2 million kids will lose CHIP coverage right away, report finds

Jimmy Carter had to give up his beloved peanut farm when he became president.
Trump gave up nothing and continues to violate the Constitution.
If the GOP had any sense of civic duty or responsibility, they’d hold him accountable.
But they’re too busy flagellating themselves to him to keep his deep insecurities under check.

What a fucking way to run a country.
Jimmy Carter peanut farm...OMFG...hilarious!
Thanks for proving you’re as insane as everyone says you are.
Who says I’m insane? The voices in your head?
I'm sorry you're too ignorant to understand that nine unelected lawyers don't have the authority to rewrite the Constitution.
Well, while that is an adorable bit of whining on your part, the fact is that you are truly banging your head against the wall to think that the unsupported, authoritative claim that a SCOTUS decision "rewrites the Constitution" is a compelling argument in any serious setting. If the SCOTUS deems something to be Constitutional, then it is, by definition, Constitutional. I'll give you one guess where you can find that spelled out for you. ;)

Oh right, until another court comes along and says otherwise. Hundreds of supreme court decisions have been reversed and may more will be.

So, it's the right thing to do to have kids you can't support and then pass that responsibility off to your neighbor?

Good try, but horrible try.

On Saturday nights do you buy buckets of chicken and go to the park and eat it in front of homeless kids for kicks?

The children don't have a choice in who their parents are... You don't want people having abortions, so what's YOUR solution then? Keep in mind that there will ALWAYS be poor people, even if every single person in the world got a job. It's a fact, there will always be a lower class of poor people.

So give us YOUR solution.

I don't eat fried chicken. Solution? Don't bring children into this world if you can't support them.
How are you going to prevent that, asshole?

How about we tax them, the more you tax something the less of it you get. Your answer is to reward them, that's ass backwards.

So providing children with health care is rewarding the parents? In what universe?
So your solution is to increase taxes on poor people while giving the Uber rich more money like in this tax scam law.
Got it.
You cultists are morally repugnant people..

You've been rewarding bad behavior since the mid 60s, how's that working for ya? Where does it end?

Fuck you, I have no obligation to support other peoples kids. Also the constitution is the supreme law of the land, which you apparently have no respect for.

You’re talking Constitution?
The same Constitution Trump shits on every single day while he continues to enrich himself on the public dime. Hypocrite.

Link? Your opinion is meaningless.

Another example of a clueless member of the T cult.
Has no idea what’s going on.

Donald Trump is using taxpayer dollars to enrich himself while asking Congress to fund his government.

Writer: Trump will continue to use the power of his office to enrich himself

So you dumb little fucks are still hung up on they emoluments clause, which has no bearing on a business that provides goods and services at a market rate. But feel free to keep pounding your head against that wall.

Cultist thinks it’s fine and dandy that a president LIED about divesting from his businesses and continues to enrich himself while on the public dime.

“ hung up on emolument clause”
When the criminal in Chief violates the Constitution, excuses MUST BE MADE by his loyal cult because that’s how you roll.

The operative word there is "when", he's not. Deal with it.

Fuck you, I have no obligation to support other peoples kids. Also the constitution is the supreme law of the land, which you apparently have no respect for.


Yes, no obligation... and obviously you also don't have the morals or empathy to do the right thing either. You sound like the total package.

You're right, if a parent can't adequately take care of a child they should allow them to be adopted by someone who can. It's not on me to pay for their parents bad decisions.


So if something catastrophic happens in your life, and you couldn't pay for your kid's health insurance you'd be good with someone coming in and taking your kids? You do understand that people aren't always poor when they have kids?

I chose not to have any, I saw the fucked up country you commies were pushing coming back in the early 70s. I have seen nothing to make me regret my decision. You might take note, IT WAS MY DECISION, and I didn't ask you to take financial responsibility for it, did I?

Social safety nets should be for short term help and ran by the States, not the multi-generational system we have now. I'm paraphrasing, but Franklin said you can't make the poor comfortable they will have no incentive to better themselves.


I chose not to have any either... but guess what? It doesn't always work out that way, especially when Conservatives are also wanting to get rid of Planned Parenthood where poor women could go and get help with birth control, or guys can get free condoms.

Not to mention, like I already said, people aren't always poor when they have their kids. Sometimes things happen AFTER they have kids that makes them poor and in a situation they can't afford insurance.

Don't act like PP is the only game in town, most county health services offer birth control and free condoms are available at most gay bars from what I hear, so there are alternatives. Of course there the absolute solution, it's called NOASSATALL. If you can't afford the band, skip the dance.

Jimmy Carter had to give up his beloved peanut farm when he became president.
Trump gave up nothing and continues to violate the Constitution.
If the GOP had any sense of civic duty or responsibility, they’d hold him accountable.
But they’re too busy flagellating themselves to him to keep his deep insecurities under check.

