2 Year old kills mother and unborn sib with 1 shot

Wht do you deflect on every issue ? Because you are too fucking stupid to form a response.
not deflecting,, I commented on the topic,,

what I want to know is why you ran away from your other thread where you said it hurts gays and trans people to discuss child sex trafficking,,,

is there a corilation in the two you dont want to admit too or what?/
there is no excuse with small kids in the house....to not have a firearm under lock and key or have trigger locks...

are you really that paranoid that you would risk a kids death over a what ...moment it takes to unlock the trigger lock?
Trigger locks defeat the whole purpose of having a gun in your house.

But more important than that, a trigger lock is an affront to the culture of the pro-gunners in America. They don't go to the trouble of getting a black AR that's a military lookalike with a 30 round magazine, just to lock the trigger!

The bad guy isn't going to wait until the good guy finishes fking around finding the key to the trigger lock.

Thusly, some of the good guy's kids will be whacked for the cause of freedom to bear some arms.

What an awesome tot. It happened in Ohio. Will he be tried for the murder of the foetus as well as his mother ?
This happens all too often in the US. Will any laws be passed that might reduce the number ?
They could start by locking up the father.
So, a 2 year old got ahold of a loaded pistol with a round chambered, and killed its mother and sibling. Sounds like Darwin's theory at work. The stupid people seem to continue to find ways to erase themselves from existence.
Trigger locks defeat the whole purpose of having a gun in your house.

But more important than that, a trigger lock is an affront to the culture of the pro-gunners in America. They don't go to the trouble of getting a black AR that's a military lookalike with a 30 round magazine, just to lock the trigger!

The bad guy isn't going to wait until the good guy finishes fking around finding the key to the trigger lock.

Thusly, some of the good guy's kids will be whacked for the cause of freedom to bear some arms.
How about people stop inserting magazines and chamber a round into pistols and rifles, then leaving them lay around the house. Do this, and you won't need no stinking trigger guard.
How about people stop inserting magazines and chamber a round into pistols and rifles, then leaving them lay around the house. Do this, and you won't need no stinking trigger guard.
Won't you still have to find the key for the trigger 'guard'?
Won't you still have to find the key for the trigger 'guard'?
You misunderstood. If you have a pistol in the home, but it does not have a magazine, and a round has not been chambered, the 2 year old can shoot anyone, so no need for a trigger guard. If you have children in the home, you do not store poisons in a sippy cup, leave sharp knives, razors in easy to access places. You don't store farmers matches in the same cupboard as your spare gasoline cans.

You won't need a trigger guard equilient for the loose razor blades and sharp knives, or poison laced sippy cups, if you do not leave these around for the kids to get into in the first place. You don't need trigger guards if you do not leave pistols loaded with magazines with chambered with a round, laying around.
hey tommy have you ever come up with a reason all this talk of child sex trafficking hurts the gay and trans community yet??

Nor has he told us what his profession is, that he should look down on me for my honest profession.

Well Bob if you were academically gifted ,or even applied yourself in school, you would have a better job with better working conditions.
A tragic incident.
Tho, not an 'accident'.
Fatal negligence.

Tragic as it is, I will still use it to once again suggest my idea of 'strict liability' should follow the owner of record of any firearm.
Meaning, if the gun one owns causes harm....even tho the owner of record is not the trigger-puller .....then the OOR is liable to some degree for that harm.

Now, in this case, if the mother is the OOR....the issue is moot. She is dead.
However, if that gun belonged to the father, or Grandad, or brother, or others......then that OOR has a liability.

I've read that Michigan recently passed a law....tho I haven't looked it up, just saw headlines....but the new law levies a 'criminal liability' if a minor finds a gun and then uses it to injure or kill. In that case, the OOR becomes a criminal....not unjustly .....because the 9 year old took his Glock to school and shot the teacher or someone.
The operative phrase is "said to have". Why are foreign lefties so quick to make a judgement?
We don't prosecute two year olds. Maybe they do in England.
Neither in England or in the territory of Wales but we do try and identify sufferers like Tummy Turd amd get them professional help and restrict their movements where necessary.
Terrible accident, which shows the need for gun safety to be taught at every age from nursery school to the penitentiary level.
Also shows that----the only way to stop a bad 2yr old with a Glock, is a good 2yr old with a Glock.

Again, not an accident. It was criminal negligence. IMO.
Sorta akin to leaving ounces of fentanyl on the dresser of the kid's bedroom. Not an 'accident'. Rather, stupidity.

The earlier poster's comparative of leaving poison in a sippy-cup is apt.

Why are foreign lefties so quick to make a judgement?
get them professional help and restrict their movements where necessary.

As we all can readily see, TT .....there exists within the American population a strong degree of xenophobia. It often is a co-morbidity to good citizenship, along with misogyny, bigotry, racism, white supremacy, and other such maladies.
2 dead doesn't qualify as a mass murder according to 2Aguy.

It also doesn't qualify as the reason for the shooting being America's culture. This could be the exception of the gun being the problem.
Yes, the DOJ raised the number required to qualify because, black gangs were driving up our "mass murder" numbers. Its all a shell game.

What an awesome tot. It happened in Ohio. Will he be tried for the murder of the foetus as well as his mother ?
This happens all too often in the US. Will any laws be passed that might reduce the number ?
They could start by locking up the father.
Also shows that----the only way to stop a bad 2yr old with a Glock, is a good 2yr old with a Glock.

Again, not an accident. It was criminal negligence. IMO.
Sorta akin to leaving ounces of fentanyl on the dresser of the kid's bedroom. Not an 'accident'. Rather, stupidity.

The earlier poster's comparative of leaving poison in a sippy-cup is apt.


As we all can readily see, TT .....there exists within the American population a strong degree of xenophobia. It often is a co-morbidity to good citizenship, along with misogyny, bigotry, racism, white supremacy, and other such maladies.
Ironically they spend all day telling us how awful the country is.
At the same time thinking that a document stealing insurrectionist sex pest wiill lead them to a better place.

What an awesome tot. It happened in Ohio. Will he be tried for the murder of the foetus as well as his mother ?
This happens all too often in the US. Will any laws be passed that might reduce the number ?
They could start by locking up the father.

No, it doesn't happen that often in the U.S.....that is a lie...

Also, I think I saw another thread on this a few weeks back...and it is unlikely that a 2 year old pulled the trigger on that gun....more than likely an adult did it..

Yeah.....looked in the link, this is from back in June, and again, it is likely an adult pulled that trigger and they are trying to keep that adult out of jail.....
Ironically they spend all day telling us how awful the country is.
At the same time thinking that a document stealing insurrectionist sex pest wiill lead them to a better place.

Don't bring joe biden into this.....you made up the thread, and it has nothing to do with joe biden.
Yes, the DOJ raised the number required to qualify because, black gangs were driving up our "mass murder" numbers. Its all a shell game.

Actually, obama lowered the number of killed for mass public shootings, because they weren't getting enough mass public shootings......that was before they started to lie and include gang shootings in mass public shootings, again, to inflate the number of mass public shootings.....

In 2022 we had 12 mass public shootings, 12 people out of over 350 million is too small a number to stampede normal people into giving up their Rights, so they need to add in every gang banger shooting in democrat party controlled cities...

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