200 German Islamists are up to face the hard truth in Syria and die

You cant get near Kaaba . Its not a touristic place for non-muslims and gays to take photos while kissing each other . But you can look at by using Google Map .
You cant get near Kaaba . Its not a touristic place for non-muslims and gays to take photos while kissing each other . But you can look at by using Google Map .
Then, Muslim men are the only ones who can take photos while kissing each other? I see.
Then, Muslim men are the only ones who can take photos while kissing each other? I see.

Yes ofcourse , muslim man can kiss each other from neck and its not considered as tendency to homosexuality unlike western countries .
Mecca is the only Islamic place/mosque in the world that non-muslims are forbidden to access.

It has to do with public safety and logistics; not religion.

In previous centuries non-muslims visited Mecca with no problem.

But today there are 10's of millions who make pilgrimage to Mecca. And even though the Saudi government has invested billions of dollars into expanding the roads, facilities, and transportation. The infrastructure is still overwhelmed with the throngs of muslim worshipers.

So they have been forced to prohibit tourists and tourism to Mecca. . :cool:
That's one way to sidestep addressing the salient points.

Of course, converts in the West have the benefit of an Islam that is throttled by a secular constitution and a society / nation of laws.

It's easy to convert to an ideology sush as islamism within Western societies which protect you from islam.

Big part of Usa converts choose islam for the islamic conception of justice in all areas of life , especially black people and latinos . So we can easly understand that what a discriminatory , racist and unfair country Usa is .

"Islamic conception of justice"?

You're kidding, right?

Two things to bear in mind when considering the lack of justice in Islam and the ideological substance and mechanics of revulsion for the infidel are:

1.) It is an integral, doctrinal element of Islam, prescribed by mohammud (swish) in the koran and exemplified in the sunnah (traditions) of Mohammud (swat) in the hadith, to establish the supremacy of his syncretic faith, and

2.) this doctrine has never been reformed and made compatible with the modern age through an enlightenment movement in the Moslem world.

Examples include: • Narrated Ibn 'Umar: Allah's Apostle said: "I have been ordered (by Allah) to fight against the people until they testify that none has the right to be worshipped but Allah and that Muhammad is Allah's Apostle, and offer the prayers perfectly and give the obligatory charity, so if they perform a that, then they save their lives an property from me except for Islamic laws and then their reckoning (accounts) will be done by Allah." —Sahih Bukhari, V1B2N24

• He it is Who hath sent His messenger with the guidance and the Religion of Truth, that He may cause it to prevail over all religion, however much the unbelievers hate it. —Qur'an, 9.33

• “The Messenger said, ‘Two religions cannot coexist in the Arabian Peninsula.’ Umar investigated the matter, then sent to the Jews, saying: ‘Allah has given permission for you to be expelled.” -Tabari VIII:130 • The Prophet on his death-bed, gave orders saying, "Expel the unbelievers from the Arabian Peninsula." -Bukhari, Volume 4, Book 52, Number 28

• Surely the vilest of animals, in Allah's sight, are the deaf, the dumb [unbelievers], who do not understand. -Qur'an 8:22 • Allah's curse be on the Jews and the Christians. -Bukhari, Volume 5, Book 59, Number 727

These are the words that many Moslems live by. They are from the original sources. There is none of the flexible interpretation or allegorical mitigation that one can find in Christianity, Judaism, and other faiths that have moved beyond the dark ages. This is what Islamism is about--supremacy, bigotry, intolerance, hatred, and violence. And what makes Islam truly dangerous is the fact that such qualities and their inevitable tragic consequences are made out to be holy acts of piety, pleasing to their Gods.
This from somebody raised on the savage traditions of a third-world shit-hole like Chechnya...

Chechnya is a beautiful country and non-muslims dont experiece any problem as long as they keep pace with social environment . Does not matter their religion or their race , everyone is welcome . Its a muslim country .

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yz7N6rfukrE]Grozny update (1) - YouTube[/ame]

How strange that facts so often conflict with your nonsensical comments.

The Voice of the Martyrs Canada :: Chechnya, Russia :: Providing Information and Support for Persecuted Christians

The 1.4 million Chechen are almost entirely Muslim, and international Islamists have radicalized many of them. The Christian presence in Chechnya has been largely eliminated or expelled. A Baptist presence remains in Grozny. Most Christian organizations withdrew to work among refugees in North Ossetia and Ingushetia. Hatred of Russians (and thereby all Christians) and ruthless Islamist groups make ministry extremely sensitive work.
This from somebody raised on the savage traditions of a third-world shit-hole like Chechnya...

