$20 bill- liberal stupidity (Obama)

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This is a great day......the founder of the slave owning democrat party is being displaced from the 20 dollar bill by a Republican, Christian, gun owner...this was brought to my attention this morning by Dan Proft of the Dan and Amy show here in Chicago...

So a Right wing, christian, conservative, Republican gun owner is now going to be on the 20 dollar bill......the slave owning founder of the democrat party is getting the boot....

how did the racist democrats allow this one to get by them?

he's right in ways!

Small problem is Hitler never said this...
The Straight Dope: Did Hitler ban gun ownership?

Actually the NAZIs actually loosened the gun ownership laws....
Nazi gun control theory - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Matthew, You have to ask the question, if the argument for lax gun regulation is so strong, why do these people need to lie.

No....what hitler actually did was this....

In the 1920s the German people listened to their government....which told them, you do not need guns to protect yourselves...you have police for that...we also need to register guns for your own safety.....after all...why would German citizens need guns?

The Germans who allowed themselves to be disarmed could not defend themselves against the brown shirt, socialist thugs who intimidated them into silence, allowing hitler to come to power.....

when hitler came to power he used the registration lists to disarm Jews and his political enemies....and then, those Germans who had dutifully registered their guns...were completely disarmed...and marched into death camps.....

And that false idea that the nazis looseneed gun control...why do you left wing regressives always lie.......the nazis allowed party members and their allies to have guns.....they completely disarmed Jews and their enemies...who they murdered in gas chambers....

Lying....the only way a left wing regressive can argue....
you were much funnier on the religion board asking people if you as a born again christian you were going to hell since you said you watch porn while whacking off and fat fat as heck from stuffing you face with big macs and lets not forget your dead cats threads :badgrin:
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