What a fucking way to run a country.

NO he didn't, he turned over the operation to his mother and brother, how is that different than what Trump did?

and until the government started interferring, things were just fine.
No they weren't. That's why CHIP was invented.
Category:Christian charities - Wikipedia
This category has the following 8 subcategories, out of 8 total.

Your list is irrelevant. There are not enough charities to fill the need. Thus, CHIP.
you do know the world is dynamic, you guys keep with this static idea......just stop with that shit....
Yes, no obligation... and obviously you also don't have the morals or empathy to do the right thing either. You sound like the total package.

You're right, if a parent can't adequately take care of a child they should allow them to be adopted by someone who can. It's not on me to pay for their parents bad decisions.


So if something catastrophic happens in your life, and you couldn't pay for your kid's health insurance you'd be good with someone coming in and taking your kids? You do understand that people aren't always poor when they have kids?

I chose not to have any, I saw the fucked up country you commies were pushing coming back in the early 70s. I have seen nothing to make me regret my decision. You might take note, IT WAS MY DECISION, and I didn't ask you to take financial responsibility for it, did I?

Social safety nets should be for short term help and ran by the States, not the multi-generational system we have now. I'm paraphrasing, but Franklin said you can't make the poor comfortable they will have no incentive to better themselves.


I chose not to have any either... but guess what? It doesn't always work out that way, especially when Conservatives are also wanting to get rid of Planned Parenthood where poor women could go and get help with birth control, or guys can get free condoms.

Not to mention, like I already said, people aren't always poor when they have their kids. Sometimes things happen AFTER they have kids that makes them poor and in a situation they can't afford insurance.

Don't act like PP is the only game in town, most county health services offer birth control and free condoms are available at most gay bars from what I hear, so there are alternatives. Of course there the absolute solution, it's called NOASSATALL. If you can't afford the band, skip the dance.


Right... if you are poor you can't have sex! If that's your solution, then I hope you aren't a politician. Hell I hope you aren't in charge of picking the kind of toilet paper that goes in MacDonald's bathroom.
You're right, if a parent can't adequately take care of a child they should allow them to be adopted by someone who can. It's not on me to pay for their parents bad decisions.


So if something catastrophic happens in your life, and you couldn't pay for your kid's health insurance you'd be good with someone coming in and taking your kids? You do understand that people aren't always poor when they have kids?

I chose not to have any, I saw the fucked up country you commies were pushing coming back in the early 70s. I have seen nothing to make me regret my decision. You might take note, IT WAS MY DECISION, and I didn't ask you to take financial responsibility for it, did I?

Social safety nets should be for short term help and ran by the States, not the multi-generational system we have now. I'm paraphrasing, but Franklin said you can't make the poor comfortable they will have no incentive to better themselves.


I chose not to have any either... but guess what? It doesn't always work out that way, especially when Conservatives are also wanting to get rid of Planned Parenthood where poor women could go and get help with birth control, or guys can get free condoms.

Not to mention, like I already said, people aren't always poor when they have their kids. Sometimes things happen AFTER they have kids that makes them poor and in a situation they can't afford insurance.

Don't act like PP is the only game in town, most county health services offer birth control and free condoms are available at most gay bars from what I hear, so there are alternatives. Of course there the absolute solution, it's called NOASSATALL. If you can't afford the band, skip the dance.


Right... if you are poor you can't have sex! If that's your solution, then I hope you aren't a politician. Hell I hope you aren't in charge of picking the kind of toilet paper that goes in MacDonald's bathroom.

So being poor is an excuse for being irresponsible? Get real.

So if something catastrophic happens in your life, and you couldn't pay for your kid's health insurance you'd be good with someone coming in and taking your kids? You do understand that people aren't always poor when they have kids?

I chose not to have any, I saw the fucked up country you commies were pushing coming back in the early 70s. I have seen nothing to make me regret my decision. You might take note, IT WAS MY DECISION, and I didn't ask you to take financial responsibility for it, did I?

Social safety nets should be for short term help and ran by the States, not the multi-generational system we have now. I'm paraphrasing, but Franklin said you can't make the poor comfortable they will have no incentive to better themselves.


I chose not to have any either... but guess what? It doesn't always work out that way, especially when Conservatives are also wanting to get rid of Planned Parenthood where poor women could go and get help with birth control, or guys can get free condoms.

Not to mention, like I already said, people aren't always poor when they have their kids. Sometimes things happen AFTER they have kids that makes them poor and in a situation they can't afford insurance.

Don't act like PP is the only game in town, most county health services offer birth control and free condoms are available at most gay bars from what I hear, so there are alternatives. Of course there the absolute solution, it's called NOASSATALL. If you can't afford the band, skip the dance.


Right... if you are poor you can't have sex! If that's your solution, then I hope you aren't a politician. Hell I hope you aren't in charge of picking the kind of toilet paper that goes in MacDonald's bathroom.

