20+ Conservatives who vow not to support Trump

The GOP has acted like a Social centrifuge spinning to its center disaffected sectors of our society primarily white males . Those white males certainly have REAL ISSUES ....their Pain and Grief and Fear are all too real ....One only has to look at recent reportage on jumps in white middle age males mortality
The Lonely Poverty of America's White Working Class - this is real this serious as Hell...this is us "under pressure" as David Bowie might have sang...

In any case the GOP centrifuge using the Southern Strategy , Dog Whistle politics and wedge issues has managed to weaponize the "Pain and Grief and Fear" of whites an pit it against Blacks , minorities , immigrant and women who are seen as to blame for the misery....the blame for the misery lies in the trillions of dollars stashed away from the tax rolls and the millions of jobs shipped overseas and the relentless pressure of technology which has eliminated may jobs...I would like to add that Trump also attracts high earners and educated folks who feel about themselves like Trump feels about himself ....Carly Simon - You're So Vain

Trump saw this weapon laying there and simply co-opted it for his own use ...he put together that weaponized population with his "Sham wow " Deal maker skills and Conquered ...
...and yet you really really hate cons. Must cause you so much angst...you poor bastard.
The OP really believes they will support Hillary Clinton.
They won't vote for Donnie and needs those votes.
Maybe Jakey and maybe not.

The lib MSM that apparently greatly influences you, keeps talking about Trump's negatives and he certainly has them, but why do they not talk about Hillary's? Her negatives far outweigh anyone's negatives including Trump's.

Just about every American voter KNOWS Hillary is a prolific liar. Seems to me this is going to hurt her should she make it to the general election.
Unlike daffy left loons real conservatives don't want or need others telling them how to or who to vote for

Then those conservatives who do support Trump should stop bashing those conservatives who do not support him.
A question for Conservatives backing Trump: why was ideological purity so important during the past eight years and not so important now?

Good question.

Considering how many Republican office holders were purged (primaried) out during the Great Tea Party Surge, considering how many Republican office holders were branded RINOs for their lack of ideological purity, considering the Conservative support and hip-hoorays for the Cruz lead government shutdown, one has to wonder what happened to that ideological zeal.

This year the Conservatives have had their fair opportunity to nominate and elect a candidate with all the Conservative bona fides ever wanted in a person, yet they failed to do just that.

Was all that infighting, all that grand inquisition over political purity, all that grandstanding just for show? Or was it a fit of political pique? Or was it cynicism over the operation of the government and wholly misdirected?

And if it was all cynicism, is Trump the answer? Can Trump deliver, even with a potential Democrat Senate? Will Trump's spending on infrastructure, the military and his looming trade war placate the Rabid Right wing?
Unlike daffy left loons real conservatives don't want or need others telling them how to or who to vote for

Then those conservatives who do support Trump should stop bashing those conservatives who do not support him.
A question for Conservatives backing Trump: why was ideological purity so important during the past eight years and not so important now?

Good question.

Considering how many Republican office holders were purged (primaried) out during the Great Tea Party Surge, considering how many Republican office holders were branded RINOs for their lack of ideological purity, considering the Conservative support and hip-hoorays for the Cruz lead government shutdown, one has to wonder what happened to that ideological zeal.

This year the Conservatives have had their fair opportunity to nominate and elect a candidate with all the Conservative bona fides ever wanted in a person, yet they failed to do just that.

Was all that infighting, all that grand inquisition over political purity, all that grandstanding just for show? Or was it a fit of political pique? Or was it cynicism over the operation of the government and wholly misdirected?

And if it was all cynicism, is Trump the answer? Can Trump deliver, even with a potential Democrat Senate? Will Trump's spending on infrastructure, the military and his looming trade war placate the Rabid Right wing?

Don't know. I'd love for a Trump supporter to address this post.

Unlike daffy left loons real conservatives don't want or need others telling them how to or who to vote for

Then those conservatives who do support Trump should stop bashing those conservatives who do not support him.
A question for Conservatives backing Trump: why was ideological purity so important during the past eight years and not so important now?

Good question.

Considering how many Republican office holders were purged (primaried) out during the Great Tea Party Surge, considering how many Republican office holders were branded RINOs for their lack of ideological purity, considering the Conservative support and hip-hoorays for the Cruz lead government shutdown, one has to wonder what happened to that ideological zeal.

