2010 Could Be Tough For Republicans

I hope the GOP spend the next four years building their own brand of WALNUT and figuring out to register dead Jewish people. :lol:

Who will they get to fill out their forms? Poor people? Young people? Smart people?

Good luck. :cuckoo:

And while fewer people are becoming rich and more people are going broke?

I only hope all the people who get rich because of the Democratic leadership don't get cocky and go conservative on us. But that would be typical for people to forget the breaks they got along the way and to not want the next generation to get the same help that helped them become successful.
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Hey, feel free to use it if you want. Just understand that a source that is open for changes and additions to the general public is not a reliable source. Why bother sifting through it to prove something in it, when you can go straight to the horse's mouth?

You might as well just tap a guy walking down the street and ask him for his opinion.

Let's try one for example, shall we?

Let's make it pertinent to this Thread as well.

You see, they make you CITE your SOurces in Wiki...

http ://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Florida_election_recount (take out the spaces after the http, I can't post a link right now)

The media reported the results of the study during the week after November 12, 2001. The results of the study showed that had the limited county by county recounts requested by the Gore team been completed, Bush would still have been the winner of the election.

The Florida Supreme Court had ordered "counting of the legal votes contained within the undervotes in all counties where the undervote has not been subjected to a manual tabulation." The U.S. Supreme Court overruled the Florida Supreme Court and stopped their recount via an unsigned "per curiam" opinion in Bush v. Gore, with three Justices (Rehnquist joined by Scalia and Thomas) concurring in a separate opinion. Four Justices (Stevens, Souter, Ginsburg, and Breyer) each wrote their own opinion with various combinations of the other three joining.[3]


Please feel free to read the cited material and make note of any inaccuracies you may find.

Also please note the Citation of Sources at the bottom.

Let's try one for example, shall we?

Let's make it pertinent to this Thread as well.

You see, they make you CITE your SOurces in Wiki...

http ://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Florida_election_recount (take out the spaces after the http, I can't post a link right now)

The media reported the results of the study during the week after November 12, 2001. The results of the study showed that had the limited county by county recounts requested by the Gore team been completed, Bush would still have been the winner of the election.

The Florida Supreme Court had ordered "counting of the legal votes contained within the undervotes in all counties where the undervote has not been subjected to a manual tabulation." The U.S. Supreme Court overruled the Florida Supreme Court and stopped their recount via an unsigned "per curiam" opinion in Bush v. Gore, with three Justices (Rehnquist joined by Scalia and Thomas) concurring in a separate opinion. Four Justices (Stevens, Souter, Ginsburg, and Breyer) each wrote their own opinion with various combinations of the other three joining.[3]


Please feel free to read the cited material and make note of any inaccuracies you may find.

Also please note the Citation of Sources at the bottom.

Make a new thread and I'll play along. I like this one too much to be involved in hijacking it any further. :badgrin:
Wrong. Show me that the dems threw away military votes and show me their reasoning. Show me anything on this subject...

http :// www .articlearchives.com/government/elections-politics-politics/583511-1.html (what is with this url thing?)

The most disgraceful example of this scorched-earth strategy was the effort to disqualify overseas ballots, mainly cast by men and women serving in the military. These traditionally have tilted heavily toward the GOP; this year, in fact, they ran about 2-to-1 in Bush's favor. The Democrats did all they could to invalidate them. On November 15, Democratic lawyer Mark Herron sent out a five-page memo on how to disqualify military ballots. In Duval County, Gore lawyers objected to signatures that literally didn't dot i's or cross t's. Throughout the state, overseas ballots were rejected at a rate of 40 percent-almost double the rate from four years earlier, according to the Miami Herald. Some counties seemed to have a special passion for disqualifying them. In those carried by Gore, the rate of rejection was 60 percent; elsewhere, it was 29 percent. Broward County received 396 overseas ballots and invalidated 304 of them.
http :// www .articlearchives.com/government/elections-politics-politics/583511-1.html (what is with this url thing?)

The most disgraceful example of this scorched-earth strategy was the effort to disqualify overseas ballots, mainly cast by men and women serving in the military. These traditionally have tilted heavily toward the GOP; this year, in fact, they ran about 2-to-1 in Bush's favor. The Democrats did all they could to invalidate them. On November 15, Democratic lawyer Mark Herron sent out a five-page memo on how to disqualify military ballots. In Duval County, Gore lawyers objected to signatures that literally didn't dot i's or cross t's. Throughout the state, overseas ballots were rejected at a rate of 40 percent-almost double the rate from four years earlier, according to the Miami Herald. Some counties seemed to have a special passion for disqualifying them. In those carried by Gore, the rate of rejection was 60 percent; elsewhere, it was 29 percent. Broward County received 396 overseas ballots and invalidated 304 of them.

How about a good link where I can go look too.

You can hate my links, but at least they go somewhere. :lol:
Who will they get to fill out their forms? Poor people? Young people? Smart people?

Good luck. :cuckoo:

And while fewer people are becoming rich and more people are going broke?

I only hope all the people who get rich because of the Democratic leadership don't get cocky and go conservative on us. But that would be typical for people to forget the breaks they got along the way and to not want the next generation to get the same help that helped them become successful.

dreamer, the only rich democrats are the ones who are rich now, they like to keep their foot on the necks of you poor people. and then piss down yer backs and tell ya it's raining. and you beleive them.. :lol::lol: Al Gore has made 100 million bucks off your stupidity. :lol:
dreamer, the only rich democrats are the ones who are rich now, they like to keep their foot on the necks of you poor people. and then piss down yer backs and tell ya it's raining. and you beleive them.. :lol::lol: Al Gore has made 100 million bucks off your stupidity. :lol:

A lot of rich people got richer under Bush, including Gore. Unfortunately, you got poorer.
I see that...

Thanks for the warning.

See, you and willow will want to pretend certain things didn't happen over the last 8 years. And if I bring those things up, or mention names, you'll accuse me of being partisan.

Sorry, the facts are what they are. I know who fucked this country up the last 8 years. Do you?

Look up the Guilded Age. Look up Robber Barons. Look up PNAC. Look up Great Depression.

It is common sense that the Robber Baron's came back in 2000. The GOP had control of all 3 branches of government. Of course that woudl be the time to do Corporate Americas bidding and fuck the little guys.

But hey, If you don't want to know what happened, or you just want to tell us what you think happened, I'm all ears. I'll stop talking. :eusa_liar:
Or more like will be tough for the Republicans! 2009 will be another tough year economically, but people will spin it as Bush and the Republicans fault (which would not be totally right or wrong)! Obama will get a pass. The Republicans will lose more House and Senate seats. But the real killer will be the lose of more state governors. What I think like 36 governorships are up for election! The D's could have a super-majority in the House, Senate and State Governorships. With a friend in the white house and soon to be supreme court. Hopefully the Democrats vision for America is the correct one, because they will have free rain to do a lot, even if they don't get everyone in their party on board! Think about it with a supermajority in the house and senate, they could theoritically add amendments to the constitution or even call for another constitutional convention! Scary!
Sorry, the facts are what they are. I know who fucked this country up the last 8 years. Do you?


Chris Dodd, Barney Frank and Obama...

You know who were telling us Fannie and Freddie were alright, right?

And who Sued the Banks back in the mid and late 90's to make all those high risk Loans, right?

Can you say Barack Obama?

I knew you could.

What do you think he was doing for ACORN?

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