20 Examples Of How America Is Rapidly Going Down The Toilet


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
The American Dream by Michael


Deep corruption is eating away at every level of American society like cancer. We can see this in our families, we can see this in our businesses, and we can especially see this in our government. We have the highest rate of divorce in the world, we have the highest rate of teen pregnancy in the world, we have the highest rate of obesity in world, and nobody has higher rates of cancer, heart disease and diabetes than we do. The suicide rate is soaring and our economy is falling apart. Meanwhile, our politicians seem absolutely clueless and we have piled up the biggest mountain of debt that the world has ever seen. Has America ever been in such bad shape before? The following are 20 examples of how America is rapidly going down the toilet…

Read more @ 20 Examples Of How America Is Rapidly Going Down The Toilet

All are concerning but I find #10, 16, and 19 the most important to consider.,
The American Dream by Michael


Deep corruption is eating away at every level of American society like cancer. We can see this in our families, we can see this in our businesses, and we can especially see this in our government. We have the highest rate of divorce in the world, we have the highest rate of teen pregnancy in the world, we have the highest rate of obesity in world, and nobody has higher rates of cancer, heart disease and diabetes than we do. The suicide rate is soaring and our economy is falling apart. Meanwhile, our politicians seem absolutely clueless and we have piled up the biggest mountain of debt that the world has ever seen. Has America ever been in such bad shape before? The following are 20 examples of how America is rapidly going down the toilet…

Read more @ 20 Examples Of How America Is Rapidly Going Down The Toilet

All are concerning but I find #10, 16, and 19 the most important to consider.,

Many of those examples are retarded. The author is an idiot.
Let's address #16:

Obama Signs Defense Authorization Act Including Religious-Freedom Exemption

Section 533 of NDAA requires the Armed Forces to accommodate the religious principles of all members of the military. In the right hands, that would just mean allowing service members to practice the faith of their choosing—as they currently can.
In the wrong hands, though, it could be used as a weapon: The American Constitution Society for Law and Policy claims Section 533 is “unprecedented, sweeping, and could invite dangerous claims of a right to discriminate against not just lesbian, gay, and bisexual service members, but also women, religious minorities, and in the provision of health care.”
We can thank Rep. Todd “Legitimate Rape” Akin for 533, by the way: the House Armed Services Committee approved an amendment to NDAA he pitched that specifically required beliefs “concerning the appropriate and inappropriate expression of human sexuality” to be accommodated.

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Possibly sending the President and his family to Africa at a cost exceeding $80,000,000.00 in search of his roots, and yet no one gives a shit? Or is it that its all about diplomacy, hahaha, what freaking diplomacy. Heck what $80,000,0000 anyway?
I'm never sure what to make of all this gnashing of teeth over some (imaginary) lost America? If anyone is interested in a more balanced and valid assessment of America today check out the book quoted below. Check links too.

"The ruling class thinks that the average American earns too much money. This is an unspoken belief, and one that most of them would no doubt vehemently deny. But the evidence is compelling. The elite show their hand in many ways:

• When they oppose raising the pay of the lowest-paid workers, those covered by the minimum wage

• When they encourage the export of good-paying jobs in fields such as information technology

• When they resist changes in the tax code that would protect American workers

Corporate executives contend that they are forced to relocate their operations to low-wage havens to remain competitive. In other words, their domestic workers earn too much. Never mind that manufacturing wages are lower in the United Stares than in a dozen other developed countries.

Thanks to the rules, many of which are written by corporations, a company can pull up stakes and use cheap foreign labor to make the same product it once did in America. It no longer has to meet environmental standards. It no longer has to abide by U.S. labor laws. It no longer has to pay a decent wage. Then the company can ship the product back to the United States where, courtesy of the rules, it will pay little if any duty. How can American workers hope to compete against that? They can't.