This year the Conservatives have had their fair opportunity to nominate and elect a candidate with all the Conservative bona fides ever wanted in a person, yet they failed to do just that.

Was all that infighting, all that grand inquisition over political purity, all that grandstanding just for show? Or was it a fit of political pique? Or was it cynicism over the operation of the government and wholly misdirected?

And if it was all cynicism, is Trump the answer? Can Trump deliver, even with a potential Democrat Senate? Will Trump's spending on infrastructure, the military and his looming trade war placate the Rabid Right wing?

Don't know. I'd love for a Trump supporter to address this post.

Oh oh let me let me. Not all conservatives did say my way or the high way. Few in fact. They voted for McCain and Romney. What's different is people on both sides are sick and tired of the establishment and many think it would make little difference who won if they were party boys.

You could just as well ask the question of Democrats, many jumped ship to vote for a long shot socialist for the same reason. I honestly thought it was common knowledge.
Wow sucks to be you, tied to a fascist Democrat as your guy.

Off to ignore ya go ya batshit nuts loon
Translation: It sucks to be me and be reminded I am supporting the GOP's version of Obama.

The establishment had it's change...time and time again.....and failed.

Now it's your turn to sit it out, piss off the people who are more closely aligned to you and allow the queen bee to ascend to her rightful throne.

Good job.

Donnie is a negotiator. He won't be the rock solid right leaner that you all think he is...EVER! He will negotiate with the Democrats and get you something that is much more moderate than Ryan would accept.

Actually, it would be really funny if he did win and showed all you loons what he is. Too bad he has NO CHANCE.
Jumbo you post negative shit on Trump daily. When are you going to post negative shit on Hillary...is it you can't find anything negative on your girl?

gipper you repubs do such a great job shoveling shit we let you handle the bs you have on hillary
UPDATED: 20-Plus Conservative Pundits Who Have Vowed Not To Support Trump If He's The Nominee

This was March. I expect the list has grown. So when is Donnie going to unite the GOP. Maybe he can threaten everyone with a law suit! That will do it...:badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:
It's irrelevant and they are irrelevant. Trump doesn't need their votes and thats the dirty little secret they don't want to get out. He secured the nomination without them he'll win the GE without them. Ask Romney and McCain how a united party and the support of RWNJ's helped them.

Nobody cares about the #nevertrumpers, but the nevertrumpers. They are irrelevant and cannot impact the general election
Uh . . . you are absolutely, amazingly wrong.

Trump needs his party's voters, because the cross over from Dems is almost non-existent in terms of visible numbers.

ck, blacks and browns and women and many white men are going to stick it to Trump.
:lol: :lol:

Jake I luv ya brother but you haven't been right about one thing so far about Trump. I have. You watch the TV too much.

Come November the exit polls will shock everyone that bought into the false narrative being spewed from the pundits and MSM. Have you not learned anything yet? JAKE......TURN OFF THE TV :lol:
I have agreed some time ago that the man has far greater appeal to about half of the GOP voters than I thought. Nothing in the numbers show, however, that it any of that is going to translate to more than 40% of the vote. He will be beat worse than Goldwater.
just as he had a 20% ceiling or was it 25%? No, I think it was 30%, wait no 34%...no no no it was 40%. Hmmm hold on it was 45% or was it 50%? I don't think he will win the nomination the support just isn't there...wait!

He has consistently outperformed all these bogus ceilings so why on earth are you buying into this one? Do you honestly not see that the Trump phenomena is a populist political revolution? The Trump supporters have tossed the party purists and establishment out on their asses. They have flatly rejected them. The Party will never be the same

Part of Trump's revolution is progressively populist. However, it is not enough of that and he is not a populist. The character he has played in the primaries will not play in the general election.
UPDATED: 20-Plus Conservative Pundits Who Have Vowed Not To Support Trump If He's The Nominee

This was March. I expect the list has grown. So when is Donnie going to unite the GOP. Maybe he can threaten everyone with a law suit! That will do it...:badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:
It's irrelevant and they are irrelevant. Trump doesn't need their votes and thats the dirty little secret they don't want to get out. He secured the nomination without them he'll win the GE without them. Ask Romney and McCain how a united party and the support of RWNJ's helped them.

Nobody cares about the #nevertrumpers, but the nevertrumpers. They are irrelevant and cannot impact the general election
Uh . . . you are absolutely, amazingly wrong.