So being poor is an excuse for being irresponsible? Get real.


Uh no? But your idea that poor people shouldn't be allowed to have sex because you don't like tax dollars going towards health care is laughable.
I chose not to have any, I saw the fucked up country you commies were pushing coming back in the early 70s. I have seen nothing to make me regret my decision. You might take note, IT WAS MY DECISION, and I didn't ask you to take financial responsibility for it, did I?

Social safety nets should be for short term help and ran by the States, not the multi-generational system we have now. I'm paraphrasing, but Franklin said you can't make the poor comfortable they will have no incentive to better themselves.


I chose not to have any either... but guess what? It doesn't always work out that way, especially when Conservatives are also wanting to get rid of Planned Parenthood where poor women could go and get help with birth control, or guys can get free condoms.

Not to mention, like I already said, people aren't always poor when they have their kids. Sometimes things happen AFTER they have kids that makes them poor and in a situation they can't afford insurance.

Don't act like PP is the only game in town, most county health services offer birth control and free condoms are available at most gay bars from what I hear, so there are alternatives. Of course there the absolute solution, it's called NOASSATALL. If you can't afford the band, skip the dance.


Right... if you are poor you can't have sex! If that's your solution, then I hope you aren't a politician. Hell I hope you aren't in charge of picking the kind of toilet paper that goes in MacDonald's bathroom.

So being poor is an excuse for being irresponsible? Get real.


Uh no? But your idea that poor people shouldn't be allowed to have sex because you don't like tax dollars going towards health care is laughable.

Didn't say they couldn't have sex, did I? I didn't abstain all my life, but I made a choice not to have children. I'm not superman, anyone can have sex responsibly, it just takes a bit of thought. You can make excuses for irresponsibility all day, but at the end of the day, they're still excuses.

I chose not to have any either... but guess what? It doesn't always work out that way, especially when Conservatives are also wanting to get rid of Planned Parenthood where poor women could go and get help with birth control, or guys can get free condoms.

Not to mention, like I already said, people aren't always poor when they have their kids. Sometimes things happen AFTER they have kids that makes them poor and in a situation they can't afford insurance.

Don't act like PP is the only game in town, most county health services offer birth control and free condoms are available at most gay bars from what I hear, so there are alternatives. Of course there the absolute solution, it's called NOASSATALL. If you can't afford the band, skip the dance.


Right... if you are poor you can't have sex! If that's your solution, then I hope you aren't a politician. Hell I hope you aren't in charge of picking the kind of toilet paper that goes in MacDonald's bathroom.

So being poor is an excuse for being irresponsible? Get real.


Uh no? But your idea that poor people shouldn't be allowed to have sex because you don't like tax dollars going towards health care is laughable.

Didn't say they couldn't have sex, did I? I didn't abstain all my life, but I made a choice not to have children. I'm not superman, anyone can have sex responsibly, it just takes a bit of thought. You can make excuses for irresponsibility all day, but at the end of the day, they're still excuses.


I'm not making an excuse for irresponsibility, but there is only ONE 100% effective way to avoid pregnancy, abstinence. Plus I've said it like 5 times now, people aren't always poor WHEN THEY HAVE A KID... sometimes things happen after the fact to put them in hard times. So is it your stance that if someone has a kid and something bad happens that they can't afford insurance they should lose their kids?
Don't act like PP is the only game in town, most county health services offer birth control and free condoms are available at most gay bars from what I hear, so there are alternatives. Of course there the absolute solution, it's called NOASSATALL. If you can't afford the band, skip the dance.


Right... if you are poor you can't have sex! If that's your solution, then I hope you aren't a politician. Hell I hope you aren't in charge of picking the kind of toilet paper that goes in MacDonald's bathroom.

So being poor is an excuse for being irresponsible? Get real.


Uh no? But your idea that poor people shouldn't be allowed to have sex because you don't like tax dollars going towards health care is laughable.

Didn't say they couldn't have sex, did I? I didn't abstain all my life, but I made a choice not to have children. I'm not superman, anyone can have sex responsibly, it just takes a bit of thought. You can make excuses for irresponsibility all day, but at the end of the day, they're still excuses.


I'm not making an excuse for irresponsibility, but there is only ONE 100% effective way to avoid pregnancy, abstinence. Plus I've said it like 5 times now, people aren't always poor WHEN THEY HAVE A KID... sometimes things happen after the fact to put them in hard times. So is it your stance that if someone has a kid and something bad happens that they can't afford insurance they should lose their kids?

No, that's not what I said, if people fall on hard times, there should be a safety net for short term help provided by the States. Individuals are States responsibilities, not the feds. One size fits all doesn't work in business and it doesn't work in government.

I don’t think you could be dumber if you spent all night coming up with questions like that.

