200 German Islamists are up to face the hard truth in Syria and die

The human nature is love , not hate .
The human nature is everything humans do. Sure, they love but they also kill. Among others its human nature to kill and hate. Most humans are like monkeys you put in a civilized society. Once the rules fall apart, they start to mug, abuse and kill each other.
go right ahead. I know of no rule stopping ME from quoting you based on your
petty whims or even lies regarding your "ignore list"-----nor do I care.
You can quote me anytime you wish-------in fact,, you can also go to Syria

Try to be a little mature . You're 90 years old but still you're acting like a child of 5 years old . You speak like women in the neighborhood who are fighting with each other from window to window . The human nature is love , not hate . Try to be human , and please dont Quote me . Salaam .

Nox----you express yourself with the filth of your 'culture'. ----being a woman of
the gutter and a worshipper of a rapist. I do not know the filth of your
neighborhood or your gutter. -----and certainly cannot,, nor care to,
address my neighbors via "the window"
I will quote whomever I please. I am a citizen of a civilized
country----this is not a Sharia cesspit of pigs in which sluts dictate whilst
their 'men' tie bombs to the overused asses of their daughters.

for the record-----even if you knew my age-----you cannot advertise it on
a messageboard ------try to learn a bit about decent demeanor-----even if
doing so would seem odd in your "circle"
go right ahead. I know of no rule stopping ME from quoting you based on your
petty whims or even lies regarding your "ignore list"-----nor do I care.
You can quote me anytime you wish-------in fact,, you can also go to Syria

Try to be a little mature . You're 90 years old but still you're acting like a child of 5 years old . You speak like women in the neighborhood who are fighting with each other from window to window . The human nature is love , not hate . Try to be human , and please dont Quote me . Salaam .

Nox----you express yourself with the filth of your 'culture'. ----being a woman of
the gutter and a worshipper of a rapist. I do not know the filth of your
neighborhood or your gutter. -----and certainly cannot,, nor care to,
address my neighbors via "the window"
I will quote whomever I please. I am a citizen of a civilized
country----this is not a Sharia cesspit of pigs in which sluts dictate whilst
their 'men' tie bombs to the overused asses of their daughters.

for the record-----even if you knew my age-----you cannot advertise it on
a messageboard ------try to learn a bit about decent demeanor-----even if
doing so would seem odd in your "circle"
This is not a proper post, irosie.
go right ahead. I know of no rule stopping ME from quoting you based on your
petty whims or even lies regarding your "ignore list"-----nor do I care.
You can quote me anytime you wish-------in fact,, you can also go to Syria

Try to be a little mature . You're 90 years old but still you're acting like a child of 5 years old . You speak like women in the neighborhood who are fighting with each other from window to window . The human nature is love , not hate . Try to be human , and please dont Quote me . Salaam .
Please do not expect too much from irosie.

She is a zionist jew, which means she wasn't raised correctly and lacks many of the social graces of civilized society. . :cool:
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How many German jews have gone to join the IDF?

Hmm, I wonder if Yousef Mohammed could tell us how many of his fellow Islamists have joined the military in Spain.

Spain: Islamic Radicals Infiltrate the Military :: Gatestone Institute
Nina Rosenwald is an American political activist and philanthropist. An heiress to the Sears Roebuck fortune, Rosenwald is vice president of the William Rosenwald Family Fund and co-chair of the board of American Securities Management.[1] She is the founder and president of Gatestone Institute,[2][3] a New York-based think tank and policy council. A descendant of philanthropists and Jewish refugees from Eastern Europe, Rosenwald has focused on donating to pro-Israel organizations. She has been "an ardent Zionist all her life".
Nina Rosenwald - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
  • Thanks
Reactions: Nox
go right ahead. I know of no rule stopping ME from quoting you based on your
petty whims or even lies regarding your "ignore list"-----nor do I care.
You can quote me anytime you wish-------in fact,, you can also go to Syria

Try to be a little mature . You're 90 years old but still you're acting like a child of 5 years old . You speak like women in the neighborhood who are fighting with each other from window to window . The human nature is love , not hate . Try to be human , and please dont Quote me . Salaam .

