2008 was the year man-made global warming was disproved

I didn't see your post.

But, it strains credulity, and puts in stark question the reliability of Senator Ihofe's "list", if scientists are asking to be taken off it and yet he leaves their names on it, and some of the quotations have been clipped and edited to change the context, i.e. Joanne Simpson.

Basically, those that are clinging to this list as the "holy grail" are acting as partisan hacks. Their view of this is political, not scientific.

It's post #92. Newt admitted in a debate with Kerry that man is causing GW.

NOW that the neo cons are almost done denying and delaying the solution, now they will shift their argument to "what are we going to do about GW".

This is the typical MO for the GOP. Deny the economy has a problem, but when they can no longer deny there is a problem, act like they are the best people to solve the problem. How can you solve the problem when you didn't even admit there was one?

I heard a story a few months ago about Bush's proposal on GW, carbon credits, kyoto, etc. His solution is basically the GOP dragging their feet on a solution. I don't remember details, but their solution would give companies decades more to pollute. Just like China doesn't care about pollution because they figure the USA got to do it for 100 years before they industrialized, neither do American corporations.

The last point I made was the Iraq war. It was going horribly wrong for YEARS and the GOP kept lying and said it was going splendedly. Once they couldn't deny that one anymore, they started talking about how to fix the problem. Again, how are they the ones we should trust to fix the problem when it was them denying there was a problem. So what did the GOP do? They implemented all the things the Democrats told them to do and on top of that SURGED. And the GOP gave the SURGE all the credit. Pretty slick, huh?

The GOP will continue to play this game until more Americans catch on. I think the last two elections woke them up a little. I think in the next year or two we will see the GOP become a little more intellectually honest about all these issues. If not, they won't win another election for a very long time.

So actually, I hope they continue their games. :eusa_pray::eusa_shhh:
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The point is people like yourself and rocks lack perspective. In terms of Earth history our time here barely registers a blip on the radar. The amount of time that we could have been effecting would require a high power microscope to see on Earth's timeline. Despite the contention that we have possibly doubled the amount of CO2 in the air that would still be only about .3% of the entire atmosphere.

What we are being asked to buy into is that about .0003% increase in total atmospheric content in one gas is going to have, by some estimates, a 1% increase in avg global temperature (that'a bout 5 degrees fahrenheit). We're suppossed to believe that relatively insiginficant increase in a gas will somehow yield a 10,000 fold result. Then we're suppossed to believe that 1% is signifcant.

I'm not a qualified climate scientist, are you? I doubt Rocks or sealy are either.

Why bother playing armchair scientist, when none of us are remotely qualified to do so? Saying that incremental increases in gases should have no effect is sheer uninformed punditry, baseless speculation.

Science informs us that small, incremental increases in the mercury or arsenic content of your drinking water would increase your risk of cancer or death by orders of magnitude.

On what basis do you speculate that small increases in greenhouse gas content wouldn not upset the delicate equilibrium of the atmosphere? I'm sure actual climate scientists, with years of training in the subject, would know better than you or me.
I'm not a qualified climate scientist, are you? I doubt Rocks or sealy are either.

Why bother playing armchair scientist, when none of us are remotely qualified to do so? Saying that incremental increases in gases should have no effect is sheer uninformed punditry, baseless speculation.

Science informs us that small, incremental increases in the mercury or arsenic content of your drinking water would increase your risk of cancer or death by orders of magnitude.

On what basis do you speculate that small increases in greenhouse gas content wouldn not upset the delicate equilibrium of the atmosphere? I'm sure actual climate scientists, with years of training in the subject, would know better than you or me.

And I doubt their numbers, just like I doubted their economic numbers the last 8 years. How many new factories are popping up all over India & China? Is he suggesting all that new smog coming from all those new factories are only a blip on the radar?

I remember seeing pictures of the hole in the ozone back in the 90's, before China blew up on the industrial stage. I doubt their recent modernization is only causing a .001% change in that. Not to mention India.
And I doubt their numbers, just like I doubted their economic numbers the last 8 years. How many new factories are popping up all over India & China? Is he suggesting all that new smog coming from all those new factories are only a blip on the radar?

I remember seeing pictures of the hole in the ozone back in the 90's, before China blew up on the industrial stage. I doubt their recent modernization is only causing a .001% change in that. Not to mention India.

Anyone who is still pointing to Senator Inhofe's "list" of scientists, should not be trusted to provide accurate or factual numbers, after I just demonstrated how flawed and uncredible that list was.

Nothing personal. I don't think anyone is intentionally lying. They just read stuff on rightwing blogs and tend to accept it as fact.
Anyone who is still pointing to Senator Inhofe's "list" of scientists, should not be trusted to provide accurate or factual numbers, after I just demonstrated how flawed and uncredible that list was.

Nothing personal. I don't think anyone is intentionally lying. They just read stuff on rightwing blogs and tend to accept it as fact.