Chechnya is a beautiful country and non-muslims dont experiece any problem as long as they keep pace with social environment . Does not matter their religion or their race , everyone is welcome . Its a muslim country .

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yz7N6rfukrE]Grozny update (1) - YouTube[/ame]

How strange that facts so often conflict with your nonsensical comments.

The Voice of the Martyrs Canada :: Chechnya, Russia :: Providing Information and Support for Persecuted Christians

The 1.4 million Chechen are almost entirely Muslim, and international Islamists have radicalized many of them. The Christian presence in Chechnya has been largely eliminated or expelled. A Baptist presence remains in Grozny. Most Christian organizations withdrew to work among refugees in North Ossetia and Ingushetia. Hatred of Russians (and thereby all Christians) and ruthless Islamist groups make ministry extremely sensitive work.
Propaganda is rampant on Middle East Forum, dint ya know.
Now, believe in hadiths are forbidden in Islam and Allah says Quran is enough for muslims . (6:115) (7:89) (4:34) (8:54) (45:6) .

For a moment let us assume that believe in hadiths is the true way , all the sects have an rank . So they say Quran comes first , they examine Quran and if they cant find an answer for their problem , this time they examine Hadiths (stories about islamic life). Okay now take a look at Quran about these hadiths which you share ...

Examples include: • Narrated Ibn 'Umar: Allah's Apostle said: "I have been ordered (by Allah) to fight against the people until they testify that none has the right to be worshipped but Allah and that Muhammad is Allah's Apostle, and offer the prayers perfectly and give the obligatory charity, so if they perform a that, then they save their lives an property from me except for Islamic laws and then their reckoning (accounts) will be done by Allah." —Sahih Bukhari, V1B2N24

2:256 There is no compulsion in religion/system .

This verse refutes your hadith .

• He it is Who hath sent His messenger with the guidance and the Religion of Truth, that He may cause it to prevail over all religion, however much the unbelievers hate it. —Qur'an, 9.33

Verse 9:33 says "He is the One who sent His messenger with guidance and the system of truth, to make it expose all other systems, even if those who set up partners hate it."

The verse does not says "non-muslim" . Wrong translation . The used word is "Mushrikun" , look at the link for meaning of "mushrik" .


• “The Messenger said, ‘Two religions cannot coexist in the Arabian Peninsula.’ Umar investigated the matter, then sent to the Jews, saying: ‘Allah has given permission for you to be expelled.” -Tabari VIII:130 • The Prophet on his death-bed, gave orders saying, "Expel the unbelievers from the Arabian Peninsula." -Bukhari, Volume 4, Book 52, Number 28

50:45 We are totally aware of what they say, and you are not to be a tyrant over them. So remind with the Quran those who fear My promise.

In this verse , muslims are forbidden to tyranny on non-muslims . So in this case we have two option . 1) This people were naughty and the prophet wanted muslims to drive them out and he didnt want muslims to risk before he died . From a different angle , they were allowed to live together muslims till the prophet has died despite they are bad people .
2) Another fabricated hadith .

• Surely the vilest of animals, in Allah's sight, are the deaf, the dumb [unbelievers], who do not understand. -Qur'an 8:22 • Allah's curse be on the Jews and the Christians. -Bukhari, Volume 5, Book 59, Number 727

There is no such a word in the verse as "unbelievers" , you add it .

8:22 Verily, the vilest of all creatures in the sight of God are those deaf, those dumb ones who do not use their reason.


I gave you the examples in accordance with generally accepted Islamic rules . You use the hadiths and verses to blame islam , so you accept them as true sources . Now I'm sure you will deny the your own sources and you will contradict with yourself .

So you show me a sided anti-islamic source and you refute my claim ? But I show you the videos which you will be able to witness moment to moment . I think the second one is more realistic .

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wyecNJtVys8]Grozny update 2 (How I feel about Chechens) - YouTube[/ame]
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Hmm, I wonder if Yousef Mohammed could tell us how many of his fellow Islamists have joined the military in Spain.