Trump needs his party's voters, because the cross over from Dems is almost non-existent in terms of visible numbers.

ck, blacks and browns and women and many white men are going to stick it to Trump.
:lol: :lol:

Jake I luv ya brother but you haven't been right about one thing so far about Trump. I have. You watch the TV too much.

Come November the exit polls will shock everyone that bought into the false narrative being spewed from the pundits and MSM. Have you not learned anything yet? JAKE......TURN OFF THE TV :lol:

The lesson will be simple..."Welcome to the Real World Mister Trump." The Latinos, the Black, the Women. the disabled community. They are coming out in record numbers, and you can't even get 85% of the GOP to support you. THIS IS NOT THE PRIMARIES MISTER TRUMP! THIS IS THE REAL WORLD!
UPDATED: 20-Plus Conservative Pundits Who Have Vowed Not To Support Trump If He's The Nominee

This was March. I expect the list has grown. So when is Donnie going to unite the GOP. Maybe he can threaten everyone with a law suit! That will do it...:badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:
It's irrelevant and they are irrelevant. Trump doesn't need their votes and thats the dirty little secret they don't want to get out. He secured the nomination without them he'll win the GE without them. Ask Romney and McCain how a united party and the support of RWNJ's helped them.

Nobody cares about the #nevertrumpers, but the nevertrumpers. They are irrelevant and cannot impact the general election

"Trump doesn't need their votes" will be the biggest mistake he has made the entire electoral season. He is doomed unless he unifies the GOP and he make nice with Latinos and Blacks. COUNT ON IT!
And yet she will kill Donnie in November.....Go Figure?

This the funny part....

People actually think they know what will happen.

Six months ago....Trump would never win the nomination....

Go figure

The Primaries are not the General. Voters in the General don't care how big Donnie's hand are.

Voters in the general just handed Democrats historic bitch slap losses :eusa_boohoo:

In the mid-terms. Even the establishment republicans cannot stand Donnie. The polls have him losing to a weak Hillary by double digits. And it will get worse for him.

Ahaha the fools lost 1,200 seats nationally that's a spanking. God I love rubbing the libs noses in that. :eusa_dance:
soon you'll be laughing out of the other side of your mouth
UPDATED: 20-Plus Conservative Pundits Who Have Vowed Not To Support Trump If He's The Nominee

This was March. I expect the list has grown. So when is Donnie going to unite the GOP. Maybe he can threaten everyone with a law suit! That will do it...:badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:
It's irrelevant and they are irrelevant. Trump doesn't need their votes and thats the dirty little secret they don't want to get out. He secured the nomination without them he'll win the GE without them. Ask Romney and McCain how a united party and the support of RWNJ's helped them.

Nobody cares about the #nevertrumpers, but the nevertrumpers. They are irrelevant and cannot impact the general election

"Trump doesn't need their votes" will be the biggest mistake he has made the entire electoral season. He is doomed unless he unifies the GOP and he make nice with Latinos and Blacks. COUNT ON IT!
Not even concerned. Only way he loses the GE is if he fucks up during the debates.
I never heard of 2/3 of them but it's refreshing to see phony conservatives finally come out of the political closet and claim they are really establishment elites. Even former establishment candidate John McCain says the elites are making a mistake and misjudging the will of the people.
UPDATED: 20-Plus Conservative Pundits Who Have Vowed Not To Support Trump If He's The Nominee

This was March. I expect the list has grown. So when is Donnie going to unite the GOP. Maybe he can threaten everyone with a law suit! That will do it...:badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:
It's irrelevant and they are irrelevant. Trump doesn't need their votes and thats the dirty little secret they don't want to get out. He secured the nomination without them he'll win the GE without them. Ask Romney and McCain how a united party and the support of RWNJ's helped them.

Nobody cares about the #nevertrumpers, but the nevertrumpers. They are irrelevant and cannot impact the general election

"Trump doesn't need their votes" will be the biggest mistake he has made the entire electoral season. He is doomed unless he unifies the GOP and he make nice with Latinos and Blacks. COUNT ON IT!
Not even concerned. Only way he loses the GE is if he fucks up during the debates.
Now you are the persona of walking by faith.
I never heard of 2/3 of them but it's refreshing to see phony conservatives finally come out of the political closet and claim they are really establishment elites. Even former establishment candidate John McCain says the elites are making a mistake and misjudging the will of the people.
. . . of half of the GOP which makes up 21% of the electorate.

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