Lisa Gentner worked at a company called Carrollton Specialty Products, housed in a one-story warehouse in Moberly, Missouri, a town of 15,000 in central Missouri. Carrollton was a subcontractor for Hallmark Cards, the global greeting card giant based 125 miles west in Kansas City, Missouri. The largely female workforce of 200 provided the hand assembly for a variety of Hallmark products. They tied bows and affixed them to valentines and anniversary greetings. They glued buttons, rhinestones, and pop-ups inside birthday cards. They made gift baskets.

As in many towns across the country, the plant was an economic anchor for Moberly. Manufacturing is often pictured as a big-city enterprise, but a substantial number of plants are the lifeblood of small to medium-sized cities...."

Quote from p24 'Assault on the Middle Class' in 'The Betrayal of the American Dream' authors, Barlett and Steele.

Barlett & Steele

OpEdNews - Article: American Job Loss Is Permanent


5 Facts About Overseas Outsourcing | Center for American Progress

The Progressive Story of America
This is Your Story - The Progressive Story of America. Pass It On.

"An entire century of human progress separates the worst-off from the best-off groups within the U.S., according to the latest update of the American Human Development (HD) Index. Read the report."
A Century Apart: New Measures of Well-being for U.S. Racial and Ethnic Groups ? Measure of America: American Human Development Project

REPORT: 25 Corporations Paid More To Their CEO Last Year Than They Paid In Taxes | ThinkProgress
The American Dream by Michael


Deep corruption is eating away at every level of American society like cancer. We can see this in our families, we can see this in our businesses, and we can especially see this in our government. We have the highest rate of divorce in the world, we have the highest rate of teen pregnancy in the world, we have the highest rate of obesity in world, and nobody has higher rates of cancer, heart disease and diabetes than we do. The suicide rate is soaring and our economy is falling apart. Meanwhile, our politicians seem absolutely clueless and we have piled up the biggest mountain of debt that the world has ever seen. Has America ever been in such bad shape before? The following are 20 examples of how America is rapidly going down the toilet…

Read more @ 20 Examples Of How America Is Rapidly Going Down The Toilet

All are concerning but I find #10, 16, and 19 the most important to consider.,

It is NOT a coincidence that the decline in our society directly relates to the growth (both size and spending) of federal government. The bigger and more powerful the federal government becomes, the bigger shit-hole America becomes.
The American Dream by Michael


Deep corruption is eating away at every level of American society like cancer. We can see this in our families, we can see this in our businesses, and we can especially see this in our government. We have the highest rate of divorce in the world, we have the highest rate of teen pregnancy in the world, we have the highest rate of obesity in world, and nobody has higher rates of cancer, heart disease and diabetes than we do. The suicide rate is soaring and our economy is falling apart. Meanwhile, our politicians seem absolutely clueless and we have piled up the biggest mountain of debt that the world has ever seen. Has America ever been in such bad shape before? The following are 20 examples of how America is rapidly going down the toilet…

Read more @ 20 Examples Of How America Is Rapidly Going Down The Toilet

All are concerning but I find #10, 16, and 19 the most important to consider.,

Many of those examples are retarded. The author is an idiot.

Well that was valuable. So glad angry g-string took time out of his day to add that useful "gem".

Are you capable of articulating exactly why those examples are "retarded" and thus how the author is an "idiot"? No? Nothing? No facts to back up your wild, reckless, and useless claim? Didn't think so....
I'm never sure what to make of all this gnashing of teeth over some (imaginary) lost America? If anyone is interested in a more balanced and valid assessment of America today check out the book quoted below. Check links too.

"The ruling class thinks that the average American earns too much money. This is an unspoken belief, and one that most of them would no doubt vehemently deny. But the evidence is compelling. The elite show their hand in many ways:

• When they oppose raising the pay of the lowest-paid workers, those covered by the minimum wage

That's because the "elite" get there by being exponentially brighter than you are. They realize that actions do not exist in a vacuum. And when McDonald's is forced to raise minimum wage, they do not eat that cost. Instead, they raise their prices and pass that cost off on to their customers. And so the minimum wage workers wage went up, but so did the cost of everything at McDonald's, Wal*Mart, etc. and said minimum wage worker is no further ahead (but the rest of America - who did not see their income go up, is now further behind).

