2 Year GOP Voter Fraud Investigation Only Found 5 Cases

First they said that voter fraud will swing elections. Now that they've found only 5 cases they want to make the debate about ANY voter fraud no matter how small.

They put the uprights on their backs then run in zig zags daring you to score
A liberal Democrat is one who, were dipping a finger in purple ink mandatory upon voting would rush out to slam it in a car door to obliterate the stain and then, smilingly, return to dip another digit.

I think your head is so far up your ass that when you are shown that Voter ID does not stop fraud, your ass cheeks muffle what is being said, and you think you hear, "A little fraud is okay." Your fellow rubes hear, "There is no fraud." Neither of those things are being said by anyone.

Your blindness is willful, too. You ignore the evidence in front of your faces that Voter ID is ineffective against the kind of fraud which actually occurs. But I guess you can't read in the dark, what with your heads so far up your asses.
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Equivocation is all the left has, first it was fraud just didn't exist, now it's really not that much or what's being done won't stop existing fraud. So far you've been wrong all the way, the only question is the matter of degree. Now it's time for the commiecrats to accept it and own it, you've been fucking WRONG all along.
So voter fraud IS acceptable.

Where did you get that impression, oh strawman builder?

It just does not occur on the scale you rubes thought it did. And where it does occur, Voter ID is completely impotent in preventing it.

So Voter ID obviously has a more nefarious purpose.

That's absurd. Democracies world wide have vote ID requirements.

South Africa knows a thing or two about racism and discrimination. What do they require for citizens to vote in their Apartheid-Free democracy?

SOUTHAFRICA Electoral Act, 73 of 1998 SECTION 38
“Voting procedure(1) A voter may only vote once in an election, and may vote only at the voting station in the voting district for which that voter is registered. (2) A voter is entitled to vote at a voting station — (a) on production of that voter’s identity document to the presiding officer or a voting officer at the voting station; and (b) if that voter’s name is in the certified segment of the voters’ roll for the voting district concerned.
(3) When a voter produces an identity document to a presiding officer or voting officer as required by subsection (2) (a), the presiding officer or voting officer must examine the identity document and determine whether –
Electoral Act 73 of 1998 (ss 36-38) 29
(a) the voter is the person described in that identity document; (b) the voter’s name is in the certified segment of the voters’ roll for the voting district concerned; and (c) that voter has not already voted in the election.
(4) For the purposes of subsection (3) (a), the presiding officer or voting officer may require that the voter’s fingerprints be taken. (5) If the presiding officer or voting officer is satisfied in respect of all the matters mentioned in subsection (3), that officer must— (a) record that the voter is regarded to have voted in the election; (aA) mark the voter’s identity document in the prescribed manner; [Para. (aA) inserted by s. 11 of Act 34 of 2003.]
(b) mark the hand of the voter in the prescribed manner;”

One Cherokee, One Vote ? With Valid ID, Just like Post-Apartheid South Africa Requires

So in the face of overwhelming evidence that Voter ID in the US does not stop voter fraud, you felt you should vomit up something about...South Africa?

Hell, half the hater dupes believe ACORN stole the election, because some minimum wagers made up names to get paid- END OF STORY- EXCEPT for RW charlatans, and their dupes...
23- Dupeskull= thickest material known to sciece...statistically, DOESN'T EXIST, AND Pub ideas have nothing to offer but injustice zzz...
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Equivocation is all the left has, first it was fraud just didn't exist, now it's really not that much or what's being done won't stop existing fraud. So far you've been wrong all the way, the only question is the matter of degree. Now it's time for the commiecrats to accept it and own it, you've been fucking WRONG all along.

Please provide evidence anyone here ever said fraud didn't exist.

I'm not talking about the voices in your head. I would like to see a post where someone said fraud does not exist.

I have always stated quite plainly that Voter ID cannot be proven to be the only means to prevent or stop fraud. I have stated quite plainly, time and time and time and time again, that existing methods can be improved upon to stop the type of fraud which exists.

And now I have provided hard evidence Voter ID has not stopped fraud, just as I predicted it wouldn't.

Like I said at the top of this topic, we will never hear a Voter ID rube admit Voter ID is ineffective at preventing the kind of fraud which actually occurs. Thanks for helping to confirm this.
voter fraud is epidemic proportions (5 cases :eusa_shhh: )!!! IT JUST IS!!! :mad:

As others have mentioned, voter ID laws are more about voter disenfranchisement than about fairness.
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Equivocation is all the left has, first it was fraud just didn't exist, now it's really not that much or what's being done won't stop existing fraud. So far you've been wrong all the way, the only question is the matter of degree. Now it's time for the commiecrats to accept it and own it, you've been fucking WRONG all along.

