20 Times Breitbart Reported on Migrant Deaths During Obama-Biden Years and No One Cared

The Purge

Platinum Member
Aug 16, 2018
Former Vice President Joe Biden tweeted an image of a migrant father and daughter who had died on the U.S.-Mexico border and he attempted to link the deaths to cruelty from President Donald Trump. However, Breitbart News consistently reported on the deaths of hundreds of migrants along the border during the Obama-Biden administration — horrors that then-Vice President Biden never spoke about during his time in the White House. During the Obama-Biden administration, 535 migrants died in one Texas county alone — Brooks County. The county is located about 80 miles north of the Texas-Mexico border and is home to the Falfurrias Border Patrol Checkpoint on U.S. Highway 281.

Following are 20 times Breitbart News reported on migrant deaths and other cruel human smuggling articles that did not elicit a critical response from then-Vice President Biden:

1. Breitbart Texas Witnesses Skeleton of Illegal Migrant, Death Toll Rises

The death march through Brooks County, Texas claimed the life of yet another illegal immigrant. A human skull and the decomposed skeletal remains are all that is left of a person who decided to come to this country illegally. A total of 42 bodies have been found this year in the desert-like ranch fields surrounding the town of Falfurrias.

2. Unsecured Border Results in Deaths of Two More Illegal Immigrants [Graphic Images]

FALFURRIAS, Texas — Two more bodies of illegal immigrants were discovered in a rural Texas county — bringing the year total for the one county to 48 known deaths.

3. Dead Illegal Immigrant with Gold Grill Found in Texas Ranch

The remains of yet another illegal immigrant was found in Brooks County, eighty miles from the Texas-Mexico border. This unidentified immigrant is unique in that he has distinctive gold dental work, including a gold star on his front tooth.

(Excerpt) Read more at breitbart.com ...

But suddenly ONE incident is national news framed to attack the President who evidently is the only leader in America trying to fix the problem.
Democrats don't give a damn about the plight of illegal aliens anymore than they care about the slaughter of the newly born at the hands of P.P. It's all about politics.
Yep. The corporate media and liberal asshole shills ignored the misdeeds of the Obama administration because they had their tongues on Obama’s balls for 8 years.

Same shit went on at the border under Obama, but they liked him so they ignored it. They are political pieces of garbage.

Obama murdered many innocent brown people with drone strikes,

No outrage.

This is why no one trusts the corporate media,
20 Times Breitbart Reported on Migrant Deaths During Obama-Biden Years and No One Cared

To get to 20, Breitbart had to include stories on migrants spared death, which, believe it or not, is not the same as reporting on migrant deaths.

None of the dead was in U.S. custody.

Cursory research shows there was quite a bit of reporting on those deaths.

You may now continue hyperventilating.
20 Times Breitbart Reported on Migrant Deaths During Obama-Biden Years and No One Cared

To get to 20, Breitbart had to include stories on migrants spared death, which, believe it or not, is not the same as reporting on migrant deaths.

None of the dead was in U.S. custody.

Cursory research shows there was quite a bit of reporting on those deaths.

You may now continue hyperventilating.
What a shock...the OP is a lie.

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