It's basic, fundamental, economics 101 - something libtards are completely incapable of comprehending for some strange reason.

• When they encourage the export of good-paying jobs in fields such as information technology

See previous response ^

• When they resist changes in the tax code that would protect American workers

I don't know anyone who opposes reforming the tax code. This is a flat out lie.

Corporate executives contend that they are forced to relocate their operations to low-wage havens to remain competitive. In other words, their domestic workers earn too much. Never mind that manufacturing wages are lower in the United Stares than in a dozen other developed countries.

Thanks to the rules, many of which are written by corporations, a company can pull up stakes and use cheap foreign labor to make the same product it once did in America. It no longer has to meet environmental standards. It no longer has to abide by U.S. labor laws. It no longer has to pay a decent wage. Then the company can ship the product back to the United States where, courtesy of the rules, it will pay little if any duty. How can American workers hope to compete against that? They can't.

Lisa Gentner worked at a company called Carrollton Specialty Products, housed in a one-story warehouse in Moberly, Missouri, a town of 15,000 in central Missouri. Carrollton was a subcontractor for Hallmark Cards, the global greeting card giant based 125 miles west in Kansas City, Missouri. The largely female workforce of 200 provided the hand assembly for a variety of Hallmark products. They tied bows and affixed them to valentines and anniversary greetings. They glued buttons, rhinestones, and pop-ups inside birthday cards. They made gift baskets.

As in many towns across the country, the plant was an economic anchor for Moberly. Manufacturing is often pictured as a big-city enterprise, but a substantial number of plants are the lifeblood of small to medium-sized cities...."

Quote from p24 'Assault on the Middle Class' in 'The Betrayal of the American Dream' authors, Barlett and Steele.

Barlett & Steele

OpEdNews - Article: American Job Loss Is Permanent


5 Facts About Overseas Outsourcing | Center for American Progress

The Progressive Story of America
This is Your Story - The Progressive Story of America. Pass It On.

"An entire century of human progress separates the worst-off from the best-off groups within the U.S., according to the latest update of the American Human Development (HD) Index. Read the report."
A Century Apart: New Measures of Well-being for U.S. Racial and Ethnic Groups ? Measure of America: American Human Development Project

REPORT: 25 Corporations Paid More To Their CEO Last Year Than They Paid In Taxes | ThinkProgress

If you want to actually be informed, I highly recommend getting away from "ThinkProgress" (hint - it's run by radical George Soros who has an agenda - he makes money off of collapsing economies by brainwashing the weak-minded dupes like.....)
The American Dream by Michael


Read more @ 20 Examples Of How America Is Rapidly Going Down The Toilet

All are concerning but I find #10, 16, and 19 the most important to consider.,

Many of those examples are retarded. The author is an idiot.

Well that was valuable. So glad angry g-string took time out of his day to add that useful "gem".

Are you capable of articulating exactly why those examples are "retarded" and thus how the author is an "idiot"? No? Nothing? No facts to back up your wild, reckless, and useless claim? Didn't think so....

I guess you were too retarded to read past post #4 and find post #7. :lol:
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Possibly sending the President and his family to Africa at a cost exceeding $80,000,000.00 in search of his roots, and yet no one gives a shit? Or is it that its all about diplomacy, hahaha, what freaking diplomacy. Heck what $80,000,0000 anyway?

Thanks for providing us with another example of how the country is going down the toilet.

Partisan rubes on the same mass email list spamming boards with hypocritical shit about the latest presidential expense who don't stop to THINK for one second how THEIR GUY would stand up against the same bar they just set.