They may not be lying, but the people they get their information from are.

And that's another thing that bugs me about debating with people on the right. It takes them 2 seconds to post bullshit but probably took you quite a bit of time to dig into the information to find out how/where/why its flawed.

And anything you post, no matter how accurate, they'll blow off as liberal spin. Its very frustrating.
Jesus, you NeoCons cling to that Inohoff list of "600 scientists" like its the holy grail.

Of course they do.

That's all they got.

Remember these were essantially the same god damned partisans who, when they party line told them that there was no global warming all swore that was true, too.

These are ALSO essantially the same people who LAST YEAR were telling us how the economy was sound and that anyone who wasn't making it in America was a loser, too.

These are essantially the same people who told us that we needed to invade Iraq because of 9-11.

These are essantially the same people who believe that FREE TRADE is a good thing for this nation despite all the metrics which prove that myth to be a big fat lie.

These are essantially the same people who talk talk talk about freedom but who insist they have the right to tell women what to so when they're pregant, and who demand MORE prison and mORE police at every turn.

Who are most of these people?

Well a very small percentage of them are just good people with wealth who will benefit from these lies or mistakes. They are, if nothing else, rational people.

The vast majorioty of them however are the servant class to that master class who are doing well enough right now that they honestly think their masters will take care of them when push inevitably comes to shove.

No tryant or King or mob boss every has trouble finding loyal minions or dupes who will sign onto whatever nonsense they're selling.

That is the nature of humankind.
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Some things are actually proven, like, the earth is not flat. Before they proved it, it was just theory.

For example, I watched a show on the two Mars landrovers and they proved there is water/ice on Mars.

Not theorized, they proved it.

Life Beyond Earth - The Habitable Zone - Mars

But now E=MC2. I don't know if that one is proven or just the accepted theory?

But I know what you meant by that. Many things in science are not proven but theory.
Come on, now, Bobo...everyone knows those space explorations are just faked in Hollywood.
Of course they do.

That's all they got.

Remember these were essantially the same god damned partisans who, when they party line told them that there was no global warming all swore that was true, too.

These are ALSO essantially the same people who LAST YEAR were telling us how the economy was sound and that anyone who wasn't making it in America was a loser, too.

These are essantially the same people who told us that we needed to invade Iraq because of 9-11.

These are essantially the same people who believe that FREE TRADE is a good thing for this nation despite all the metrics which prove that myth to be a big fat lie.

These are essantially the same people who talk talk talk about freedom but who insist they have the right to tell women what to so when they're pregant, and who demand MORE prison and mORE police at every turn.

Who are most of these people?

Well a very small percentage of them are just good people with wealth who will benefit from these lies or mistakes. They are, if nothing else, rational people.

The vast majorioty of them however are the servant class to that master class who are doing well enough right now that they honestly think their masters will take care of them when push inevitably comes to shove.

No tryant or King or mob boss every has trouble finding loyal minions or dupes who will sign onto whatever nonsense they're selling.

That is the nature of humankind.

Conservatives. :lol:

How can so many people be so wrong, so often.

Isn't it like, a mathematical improbability?

LOL @ Bush supporters telling us as recently as 6 or 10 months ago, that the economy was pretty darn swell.
Amen Editec. I'm certainly no expert either.

And again, you, me and the majority of the scientific community don't have sinister alterior motives behind thinking man does cause global warming, but we know the neo cons do.

Pretty naive sealy. Follow the money. then you might figure out why so many of the 'scientific organizations' you fawn over have bought into (or been bought, as it were) man being the predominant cause of global warming.
Of course they do.

That's all they got.

Remember these were essantially the same god damned partisans who, when they party line told them that there was no global warming all swore that was true, too.

These are ALSO essantially the same people who LAST YEAR were telling us how the economy was sound and that anyone who wasn't making it in America was a loser, too.

These are essantially the same people who told us that we needed to invade Iraq because of 9-11.

These are essantially the same people who believe that FREE TRADE is a good thing for this nation despite all the metrics which prove that myth to be a big fat lie.

These are essantially the same people who talk talk talk about freedom but who insist they have the right to tell women what to so when they're pregant, and who demand MORE prison and mORE police at every turn.

Who are most of these people?

Well a very small percentage of them are just good people with wealth who will benefit from these lies or mistakes. They are, if nothing else, rational people.

The vast majorioty of them however are the servant class to that master class who are doing well enough right now that they honestly think their masters will take care of them when push inevitably comes to shove.

No tryant or King or mob boss every has trouble finding loyal minions or dupes who will sign onto whatever nonsense they're selling.

That is the nature of humankind.

Quite the list of baseless inaccurate generalizations you've made there. Are these 600 (650+ actually) just made up? Do they just not count?
Come on, now, Bobo...everyone knows those space explorations are just faked in Hollywood.

I don't believe we landed on the moon. Seriously. I think that was faked.

Lets see them do it again.