Spain: Islamic Radicals Infiltrate the Military :: Gatestone Institute
Nina Rosenwald is an American political activist and philanthropist. An heiress to the Sears Roebuck fortune, Rosenwald is vice president of the William Rosenwald Family Fund and co-chair of the board of American Securities Management.[1] She is the founder and president of Gatestone Institute,[2][3] a New York-based think tank and policy council. A descendant of philanthropists and Jewish refugees from Eastern Europe, Rosenwald has focused on donating to pro-Israel organizations. She has been "an ardent Zionist all her life".
Nina Rosenwald - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
It looks like Yousef Mohammed has a problem when some Jewish person writes a piece. Maybe the Ayatollahs have ordered him to make a comment about that when someone is an ardent Zionist. The Ayatollahs seem to overlook that there are some Muslims who are Zionists too since they believe Israel has a right to exist. I guess Yousef Mohammed forgets about the Muslim who threw a hand grenade into the tent of other sleeping soldiers and also the one who killed a soldier at a recruiting station here in the U.S. Of course, we cannot overlook Major Hasan who was a good Muslim. Now none of us is stopping Yousef Mohammed from gathering up a group of Spanish Muslims to fight with the other Shiites in Syria. Carpe diem, Yousef. Tempus fugit. You do want to help out, don't you?
One of the problems with Islam is that it is saturated with Conflicting and Contradictory Commands to the Faithful, both within the Q'uran and the various learned (and not-so-learned) commentaries that sprang from Islamic scholarship in the centuries following the Age of Conquest.

For every verse one can find which says 'Thou Shalt Not Kill', you 'll find another which says God expects you to kill to defend other Faithful or in Holy War to advance The Cause (the Faith).

For every verse one can find which says 'There shall be no compulsion in religion' you can find another which says to kill and oppress the unbelievers until they confess to the Islamic vision of the godhead.

And, rather than there being some kind of semi-sane, semi-rationale pecking order and chain of command within Islam, it's largely a do-it-yourself belief-system, with little organized authority to proclaim on the rightness or wrongness of any given interpretation.

That leaves it vulnerable for any amateur-hour street-corner mullah with a bee in his turban, to issue a Fatwa or Call to Jihad, just because it's Tuesday, and he got up on the wrong side of the bed, and his mother was wearing a blue burqa... and there enough blind, un-thinking Sheeple to answer the call.

Not to mention the rigid collection of Canon Law and Political and Cultural and Social restrictions and practices that attend to that belief system, in varying degrees and with variations on the theme, scattered across the Islamic domain.

It's a dangerous, medieval beastie, incompatible with The West, and destined for further large-scale conflict with The West.
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Now, believe in hadiths are forbidden in Islam and Allah says Quran is enough for muslims . (6:115) (7:89) (4:34) (8:54) (45:6) .

As much as you wish to re-invent your own version of Islamism, hadith certainly do exist as part of islamist ideology. Your general argument is that the errors and contradictions in koranic verses and hadith are resolved with your interpretation and re-writubg of islamist ideology.

Here is the point that has become clear to me. You can't find a single verse in the Koran to refute my argument without recourse to posting other verses which you need to string together to offer something to resolve the errors and inconsistencies that exist in the koranology.

For a moment let us assume that believe in hadiths is the true way , all the sects have an rank . So they say Quran comes first , they examine Quran and if they cant find an answer for their problem , this time they examine Hadiths (stories about islamic life). Okay now take a look at Quran about these hadiths which you share ...

How silly. “All the sects have a rank”? Who has made that argument, besides you?

2:256 There is no compulsion in religion is /system .

This verse refutes your hadith .
Not at all. Firstly, the hadith are not mine. They are a part of islamist ideology. Secondly, compulsion in religion is a fixture of islamist ideology.

As I pointed out, death fort apostasy in islam is not refuted by your wish for it to be so.

Verse 9:33 says "He is the One who sent His messenger with guidance and the system of truth, to make it expose all other systems, even if those who set up partners hate it."

The verse does not says "non-muslim" . Wrong translation . The used word is "Mushrikun" , look at the link for meaning of "mushrik" .

Islamic Terms

“Partners to hate it” demonstrates only that muhammud, (swish), suffered from paranoia.

50:45 We are totally aware of what they say, and you are not to be a tyrant over them. So remind with the Quran those who fear My promise.

In this verse , muslims are forbidden to tyranny on non-muslims . So in this case we have two option . 1) This people were naughty and the prophet wanted muslims to drive them out and he didnt want muslims to risk before he died . From a different angle , they were allowed to live together muslims till the prophet has died despite they are bad people .
2) Another fabricated hadith .

Yours is another attempt to sidestep the fascist nature of the politico-religious ideology invented by muhanmmud (swish).

• “The Messenger said, ‘Two religions cannot coexist in the Arabian Peninsula.’ Umar investigated the matter, then sent to the Jews, saying: ‘Allah has given permission for you to be expelled.” -Tabari VIII:130 • The Prophet on his death-bed, gave orders saying, "Expel the unbelievers from the Arabian Peninsula." -Bukhari, Volume 4, Book 52, Number 28

Expelling the unbelievers from the Arabian Peninsula is precisely what islam has done.

Tell us - how many competing religions exist in the KSA?

There is no such a word in the verse as "unbelievers" , you add it .