Bush on his African safari:

1. This country doesn't dream-->WE BUILT our country with a can do sprit! No more. What happen to being number one? OH' noo'ss we can't be having that as we're bad for being that.
2. a Political party uses one group against the other for power. They love using non-whites as a tool to slam whites for every stupid reason. Why not get away from this BS? Always finding another excuse for idiocy.
Yet nobody is leaving the country.

Wonder why.

Says the buffoon who won't go to Cuba to experience all of the communist-goodness he so craves.... :lmao:

Here's the problem - where are conservatives going to go? As Ronald Reagan said, this is the last bastion of freedom in the world. Canada? Sorry - nope - failed socialized medicine. England? Sorry - nope - failed socialized medicine and banned people from defending themselves (which is why dozens just stood around and watched a former soldier beheaded in the middle of the street).

You have a thousand places you can go - and yet you refuse to leave. I guess you realize that your policies are failed policies that don't work if you don't have hard working conservatives to leech off of, uh? :eusa_whistle:
Yet nobody is leaving the country.

Wonder why.

Says the buffoon who won't go to Cuba to experience all of the communist-goodness he so craves.... :lmao:

Here's the problem - where are conservatives going to go? As Ronald Reagan said, this is the last bastion of freedom in the world. Canada? Sorry - nope - failed socialized medicine. England? Sorry - nope - failed socialized medicine and banned people from defending themselves (which is why dozens just stood around and watched a former soldier beheaded in the middle of the street).

You have a thousand places you can go - and yet you refuse to leave. I guess you realize that your policies are failed policies that don't work if you don't have hard working conservatives to leech off of, uh? :eusa_whistle:

I like it in the USA. I don't think it's going "down the tubes" at all. Does that bother you Shirley?

I think what bothers guys like you the most (of the great universe of things guys like you are pissed at) is that the voting public has rejected your 1950's Leave it to Beaver world. You see more and more states approving same sex marriage, more and more states moving to purple (332-206--suck on that), and that you have to watch your tongue when you talk. It bothers you....

As for conservatives; you favor no government...try Somolia...you would fit right in there; no gun laws (or any laws for that matter). Your arsenal determines your rights...just like you guys want. Women, minorities, weaklings...have no rights...just like you guys want. Sounds like a conservative wonderland.

Boat leaves every day...I'll help you pack.
Yet nobody is leaving the country.

Wonder why.

Says the buffoon who won't go to Cuba to experience all of the communist-goodness he so craves.... :lmao:

Here's the problem - where are conservatives going to go? As Ronald Reagan said, this is the last bastion of freedom in the world. Canada? Sorry - nope - failed socialized medicine. England? Sorry - nope - failed socialized medicine and banned people from defending themselves (which is why dozens just stood around and watched a former soldier beheaded in the middle of the street).

You have a thousand places you can go - and yet you refuse to leave. I guess you realize that your policies are failed policies that don't work if you don't have hard working conservatives to leech off of, uh? :eusa_whistle:

I like it in the USA. I don't think it's going "down the tubes" at all. Does that bother you Shirley?

I think what bothers guys like you the most (of the great universe of things guys like you are pissed at) is that the voting public has rejected your 1950's Leave it to Beaver world. You see more and more states approving same sex marriage, more and more states moving to purple (332-206--suck on that), and that you have to watch your tongue when you talk. It bothers you....

As for conservatives; you favor no government...try Somolia...you would fit right in there; no gun laws (or any laws for that matter). Your arsenal determines your rights...just like you guys want. Women, minorities, weaklings...have no rights...just like you guys want. Sounds like a conservative wonderland.

Boat leaves every day...I'll help you pack.

When did any conservative ever say they favor "no government"? Those are anarchists. Conservatives favor constitutional government. And the fact that you reject the constitution (which is the highest law in the land) makes you much closer to favoring a Somalia than any conservative.

And don't talk to me about rights since the highest law in the land explicitly protects my right to bear arms and you oppose that with every fiber of your being.
20 Examples Of How America Is Rapidly Going Down The Toilet

We just have to stand together, fight the Republicans and keep it from happening.

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