2 Year GOP Voter Fraud Investigation Only Found 5 Cases

Please provide evidence anyone here ever said fraud didn't exist.

I'm not talking about the voices in your head. I would like to see a post where someone said fraud does not exist.

I have always stated quite plainly that Voter ID cannot be proven to be the only means to prevent or stop fraud. I have stated quite plainly, time and time and time and time again, that existing methods can be improved upon to stop the type of fraud which exists.

And now I have provided hard evidence Voter ID has not stopped fraud, just as I predicted it wouldn't.

Like I said at the top of this topic, we will never hear a Voter ID rube admit Voter ID is ineffective at preventing the kind of fraud which actually occurs. Thanks for helping to confirm this.

How exactly do you expect to prove Voter ID does nothing?

Easy. You look at the types of voter fraud which occurred before and after, and you find that NOTHING CHANGED.

The types of voter fraud which occur are not the ones you were led to believe. In-person voter fraud is very rare. The more prevalent frauds which do occur will not and cannot be stopped by Voter ID.

BTW, I never quote anyone is less than complete context, I would appreciate the same consideration.
What would I say?

Something like: "WOW! Who could have guessed that so many welfare dependent feeders at the public trough had been willing to get off their asses and try to vote!"

It's not like they have anything else to do. All they do is sit on their asses all day watching fox and bitching about "da libs" as the reason for their pathetic existence.
So much for the right wing's tinfoil conspiracies and excuses for passing voter suppression laws,.. :cuckoo:

Iowa Secretary of State Matt Schultz (R) has spent 18 months and almost $150,000 fulfilling his promise to make “ballot security” a top priority in Iowa.

To date, his investigation has yielded 5 guilty pleas and 5 dismissals.

Schultz is one of many Republicans who rode into office promising to curtail the non-existent plague of fraudulent voting.

Schultz has claimed that there is “a lot” of voter fraud in Iowa, and that his investigative team was sorting through a “mountain” of evidence of it. The five guilty pleas that resulted from the investigation do not constitute evidence of a systemic effort to violate Iowans’ “sacred” voting privilege.

Iowa Republican?s 2-year investigation finds no statistically significant evidence of voter fraud | The Raw Story

And all this time the left wing has been telling us there was no fraud. Yes they found a few but that is like seeing a mouse in your house. See one and you know there is a dozen more.
Equivocation is all the left has, first it was fraud just didn't exist, now it's really not that much or what's being done won't stop existing fraud. So far you've been wrong all the way, the only question is the matter of degree. Now it's time for the commiecrats to accept it and own it, you've been fucking WRONG all along.

Please provide evidence anyone here ever said fraud didn't exist.

I'm not talking about the voices in your head. I would like to see a post where someone said fraud does not exist.

I have always stated quite plainly that Voter ID cannot be proven to be the only means to prevent or stop fraud. I have stated quite plainly, time and time and time and time again, that existing methods can be improved upon to stop the type of fraud which exists.

And now I have provided hard evidence Voter ID has not stopped fraud, just as I predicted it wouldn't.

Like I said at the top of this topic, we will never hear a Voter ID rube admit Voter ID is ineffective at preventing the kind of fraud which actually occurs. Thanks for helping to confirm this.

How exactly do you expect to prove Voter ID does nothing? Do you expect people to admit they didn't try to cast a second or third ballot because of Voter ID? You can't disprove a negative, just like you can't prove Voter ID suppresses a statistically significant number of votes and it couldn't possibly sway an election, so there is no reason for you commies to worry about it. TX just had their first election which required photo ID with no significant problems, which proves your fullofshityness. Have a really great day.


Obviously you have no idea how (more) idiotic that makes you seem.

And it comes as no surprise that many on the right have no problem with American citizens, lawfully registered to vote for decades and indeed eligible to vote, being denied their right to vote regardless the outcome of any election.

When government seeks to deny or restrict a fundamental right, such as voting, the burden rests solely with the state to justify that restriction – the burden does not belong to the person whose rights are adversely effected.

Given the findings in the OP and other like compelling evidence, the state has failed to meet its burden concerning ID requirements and how they disadvantage certain classes of voters.
Oh my another far left blog raw story that the far left believes without question or hesitation.
You will never get the rubes who drank the Voter ID piss to admit Voter ID does not stop the type of fraud which occurs.


Florida requires a photo ID to vote. Does that stop fraud? Nope.

FEMA official charged in voter fraud case

According to the charging affidavit, Pawlowski signed a voter registration form in which he reported his legal address in St. Augustine Beach and voted by absentee ballot in the general election in November 2010, the presidential primary in January 2012, and the general election last November.

Voter ID never even slowed this guy down!

Top staffer for Florida Democratic Rep. Garcia resigns amid voting fraud probe

Authorities are investigating a sophisticated scheme to manipulate last year's primary elections by submitting hundreds of fraudulent absentee-ballot requests.

I want you to notice that is a Fox News story.

Fox News has been one of the leading propagandists for Voter ID. Isn't it funny they are not pointing out the failure of Voter ID to prevent or stop voter fraud?


Let's go to South Dakota which has one of the strictest Voter ID laws in the country.

Mitchell man arrested on charge of voter fraud

The Daily Republic reports that Craig Guymon was arrested on charges of voter fraud. Police say Guymon voted Tuesday morning at the Mitchell Career and Technical Education Academy and later returned an absentee ballot to the Davison Auditor's Office.

Let's move on to Georgia, which also has some of the oldest and strictest voter ID laws in the country, shall we?

12 former officials indicted for voter fraud

12 former Brooks County officials were indicted for voter fraud. The suspects are accused of illegally helping people vote by absentee ballot.

I could go on all day with more examples from all around the country in states that have photo ID laws.

And the frauds will continue. Anyone with a lick of common sense can see the complete ineffectiveness of Voter ID for the kind of ACTUAL fraud which occurs.

In-person voter fraud is as rare as hen's teeth. Most fraud is not slowed down in the slightest by Voter ID.

Is Fox News or the Washington Times or Rush Limbaugh or CNS News or Breitbart or the Daily Caller or Glenn Beck or Alex Jones reporting on the catastropic failure of Voter ID to prevent fraud? Are they devoting as much air and print time to this fact as they do to bloviate for Voter ID?


Voter ID is not and never was intended to stop all voter fraud. It is nothing more than a common sense measure to ensure that the person intending to vote is actually the person registered to vote.

Or, we could go back to depending on the expertize of an 80 year old, retired plumber verifying that signatures match on the registration listing.

Most voting fraud takes place right in the polling station, and is almost impossible to detect, and/or prove. Of course, it takes the cooperation of the voting officials, but they are also party members. No one is watching the poll workers.
Oh my another far left blog raw story that the far left believes without question or hesitation.

Could you explain what is "far left" about these facts? :eusa_think:
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