Poor parents or single parents can’t afford health insurance. Real news flash to morons like you.
Millions of kids depended on CHIP.
But you have your small tax cut so that’s all that matters.

Your other laughable point was for ME to give millions of children healthcare?

Who said this: I’m going to repeal and replace O Care AND REPLACE IT WITH SOMETHING BETTER ON DAY ONE.

As the SS STATE called Trump: Moron FUCKING MORON..
That applies to you too.

Why do you keep expecting the state to do the job of parents?
Right... if you are poor you can't have sex! If that's your solution, then I hope you aren't a politician. Hell I hope you aren't in charge of picking the kind of toilet paper that goes in MacDonald's bathroom.

So being poor is an excuse for being irresponsible? Get real.


Uh no? But your idea that poor people shouldn't be allowed to have sex because you don't like tax dollars going towards health care is laughable.

Didn't say they couldn't have sex, did I? I didn't abstain all my life, but I made a choice not to have children. I'm not superman, anyone can have sex responsibly, it just takes a bit of thought. You can make excuses for irresponsibility all day, but at the end of the day, they're still excuses.


I'm not making an excuse for irresponsibility, but there is only ONE 100% effective way to avoid pregnancy, abstinence. Plus I've said it like 5 times now, people aren't always poor WHEN THEY HAVE A KID... sometimes things happen after the fact to put them in hard times. So is it your stance that if someone has a kid and something bad happens that they can't afford insurance they should lose their kids?

No, that's not what I said, if people fall on hard times, there should be a safety net for short term help provided by the States. Individuals are States responsibilities, not the feds. One size fits all doesn't work in business and it doesn't work in government.


Why? Why do you keep throwing it all on the states? Do you realize that Blue states often are the ones that provide more tax money to the government than what they get back, thus providing a positive cash flow, whereas Red states take more than they give? Which means your plan would hurt Conservatives more than help them? Your idea would ruin your party.
Here's the perspective you need on what the RWnuts are crying about:

So being poor is an excuse for being irresponsible? Get real.


Uh no? But your idea that poor people shouldn't be allowed to have sex because you don't like tax dollars going towards health care is laughable.

Didn't say they couldn't have sex, did I? I didn't abstain all my life, but I made a choice not to have children. I'm not superman, anyone can have sex responsibly, it just takes a bit of thought. You can make excuses for irresponsibility all day, but at the end of the day, they're still excuses.


I'm not making an excuse for irresponsibility, but there is only ONE 100% effective way to avoid pregnancy, abstinence. Plus I've said it like 5 times now, people aren't always poor WHEN THEY HAVE A KID... sometimes things happen after the fact to put them in hard times. So is it your stance that if someone has a kid and something bad happens that they can't afford insurance they should lose their kids?

No, that's not what I said, if people fall on hard times, there should be a safety net for short term help provided by the States. Individuals are States responsibilities, not the feds. One size fits all doesn't work in business and it doesn't work in government.


Why? Why do you keep throwing it all on the states? Do you realize that Blue states often are the ones that provide more tax money to the government than what they get back, thus providing a positive cash flow, whereas Red states take more than they give? Which means your plan would hurt Conservatives more than help them? Your idea would ruin your party.

I'm not throwing anything on the States, the Constitution does that, what did you not understand that individuals are constitutionally States responsibilities? And blue States paying more is due to their high populations, nothing more. And you can thank a commiecrat named Wilson that caused taxes to not be assessed proportionately.

Also I'm more concerned with constitutional compliance than I am about any party. If the federal government were operated as intended the parties would be irrelevant, because everyone would just be doing their job and not trying to sell freebies to get elected. Once again I'm paraphrasing, but a wise man once said when the electorate find they can vote themselves monies form the treasury it will be the end of the republic.

The GOP has a huge stain on them.

Tax cuts for the wealthiest among us; no health insurance for poor children — the most vulnerable among us.

You know, that's the type of world dems created with electing that p.o.s. Obama.

The famed Community Organizer. Disrupt and Divide. AND it also taught
us how to count seats in Congress.

Those poor children's parents, the vast majority, vote democrat..."Hand
Outs." So, the GOP ain't out anything nor does it gain anything if it
passes an extension.

There is a giant misconception that the average American really cares
about shit like this. Yeah...they'll care, but they make up their mind
how to vote at the kitchen table when they are formulating their yearly
household budget. They really don't worry that Little Takio isn't getting
more taxpayer money.

This might make a lame moral debate on an Internet Message Board, but
it doesn't mean shit in real life.
Oh Obama is to blame. Of course :lol:

Fuck ‘em their parents voted for Obama. How compassionate.

Never mind that the children affected are from red states that wouldn’t accept the Medicaid expansion under the ACA.

And never mind that children have no choice. You’re a fucking idiot

Actually, I'm spot on.

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