Please provide evidence anyone here ever said fraud didn't exist.

I'm not talking about the voices in your head. I would like to see a post where someone said fraud does not exist.

I have always stated quite plainly that Voter ID cannot be proven to be the only means to prevent or stop fraud. I have stated quite plainly, time and time and time and time again, that existing methods can be improved upon to stop the type of fraud which exists.

And now I have provided hard evidence Voter ID has not stopped fraud, just as I predicted it wouldn't.

Like I said at the top of this topic, we will never hear a Voter ID rube admit Voter ID is ineffective at preventing the kind of fraud which actually occurs. Thanks for helping to confirm this.

Soil yourself much?

Hell, half the hater dupes believe ACORN stole the election, because some minimum wagers made up names to get paid- END OF STORY- EXCEPT for RW charlatans, and their dupes...

Absolutely. The right wingers are brainwashed sheep that do and believe anything, no matter how nuts that their masters tell them.
there is enormous voter fraud. but it is mostly in the dimocrap covered precincts, so any evidence is discarded after the election passes.
Equivocation is all the left has, first it was fraud just didn't exist, now it's really not that much or what's being done won't stop existing fraud. So far you've been wrong all the way, the only question is the matter of degree. Now it's time for the commiecrats to accept it and own it, you've been fucking WRONG all along.

Please provide evidence anyone here ever said fraud didn't exist.

I'm not talking about the voices in your head. I would like to see a post where someone said fraud does not exist.

I have always stated quite plainly that Voter ID cannot be proven to be the only means to prevent or stop fraud. I have stated quite plainly, time and time and time and time again, that existing methods can be improved upon to stop the type of fraud which exists.

And now I have provided hard evidence Voter ID has not stopped fraud, just as I predicted it wouldn't.

Like I said at the top of this topic, we will never hear a Voter ID rube admit Voter ID is ineffective at preventing the kind of fraud which actually occurs. Thanks for helping to confirm this.

Soil yourself much?


I enjoy making rubes feel some butt hurt. It's where their heads are.
Equivocation is all the left has, first it was fraud just didn't exist, now it's really not that much or what's being done won't stop existing fraud. So far you've been wrong all the way, the only question is the matter of degree. Now it's time for the commiecrats to accept it and own it, you've been fucking WRONG all along.

Please provide evidence anyone here ever said fraud didn't exist.

I'm not talking about the voices in your head. I would like to see a post where someone said fraud does not exist.

I have always stated quite plainly that Voter ID cannot be proven to be the only means to prevent or stop fraud. I have stated quite plainly, time and time and time and time again, that existing methods can be improved upon to stop the type of fraud which exists.

And now I have provided hard evidence Voter ID has not stopped fraud, just as I predicted it wouldn't.

Like I said at the top of this topic, we will never hear a Voter ID rube admit Voter ID is ineffective at preventing the kind of fraud which actually occurs. Thanks for helping to confirm this.

How exactly do you expect to prove Voter ID does nothing? Do you expect people to admit they didn't try to cast a second or third ballot because of Voter ID? You can't disprove a negative, just like you can't prove Voter ID suppresses a statistically significant number of votes and it couldn't possibly sway an election, so there is no reason for you commies to worry about it. TX just had their first election which required photo ID with no significant problems, which proves your fullofshityness. Have a really great day.
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there is enormous voter fraud. but it is mostly in the dimocrap covered precincts, so any evidence is discarded after the election passes.

Read the thread link idiot, 5 cases of voter fraud were found in the entire state. But keep right on believing the lies your masters tell you, it's easier to be stupid :up:
Where did you get that impression, oh strawman builder?

It just does not occur on the scale you rubes thought it did. And where it does occur, Voter ID is completely impotent in preventing it.

So Voter ID obviously has a more nefarious purpose.

That's absurd. Democracies world wide have vote ID requirements.

South Africa knows a thing or two about racism and discrimination. What do they require for citizens to vote in their Apartheid-Free democracy?