8:22 Verily, the vilest of all creatures in the sight of God are those deaf, those dumb ones who do not use their reason.

You have simply avoided any attempt at addressing the hate that is directed at competing religions.

What you’ve done is to post selected versions of fabricated koranic verses, all of which are culled from the sources that you use to represent the particular version of Islamism that you would propose to be the real Islamism. Yes, I understand that is the rationalization. But is not the truth. You need to understand we have 1,400 years of islamist history with which to make judgments about Islamism. Islam has never been embracing or accepting of Western values of individualism and personal freedoms. What we do have is a 1,400 year historical record of war, conquest, colonialism and subjugation of the infidel. The primary reason this behavior is a part of the historical record is because the early Muslims recording these events took no exception to the ideas of war, conquest, colonialism, subjugation of the infidel, sexual slavery, genocide and piracy as part of spreading the religion. These behaviors were not morally objectionable to them, and so they were recorded in the effort of preserving the Sunnah of islam’s inventor as an example for all later Muslims.

My opinion is that your familiarity with islamist history and thought is cliche-ridden and facile. The ability to manipulate and/or articulate cliches, even complex ones, is not a substitute for a working knowledge of your religion and of it’s history.

As to your posting of ayats, ahadith etc., I consider them to be, without doubt, partisan and rhetorical literature written entirely upon a foundation of previously accepted Islamist dogma and recorded explicitly for the purpose of preserving and supporting Islamism. I consider them to be a portion of the foundational scripture of Islamism. They serve no historical purpose other than by the real but necessary accident of reflecting the context within which they were first written. This is why their historical value lies in their reflection of islamist belief, not in their specific factual trustworthiness.
LoooL :D believe me I very rarely laughs during day and this was my first laugh for today . I'm gonna ignore you .

So you show me a sided anti-islamic source and you refute my claim ? But I show you the videos which you will be able to witness moment to moment . I think the second one is more realistic .

I can understand that anything which conflicts with your partisan beliefs will be labeled as anti-Islamic, but that is your cross to bear.

Why don't you provide an "un-biased" source that delineates the numbers of Christians, Jews and other competing religions that exist in Chechnya.

A growing Islamic identity for Chechnya

A growing Islamic identity for Chechnya ? USATODAY.com

Despite the separation of church and state under Russian law, Chechen schools must now promote Islam. There are prayer rooms in just about every school and a strict dress code, forcing all schoolgirls to cover their heads in school. Many are unhappy over the decree.

"I don't understand the point of it. Nothing changes if you just cover your head at school," said Khadizhad Barshigova, 14, who likes to listen to pop music and watch American comedies.

The process of Islamization was voluntary in the beginning. Women who wore a headscarf were rewarded with a prize. Now all women and girls, regardless of their religion, must observe Islamic dress code by wearing a head covering, long sleeves, and skirts below the knee in public schools and government buildings. Those who refuse become targets.

Human Rights Watch released a report last year documenting a spate of attacks on women without head coverings. The females reported being harassed, some physically harmed for not observing the Islamic dress code.

"The process of Islamization". Now there's a slogan that confounds your silly attempts to promote Chechyna as anything but just another islamist dystopia.
LoooL :D believe me I very rarely laughs during day and this was my first laugh for today . I'm gonna ignore you .

I'd suggest you do precisely that.

Your feeble attempts at excuses for islamist fascism are easily dismantled.
LoooL :D believe me I very rarely laughs during day and this was my first laugh for today . I'm gonna ignore you .
Yes, Hollie is a very silly person. . :cuckoo: :lol: :lol:

No, suuuuuuuu we boy is incapable of addressing a single point raised.

That's why he has claimed to put me on ignore but reads every comment I post.

Run along now, suuuuuuuu we boy, before I feel a need to rip you a new one.
LoooL :D believe me I very rarely laughs during day and this was my first laugh for today . I'm gonna ignore you .
Yes, Hollie is a very silly person. . :cuckoo: :lol: :lol:

He's another ignorant person in this portal . Reminds me of someone who said "The worst type of stupidity is >> not wanting to know."

Anyway ...
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LoooL :D believe me I very rarely laughs during day and this was my first laugh for today . I'm gonna ignore you .

I'd suggest you do precisely that.

Your feeble attempts at excuses for islamist fascism are easily dismantled.

You know I was just in another thread where a new member asked me why all the name-calling on the ME boards. And, here it is, living proof. You are not the one perpetrating this chaos, and neither am I. We react in the only language these brainwashed Muslims understand.


................................ ^^^^ BitchBoy loves to stalk me from thread to thread. . :cuckoo: :lol: :lol:

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