2006: McCain Suggested Negotiating with Hamas


Senior Member
May 29, 2007
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Good find. Bet if asked today he would....can you say flip flop.
deal with them one way or another....his stance has not changed, it was not asked if this was an unconditional talk, and mccain never said negotiate, dealing with them could have meant numerous things....

mccain flip flopping is no surprise, boring news
deal with them one way or another....his stance has not changed, it was not asked if this was an unconditional talk, and mccain never said negotiate, dealing with them could have meant numerous things....

mccain flip flopping is no surprise, boring news

How many freaking threads on this are there?
Try counting the ones that are calling Obama an appeaser v. this. Or the ones attacking Obama v. Attacking McCain.

Partisan hackery, as per the usual Kat.
<object width="425" height="355"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/CzDBi2nURNk&hl=en"></param><param name="wmode" value="transparent"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/CzDBi2nURNk&hl=en" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="355"></embed></object>

Another hacked up lie, dealing with doesn't mean negotiating with....try again Mr. 3 trillion dollar war.
Actually it does in this context. Its fairly obvious what he means.

No, I don't believe it does....if you want to read more into what he said than was actually said then go ahead, but your wrong.
but he did....

How about some of the 'context' many keep talking about:



The Left has had a field day with an expertly-clipped YouTube excerpt from a John McCain interview in January 2006, shortly after Hamas won the Palestinian Authority election. Former Clinton official James Rubin uses it for a dishonest attack on McCain, calling him a hypocrite for tying Barack Obama to Hamas while McCain supposedly supported diplomatic contact with the terrorist group. In doing so, Rubin and McCain’s opponents misrepresent both the Hamas issue and the larger context of McCain’s remarks:


Two years ago, just after Hamas won the Palestinian parliamentary elections, I interviewed McCain for the British network Sky News’s “World News Tonight” program. Here is the crucial part of our exchange:

I asked: “Do you think that American diplomats should be operating the way they have in the past, working with the Palestinian government if Hamas is now in charge?”

McCain answered: “They’re the government; sooner or later we are going to have to deal with them, one way or another, and I understand why this administration and previous administrations had such antipathy towards Hamas because of their dedication to violence and the things that they not only espouse but practice, so . . . but it’s a new reality in the Middle East. I think the lesson is people want security and a decent life and decent future, that they want democracy. Fatah was not giving them that.”​

“Deal with them, one way or another” doesn’t mean cutting deals with them; it means acknowledging their presence in the situation. That becomes clear when McCain’s further comments in the same time frame. After Hamas won that election, McCain made clear the conditions for engagement of Hamas in a press release dated 1/26/06:

In the wake of yesterday’s Palestinian elections, Hamas must change itself fundamentally - renounce violence, abandon its goal of eradicating Israel and accept the two-state solution. These elections are evidence that democracy is indeed spreading in the Middle East, but Hamas is not a partner for peace so long as they advocate the overthrow of Israel.​

In an interview with CNN, McCain once again made clear that the US would not negotiate with terrorists, whether they got elected or not:

CNN’S BETTY NGUYEN: All right, let’s shift over to the global front. The Bush administration is reviewing all aspects of U.S. aid to the Palestinians now that Hamas has won the elections. And I do have to quote you here. A State Department spokesman did say this: ‘To be very clear’ – and I’m quoting now – ‘we do not provide money to terrorist organizations.’ What does this do to the U.S. relationship with the Palestinians?

MCCAIN: Well, hopefully, that Hamas now that they are going to govern, will be motivated to renounce this commitment to the extinction of the state of Israel. Then we can do business again, we can resume aid, we can resume the peace process.
The context here is crystal clear. McCain envisioned a possible change in Hamas from a terrorist group to a legitimate political party, one that recognized Israel and renounced violence. Under those conditions, McCain said that we could engage them in talks designed to establish peace, and only under those conditions. The Bush administration had the same policy at the time. Neither the US nor John McCain supported meeting with Hamas without preconditions, and they certainly didn’t have policy advisers meeting with them while they conducted terrorist attacks and plotted an armed takeover of Gaza.

Sorry...backtracking doesn't change what he said. And some blogger apologizing for McCain doesn't really sway me.

But good find.
Sorry...backtracking doesn't change what he said. And some blogger apologizing for McCain doesn't really sway me.

But good find.

Right, context doesn't matter unless one is trying to justify Rev. Wright, until he too is thrown under the bus. Have a great day, Jillian!
Right, context doesn't matter unless one is trying to justify Rev. Wright, until he too is thrown under the bus. Have a great day, Jillian!

Haven't you learned yet? Only Liberals matter, they make the rules and those rules never apply to them. Just to us dumb shits they are trying to "take care of".

Dogger has , in another thread reminded us all of this thought process with his claim that people that voted for Bush in 2004 were stupid people.

He really should create an add that says " If all you idiots that voted for Bush will now vote for us, we will pretend to forgive you" I am sure it would sway millions of moderate undecideds.
when McCain said we're going to have to deal with Hamas, in response to the reporter's question, he wasn't talking about inviting them to share green tea and talk about the weather.

Obama has been criticized for suggesting talking to our enemies. Now, so has McCain. Or, at least he did before he flip flopped.

So which is it cons? Should we talk to our enemies, or not?
Haven't you learned yet? Only Liberals matter, they make the rules and those rules never apply to them. Just to us dumb shits they are trying to "take care of".

More ad nauseam?

Mcain is now criticizing Obsama for what he did himself. That is a valid point to make.
Haven't you learned yet? Only Liberals matter, they make the rules and those rules never apply to them. Just to us dumb shits they are trying to "take care of".

Dogger has , in another thread reminded us all of this thought process with his claim that people that voted for Bush in 2004 were stupid people.

He really should create an add that says " If all you idiots that voted for Bush will now vote for us, we will pretend to forgive you" I am sure it would sway millions of moderate undecideds.


Though I do personally agree that anyone that voted for Bush was an idiot.
Right, context doesn't matter unless one is trying to justify Rev. Wright, until he too is thrown under the bus. Have a great day, Jillian!

Context does matter, but the context you provided doesn't help your point at all, unless you find the bloggers arguments convincing, which I don't.

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