care of its needy.
It did until this president.

Change is in the air fortunately.
Polls show sizable advantage for Democrats in 2018 midterm election
What are you doing to help poor kids?
He will say...”I vote Democrat”...watch this shit.
I have no obligation to support other peoples kids
Of course you do. We could literally throw you in jail for not paying your taxes. Don't believe me? Try it.

Under the new tax plan I won't have to pay any, so there. But I've been supporting other peoples kids all my life, I've done enough. Hell I may just quit smoking so I can deprive them of the $0.60 a pack for this BS program as well.


I didn't know the government taxed crack...
Fuck you, I have no obligation to support other peoples kids. Also the constitution is the supreme law of the land, which you apparently have no respect for.


Yes, no obligation... and obviously you also don't have the morals or empathy to do the right thing either. You sound like the total package.

So, it's the right thing to do to have kids you can't support and then pass that responsibility off to your neighbor?
Ignorance personified.
Two words that sums up the T cult.

It's a simple question... he made a statement about morals and the right thing to do, so, I merely threw it back in his face. Care to answer the question? Is it the right thing to do to plop out kids you can't support?
You want to punish the children for their parents. How Trump-like of you.
America takes care of its needy.
It did until this president.

Change is in the air fortunately.
Polls show sizable advantage for Democrats in 2018 midterm election
Fuck you, I have no obligation to support other peoples kids. Also the constitution is the supreme law of the land, which you apparently have no respect for.


Yes, no obligation... and obviously you also don't have the morals or empathy to do the right thing either. You sound like the total package.

So, it's the right thing to do to have kids you can't support and then pass that responsibility off to your neighbor?

Good try, but horrible try.

On Saturday nights do you buy buckets of chicken and go to the park and eat it in front of homeless kids for kicks?

The children don't have a choice in who their parents are... You don't want people having abortions, so what's YOUR solution then? Keep in mind that there will ALWAYS be poor people, even if every single person in the world got a job. It's a fact, there will always be a lower class of poor people.

So give us YOUR solution.

I don't eat fried chicken. Solution? Don't bring children into this world if you can't support them.

You still didn't answer my question.

You are for punishing kids because of what their parents did?

Are you for abortion then?

Or are you saying that poor people shouldn't be allowed to have sex?

Or are you saying poor people should be sterilized so they can't have kids?

Do you understand how stupid you sound when you criticize a problem but can't give even a hint of an idea at a solution?
They’re against abortion. They want all unwanted children to be born so they can cut off their food stamps, WIC, and welfare under the guise of FREEDOM.
You haven't prove shit, SCHIP existed before maobamacare, it should have been done away with when maobamacare passed. Also it only provides matching funds to States, it is not fully funded by the feds, as you indicated. Being a typical ignorant regressive you seem to have a rather lax definition of proof.


You will literally argue in favor of ANYTHING that you're told to, won't you?

I've been arguing against this program for years, it nothing new. The federal government has no constitutional right to be involved in health care or health insurance for the general population, that would be up to the States and individuals. That's exactly what the founders intended.


So that's a yes, you will literally argue for ANYTHING that they tell you to. Including cutting off sick kids from healthcare.

Just like the founders intended, you're totally right.

Fuck you, I have no obligation to support other peoples kids. Also the constitution is the supreme law of the land, which you apparently have no respect for.

You’re talking Constitution?
The same Constitution Trump shits on every single day while he continues to enrich himself on the public dime. Hypocrite.

Link? Your opinion is meaningless.

Yes, no obligation... and obviously you also don't have the morals or empathy to do the right thing either. You sound like the total package.

So, it's the right thing to do to have kids you can't support and then pass that responsibility off to your neighbor?
Ignorance personified.
Two words that sums up the T cult.

It's a simple question... he made a statement about morals and the right thing to do, so, I merely threw it back in his face. Care to answer the question? Is it the right thing to do to plop out kids you can't support?
You want to punish the children for their parents. How Trump-like of you.
America takes care of its needy.
It did until this president.

Change is in the air fortunately.
Polls show sizable advantage for Democrats in 2018 midterm election
Typical response when a deplorable gets outdebated.

Trump: I love my uneducated base.
Momma and “babies daddy” better get off their lazy asses and get a fucking job.
Most adults taking government assistamce work full time. Same for the parents of most of the kids receiving it. They just dont make a lot of money. So you sound like an idiot.
Census proves you wrong. 50% of welfare households are single mom. 70% of Black babies born out of wedlock because “babies daddy” off making more babies or is sitting in prison because he wanted that “thug life.” Laziness, criminality, and lack of responsibility has burden taxpayers in this country since LBJ and Great Society.
21.3% of US Participates in Government Assistance Programs Each Month
I said that most people taking government assistance work full time.

And if you love those statistics (which you do, as you are just blowing the racist dog whistle and would stand in the way of any measure to lower those stats), then make sure you support ways to keep the next generations in the same cycle. Which you do. You dont care about any of these people. They are fodder for your prancing amd dancing.
Yes, no obligation... and obviously you also don't have the morals or empathy to do the right thing either. You sound like the total package.

So, it's the right thing to do to have kids you can't support and then pass that responsibility off to your neighbor?

Good try, but horrible try.

On Saturday nights do you buy buckets of chicken and go to the park and eat it in front of homeless kids for kicks?

The children don't have a choice in who their parents are... You don't want people having abortions, so what's YOUR solution then? Keep in mind that there will ALWAYS be poor people, even if every single person in the world got a job. It's a fact, there will always be a lower class of poor people.

So give us YOUR solution.

I don't eat fried chicken. Solution? Don't bring children into this world if you can't support them.

You still didn't answer my question.

You are for punishing kids because of what their parents did?

Are you for abortion then?

Or are you saying that poor people shouldn't be allowed to have sex?

Or are you saying poor people should be sterilized so they can't have kids?

Do you understand how stupid you sound when you criticize a problem but can't give even a hint of an idea at a solution?
They’re against abortion. They want all unwanted children to be born so they can cut off their food stamps, WIC, and welfare under the guise of FREEDOM.
Here’s your cracker, parrot

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