On second thought, never mind. We're already spending $10 billion a month in Iraq.
Conservatives. :lol:

How can so many people be so wrong, so often.

Isn't it like, a mathematical improbability?

LOL @ Bush supporters telling us as recently as 6 or 10 months ago, that the economy was pretty darn swell.

That's what I'm saying!

And they aren't stupid. I used to think Bush is an idiot, but damn if they haven't gotten everything they wanted the last 8 years.

They aren't dumb, they are evil. Any time I think about Republicans arguing about global warming or pollution or environmental issues of any kind, I always think about this story. It makes me sick!!!

Five years after a devastating fish kill on Northern California's Klamath River, and 2,500 miles away in Washington, the political repercussions are intensifying.

North Coast fishermen and Rep. Mike Thompson, D-St. Helena, are applauding a House committee chairman's decision to investigate Vice President Dick Cheney's involvement in the deaths of 68,000 migrating chinook salmon in fall 2002.

"We know where the smoking gun lays," said Chris Lawson, a fisherman and president of the Bodega Bay Fisherman's Marketing Association.

While the salmon kill, the largest ever in the West, long has been attributed to Bush administration decisions, a Washington Post story last month detailed Cheney's successful effort to rewrite federal water policy for alleged political gain.

Cheney's role in fish kill probed 2002 Klamath River disaster | PressDemocrat.com | The Press Democrat | Santa Rosa, CA

These people should never be in charge ever again. And anyone who says they are a Republican after the last 8 years to me is a god damn fool.

Even millionaires are being screwed by these billionaires. They are losing their business' because the economy and they have no where safe to invest their money. So truly only the dumbest of dumb people are still arguing for the GOP.
Quite the list of baseless inaccurate generalizations you've made there. Are these 600 (650+ actually) just made up? Do they just not count?

You hung your hat on, and put all your faith in a "list" that was scapped together by the political staff of a rightwing GOP senator who is known as one of the world's most foremost political climate deniers.

The fact that you got egg on your face is simply a testament to your gullibility, and the fact that you look at the issue though a political prism. You, like multitudes of other climate sceptics, have had a personal, emotional investment in denying global warming for 20 years.

Senator Inhofe's list isn't worth a bucket of warm piss. It was pieced toghether by political operatives on his staff, and is not a peer reviwed valid piece of scientific work, In short, its a political document cobbled togehter to support a pre-concieved political position.

I already showed you that scientists have been asked to be taken off the list because Senator Inhofe's staff misrepresented thier position. Scientists quotes were edited and taken out of context on the "list".

Many of the "scientists" on the list aren't PhDs trained in climate science disciplines. I could travel the world and find thousands of people with bachelors degrees in botany or forestry, who would consent to be on Senator Inhofe's "list"...not because they are experts and researchers in climate science. But, because they have a political opinion, and their little bachelor's degrees from the University of Kansas, or whatever, may be held out as relevent somehow by the misinformed.
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Oh, lookee here.

Del had nothing intelligent to add to the debate, but felt compelled to act like a little coward and neg rep my opinion on climate change.

Fuck off you little ignorant coward.
Oh, lookee here.

Del had nothing intelligent to add to the debate, but felt compelled to act like a little coward and neg rep my opinion on climate change.

Fuck off you little ignorant coward.


are you typing fiercely?

wanna buy some carbon credits, cheap?

i'm sorry you're too stupid to recognize a scam when you see one, but that seems to be the case.

happy now, tough guy?

are you typing fiercely?

wanna buy some carbon credits, cheap?

i'm sorry you're too stupid to recognize a scam when you see one, but that seems to be the case.

happy now, tough guy?

Let me ask you this.

There must be something about me that fascinates you. You have a habit of following me around, and randomly sneaking in and giving me a neg rep.

I don't think I've ever read more than 5 posts of yours, and I never try to engage you here. I pretty much read nothing your write because nothing you post is ever interesting, informative or intelligent, or humourous. You seem like a garden variety, bitter old bush supporting bat.

So, why is it that I fascinate you and you follow me around reading my shit? If you don't like it, write a fucking intelligent response in grammatically correct English. Fuck that sneaking around and randomly giving neg reps.
Let me ask you this.

There must be something about me that fascinates you. You have a habit of following me around, and randomly sneaking in and giving me a neg rep.

I don't think I've ever read more than 5 posts of yours, and I never try to engage you here. I pretty much read nothing your write because nothing you post is ever interesting, informative or intelligent, or humourous. You seem like a garden variety, bitter old bush supporting bat.

So, why is it that I fascinate you and you follow me around reading my shit? If you don't like it, write a fucking intelligent response in grammatically correct English. Fuck that sneaking around and randomly giving neg reps.

i have a better idea.

get over yourself and then go fuck yourself.

there is nothing fascinating about you in any sense of the word, and if getting neg repped gets your panties in such a twist, i suggest hormone therapy.

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