$20 Trillion

The budget deficit for 2015 is expected to drop to roughly $425 billion, according to a report released Friday by the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office (CBO).

That’s down from the $486 billion the CBO projected in March.

If it drops to $425 billion by the end of the fiscal year on Sept. 30, it would be a seven-year low for the government’s annual budget shortfalls.

Last year’s deficit was $483 billion, 2.1 percent of gross domestic product, the lowest level since 2008.

it doesn't matter how many coupons you take to the store it's the final bill that counts
What to do about it all? Take over Puerto Rico, appoint Slick as GOV. Drop age of consent to 13. Let BJ & Menendez open up an Island paradise for "tourists" with gambling and "what not". Demand 10% cut.

$20T? sigh. Grow GDP to $20T. Collect 20% ($4T). Cut spending to $3T. $1T goes to principal.

The budget deficit for 2015 is expected to drop to roughly $425 billion, according to a report released Friday by the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office (CBO).

That’s down from the $486 billion the CBO projected in March.

If it drops to $425 billion by the end of the fiscal year on Sept. 30, it would be a seven-year low for the government’s annual budget shortfalls.

Last year’s deficit was $483 billion, 2.1 percent of gross domestic product, the lowest level since 2008.

it doesn't matter how many coupons you take to the store it's the final bill that counts

then quit making the final bill the responsibility of ONE President, because it isn't.

The budget deficit for 2015 is expected to drop to roughly $425 billion, according to a report released Friday by the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office (CBO).

That’s down from the $486 billion the CBO projected in March.

If it drops to $425 billion by the end of the fiscal year on Sept. 30, it would be a seven-year low for the government’s annual budget shortfalls.

Last year’s deficit was $483 billion, 2.1 percent of gross domestic product, the lowest level since 2008.

it doesn't matter how many coupons you take to the store it's the final bill that counts

then quit making the final bill the responsibility of ONE President, because it isn't.
he claims to be the one in charge
President Obama is 'Mr. $20 Trillion'
Its not his money what does he care.

What happened to Congress? Are they still responsible for governing anyone or do they just take up space during the terms of Presidents from the Democrat Party?
not with dictator Obama

the dictator that lowered the deficit from $1.3 T down to $.49

that dictator?
He didnt lower anything, dipshit. The economy recovered slightly, no thanks to him, and revenue went up. But the deficit is still way above what it was pre-recession.

The budget deficit for 2015 is expected to drop to roughly $425 billion, according to a report released Friday by the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office (CBO).

That’s down from the $486 billion the CBO projected in March.

If it drops to $425 billion by the end of the fiscal year on Sept. 30, it would be a seven-year low for the government’s annual budget shortfalls.

Last year’s deficit was $483 billion, 2.1 percent of gross domestic product, the lowest level since 2008.

it doesn't matter how many coupons you take to the store it's the final bill that counts

then quit making the final bill the responsibility of ONE President, because it isn't.
he claims to be the one in charge
You mean the HNIC?
President Obama is 'Mr. $20 Trillion'
Its not his money what does he care.

What happened to Congress? Are they still responsible for governing anyone or do they just take up space during the terms of Presidents from the Democrat Party?
not with dictator Obama

the dictator that lowered the deficit from $1.3 T down to $.49

that dictator?
He didnt lower anything, dipshit. The economy recovered slightly, no thanks to him, and revenue went up. But the deficit is still way above what it was pre-recession.

President Obama is 'Mr. $20 Trillion'
Its not his money what does he care.

What happened to Congress? Are they still responsible for governing anyone or do they just take up space during the terms of Presidents from the Democrat Party?
not with dictator Obama

the dictator that lowered the deficit from $1.3 T down to $.49

that dictator?
He didnt lower anything, dipshit. The economy recovered slightly, no thanks to him, and revenue went up. But the deficit is still way above what it was pre-recession.

Abd when confronted with fact, Siete goes full retard.
What happened to Congress? Are they still responsible for governing anyone or do they just take up space during the terms of Presidents from the Democrat Party?
not with dictator Obama

the dictator that lowered the deficit from $1.3 T down to $.49

that dictator?
He didnt lower anything, dipshit. The economy recovered slightly, no thanks to him, and revenue went up. But the deficit is still way above what it was pre-recession.

Abd when confronted with fact, Siete goes full retard.

The 2014 deficit fell to 2.8% of the country’s gross domestic product, the broadest measure of economic output. This measure, preferred by economists because it offers greater context, was at its lowest level since the fiscal year ending Sept. 30, 2007.

“This is not only a reduction of the deficit, it’s also a return to fiscal normalcy,” said White House budget director Shaun Donovan.

The economy fell into recession at the end of 2007 and the government’s budget deficit ballooned over the next few years. It started narrowing again in 2010, as the economy began to recover.

Now, the deficit as a share of GDP is below the average for the past 40 years, of 3.1%.

you funny man Chan.
not with dictator Obama

the dictator that lowered the deficit from $1.3 T down to $.49

that dictator?
He didnt lower anything, dipshit. The economy recovered slightly, no thanks to him, and revenue went up. But the deficit is still way above what it was pre-recession.

Abd when confronted with fact, Siete goes full retard.

The 2014 deficit fell to 2.8% of the country’s gross domestic product, the broadest measure of economic output. This measure, preferred by economists because it offers greater context, was at its lowest level since the fiscal year ending Sept. 30, 2007.

“This is not only a reduction of the deficit, it’s also a return to fiscal normalcy,” said White House budget director Shaun Donovan.

The economy fell into recession at the end of 2007 and the government’s budget deficit ballooned over the next few years. It started narrowing again in 2010, as the economy began to recover.

Now, the deficit as a share of GDP is below the average for the past 40 years, of 3.1%.

you funny man Chan.
You understand that supports what I wrote, it doesnt refute it. Right?
The economy recovered so the big deficits looked smaller by comparison to a bigger GDP. OR can we add math to the list of things you dont understand?
President Obama is 'Mr. $20 Trillion'
Its not his money what does he care.
The issue is it is meaningless for most people. What differences have you noticed from when the deficit was $10T? None. It isnt real to people. So they dont care.
They should. Obama has recklessly spent money we dont have and created a potential insecurity that will undermine this country. But Dems dont care.

Sanders and Clinton are both pushing for at least $1 trillion in spending.
They say they will raise taxes to cover it....

I bet they will get the spending through and probably not the taxes...
No matter what happens in the General election I have no doubt that
our national debt will do nothing but go up.

And if interest rates go up just the smallest amount the payment on the interest alone on the debt
is tremendous...

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