If "the human nature is love, not hate", that would suggest that Islam, as a politico-religious ideology, is antithetical to human nature. At no time in islamist history have the values of "love, not hate", been a part of Islamic doctrine. The entirety of islamist history defines a brutish ideology utterly obsessed with denigration of the kuffar.

The principles and values embodied in Islam were relevant in the context of medieval Arabia. In those brutal and nasty times, a brutal and nasty theocratic order was effective in cohering illiterate, warring tribes and providing a measure of stability to build an empire. Which is what happened. But times have changed—much of the world is now free, relatively civilized, technologically capable, literate, and tolerant. Until Islam meets with a massive reform and enlightenment movement, it will continue to be unfit for the modern world, and we will continue to see terror attacks of Islamic jihad.
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If "the human nature is love, not hate", that would suggest that Islam, as a politico-religious ideology, is antithetical to human nature. At no time in islamist history have the values of "love, not hate", been a part of Islamic doctrine. The entirety of islamist history defines a brutish ideology utterly obsessed with denigration of the kuffar.

The principles and values embodied in Islam were relevant in the context of medieval Arabia. In those brutal and nasty times, a brutal and nasty theocratic order was effective in cohering illiterate, warring tribes and providing a measure of stability to build an empire. Which is what happened. But times have changed—much of the world is now free, relatively civilized, technologically capable, literate, and tolerant. Until Islam meets with a massive reform and enlightenment movement, it will continue to be unfit for the modern world, and we will continue to see terror attacks of Islamic jihad.

Every year at least 200.000 person in Usa accept this "brutal ideology" as their religion , and this number increasing with each passin year .

Bad news .
If "the human nature is love, not hate", that would suggest that Islam, as a politico-religious ideology, is antithetical to human nature. At no time in islamist history have the values of "love, not hate", been a part of Islamic doctrine. The entirety of islamist history defines a brutish ideology utterly obsessed with denigration of the kuffar.

The principles and values embodied in Islam were relevant in the context of medieval Arabia. In those brutal and nasty times, a brutal and nasty theocratic order was effective in cohering illiterate, warring tribes and providing a measure of stability to build an empire. Which is what happened. But times have changed—much of the world is now free, relatively civilized, technologically capable, literate, and tolerant. Until Islam meets with a massive reform and enlightenment movement, it will continue to be unfit for the modern world, and we will continue to see terror attacks of Islamic jihad.

Every year at least 200.000 person in Usa accept this "brutal ideology" as their religion , and this number increasing with each passin year .

Bad news .

That's one way to sidestep addressing the salient points.

Of course, converts in the West have the benefit of an Islam that is throttled by a secular constitution and a society / nation of laws.

It's easy to convert to an ideology sush as islamism within Western societies which protect you from islam.
That's one way to sidestep addressing the salient points.

Of course, converts in the West have the benefit of an Islam that is throttled by a secular constitution and a society / nation of laws.

It's easy to convert to an ideology sush as islamism within Western societies which protect you from islam.

Big part of Usa converts choose islam for the islamic conception of justice in all areas of life , especially black people and latinos . So we can easly understand that what a discriminatory , racist and unfair country Usa is .
That's one way to sidestep addressing the salient points.

Of course, converts in the West have the benefit of an Islam that is throttled by a secular constitution and a society / nation of laws.

It's easy to convert to an ideology sush as islamism within Western societies which protect you from islam.

Big part of Usa converts choose islam for the islamic conception of justice in all areas of life , especially black people and latinos . So we can easly understand that what a discriminatory , racist and unfair country Usa is .
This from somebody raised on the savage traditions of a third-world shit-hole like Chechnya...

If "the human nature is love, not hate", that would suggest that Islam, as a politico-religious ideology, is antithetical to human nature. At no time in islamist history have the values of "love, not hate", been a part of Islamic doctrine. The entirety of islamist history defines a brutish ideology utterly obsessed with denigration of the kuffar.

The principles and values embodied in Islam were relevant in the context of medieval Arabia. In those brutal and nasty times, a brutal and nasty theocratic order was effective in cohering illiterate, warring tribes and providing a measure of stability to build an empire. Which is what happened. But times have changed—much of the world is now free, relatively civilized, technologically capable, literate, and tolerant. Until Islam meets with a massive reform and enlightenment movement, it will continue to be unfit for the modern world, and we will continue to see terror attacks of Islamic jihad.