SOUTHAFRICA Electoral Act, 73 of 1998 SECTION 38
“Voting procedure(1) A voter may only vote once in an election, and may vote only at the voting station in the voting district for which that voter is registered. (2) A voter is entitled to vote at a voting station — (a) on production of that voter’s identity document to the presiding officer or a voting officer at the voting station; and (b) if that voter’s name is in the certified segment of the voters’ roll for the voting district concerned.
(3) When a voter produces an identity document to a presiding officer or voting officer as required by subsection (2) (a), the presiding officer or voting officer must examine the identity document and determine whether –
Electoral Act 73 of 1998 (ss 36-38) 29
(a) the voter is the person described in that identity document; (b) the voter’s name is in the certified segment of the voters’ roll for the voting district concerned; and (c) that voter has not already voted in the election.
(4) For the purposes of subsection (3) (a), the presiding officer or voting officer may require that the voter’s fingerprints be taken. (5) If the presiding officer or voting officer is satisfied in respect of all the matters mentioned in subsection (3), that officer must— (a) record that the voter is regarded to have voted in the election; (aA) mark the voter’s identity document in the prescribed manner; [Para. (aA) inserted by s. 11 of Act 34 of 2003.]
(b) mark the hand of the voter in the prescribed manner;”

One Cherokee, One Vote ? With Valid ID, Just like Post-Apartheid South Africa Requires

So in the face of overwhelming evidence that Voter ID in the US does not stop voter fraud, you felt you should vomit up something about...South Africa?


I was responding to your statement.

So Voter ID obviously has a more nefarious purpose.

I just used South Africa as an example of a fledgling democracy insisting on voter ID. It's not a whacked out concept.

Did you see my other post about the Carter Center? They will not monitor an election in any place that doesn't have voter ID.

You know, the Carter Center founded by the Jimmeh?
Equivocation is all the left has, first it was fraud just didn't exist, now it's really not that much or what's being done won't stop existing fraud. So far you've been wrong all the way, the only question is the matter of degree. Now it's time for the commiecrats to accept it and own it, you've been fucking WRONG all along.

Please provide evidence anyone here ever said fraud didn't exist.

I'm not talking about the voices in your head. I would like to see a post where someone said fraud does not exist.

I have always stated quite plainly that Voter ID cannot be proven to be the only means to prevent or stop fraud. I have stated quite plainly, time and time and time and time again, that existing methods can be improved upon to stop the type of fraud which exists.

And now I have provided hard evidence Voter ID has not stopped fraud, just as I predicted it wouldn't.

Like I said at the top of this topic, we will never hear a Voter ID rube admit Voter ID is ineffective at preventing the kind of fraud which actually occurs. Thanks for helping to confirm this.

How exactly do you expect to prove Voter ID does nothing?

Easy. You look at the types of voter fraud which occurred before and after, and you find that NOTHING CHANGED.

The types of voter fraud which occur are not the ones you were led to believe. In-person voter fraud is very rare. The more prevalent frauds which do occur will not and cannot be stopped by Voter ID.
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5 whole cases!!! :shock: Cancel Congress' holiday recess immediately!
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Please provide evidence anyone here ever said fraud didn't exist.

I'm not talking about the voices in your head. I would like to see a post where someone said fraud does not exist.

I have always stated quite plainly that Voter ID cannot be proven to be the only means to prevent or stop fraud. I have stated quite plainly, time and time and time and time again, that existing methods can be improved upon to stop the type of fraud which exists.

And now I have provided hard evidence Voter ID has not stopped fraud, just as I predicted it wouldn't.

Like I said at the top of this topic, we will never hear a Voter ID rube admit Voter ID is ineffective at preventing the kind of fraud which actually occurs. Thanks for helping to confirm this.

How exactly do you expect to prove Voter ID does nothing?

Easy. You look at the types of voter fraud which occurred before and after, and you find that NOTHING CHANGED.

The types of voter fraud which occur are not the ones you were led to believe. In-person voter fraud is very rare. The more prevalent frauds which do occur will not and cannot be stopped by Voter ID.

And what will you say if the voting numbers of certain demographics suddenly drop by a statistically significant margin after voter id is instituted? The problem with that scenario is changes of even 2-3% could be written off as voter apathy, yet is larger than the margin of victory in many elections. So keep chirping no proof, no proof, because ya know what I don't give a crap about proof, elections where id is required will have more integrity than ones without.
What would I say?

Something like: "WOW! Who could have guessed that so many welfare dependent feeders at the public trough had been willing to get off their asses and try to vote!"

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