Every year at least 200.000 person in Usa accept this "brutal ideology" as their religion , and this number increasing with each passin year .

Bad news .

That's one way to sidestep addressing the salient points.

Of course, converts in the West have the benefit of an Islam that is throttled by a secular constitution and a society / nation of laws.

It's easy to convert to an ideology sush as islamism within Western societies which protect you from islam
Good points.

Also, philosophically and morally and emotionally, Islam is an easier belief-system to deal with...

After all, some belief-systems insist upon silly morality like: 'Love Thy Neighbor' and 'Turn the Other Cheek' and 'Thou Shalt Not Kill' and the like...

Not that adherents of those other belief systems always (or even usually) practice the Best Ideals of their own systems and Founder's teachings, but at least those are always at the core of the system to fall back on, and to press the 'Reset' button, when their adherents get too far off-message...

Much easier on the primitive conscience, when your own Founder and his Vision of the Deity say that it's actually OK to kill and commit violence against others who do not believe as you, or to advance The Cause... and that you'll land in Paradise with 72 Hotties if you die while trying... heckuva marketing and recruiting gimmick, isn't it?

Between the Easy-Way-Out Bargain-Basement Morality Challenges and the reduction of the belief system into a collection of largely external observances and going-through-the-motions ceremonial, well... it's just an easier, down-to-earth, less-challenging kind of spirituality to deal with...

I'm not surprised that it continues to pick up converts here and there... if you've gotta believe in something, why not choose something easy rather than hard?

It also helps to be a guy when converting.

Or has that belief-system done-away with the headscarves and potato-sacks and given women equal standing in all aspects of society and at-law... allowing women to have four husbands, promising them 72 Chippendales in Paradise if they die in Holy War, or allowing them to vote and drive and go to school and wear what the hell they want and marry whom they want and even screw-around, just like the men do, without getting killed for it?
Hmm, I wonder if Yousef Mohammed could tell us how many of his fellow Islamists have joined the military in Spain.

Spain: Islamic Radicals Infiltrate the Military :: Gatestone Institute
Nina Rosenwald is an American political activist and philanthropist. An heiress to the Sears Roebuck fortune, Rosenwald is vice president of the William Rosenwald Family Fund and co-chair of the board of American Securities Management.[1] She is the founder and president of Gatestone Institute,[2][3] a New York-based think tank and policy council. A descendant of philanthropists and Jewish refugees from Eastern Europe, Rosenwald has focused on donating to pro-Israel organizations. She has been "an ardent Zionist all her life".
Nina Rosenwald - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Off topic
It also helps to be a guy when converting.

Or has that belief-system done-away with the headscarves and potato-sacks and given women equal standing in all aspects of society and at-law... allowing women to have four husbands, promising them 72 Chippendales in Paradise if they die in Holy War, or allowing them to vote and drive and go to school and wear what the hell they want and marry whom they want and even screw-around, just like the men do, without getting killed for it?
And yet 5 times as many women convert to Islam than do men.

Go figure.......... :cool:
This from somebody raised on the savage traditions of a third-world shit-hole like Chechnya...

Chechnya is a beautiful country and non-muslims dont experiece any problem as long as they keep pace with social environment . Does not matter their religion or their race , everyone is welcome . Its a muslim country .

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yz7N6rfukrE]Grozny update (1) - YouTube[/ame]
It also helps to be a guy when converting. Or has that belief-system done-away with the headscarves and potato-sacks and given women equal standing in all aspects of society and at-law... allowing women to have four husbands, promising them 72 Chippendales in Paradise if they die in Holy War, or allowing them to vote and drive and go to school and wear what the hell they want and marry whom they want and even screw-around, just like the men do, without getting killed for it?
And yet 5 times as many women convert to Islam than do men. Go figure...
I would find such figures to be surprising, if credible, and, if true, I would be fascinated to learn why this is so.

Is this largely attributable to the wives and daughters of male converts ( 'The confession of the Prince is the the confession of the Subject'? )
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